Page 43 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 43
CENTENNIAL YEAR Vol. 44 NO.7 General Walt Gives Outlook Exchangees Chosen On Vietnam War Involvement For Clark Program by Gloria Phillips free way of life again!' Gen. Walt in 1955 when the U. S. was asked General Lew Walt, commander said thatappreclationfortheUnited to send forces to South Vietnam. of U. S. Marine forces in South States aid shown in the liberated Since then three presidents- Eis- Vietnam, spoke on the Vietnam villages made his service "the enhower, Kennedy, and Johnson- War in Alumni Hall on Wednes- most gratifying job I've had in my have made good the U.S.pled~. day, January 10, during the as- Ufe.ยท Once - suppressed villages However, Gen. Walt pointed out sembly period. are now thriving communities. that the U. S. did not become com- Gen. Walt, known as "the Mar- pletely committed to the Vietnam tne-s Marine," has recently re- Thirdly, to stop aggression.Ag- cause until1964,whenCommunist turned from South Vietnam: Dur- gresston of 2 1/4 million people torpedo boats attacked U. S. ships. ing the last two years Gen. Walt who are free and want to be free This incident changed the complex- commanded 130,000 U. S. forces. but can't without U. S. help. The ion of the War, and as a result the Strongly convinced that the General stressed that the Com- Tonkin Gulf Resolution was ratified United States has a mission in munists plan to see Vietnam as a to give the President power to use Vietnam, Gen. Walt ennumerated stepping stone for subversive act- any means possible to aid South four reasons that justify the U.s. ivities. The strategic location of Vietnam. position. The first Is to help the Vietnam Its wealth and natural re- Republic of South Vietnam gain sources, and the fact that it Is the Whether anyone likes it or not, the objectives of having a free Rice Bowl of that part of theworld the United States is committed in country. The General hopes that make the country a prime target. Vietnam. Gen. Walt points out that a strong, free Vietnam w1l1 be a Finally, the United States has a U. S. servicemen are over there bulwark against the spreading of moral obligation. In 1955 the U. S. because their government sends communism. The second reason Senate ratified the SEATO treaty them. It's up to the people and Is humanitarian -~ "to help the pledging help to any nation under government and soldiers to sup- sreve lIiltner, Charlene Williams, and David Buller will travel to millions who have come under the aggression. Diem called on the port these soldiers. For General Georgia tor second semester at Clark College yoke of communism to realize a Untted States tohonorthatpromise Lew Walt, there is no alternative. Three student s have been select- negro liberal arts college In At- ed to participate in the Clark ex- lanta, Georgia, include David Bulf- Isolation Keys cnange second semester. er , junior psychology major,Steve Hiltner, sophomore sociology Students selected to take part in Center Stage the exc!,..:.~e between Western major, and Charlene Williams, a Maryland and College, a Clark sophomore in modern majoring languages. Production Precedent for the exchange was set last year when Western Mary- The Center Stage Acting Com- land and Clark students took part panyof Baltimore brings Carson ina simplerprogramlastingonlya McCullers' The Member of the week. This year, the students will Wedding to Alumni Hall Friday, be participating in a full semester January 19, 1968, at 8:15 P.M. academic exchange involving com- Although, this play takes place plete transfer of credits. The stu- In August, 1945 In a small Souther'n dents, during their longer stay,wiU town,-The Member of the Wedding's also be able to form a more honest messages can be applied to con- picture of their 110stschool. temporary times. Director John Olon-Scrymgeour describes the Gerald Goodman At the moment, the exchange Carol Berger and Don Elmes will head new GOLD BUG starr. playas follows: committee is exploring the poss- "The Member of the Wedding is Harpist Plays ibilities of a faculty exchange pro- a very American play, an Amer- gram. Still inthe embryonic stages, Elmes~Berger Top icanworld seen through the eyes Varied Tunes a project such as this would con- of an adolescent girl. Written some sist of an exchange lectureship seventeen years ago it could be lasting only a few days. happening right here in Dundalk or a backyard on the Mount Royal. Modern audiences have the op- As there will be Clark under- NewGold Bug Staff There is a current war, there is portunity to hear a musician play graduates on the Western Mary- stu- change, a budding social revolution land campus next semester, and sing after the manner of the and above all, personal isolation. wandering Medieval troubadours ing to have exchanges as room- It is the latter that is immediate- tonight at 8:15 in Alumni Hall. dents are needed who will be will- The GOLD BUGhas witnessed Its three years. She leaves the post of Iy felt: the personal and the par- Gerald Goodman, the only man mates. Any interested people may annual staff turnover, and junior Inside News Editorwhichfreshman ticular. whosingsandaccompanieshimse\f contact Leonard Hill, 432 Albert Donald Elmes has come out on top. Cliff King will fill. "Each person of Carson aecci- on a concert harp, is always in Norman Ward. Elmes, a physics and psychology David Weber is the new Bustne ss ter s' touching poem of loneliness quest of ancient legends and bal-. In addition, he is Dr. Ensor To Set major was appointed Editor-in- Manager and will be assisted by Is isolated in his own world and lads which he adapts to his own ChieI by out-going Editor Walt Ad. Man Mike Welnblatt. Weber trying, sometimes unconsciously, music settings. Michael. The Editor's position has made it a practice to hustle to become a member of ... some- prominent in introducing the works A native of Cleveland, Ohio, the Later Assembly tests for one year, as do the other the ads during the past year. thing. Frankie wants to belong to of new and modern composers. editorial spots. "Elmes," accord- Lisa Renshaw replaces four year the world of thewedding; the cnno- Ing to Michael, "was chosen mainly veteran Sue Mason as Front Page less Bernice to the world of a artist has studiedwtth Aliee Chalt-. The ccoimaorceucns Assembly for his proven ability to approach Editor. John Douglas now runs the family; Honey Brown, trapped in- foux and Carlos seiaeoo, He has on the President's Committee on controversies and campus pro- features page, and Alan Winikthe side his physical and psychological performed in clubs, hotels, a Iun- Fraternities scheduled for Dec- blems In a mature manner!' Mic- Happening page. ghetto, to the wider world of un- er al parlor, Town Hall in New York, ember 13 did not take place due to hael added that "Don has also de- known freedom; little Johny Henry on the concert stage, and at hoot- Dr. Ensor's illness. The adminis- monstrated that he can express Junior Mike Herr takes over as assumes in his childlike way that enannies. Mr. Goodman also has tration is presently tr ylng to sehe- himself well and also keep dead- head sports man as GordonShelton he belongs to a permanent kitchen- taped a performance ror tne recjoe dule the assembly on another date. party world of Bernice and Fran- lines sacred." Following Elmes as hangs up his cleats. Frank Bowels "Gleason TV show. Although the topic and format will editorial page Editor is freshman publishing Editor and will carry kie. From her little metaphor of The artist's program tonight in- Mc- Jerry Hopple. the ball when printing time rolls an adolescent crisis, Mrs. a un- eludes several Medievalsongs,two k~~~;obt::lY s~:~k:h:la~:s:e~::: Is able to suggest CUllers Elmes, who will take charge next around. tver.sai Isolation divorced from Medieval dances, two French songs; the latter part of February. Re- semester, appointed Junior English All new positions go into effect social and international events five preludes by Saizedo, American sults of last year's study and re- major Carol Berger to theweighty next semester. This issue of the which, after ail, are symptoms of folk ballads, and music from the search will not be revealed untfl post of Managing Editor. Carol has GOLD BUG Is printed under the an abiding human discontent. .. American theater. thisUme. worked on the GOLD BUG Stafffor old staff. The concert [s open to tbe puhltc ,
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