Page 74 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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gold bug SHARKEY'S OPEN 24 HRS. The future of the small private college U.S. 140 (continued from page 3f 3 MILES EAST OF has changed completely now anyway. I think you'll find WESTMINsTER that we compete prettyfaVorablywUhmostofthe schools Mowbray - And I'm not sure that the two-way street is being followed. similar to us. Nowwe obviously don't compete with Har- Dr. Shook - Only two thoughts come to my mind, areas vard. that need great Improvement. In one, I think that the Goldbug -On the other hand, our professors aren't obligat- improvement is already underway; and that is the ed to cubnen, area of communication. By communication, I meanthls - Right, ours teach. And its better. W' & LAUNDERERS, INC. Goldbug - Western Maryland is obviously a college that should be and then certainly everyone should work to- sense of everybody worldng together to r-YUA LC!E~ERS Mowbray a matter of personal opinion. I think, but in the broadest goals. We have to agree on what the goals that's accompiish problems that are facing the small liberal arts college, LAUNDIRING DRyeLlANING is moving through good channels to solve some of the gether towards these goals. I think the formation of the planning committee to look in to the future and put are prebtems are areas of and there However, there TAILORING Improvement and we'd like each of you gentlemen to down a time table when we should try to reach certain goals -- this is absolutely essential and something that react In terms of your area and personally to this perhaps has been a bit lacking in the past. I think along question. What area is the one that you feel needs Im- the same l1ne of communication, we can show great proving most at Western Maryland College? strides forward by the ways students have been involv- Uhrig - There are many areas of alumni activities relat- ed In eecrsron making during the past year. In my own Ing to the college that need Improvement, so I want area of the admtsstons committee, dur-ing the past year, to make that as a base but,1fI were to say what I would I couldn't be' and more delighted. We've like to see the greatest emphasis on, with the greatest had two students on the AdmIssIons Com- benefit to the college, undergraduates anuthe alumnfj It mltte.e during the past year, Pete Thcmpsnrn would be something that we are trYing to put more time and Lynn Coleman, and you just can't beat two people into and that Is a greater development pf closer ties to like that on an admissions's committee. And I hope the development of undergraduate relatlonshtps toward that students talk to them to get their reactions be- Earle H. Brewer, Prop. Alumnlhood. Students understanding that they wUi be cause I know what they've meant to our committee and and what the responsibility someday of an alumni Marvin J. Brewer, Prop. alumnus is and the alumni recognizing that students I think that they would be willing to say that they've Hair Cuts By Appointment are students and not alumni. gotten a great de!",lout of it. So I think that this kind of Phone- 848-2820 or 848-5220 Mr. Mowbray - Recognizing the need for Improvement coordinated effort is extremely Important so that we 58~ W. Main St. in some physical facillties and for an Improvement of can all feel that we're working together. I'd like to see Westminster, Md. some services of the college. some of these sharp divisions broken downj such as the and faculty; I think Its a division between administration Goldbug - Could you be more specific? bunch of malar ky to distinguish these two groups;we're Mowbray - Such as restdence hall regulations in general, all working toward the same thing. The second area that such as drinking regulations, pr-etty much all social Is not talked about very much but I think Its something we Tk~ Sense. periodically, changed where the college feels it's neces- have to do a lot more in Is In terms of our obligations not regulatlo.n~._ I might say, I think there should be revised A college exists here the community. in serving now to students, sary. I refer When I say the college a contact only to serve and to maintain the students faculty, and administration, jointly when they feel its in with our graduates and so forth. We also have a local G~esr~ttt really gotten after a number of organizations on cam- community. to have special programs, educational pro- the best Interest. At the same time I really feel, and I've have been efforts There in the past, oc- casionally grams and so forth to encourage people to come and get pus; If you want to move In this direction, direction that of getting rid of In Loco Parentis, more re- the involved. I am afraid that our past efforts were not Expert it Now sponsibility on the part of the student, then the student's particularly successful and perhaps this encouraged the Service We: -f mprove Styles going to have to start accepting It and that's a two-way college to drop some of the programs. I think one area -protecr it street. we can look at as a shining