Page 81 - TheGoldBug1969-70
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march 16,1970 the gold bug page 3 Women protest yearbook policy NEW - YORK TO LONDON TRIPS SUMMER V'ACATION ROUNDTRIP $169 NOW FILLING - SMALL DEPOSIT AND PAYMENTS SEND The Women's Athletic Committee and the Women's program at Western Maryland College that the Aloha FOR FREE DETAILS. Athletic Association organized a protest on March 12 has recently decided to decrease the number of pages against what they feel Is unfair treatment of women's allotted to worn ens athletics in the yearbook. We STUDENT'GLOBE ROAMERS athletics In the Aloha. wish to state our (first) formal protest to this uect- BOX 6575 Joyce Wagner, the women's sports editor for the year- ston, We realize that we do not have a voice In the HOLLYWOOD. FLORIDA 33021 book, was allotted nine pages to cover four women's In- policy of this staff, but feel that we have every right tercollegiate sports at the ,beginning of the year. As the to express our objections. A yearbook is for all of yearbook goes to the printer, yearbook coverage of the students. We assume that the Aloha staff Is aware women's sports has decreased to four pages-c-one page that fifty percent of its financial backing Is from fe- Italian per sport. Commenting on the incident Joyce Wagner male students. We, therefore, hope that your decision stated, "The reason the pageswere taken from the women is not binding, and certain actions can be taken by is not due to lack of money. They were allocated to other your staff to eliminate this unfair situation. Dining Room! sections which already had adequate coverage. In light of The Women's Athletic Committee, consisting of three 85 W. Main St. this the action seems unjustified." In raactton tne rottow - faculty members--Mrs. Coffey, Dean Laidlaw and Miss Westminster Ing protest, signed by 274 women, was submitted to editor Frttz--and two students, Gloria Phillips and Nancy Das- TomVamgl ekle: hleUs--took immediate action by sending a letter of con- 848 1848 It has come to the attention of the Women's Athletic cern to the editor. Women break even THE TOP HAT DRIVE·IN DINING ROOM at season's end COFFEE SHOP FOUNTAIN SUBS The end to a long season of women's basketball has come, leaving a 6-6 record in the wake of innovation and upheaval. The year will be remembered asthe one In which RT.140 girls started playing basketball "like men" and as the 5 MILES EAST OF weSTMINSTER scene of the first Maryland Intercollegiate Women's Basketball Tournament. Hopefully a basis has been laid for next year. The last weeks accumulated wins against rucktnson, Wilson, and Goucher and a loss at the hands of Towson. Spirits were high asWhlmseewenttoTowsonfor the State Let's Get It Straight Tournament. Although the girls did not place, they gained valuable experience and insight into this new game. Ten teams from across the state were represented, and they SEARCH FOR MEANING French House directress brought with them some good basketball. With this back- basketball on this campus can only bounce ground women's a young person mean- back to Its usual (past two years) outstanding season. QUr:STIOII; I am I went to church a few times, "but all the atill searching for arrives from France Nancy Dashiells, graduate from the team, Ilene Kazer and ing in life. Two seniors preacher talked about was 'things that happened way back leaving behind a young team justwalting for next year. The change was made; the women accomp- in Moses' day, or what we should give toward the church bud~et. Isn't there more to Christianity than that? Has it. Miss Corrlnne Helen Cctrtem , the new French House Hshed the dUllcuU task of "starting aU over again." got anything to say to young peopletoday7 . directress, arrived from France Wednesday, March 11 A,nWI"II:In the first place. you cannot judge Christianity or to begin her new job. Fraternities induct the Church by a few sermons sampled at random. Only by Miss Coutem's home Is in Bougtval., a suburb of parts, attending II. faithful Bible-preaching church regularly will guenlef. This past year she had been studying for her bar new members cover wbst it can do for you. If you are really in earnest you begin to grasp the meaning of Christianity and dis- Bougtvat and was made famous is also near versames and the Russian writer by Impressionist painters Tour- about this, I suggeatthat you."'::c',..j,-:,t,,th=.''