Page 69 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 69
_ THE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 14, 1969 PAGE 5 Somebody Up There? Blue Monday Diseconomies Are Uneconomical by Richard Fuller by Tracey Beglln The first rays of the fireball Say hello to a college operating w1l1be filled to capacity. bored through the grove of coco- in the red. Despite what the good Western Maryland College must nut trees near our headquarters, tr-easurer'-Mr. Schaeffer-purports, decide whether It is going to be a the schoolhouse. A symphony of tuition will go up next year the church-related college or a bus- The ~~~:porary ~ cackling roosters greeted the new "underground" tells us. Undoubt- iness institution which happens to edly, this price be In the field of education. When hike will not be- day, and brought me out or the stu- por of deep sleep. Ten alter six, come law until late this spring the student body demands milk be and I was already covered with (perhaps too late to transfer?) served at dinner, the denial Is ex- sweat. Outside, the sky was a deep I think It should be plained in terms of dollar signs, and clear blue, and not a single made known that part of the rea- assets and liabilities, credits and by Ira G. Zepp, Jr. cloud marred its perfection; the son for the need for more money debits. Simply, milk costs a little morning stillness had not yet been is mismanagement. How long have more than Koot-Atd. One does not have to be very theotogtcany sensitive to know that the br-oken, Behind the groves stood those two new dorms been plann- But all this terrific business WORD of God is not bound to the words of Scripture. the distant Mayon volcano, Us ed? One year? Two years? Five sense is suddenly forgotten when The WORD to which the Biblical writers responded continues to tn- cracks, ravines, and fresh lava years? How come nobody told the au rooms are priced the same form and to inspire contemporary men and women. The WORDwhich beds sharply defined by the early Admissions Office about them? whether in atancne wardor wbue- was spoken to the prophets and apostles never ceases to be spoken. morning sun. White smoke poured There are approximately 50empty ford. Our great Christian ethics That WORD is the word of judgment and grace, of crucifixion and gently forth from its tip. Near our places this year. This college can show through. The better rooms resurrection; the word of healing in the midst of brokeness: the word makeshift kitchen,whichwas next accomodate 50 more students than are considered equal to the older of reconciliation in the midst of alienation; the word of renewal In the to the school, two caribou grazed it Is now educating, At $2,500 per ones. So--here again--Incomethat midst of sterility: the wordofhopeinthe midst of despair; the word that contentedly. year, the astute Whimsee authori- is readily available is not collect- we can alfirm ourselves and the worldinthe midst of self-rejection and "Kado! Get up. We need tubig-- ties threw away over $100,000this ed by the treasurer's office. If world-denial; the word that enables us to say "yes" to every "no" of no tubtg, no breakfast!" year. (WMC rivals the U. S. gov- $100 were added to the price or au life. THIS IS THE WORD OF GOD!--anywhere you find it. It transcends "All right," I yelled back. I'll ernment in bureaucratic waste.) rooms In the two new dorms (that's time and space, "believer" and "unbeltever"", history and culture. be dressed in a minute." And don't think much money Is $50 per student per year), the Our own time is replete with meaningful responses to that WORD. The My reverie completely broken, I being saved by the absence of those school would have approximately letters of Bonhoeffer,the sermons of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Paul grudgingly got dressed, and looked 50. The biology department will an extra $20,000 per year. This Tilllch, the statements of William Coffin, the Berrigan brothers, and the around for the hated bamboo pole be paid the same if they have 100 would mean that the new dorm Washington priests, the films of Bergmann and Antonioni, the folk songs with the two 5-gallon tin cans sus- or 120 students in lecture. And programs would have to be open of Dylan and Simon and Garfunkel, and the work of current novelists, pended by a wrse from a groove at the maids don't get paid any more to those students who are willing playwrights, dramatists, and poets are extremely resourceful. each end of the pole. I had hoped if they clean a bathroom- that 30 to pay an extra $25 per semester So, let