Page 77 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 77
march 2, 1970 gold bug page 7 byrds chant about the movie that appeared on Notorious Byrd NEW YORK TO LONDON how far the nyros I guess that sort of reflects Brothers. (continued from page 6) have come In the past three years. Michael F. Lehmont (only the world's ntimber one Byrds Just might take a trip somewhere - SUMMER VACATION TRIPS Along the southern border fan) would never forgive me if I faIled to mention the Byrds ROUND TRIP $169 'Cause I know J gotta get away from you. grin. It seems that no album ever gets out without some of 'crutsa County Blue" features an excellent guitar lead by McGuinn's subtle humor. (Any group that. does "So You NOW PILLING· SMALL DEPOSIT AND PAYMENTS· finger-style guitarist Clarence White. White is not one of Want to be a Rock and Roll Star" has to be loaded with FOR FREE DETAILS. the original Byrds (McGuinn Is the only one left) but it Is cynics), In this case, "Armstrong, Aidrin and Collins" STUDENT GLOBE ROAMERS his talent that has contributed most to their new country Is pure McGrin. He takes a momantuous technological style. "Tulsa County Blue" is thebestsongon the album. achlevementandreducesittocompletelysimplisticterms. BOX 6575 As in the past, the Byrds still show their appreciation Armstrong Aldrin and Collins HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA 33021 of Bob Dylan, this time with "It's All Over Now, Baby Were launched away In space Blue". Their interpretation of the song leaves the listener Millions of hearts were lifted with a feeling of colmplete emptiness, as if it were aimed Prouct of the human race. right at you. They've always nac areet ror Dylan, and this Space control at Houston Italian time is no exception. Radioed Commands The team below, that gave the go In marked contrast with their countr-y style is "Jack They had God's helplnghand. Dining Room' 'rarr the Sailor", ,an old English sea chant. The guitars Dammit, McGuinn, Jesus IS just a.Hrtgtit! 8S W. Main St. seem to drone like the humming of sailors as they pull on This Byr-ds album is worth having even few no eener WemninSler the heavy ropes of old sailing ships. Interestlnglyenough, reason than that you walked out 01 the tJleater iJRfore you the tune Is the same one used for "Space Odyssey" a sea had a chance to hear Ballad of Easy Ri~'. 848 1848 Grade point averages-WMC students THE TOP HAT DRIVE·IN by Chuck Spicknell in with all the grades from previous semesters. DINING ROOM Thp. following chart indicates. the .grade point averages A second fact is that it has been found over the five years COFFEE SHOP of different campus groups for the second semester of the that this study has been carried on that th G.P.A.'s are FOUNTAIN 1968-59 school year and first semester. of the 1969-70 generally higher for most groups during the second semes- school year, with an indicator showing whether each ter than the first. Taklng tht s lntc account, is not alarming SUBS groups' average went up or down from the earlier period to note that only seven groups had G.P.A.'s that actually to the later. rose between the second semester last .year and the first RT.140 semester of this year. 5 MILES EAST OF WESTMINSTER Another fact notto be overlooked is that the groups listed Group according to classes in the first column are the next higher class in the second column, thus neceSsi~atinga new chart. Senior Women 1.88 1.83 -.05 Sigma Sigma Tau I.B4 1.79 ·.05 'St ~'1'/~'1> Non·Sorority Women 1.84 1.79 -.05 S""'~:;-q. S~;:~, Delta Sigma Kappa 1.79 1.72 ·.07 o. " . All Seniors 1.76 1.72 '.04 Junior Women 1.74 1.73 -.01 '''''''''''''''' 6"9'>0 '"6"(1'6""9 .-c Sorority Women 1.71 1.65 ·.06 1.71 1.55 ·.16 !~t~Oo~o:;Women Class 01 '70 1.63 1.72 +.09 1.70 1.65 ·.05 Senior Men 1.64 1.61 ·.03 Clas. of '70 men. 1.52 1.61 +.09 All Juniors 1.63 1.61 -.02 C·la.. of '70-women 1.74 I.B3 +.09 Iota Gamma Chi 1.63 1.54 ·.09 Class 01 '71 1.56 1.61 +.05 When you know Phi Alpha Mu ~:::. 1.51 ·.07 1.42 1.49 +.07 it's for keeps All Students ri; :'.~~ g::~:~;:~~:~~en 1.71 1.73 +.02 +.06 f~~,~~p:,~~ores 1.56 1.49 '.03 Class 01 '72 1.35 1.41 +.07 Allyour sharing. 