Page 83 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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march 16, 1970 the gold bug page 5 Return to revolution •• no more·!the same line of sand' TEACH IN GHANA OR NIGERIA? 1. Have a Bachelor's Degree; preferably a Masters Degree · Have at least 30 semester hours credit in one of the by R. N. Anderson atj sm quite as well the New Leftist." ollowing: "The end result is that as the New Left shocks, so will A tavonte pastime of commentators, pundits and the establishment shock tack.. For example, every a. physics, b. chemistry, c. biology,d. mathematics, everyone else removed from political power, Is to newspaper poll taken showed that the majority of Amer- e. industrial arts, f. French', g. geography, h. home crtttcies those In power for everything from nepotism ican people approved of the actions of the Chicago police economics or I. business education. to fascism to harbering subvar stvea-v-pt-obably only at the Democratic convention, and they probably now · Desire to teach at the secondary school level. ha.If of which Is actuaUy true. They all want to " •.•turn approve of Judge Hoffman. Also, police forces through- · Are in good health; single, or married (without child- the hour glass of government upside down... " to par- out the country and especially on practically every col- ren). Both spouses much teach. aphrase Walt Kelly's Albert, but It takes a radical lege campus have had their power greatly Increased-- revolutionary mind to propose working with anything primarily with more efficient and sophisticated crowd es: -- If you ."'",..,,. better than the same line of sand. control techmques, This technological civilization can no longer get by In the end, the techniques and attitudes of Hayakawa ~ITE: TEACHERS FOR WEST AfRICA on that same line of sand. We will have to become will prevail because "the people" already have the PROGRAM organized and setr-utrectrng and revolutionary as In power, and they happen to back Hayakawa. ELIZABETHTOWN COLLEGE the beginning. But also, we must rise above the ide- Although the new leftisis have some Important sym- ological battles that plague countries with Ideologues pathizers in both high and low places, they have failed ELIZABETHTOWN, PA. 17022 for leaders--such as Russia, China, etc. You can't to make the "revolution" popular. This is not because teach an old dogma new tricks says Walt, Kelly, and we of lack of talent or effort. For example, Ramparts ma- need new tricks. gazine I~ one of the best written and most enjoyable Sportsmen's ,Barber 'Shop 848·2363 With all of this in mind, I hope that the lecture com- magazines around. It is because its message--the pro- mittee doesn't plan to have yet another speaker come motion- of the "Idea of "Pox Americana", does not in- to kick left student revolutionaries as did terest or enthuse the silent majority in any way, shape, Carroll Plaza Shopping Center Sydney Hook and Bruno Bette lhetm, It should occur or form. To them, the message Is Ir-re le vent, So be- to them that there are more constructive things to talk Ing the majority, they can ignore it. Also, perhaps Monday- Thursday 9-7 Friday 9·9 Saturday 9-6 about. 'M~ause they are the majority, they show a stubborn The student revolution that Hook and BeUelhelm are resistance to being shocked. so concerned about is dead. It died because of its own In a- time when we are faced with real problems. and HairstylingSatidactlon Guaranteed Ir re levence an.d because the Incredible pillow-Uke gut of when the correct order of national priorities is more middle c~ass America can take any number of punches important than most people realize, ir relevent revolu- with equanimity. tionaries cannot be appreciated. They only make It The 50-called "hard core" new left revotuttonarres-; harder for the true revolutionaries --people with visions S.O.S., Weathermen, and other street fighters have con- of a Civilization that works better for the people, and sumed themselves in their own ideologies. They made sound plans for how to achieve mrs. These are people the mistake of thinking that they could shock middle who work with constructive ideas and plans based on a ctass. America Into chaos and confusion. As Irving working knowledge of the institutions and social organi- Howe wrote In The Radical Imagination, " ... The desire zations that make this civilizatlonUck. to shock and create sensations has itself a long a.nd Since they are pragmatic in their approach, they have WE'LL TRUST YOU largely disastrous history ... the damnable thing Is that a chance to convince the belligerently passive majority for an almost equally long time, the more scphl.sticat- that the best government is no longer the least govern- ed and urban sectors of the middle class have refused ment, but rather the best Informed, rational, and prag- [Even If You're Over 30) to be shocked. They know the reportoire of sensation- maticgovernment. Letters to the editor--- To The Editor: We realize that women's athletics Is not equal to the It has been brought to my attention that