Page 82 - TheGoldBug1969-70
P. 82
page 4 march 16,1970 SGA ALLOTMENT The SGA voted Monday, March 9, to give the Gold Bug a. total allotment of $2500. This is $1500 more than the normal $1,000. The added funds come as a boon to the paper and will adequately cover the debt incurred over the past years and give the paper a working budget of $1,000. A thousand dollars is not a lot of money to put a newspaper out with, but as someone pointed out it is far better than ncthihq. I would like to thank the stu- dents for supporting the and the SGA for acting on the request_ DR. MUND With the prol~nged absence of President Ensor due to' illness Dr. Alian W. M!Jnd has been appointed to the chair of acting president for the remainder of the presi· dent's leave. 'Brotherhood' I would like to extend our welcome to Acting President Mund and congratulate him on his proposed policy of "business as usual." This college has been Frat initiation··for some a 'living hell' going through a series of changes in academic and social policies. It is important that we do not stop now. but continue. by Mike Rudman practiced by another fraternity on campus, In this Once again the fraternities have set about the task of rite, the pledge Is stripped nude and enows.a frater- THE REVOLUTION Incorporating new faces into their memberships. For nity member to insert a hot-dog into his rectum. The most pledges, the process of initiation is a time for pledge must then sit on a large block of ice. Castra- Somebody in New York thought of a catchy learning about the history of the frat and its member- tions are frequently symbolically enacted with terrify- getting acquainted for and reme-v'rhe Revolutionary Nine't-end they started mak- ship, making new friends. For with fellow pledges, it is a ing accuracy. Trading swats with a heavy wooden pad- for some, however, ing bombs and putting them in strategic buildings like literal Hell--or at least purgatory. These pledges dle is said to be a matter of "Balls" (masculinity). objects rites to these Pittsburgh department stores and sleepy county court can be overloaded with busy work to the extent that Anyone who (feminine) to merit induction is said to be too "Pussy" into the frat. houses and oil company offices. They struck another considerable neglect of academic responsibilities is in- It is interesting to note that no one in recent years great blow for "The Revolution." evitable. They can be harassed with verbal abuse has objected to the rites. One thing is certain. The We cannot condone their actions. Bombing the which often get's out of hand, cutting deep psycholo- process of pledging is a self-propagating phenomenon. figures of the establishment will not hurt the establish- gically. Physical abuse, to the point of temporary de- It is not uncommon to find one who has objected to ment. Dorchester county will lay a heavier tax on the bilitation is tolerated. Rear-ends of some pledges I these outrages most vociferously to lash out at pledges people to rebuild their hall of justice and the oil com- have seen are severely crusted with raised welts and of subsequent years with redoubled effort. Allow me pany will charge more for gas. It only hurts the little bloody bruises. At our "ctvtuzec': college the con- to emphasize that, at present, every fraternity has some people. It only hurts the people who are trying to get tinuation of paddling or trading swats is not merely of its initiation rites listed in the catalogue of "Fun and some sort of better system. inconceivable; it is outrageous. Games" that appears above. The rituals of fraternity Initiation ceremonies merit Is it not a sad commentary on our fraternity system an exhaustive sociological and psychological study. Un- that in the 47 years of its extstance it has not developed To us it is not logical to "kill for peace." If there fortunately, the author is not qualified to delve into this a saner, more imaginative way to bring a pledge class must be killing then we think there is something wrong. area too deeply. together. In all fairness, the pledging system as it pre- Killing is not very novel. It follows a bad precedent. However-, it Is maintained that these rites operate sently exists is a highly effective way of achte vtng group "Working through the system" is also nothing in an atmosphere which is often beavny charged with unity and integration in a very short time. Do the ends new. Systems are slow, boring thin'gs. The end product latent (bordering on overt) homosexuality or fear of it warrant the means, however? Is this the only way to expressions. To be sauo-masocntsuc and with rampant is usually not the exact equivalent of what went in . Too sure the fraternity rites have many elements in common achieve unity? The author thinks not. often it is a mediocre compromise. Still, systems are with some of the sexual initiation rites (coming Into SOME SUGGESTIONS First, cut out a lot of the dippy busy work elements, set up to gain compromises. or to gain some result. manhood) of many primitive societies. As in Its prim- all hazing and beating and all deviant or wetr-d rituals. itive counterpart, the penis plays a predcmment (or at This does not, contrary to the belief of some, mean that It is hard to say wh ich turns out the most in least significant) role in the fraternity ceremonies. pledging can't be