Page 68 - TheGoldBug1968-69
P. 68
Uean Laidlaw Announces Palijczuk Exhibits Collection Extension of Curfew and In Art Building Gallery In a letter to Women's Council freshmen wcmenwho car r y atlea st President Cindy Grooves, Dean 14 hours their first semester Laidlaw announced some changes achieve a 1.95 grade point average that will be made in the regula- or better are eligible for unlimit- wasvt Palljczuktrulyloveswhat pencil, he Is able to give us pro- the molecule is filled with plastic tions governing WMC women. Be- ed late leave privileges. he is doing. The network of doodles nounced differences between lights babies. ginning February 14, the friday Open Houses In the women's enmeshed throughout his paintings and darks which make the shapes The use of mate rials to comment night curfew for women will be dorms will be considered for sche- and SCUlptures on exhibit intheart and forms so Vivid. on amaterialistlcsocietyisclever, 1:00 A.M. in order 10 alleviate duling as soon as each House Coun- gallery, Febr-uar-y 2-24, reveals wasyps sculpture seeme to be ot but In sorne cases the potnted state- scheduling problems and traveling cil has approved the poli_cles and the joy of the artist as expresser a very differenl mold from hts gr-a- ment and expjtctt title seem un- time pressures as well as to rae- procedures set up by the Women's and creator. phf c work. It is rather surprising necessary. ("The Cigar Store rno- uuate "clean-up" after parties. Council. Some of the rules are as A quick look through the exhibit that most of his sculpture seems ian Smoking a Cigarette" painting It's understood that social events follows: and one may be bored by a rather purposeful in making statements was particularly annoying to me. will be scheduled to comply with repetitious style. However, on clo- about contemporary society, Since I imagined all kinds of shapes curfew on Friday and Saturday 1) Open Houses are scheduled ser observation, Wa sylt s paj ntings whereas his graphic work is more and forms before seeing the ttue- nights. by the individual Dorm Councils: are first of all exciting because of fanciful, almost suggestive of Chag- afterwards, all I could see was a Sunday and week night curfews subject to the approval olthe House their color. The vibrancy of "A all. A clever device in some of his will remain the same for the re- Director. Green Landscape" Is so provoking sculpture pieces, is to shock the mainder of the semester. Addi- 2) The Dorm Council shall meet to the senses, that one feelS al- viewer on a closer examination of tional late leaves for the current at the end of each month to deter- most dazzled. "The King Bull of the piece. One example is "The semester are approved 35[01\0lIl5: mine the Open Houses for the fol- Knossos" and "The Clown" are Fetish Figure," a red wooden fig~ Freshmen 4, Sophomores 8, Jun- lowing month. two others particularly ormant ure gouged with countless nails, iors 12. Beginning in the fall of 3) All residents shall be noti!led in color. But the purity ofWasyl's with a combination of painted bowls 1969 late leaveswillbe accumutat- of their guest hy the dorm office colors are hIghlighted alt the more and plates for a hat, The serpr+se ed for the year and increased as personnel before visitors go to the by the contrast of lights and darks, comes when the viewer looks into requested: second semester rooms. and the meeting of these opposites. the top of the hat and sees his own Freshmen 4, Sophomores 16, 4) All doors are to be open when Again, wasyps love of creation Is image in a magnified mirror.Sud- Juniors 24. InaddiHontotheabove, visitors are in the rooms. present in the senstttve and subtle denly the nails become painful. An- Pregnant Is "The other example Men's & Women's Dorms Plan way he combines color with color, Molecule" which the viewer may _ "A Gilt for Salome." dark with light. pick up and look into. Surprise However, "The Sixties," a large Trips To New York, Bermuda fold-out commentary is an excep- on race and in America, violence tion. One's imagination is not left The Activities Committees oC the season, the Committee will he quite as free as withWasyl'sother Rouzer and Whiteford dorms have able to obtain theater tickets. The paintings, and uniquely, Jines seem made plans for trips, to take place cost would probably be $13 for big to be put in for definition, rather this spring. Rouzer has plans for a name Broadway shows, and $5 to than evolved out of contrasting col- trip to New York, and Whiteford $8 for lesser known- shows. Also ors. Perhaps the subject matter de- for Bermuda. The New York trip available are tickets to Radio City. mands this, but if a message is will take place the second week in The trip to Bermuda, sponsored meant, the colors in this case seem April, the 11th to the 13th. Parti- by Whiteford, Is somewhat more to detract from the severity or the cipants will stay at the Times expensive. It would probably cost theme, and instead convey the feel- Squire Motor Motel, at 43rdSt. and around $200. It has been scheduled ing of a carnl val, circus atmosphere. Broadway. Total expense will be for March 22 to 26, during Spring The smaller room of the gallery $16 for students who are members recess. encloses the more personal, infor- of the Dorm Associationand $18 tor A meeting was held Wednesday mal side of Wasyl's work. Here, everyone else. This fee Includes February 12 at 8 p.m, In Decker most of all, the artist's love of round-trip transportation and room Auditorium to discuss both trips. scribbling is the hanctwritingofhis for two days. Food must be patd for Anyone Interested In the Bermuda imagination. Thoughsomemayflnd separately. trip should see Margaret Cushen, it too haphazard for their taste, The ABC Television Network has or any member ofWhlteford's