a majority men's athletic program on this campus, and we are not of the female students attending Western Maryland advocating any kind of equajtty, However, we feel that Student Charge Accounts are invited at College feel as though they are not being properly the Aloha has a reciprocal obligation to reflect student Columbia Jewelers, and there are so many represented in the 1970 Aloha. A look at our national interest. De-emphasizing women's athletics in the year- ways to develop a meaningful relationship heritage reveals that women have invariably obtained book at this time does not fulfill this obligation. with us . like Keepsake Diamonds. . Famous- the rights and equality of the male. Assuredly, I am Sincerely, Brand Watches and Gifts Wild Charms, not against sexual equality; and I hope this misunder- Mrs. Ann Coffey from only 88, ... Pierced Earrings for girls standing is not taken as such. Chairman (or men with highly individualistic traits). It Is unfortunate that 279 female undergraduates could sign a petition on hearsay, I do not remember being Come in and get your shopping jollys at the asked by anyone, "Why Is the women's sports section Dear Editor: store that was chosen from all of America's being decreased?" When .the 1970 Aloha was planned, Our country has rewsr IUs than any other civilization Jewelers as "Brand Name Retailer Of The one page was allotted for each female sport, plus one In history, said Dr. Bettelhelm. Year" . friendly, little old Columbia Jewelers for W,A.A,-_no decrease has been made. The same Lucky us. in the Westminster Shopping Center. number of 'pages were allotted in last years book! The Of course, he added, with a twinkle In his liberal left 1968 Aloha allotted five pages, and only three pages eye, there is always room for Improvement, just as long went to women's sports In 1967 (not including divider as we stay in line. None of this revolution business. That pages). would tear down all the good. Asfor these revolutionaries, those poor children need to be needed, that's all. This year, the women's sports editor requested sev- eral more pages than had been assigned. USing recent To maintain a system because It istheleast of historic Alohas as a guideline, the request was turned down; but wrongs Is no reason at au.ft ours rs historical1y the best, one additional page was added to women's basketball. then Dr. Bette lhetm, is an unfortunate vlctlmofcomplac- COSTUMES AND FORMALS Later, upon discovering that a women's basketball coach ency, This capitalistic government makes people competi- was the pressure behind the request, the page was taken tive in mind and body, traps people In economic ruts, and away. Granted, this Is not fair to those concerned; I educates people by programming their minds to fit this FOR RENT apologize for this, but nothing' else. Faculty should not shUty competitive scene. It's a vicious cycle, and the Interfere with student publications. An additional page amount of good Inside just isn't worth savIng by tolerating Phone For Appointment has been added to women's spring sports--one mor-e than the bad. Hope is revolution. originally allotted. Alright ladies, do you stf ll feel slight- In order to need to be needed you have to want to be 75 W. Green 8484630 ed? If so, why not get it straight from the horse's mouth needed. And I sure as hell don't want to be needed in this before you jump on the band wagon. fucking system, do you, Mr. Editor? Sincerely, Lois Lawson Jan Thomas vanstckfe Edito!'-in-Chlef, 1970 Aloha THE GOLD BUG SIEGMAN'S Published by and for the students of WesternMarylandCollege. TEXACO SERVICE To: Editor of the Aloha, Tom Van Sickle The opinions in this paper do not necessarilyreflect those of the It has been brought to the attention of this committee Administration. 39 Manchester Ave. that the Aloha has recently decided to cut the number of pages allotted to women's athletics in the yearbook. Al- STAFF w......... TlI-IUI though the committee does not have adirect voice In Aloha decisions, we have an obligation and right to voice the Editor In Otief BUCCI JUVIlUIQI feelings of all those involved, both participant anc specta- Michael Shultz CWIOLDIII OIL tor in women's athletics on this campus. A yearbook is Associate Editor Richard Anderson designed for students and funded by students' and the Aloha staff should be aware of student Interest in the wo- Chris Bothe WTIR men's athletic program. Fifty percent of Western Mary- Lynn Tarbutton land undergraduates are women, and one hundred and Sardy Kearrs eighty-one women are active in various phases of the sports program. Recent changes have Indicated a strong .di-1470KC FM&reo surge of statewide and national interest In women's ath- ~~~~dn::e~~~~f~~d, iIi~tf at the 'Post Office, letics; the first Maryland Intercollegiate Basketball Second class postage paid at Westminster. Tournament was held In March 1970, The number of MARYLAND WESTMINSTER spectators, both men and women, has greatly increased SUBSCRIPTION--$4.00 PER YEAR and Is steadily rising.
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