- _ ex~m at a faculty, a school where 20hours of specialized Also read the Bible,especl come to a young person to- On Wednesday, March 4,86 F're snmen accepted Frater- study are taken. The one she attended was in the Quatier nity bids. AGT led the 4fraternitles In number-s o! accept- ally the New Testament, day. Onceyou ac~pt His call Latin in parts: she received her uaccautareate In philo- ance wlt~29 men. Twenty-five men pledged PAA,"" 19 men slowly, thoughtfully: a ~ d to come after Him, you will prayerfully: God will gtve find yourself beginninG' to sopny wh(ch covers economic science and bar or civil pledged DPA, and 12 men pledged GBX. The pledging understanding' to those who understand what life is all law. Her aim was to be a judge for children. period ends today and the new members wl1l be formally are earnestly seeking thi!' about Soon you will be co- She acquired this job through Monsieur uerasse when Initiated soon. truth. Thirdly, seek personal operating with God Himself he was in France over January Term. Fifteen days ago counselling from the pastor to make this rnenning reb- he phoned her and asked if she could take the job as quick- of the church you attend c--. vantinthelivesofothers,I1 but let me emphasize again you are seeking "self-fulfill- ly as possible. AGT Jack Brownley Joe Brockmeyer that it should be one where ment.vas someny peopleare Her future plans, whether she staysintheUnited States Don O'Brien Manny Domedls John Sharpe the preaching is truetc the today, ponder 'again the or goes back to France, are to be a legal secretary. While ScottSlrlln Mike Coons Scott Mooney Bible, words of that young man, here, she ,plans .to take English Literature courses, Gram- Paul peksa Don Vlgners Frank Fields Augustine, who said, "Lord, The challenge ot following Thou mildest us for Thyself, mar and Linguistics, Spanish Oonver-satton. and lntroduc- Joe Carter Brian Alles Wayne Gibson Jesus Christ is the most and we can firid no rest till uon to the Film. Next term she will begin her studying. Bob Winters Ron Davidson Billy Hutchinson meaningful one that can we find reat in Thee." An initial reaction to the United States is, "Everything is Steve Byrne Jeff Abbott Bill Norris so huge. I feel like a bit of dust." Nelson Grier DlckSchmertzler Bob Buchanan Jay Klntzlng Bob Bruckner Randy Blazer For free oooklet, "FOLWWING CHRIST," write to WMC women begin use ~:"::::,,,,__";;';';';:""';"_;_____:=::::::.::...J Bo>: 327. RmGuw.D. N.J. 0'1657, DEn._ Greg Hare Barney Schulze Doug Yust MILL PARTY of new key system DPA Jim Seamans Ward Jarman Saturday - March 21st Armory Westminster Ron Goldberg Joe Zick Tom Botts Andy Mitchell Steve Dicker Mike Middleton 8 P.M. To Midnight Featuring Ben Higgs Bill Bowers RobbSmith Only a little more than half the eligible girls are par- Steve Sweet Bob watson Gary Kalber ''The Music Society" ticipating in the new key system this semester. Charlie Bean Jim Harne Cliff Caudill FREE Beer· Cllips· Pretzels· $6 per couple So far 177 girls have received the key Including sopho- Cokes' Selups· Sharp Cheese Sponsored by Crub21 mores, juniors, and seniors. Close to fifty plus percent of each class are using the key. As of Wednesday. March 11, the count of sophomores and juniors from each dorm Bob Decker SUMMER JOBS were: Whiteford 78. McDaniel 19, Blanche Ward 56, and GBX Steve Brewer 'I'ony Ochenrtdar the French House, 3. No refunds have been requested yet. Mark Wilcock ~ ... Dick Hall Glen Miller Last semester only two seniors requested refunds. Steve Cox Pete Johnson Roddy Canosa CAMP AIRY According to Dean Laidlaw, more infractions are ex- Larry Appel Dave Webster Chuck Sullivan pected because of the Increased number of keys In use. When only seniors were using the keys, two were lost and THURMONT, MD. there were three mrracuons. A question has been raised by some women about having PAA Eddie Middleton Milford Sprecher General Counsellors - Crafts, Dramatics, Mus- a guard on duty all night, rotating between the dorms to Larry Anderson Mike Mack John Van Horn ic, Nature Study, Swimming, Others. let women In Instead of having keys. This idea has not Wayne Backes Buddy Orndorff Roger White been brought up to women's council. nowever , tne Install- Alan Backer Bill McCormick Max Zimmerman ment of keys costs considerably less that a security guard Bob Chapman Bill Gossard Chris 'Poole See Mr. Seidel WOUld.ICa security guard were hired, the cost of college Wayne Curry Elliot Lewis Jim Zucco M 117 Ext. 203 would go up. Dean Laidlaw feels that students should be Dick Douglas Pat. Llnten Fred Rudman wUlIng to take their own r-asponstbltttyor not losing the Jim Duncan Bruce Lindsay Chip Graber key.". Bernie Leitch Dave Petrucci
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