1.22 1.29 1.52 Class of '72 men Gamma Bllta Chi 1.49 1.41 '.02 1.4B 1.55 +.07 91i your special memories 1.48 1.49 +.01 g::;;~i::1 ::~en 1.46 willbe forever '~~~~5~:~e~0~~~ 1.48 1.59 +.11 Class 01 '73 Women 1.32 symbolized by your 1.39 1.45 -.06 1.59 Sophomore Men 1.42 1.29 ·.13 diamond engagement ring PI AlphaAlph" 1.41 1.43 +.02 Ifthe name, 1.35 1.46 +.11 The above chart clearly shows that the grade point ~~t~~~~~vm;:.nlln 1.35 1.38 +.03 Keepsake is in Ihe ring 1.32 1.32 aver-ate for each class has improved, that is the Sopho- and on Ihe lag, ~~~:ham~~mMme~Tiu 1.22 1.32 ::~~ more class has a better average you are.assureo of Delta PI Alpha 1.19 1.24 than last year when it fine quality and was the freshmen class, and so on. satlstactlon lastinq A number of facts must be pointed out In order to put the A few more things should be mentioned for those In- The engagement diamond above list of G.P.A.'s In its proper perspective. terested in taldng a closer look at the first table. The is flawless, First, all the grade point averages are cumulative. This figures for non-sorority women and non-rr atarntty men of superb color and means that if any group had a good semester then it would do not include freshman. The only figures that do include precise modern cut not make a spectacular rurrerence in the G.P.A. because freshmen are those which are stated as such, and the ones Your Keepsake Jeweler the results of that semester would merely be averaged for all students, all men, and all women. hasa chclce selectton of many lovelystyles ---- Letters to the editor----:--- the yellowpages He's listed in under "Jewelers" (continued from page 5) the referendum beginning' by the end of February. From There is a war in Vietnam which affects us all. We our meetings we chose what we considered the most crucial will be the ones who fight It or possibly end it. If we do question to be answered in re tattonto tne student major- not take a stand on this matter, then we are shirking our ity's point of view. We hope you will use the following responsibility as human beings.itis time we let the nation ballot question so we can be unified In a national effort. know how the majority of its students feel about Vietnam. Is the war acceptable or despicable? Is it a conflict we Ballot as follows: support or one we refuse to perpetuate? Let us make our Do you support the Immediate Withdrawal of voices ring throughout the chambers of our representative All American Troops from Vietnam? system, Let us face reality and become meantngfully acttve in influencing America's actions in Vietnam. We hope that you, as the student government, will join __ Yes no with the other student governments across the nation In implementing and programming a referendum to respec- tive student bodies. This will be a nationwide event run We wish you every success and hope you will be able to locally within each state. As one of the most important cooperate in this important endeavor. universities within your area we would like you to try to With warm regards, coordinate the other universities in your area. Publicity Sidney Schwartzberg will be your responstblhty aswellas organizing the refer- Senator dum on your campus and asking the smaller colleges tn- The American University Student 'Senate your area to do the same. One thousand schools through- Jan Goldsmith out the country have received this letter, The project will Senator- become public; however it is up to you to coordinate the The American University Student Senate results with surrounding schools. Co-Chairmen, Vietnam Reler~ndum Committee We feel that the most effective pollcywlll be to hold the To the Editor: , referendum at approximately the same time all over the Pollution 1s not only a federal, state, and county issue, country. Also for the same consideration, one single ballot but also a very personal one. What many people don't seem question should be used. After consultationwithtwo major to realize is that 11 1s not the big industry that is doing opposing student political groups, the Student Mobilization the most harm to the individual and htsenvlronment, but Committee and the Young Americans for Freedom party, 11 is the individual himseIt. If anyone is so concerned the week of March 8th was decided .upon as the time the about what will harm him and natural resources, why does referendums would be held. We realize that this date will he continue to pollute his body and his abilities with smoke, demand Immediate action on your part in order for the alcohol, and drugs used other than for medical purposes? proper preparations to be made; however this was the These «vices» can harm only the user, which means that best week since a major anti -drart program will take place as long as he harms no one else, I cannot crtuctze their nationally the following week and then Easter vacation use. But, If one strives to conserve our natural resources, might also interfere. Each 01 these naUonalorganizations he should first strive to keep his natural body. 1"\avebegun preparations tea a natrona! publicity drive for Jann SmUh
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