Actt- the pictures are delightful, and promised to provide free tickets vtty Commtttee, Similarly, In con- wasyps skilled use of line shows for television shows, although they nectlon with the New York trip, a tremendous amount of movement have not Informed the Activities anyone interested should see How- and variation. Again, even with a S.F. State Opens Again Committee what shews will be ard Russock, or any member of available. Despite the lateness of Rouzer's Activity Committee. Chapel Service National Symphony LIFE IN A GREEK To Feature Faces Threat Of Violence VILLAGE (College Press Service) Comes To WMC The Classics Club and Hebrew Liturgy International Relations San Francisco State College re- what 'he calls "the cr-y of free The National Symphony orcnes Club will sponsor a pro- Changing from the usual format opened today no closer to a solution speech," Hayakawa will permit tra will present its annual concert gram on Modern Greek of Chapel service, at 7:15 p.m. of Its problems or an end to vtot-, rallies on the athletic field, away on Sunday, February 16 in Baker at western Maryland College, Village Life on Thursday in Baker Memorial Chapel, a sec- ence than when it closed early lor from the main campus, but not on Westminster, on Friday, Febru- February 28, The pro- tion of Hebrew liturgy taken from Christmas vacation three weeks the central campus ary 21, in Alumni Hall. gram will be held at 6:45 the Sabbath Eve service w11l be ago. where The concert will begin at 8:30 Student strike leaders say they p.m , with the orchestra under in Decker Auditorium. It Incorporated Into the English ser- will continue militant action unlil the direction of Howard Mitchell. will consist of a talk and vice. Rabill Bernard Mehlman, thetr demands are met. They are The program will be: "Over- a series of slides. spiritual leader of Temple Micah expecting strong support from local ture to 'The School for Scandal,''' in wastitngton. D.C.. will say the non-white residents who have been Barber; "Piano Concerto No.1 in Faculty Sabbaticals Shema and additional prayers in urged by the new Community Strike a-net minor, Op. 23," 'rcnarko- Hebrew: Part of the service will Support Coalition to go the campus vsky: "Suite for Strings, Horns. include responses In Enaltsb to the "to see for themselves what is Rabbis' Hebrew. Flutes and English Horn," Pur- As a "visiting scholar" at Har-. going on and support the effort for appear certain. cell: and" 'F'tr ebt rd" Suite," vard, Dr. Keith N. Richwine, assist- Now a member of the faculty of a just and equitable resolution of Stravinsky. Pianist for the even- ant professor of English. will be Trinity College, Rabbi Mehlman the strike." The college also faces a faculty ~~=rt~\:~~ be Mrs. Joao Carlos gathering material for a study of was graduated fromNewYorkUni- strike. The American Federation Arter graduation, he at- ver suv. Howard Mitchell joined the Or- American literature during the tended Hebrew Union College, the of Teachers. which includes about chestra In 1\)33 as principal cell- decade from 1910t01\J20,Thestudy Jewish lnsititute of Religion, in 150 of the 'schOOl'S 1100 faculty ist and was named conductor in will mainly concern the relation of Cincinnati, Ohio where he receIv- members, hegan a strike today. ~~~:leu:,O~tst~~r;t~i~~d:~;~r ~fs7:;: :~~l:~~C:~a~;ii::.S \~h~l:~~~~:~ c;:~ ed his Bachelor of Hebrew Letters Gary Hawkins, the union's local his president, said group would and M.A. degrees. Duringthis time, Mitchell's appointment, thE' Or- Ricbwine v;ill have fuJ1 privileges he worked on the staff of the Na- be joined hy 320 members of the chestra has lengthened its sea- to use their library for research. tional Federation of Temple Sum- American Society of State CoJ1ege son to 40 weeks and the number Also on leave is Dr. mer Camps and Youth Projects. Professors. and preclicted that 60 of concerts has increased to Holthaus. professor of philosophy. He was also regional advisor to to 75 per cent of tht' raculty would morE' than 200 with an estimat- Thursday, February 13 he will be SOFTY (Southern Federation of respect the picket lines. ed audience at over 500.000 per- leaving with his wife for Japan. Temple Youth) which includes Meanwhile, acting president S. sons, Often referred to as "The For the main part of their stay MISSissippi. Alabama, Louisiana, I. I-Iayakawa. who had police on Orchestra of the Presidents, "it they will be at the International and Western Tennessee. Besides the campus every day during the has played for the inaugurations of House. Directly on the way over, doing graduate work at the Hebrew first two weeks of his tenure, has every President since its found- they intend to stop off in Alaska Cnion College, he received a stip- taken an even harrler line toward IIlg. for a week's stay with their son, end to study at the Hebrew Univ- demonstrations. Since its beginning in the thir- his wife and thE'ir young daughter. ersity!nJerusalem. a statement he issued Saturday ties, the Orchestra has made ann- Contemporary Buddhism and Hin- Entering the L'.S, Armed Forces banning "rallies, parades, be-ins, ual tours to other parts of the duism are the suiljects Dr. Holt- after hisordinationinl963,heser- hootenanies, hoedowns. shivarees, nation. In addition. the musical haus wit! be researchlng.lnclud_ ved as ChaplainintheArrnvat Fort and aU other pulllic events likely group holds a series of concerts ed in the studies are Zen, Soka, Hood, Texas and later as ar'ea Chap- to disturb the studious in their for young people and makes re- and Gakkai, a nell' movement with lain for Jewish personnel in Frank- gular visits to schools. political ambitions. urt am Main, West Germany. reading and reflection." To avoic mE't.
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