Page 42 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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PAGE 12 THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 8, 1967 Miss America Official Artists Initiate Federal Employment Urges WMC Page,ant Unique Service Exam Availahle Artists' Anonymous offers the Western Maryl~nd College seniors The satartes ot tnt.s year=s gr-acuates student body a new and useful sar , wUl have an opportunity to compete will begin at either $5,331 or $5,451 vice. SUpported by the SGA ,this In the very popular Federal Service a year. The higher starling salary fledging organization will makaer-e- Entrance Examination when It is ad- ispaldtostudentshavinggoodaca- alive posters to advertize for any ministered on campus Saturday cemic reccrcs. event. They already have a hard- January 5, 1958. Complete details Higher salaries are also paid to ap- working core of Interested people, and application forms are nowavail- pltcants who qualjfy In the very com- but are always eager for more. At able at the Placement Office. petitive Management Intern portion the moment they are especially tn- During the past twelve years, more or me examination. Bachelor degree ter-ested inattractlng"ldeapeople." than 93,000 young men and women graduates who are appointed as In- Anyone who'd like 10 help this or- have used the Federal Service En- terns are paid 56,451 a year to start ganization should contract Sue Sen- trance Examination as a pathway to and those wttb-advanced degr-ees be - mtct in ROOm #5 of Blanche Ward. rewarding careers in Government. ginatS7,595. To take advantage of this service Over 5,500 recent college graduates Perhaps even more Important than fill In on the sign sheet on the SGA were hired from the FSEE during starting salaries are the opportun- office door the following tnrorma- the six-month period from January ities offered for rapid progression tton. name of organization, a contact through June 1957 alone. xncwo as to positions of responsibility person, specifications like size ann the FSEE, this examination is un- authority. em- Information, number needed, and the questionably the most popular devised. H.R.C.Plans Dinner pick-update, The posters will be ployrnant program ever left on tile date requested tnrront of FSEE was designed with the col- The test "Catfish" to Speak tile SGA door. 'Tbeonly reque st Art- lege student in mind. Ingrid Larson, Miss Maryland for dressed the meeting. She stated that tsrs' Anonymous has of the student covers' only verbal abilities 1957, is promoting a Miss Western the total entreefeefor'MissWestern body is that thepostersbeleit upon- quantitative reasoning. no specifiC The Human Relations Commlttee Maryland pageant that will be a pre- Maryland College would be $85. She tillhe event is over. subject matter knowledge is re- of Carroll COUntywill present Mr. lIminaryforthe Miss Mar-yland pa- suggestedthatthebesttimeforapa- Vespers qufred to quattrv. One test, taken Rufus "Catfish" Mayfield at a dm- geant of 1958. geant is the spring, Portjus avant one tim!' in one place opens the ner meeting, Thursday, December On Monday, November 20, Mr.Ro- the college would need a director, (Continued from Poge 1) bert Wagner,the associate director producer, chairman of publicity, tI,~ Women's Glee Club under the door to approximatejv 60 different l-l, at 6:30 P.M. Mr. Mayfield is of the state pageant,presenteda pro- judges and five off-campus judges, direction of Mrs, Neal Her-ingwim career fieldS in as many Federal Chairman of Pride. Inc .. a Wash- gram totheSGA, Heemphasizedlhat since it should ~ as much like the ~:g::~l~~r~a~li:~;~1 ~~s~;;a~;~:~i):l ~~~c:~.ssenior s and graduates ,inan! ~~~n;tsD~u~~eO:sg~;i;;;~~~tll~~~~~ this pageant was for aneducalional national pageant as possible. be provided br Ann Hicks on the acauemtc major the program IS ap- in the Nation's Capitol this sum- scholarship _and college women are To be eligible the girl must only go especially eligible for this type of to school at Western Mar-yland. If ;~~~~~~Ol~.n~~a~:a~:n~~:~;'~~: ~:~:r;:~:p~O:n:~~~:~~~:,nt~~1 ;~~_~:: ~:rdl~::~e will be dancing after ald. He stated that over $500,000 in this pageant were to beheld, there will provide the interlude. cal sciences, accounting ~nd a Inrn- The price is 51.50 for those un- scholarships are gtven away yearly could be no other local preliminaries Western Mar-yland Scholarship ted number of ornsr techntcal Itelds, a~e others. Reservations may be ou- der 21 vear s. :and S2.50 for all be devoted to The offering will ·~~.!t.~~..~~ ·.~~-.~ .~ entrees, also ad- cruse for this pageant would he sold Fund for International Students. specific professional areae.: In tamed from xrr s. Robert A. SCOtt in the area, in other words to talented college women. a fran- (Ot~er avenues of emplorme~t Tina Cunningham,whoisincharge avauaoie for srucanrs major ina of university toWMC. l'nionton Rd.. 8..8-909 ... • .~·~(r~.~.·~:.:.z(·.~~ '" i I The Gold Bug Staff would like In thank the following people for patronizing I the Gold Bug. Merry Christmw; and a Happy New Year! I Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Ralph H. France Marshall O. Robbins Dr. & Mrs. C. E. McWilliams Mrs. Dorothy G. Hart Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Coleman Dr. & Mrs, Daniel Z. Gibson Bunky Berry Mr. & Mrs. Ephraim M. Carll i (Homer G. Smith) Anonymous Debbie Wilber Mr. & Mrs. Ned W. Arick i Mr. & Mrs. Roy R. Hunt Mr. & Mrs. Albert O. Shoemaker Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur L. Welch, Sr. Rev. & Mrs. Charles E. Niner Mr. & Mrs. Henry M. Decker) Jr. Mrs. Jack Markey Mr.& Mrs. W. lawrence Sanders Jack and Marty Taylor Day Herbert D. Pinckney Mr. & Mrs. David Millhouser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James E. Berger W.M.C. Golf Team Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Omansky Mrs. Virginia Davis Mr. & Mrs. H. M. Diver, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Petry Mr. & Mrs. T. James Collier Mr. & Mrs. George H. Sprinkel Eleanor & Keith Richwine i Mr. Arthur Cactellucci Andrew & Eu la Pecora John R.·Warren Mr. Rando V. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Rowland D. Creitz, Sr. Dean John D. Makoskr Mr, & Mrs. Rictlard P. Hilder Mr. & Mrs: Earl W. Pany Mr. & Mrs, Charles A. Tantum Mr. & Mrs. William F. Dudley Mr. & Mrs. Howard Thomas Ii :;: : :;:: ::,rao~: ~~k~;chardson ~~~~ P~r:.o~;:;ence J. Lamaina :~: :U~fr~~ Robert L. Rush 'I Mr. & Mrs. Waller A. Koerber, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. George A. Hipple Mr. & Mrs. A. L. Standifer & Family Robert J. Gracey Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Hill David A. Cline, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. F. Kenneth long Royce F. Bradshaw, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Hilbert H. Dawkins, Sr. It. & Mrs. Bruce R. Knowles Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Speth Georgnia Maria Guernica ~ i Mr. & Mrs. George M. Stover Ralph & Annette Johnson Mr. & Mrs, Albert F. Sharper J; Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Moore, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. C. F. Flinner Mr. & Mrs. William B. Cronin i Mr. & Mrs. Harry Godown Karl & Eleanor Schuele Rev. & Mrs. William McNally ;v,1II9~1M~~~~~~~~~~~"~lV"C.~~lV"'lV"'~"~lV"'~lIlV"~"V"'lVl
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