us hear the WORD of God! that maybe someone might have girls use than when 20 girls use to use the exceUentlaciUties offer- "What the world expects of Christians is that Christians should speak stolen the contraption, but to my that bathroom. There are 50 ,'. out, loud and clear, and that they should voice their condemnation is constaj-natton, the thing jumped empty beds, 50 less students being So kiddles--pay that extra tui- such a way that never a doubt, never the slightest doubt, could rise in right out -infront" of me. As qUiet- educated by this fine Institution, tion and love every penny of it-- the heart cr tne simplest man. That they should get away from abstrac- ly as possible, I hoisted it up to and 50 X $2,000 less coming Into because it will be promptlywasted tion and confront the blood stained face history has taken on today." my shoulder, and walked through Mr. Schaeffer's office. As wturn- In the archaic mechanics of Eld- Albert Camus in Resistance, Rebellion, and Death the courtyar~ towards the grassy see's capacity to educate grows, so erdtee, Education has become big "So let me clearly realize first of all that what God wants of me is plaza, hoping that this time, the should the enrollment. Perhaps the business and no amount of Met- myself •••That is why the will of God so often manifests Itself in de- people woul'1n't see me and laugh. administration (particularly the hodist praying is going to keep mands that I sacrifice myself. Why? Because inorder to find my true If they didn't hear me, maybe they Admissions Office) should enlarge WMC operaUng--God created bus- self In Christ, I must go beyond the limits of my own narrow egoism. would think that xeeo wouldn't its scope so as to reach the max- inessmen to run businesses, and In order to save my life, I must lose it. For my life In God Is and can have to carry the water this morn- righteous men to preach sermons only be a ure of unselfish charity." ing for the camp. However, the In chapel. 't'hcmas Merton in No Man is an Island fates didn't go along with that. "The jagged, ugly cancer scar went no deeper than my flesh. There I tripped over a stone and rattled was no cancer In my spirit. The Lord saw to that. I would keep my the empty cans loudly. The noise upq lor fruitiul activity and for a high quality of life ... I would attracted two small akipickingplU continue to help the clots and clusters of withered and wretched in nuts in a tree. They yelled my Asia to the utmost of my abUity. The words of Camus rang through, name. Before long, the people were 'In the midst of winter I suddenly found that there was in my an in- gathering by their windows, kacw- vicible summer.''' Ing that the Americano was about Tom Doley In The Night They Burned the Mountain to put on his usual Monday morn- These passages are just as "biblical" (In some cases, more so) as ing act. canonical scripture. Have any other suggestions? The trip across the grassy plaza A Modern Primer the well was actually a pleasant ex- The frank Morgan Story; and down the moist, packed path to perience at that time or day. Itwas the return which provided the show Mrs. Grindel Takes Char_les for a Ride for everyone and his mother. This or Judy Garland Revisited time, I thought, I will carry the A Story For Little People water with my head high. No bend- "Anarc:hy ... every changing. ever modified associations which carry in !hemselves Ing over, no pain, nc mlstake s: this the elements of their durability and constantly assume new forms. which answer by Jean Pfleiderer time, nobodywill laugh at the Amer- best to the multiple aspirations of ali.,." Kropotkin. 1896 -Peter W Mrs. Grlndel is Charles' tes stops. toano. If the young aki could carry It really wasn't the swastikas on your walls any more than the red stars mother. Charles Is Mrs. Grin- «on, mother, do look!" says water, so could I. Determined, I on your ceilings that caused me to leave you. In my dreams J--n B--z del's son. Mrs. Grindel is mar- Charles. "There are many.many, pumped untn both cans were fill- hecame one with Jackie and at least one poet threw his guitar case on a ried to Mr. Grindel Mr. Grindel many dirty people. They aU stand ed. After lnadve'rtently kicking one garhage dump on Beale street. When farmers passed me I pictured my- is Charles' father. ThiS is all in the street. They do not let over and filling It again, I regain- sell In a cornfield talking to a scarecrow. Talking to a scarecrow: sit- as it should be. the cars pass. They do not let ed my composure (nobody was ting on a cornfield fence. Contemplating