Ughtwould be the sociology -shadetj ~ Goldhug - We certainly agree to that. ·adOlnit ~ department which Is using students to go out and survey the community, how its land Is used, and this is of tre- Gr!JJ o,ficio.JlS to be doing so much more. I think. ought mendous benefit to the community; ttsjustthatwe Goldbug - Well, Us been a most edifying afternoon. Thank I E.MainSt. you gentlemen very much. We:stminster, Md. Newman Club sponsors women's liberation speaker Mrs. Andrea Diegel spoke on Wednesday, February 18 there should be a drfve for equal pay and equal job opport- about the subject of women's liberation. unities for women. She added third that with more women The majority of women, Mrs. Diegel said, have to fight getting better jobs, a need will arise for Inexpensive but against the opinion of men, various social pressures, and good day-care centers. Ftnally, she suggested that with often against their opinion of their own sex. Mrs. Diegel the woman expanding her role beyond her, the "man who works with the Lutheran ministry at Towson State of the 'house" should feel a new and more complete College is active In the Baltimore chapter of Women's responsibility for his family, for he will have to function Liberation Movement. as more than just the breadwinner. To be clearly understood, the lecturer defined the terms vttber auoni' and "equality." Mrs. Diegel said "equality" Includes those rights granted under civil law, such as the right to vote, whereas, "ttbe ratton' is freedom from social Coffee house to open pressures. As a result of these social pressures, the speaker stated, women are usually afraid to try and afraid to succeed. Unfortunately, Mrs. Diegel said, women often The coffee house should open on March the 6th, accord- Write Ithaca Collegefor believe themselves to be incapable of so-caueo "men-s Ing to Danny Wiles, chairman of the S.G.A. coffee house Summer Session Pictom! Review work." She cited the fact that women get B'Ie to the man's committee. lOSE YOURSELF IN EDUCATION dollar. Many women accept this unfair situation without Decorations for the coffee house will be as imagina- ANO RECREATION OPPORTUNITIES complaint, said Mrs. Diegel, and she ast-xi, How women tive as the clientele, as the people who patronize it will expect to be liberated with such a submissive attitude? have the opportunity to do the decorating. Three of the LiberBIArtsProgrllm walls will be painted flat black. Flourescent paints will Humanities To illustrate what she was saying, Mrs. Diegel gave be supplied and anyone in the coffee house will be able to Natural Science several test situations in which women were practically paint a drawing on the long wall without any windows. The Socia/Science called upon to judge themselves. In one case, a group of wall which isthe partition between the coffee house and the Communications Arts women were asked If they thought a woman could be at lounge will be a "quote wan.': Anyone who wishes may PhY5icaiEducationProgram the head of herclassinmedicalschool.Nearly all of them paint his favorite quote there. The wall with the windows Health responded no. will probably have posters on it. Recreation However, the speaker emphasized, members of both At present, lighting plans Include 3 four feet ultraviolet Athletics sexes do often believe that women cannot obtain their lights, COlored lights in the ceiling, andcandleson all the PerformingArbProgrllm rights and still expect to keep their privileges. Mrs. Diegel tables. FineArts said the desirable situation was one in which women had a The coffee house will be open on Friday, Saturday and Film choice; "They (women) must be llberated from a position maybe Sunday nights from about 7 p.m, to after 1 a.m , Music where they do not have a choice." Consequently, men The hours depend on a committee to be set up by Wiles and Radio-TV sometimes go to the extreme In thelroverzealousness, the on the availability of someonewilllngto manage the house. Theatre lecturer commented, adding that she was often irritated Under normal conditions there will be no admission by a man's too-nice attitude. PROGRAM FOR All In ctostng, the speaker suggested methods to obtain charge to the coffee house. Where there is a performer charge will ~ liberation tor women.sne said the methods a woman uses from off campus, however, admission of the levied which will be designed to pay the expenses in realizing her liberation depend on her particular life- perrcrmer=s transportation expenses. Anyon campus style, whether It be nacrcar, moderate, or conservative. :Indlvldual or group may perform. Mrs. Diegel presented four possible solutions or plans of action lor women's liberation. First, she said there Wiles Is now planning to send a letter to campus or- should be more frank discussion of the problem so that ganizations In an effort to find a group interested In sup- it may be brought out into the open. Next, she continued, plying refreshments to the coffee house for a profit. The group offering the best deal will get the concession.
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