fun. Secondly, emphasis on demorali- terms of progress, that mlqhtv beacon. Destruction. Penises are coated with syrups, corn flakes. prune zation of individuals in order to achieve or encourage when it can only recoil on the man that destroys is of juice and the like. Prospective members may be re- group unity might well be displaced by an inventive negative value. Working with the established systems quIred to carry eggs in their underpants or have var- program designed for learning about the ple dges" good does not create the desired end results and it alienates ious objects tied to their penises. A pledge may be quahttes , and for the pledges to learn about the good too many people. required to push a peanut across the floor with his qualities of the individual members. Finally, Hell penis. Week could be replaced by a Help-week in which a real Furthermore, artificial phalluses may be placed in One fact in the turmoil remains urchenqad-we pledges mouths. An interesting variation of the hot- sense of brotherhood could be achieved by group-oriented are where we are and we are in what we are in and we dog-In-the-mouth motif is the anal rite that has been 'constructive programs on a collegiate, local, or National level. are who/what we are. It seems ridiculous to us that men should waste their time waiting to go somewhere. Per- haps the "Revolutionary Nine" feel they are going some- A look at the Nixon Doctrine where through their bombings. We feel that bombings and street wars are worn out tools and think that it would be better to find a new way to fight old evils. by Tim Smith President Nixon's passion for precision, variously re- corded, made such a document as this inevitable. It is of .tnternauonai activism that has gotten us where we are We feel that it is best to accept who we are and now. Basically, the idea is thatthe United States will con- where we are and what weare in. Once we accept a thing quite an interesting and potentially valuable reference. tinue to play an active role in world affairs, but not an This is the 1Irst time that any American Administration for what It IS then we can understand it more dearly. has recorded its foreign policy in such concrete form. overbearing one. This will require that our allies will And when men understand that to gain freedom you do It is certain to be perused by both foreign and domestic have to playa greater role, both in their own affairs and not destroy it, to pull reason out of chaos you do not observers until 1972 at the least. in those of the world. create more chaos. to bring about peace you do not The Nixon Doctrine i11ustrates one of the President's MllitarUy, the United States will pursue a less strenu- create mayhem and war. then perhaps, we wilt have a most remarkable penchants; that of using conservative ous path than we have In the past. We wUl "participate in sounder base to work from. rhetoric, and then proposing liberal policies. This has the defense and development of alliesandfriends, but that But we do not advocate sitting ccrnclacentfb while discomfitted Liberals, and reduced the Democratic party America cannot-and will not-conceive all the plans, design any man is subjugated to tyranny in any form. We do to making nseir look silly In many instances. This is not aU the programs, execute all the decisions and under- ponctes, to say that I agree with ajl- of the President's support awareness and Involvement and an honest vision However, many of his ideas are quite liberal, in the proper take aU the defense of the free nations of the world." In ofthings to come. other words, and despite Laos, no more Viet Nams. sense of the word. Such is his new foreign policy state- In terms of Viet Nam, the President has apparently ment. begun to apply such a program with his much-maligned Voltaire used to yell, "crush the infamous thing." It is rather imposing (it is 160 pages long) Physically, He was talking about the Church and the policy of yet is quite readable. A couple of years ago, one of the VietnamizaUon program. While the program has Its draw- potential for creating a it seems to have greater backs, aristocractic privilege-·"the establishment." He would doctrinaire liberal phrases was that the United States lasting peace than any which has been proposed. have more to yell at today. The "revolution" has be- could not be the "World's policeman." This seems to be The Nixon doctrine deals wlttr all areas of the world, come an establishment. We would like to see it crushed. the Intent of Nixon's roretgn policy as illustrated In this enumerating the United states' plans and goals. The key- We would like to see something better than stale shibb- document and speeches over the last year; although he note seems to be one of cooperation rather than dom- oleths and futile bombings. We would like to see people does not phrase it in that manner. inatlon--the low profile. The document lacks charisma; waking up to the reality of freedom. And not destroy U. S. FOREIGN POllCY FOR THE 1970's em bodies what but then, the country has probably had about all the char- freedom in its own name. Is known as the "low posture." This is a course that isma It can take for awnne. Thus the Nixon doctrine Is steers a mIddle course between isolationism and thefype probably destined for some success.
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