micky mouse contemplating a Mrs. Grindel takes Charles for the people out of the big white looking) and squatted dOV{nsoast9 bust of Richard Nixon. Reading a newspaper and seeing some anU-Semi- a ride. In the car, Ride. Ride. buUdings. Oh, mother. you must lift the pole easily to my back. The tes defile "The Marseillaise." Talking to a scarecrOV{: sitting on a Ride, They are going to the cUy. look now," cans dangled from each end of the cornfield lence. "I suppose you kllClVithe Doors might be locked forever. Ride. Ride. Ride. The city is "No, Charles, stop," says Mrs. bowed pole in perfect balance. My I suppose you know I'd like to go with you when you make your lretaway." called Washington. Ride. Ride. Grinde!." "They are dirty. We shoulder pulsated under this still- Hmmm, Kimosabi. I think I'll put on my miner's disguise and go Ride. do not look at them." So Charles new sensation 01 Intense pressure to town. Ride. Ride. Ride. They are stops. on such a small area. I thought to try to read widely on thiS topic this topic which is a unit irred- almost to the city nOV{.Rlde.Ride. "Mother, mother," says Char- myself "walk slowly; don't set up ucible to the human mind we'll have a quiz next class on this topic this Here they are in the city. Char- les, "see the dirty men breaking a swaying motion." toupee which Is a eunuch irreducible to the humor mind les says, "Look, look, mother"-- the store windows. Break, break, The packed path from the well I think I'll got" meaning Mrs. Grindel --"look, break! See them burn the stores. to the grassy plaza seemed to much town. "I suppose you know the open seas are some !dnd 01 an anachron- mother, that man is all black. Burn, burn, burn!" longer than before. Each step brou- Yes - "Charles, stop," says Mrs. ght on a sharp pain near my neck, ism." I got a piece of tape on my back, Is he dirty?" GrIndel. "We do not look at the but soon the loaded cans swayed holding me to the land. "Yes, Charles," says Mrs.Grl- dirty black men. We do not see gently with the rhythm of my slow, I got a piece of tape on my back, ndel, ('dirty. dirty, dirty. We do the many, many dirty men. We stately gait. Before long, the grassy but I'll help you If I can_ not look at him, Charles." do not see the fires. Stop!" So plaza was halfway behind me. As I Talking to a scarecrOV{: sitting Inaciassroom. Pry open your mouth and "I do," says Charles, smiling. Charles stops. neared the courtyard, my head let's talk out this one. Pick up your head before It rolls away. Disorient "He looks at me, too. See? Now Charles and Mrs. Grindel was still high and all was going your reflexes; obey all orders;shine your shoes ... butwhenI woke up this He smiles." are in a hospital. This Is a place well; the people were disappointed morning I had a lazer beam of sound protruding from my right ear. I "stop, Charles, " says Mrs. for sick people. "Charles," says because there was nothlngforthem don't see how the rest of them can sit around without hearing it. Sit Grlndel, "Stop, stop, stop." So Mrs. Grlndel, from her bed, to enjoy. Within sight of our pri- around listening to him talk and not hear or see my beam. Christ! It's Charles stops. ('Charles, who didn't you tell me mitive kitchen, I knewI cou}d make loud. And to all you amoral people who don't see the difference between they were coming to our car? Luclfer and Moroni I wish you could hear my sound -- I wIsh I could hear "Look mother," says Charles. Why didn't you tell me they were it. Just then, my next step made a "Oh, l~ok, look, there Is a man burnIng our car? Did you see loud splat. The people began to yours. smokes. Talking to a scarecrOV{: sitting And one out of six FCCers sleeping beside the street. He them coming after us, Charles?" laugh and howl, yelUngplaylul jests with the brass. ('Man must control machines" as Truman dId to the in their unknown tongue. Theinev1t- is dirty, too." "stop mother," says Charles, able had happened. Disgusted, I army. Did you ever want both a "Beat Army" and a "Beat Navy" sUc- "Stop Charles," says Mrs. "we do not look at the dirty black guard play the air force? Does the coast Grinde}, ('we do not look at him. men_ We do not see the fires. realized that not even the dlnwiU- ker for a football game? looking for a Tin Man, looking for a heart. was on my side when Talking ed carabao to a scarecrow: We are almost at the toy stores. We do not look, we do not see. Monday morning came around. Looking for a heart: talking to a scarecrOV{. You can look at them." So Char- stop. stop. Stop."
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