Page 41 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 41
Somebody lip There?" "Hail Mary" Brave Wolf: Santa In IraG, Zepp, Jr. t. The theological escalation of a Jewish peasant teenage girl from the mother of a carpenter's son to Mother of God and Queen of Heaven by way of a powerful and unofficial cult of Mar~' and the proclamation of the dogmas of her Immaculate Conception (1854) and her Bodily Assumption (1950) is difficult for Prates- tunt s . as well as many Catholics. to understand. It is certainly a tribute to the rationalizing sophistry of man. Pro estunt s . however. have tended to react to this ~~,~IU.~~.~:tof l::;I;i~~l~~~:~~!yWI~:v~h~~r'~::haverOS t One cannot honestly face the anniversary of Jesus' with the accompanying ubiquity of the creche and the-cacophony of Christmas carols ("'Round ,VOIl vmon Mother and child") with- out de with Mary his mother. Whatever else we say about Mary. we must sav that she is terandthendriveninaredconver_ a symbol of f'aith. par excellence. Luke has her tible to the shopping center. And to God "Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord: here he sits, everv.rugnt until nine according to vour wo-e." These words 01"unconditional surrender o'clock. Wolf; western Jerry came out of the depths 01" Hebrew piety "went. as the Christmas fans, Santa College senior, is playing Maryland Santa Lord t old him." Jesus prayed. "Not my but thine be done. ") Claus is not dead. Themerchants Claus.tnthe little red house at the It was precisely Mary's obedience to God which made the of the Westminster Shopping Westminster Shopping Center until Incarnation possible, Said Carl Michal sou "The antecedent of Centerhadhimflov.'Ilinbyhelicop- Christmas. Manyacollegeprofes- the divine sonsnip of Jesus of Nazareth is not some genetic irregularity. bur God's word to his people fulfilled in the ear of InThe Wake Of The Dress Code: Marv.' Because of her receptivity to God (faith). she also becomes a symbol of grace. God came to her ;IS he comes to each of us, The Case for Non-Involvement and indeed as he came orgttnallv to Israel. I'm no reason at all. Mary is remembered in spite of her lack of personal wort.h By "'lIke Herr Council meettng ror coeds cestrous by the carefree coec attitude to- and raput ar inn. The unsentimental Gospels portray her as an Apathy is a dead end, the result of wearing slacks. And for men wards complexion. Alargeportlon ignorant mother rebuked rather harshly several times by her son .. of frustration. It is err oneousir desirous of wearing skirts •••wen of the incoming coeds were acneed, And the early church apparently did not look to her for wisdom confused with non-Involvement that's their busine s sv-but the most and didn't seem to care. More shocking is that some were black prudent course is not to get invol- and inspiration. JUSt think how easily the whole virg in birth which is the means to an end, It's ved. and were actuauy proud or ur Quick Non-Invctvernent is dilemma could have been solved by consulting her! end is sanity, because it keeps Sensible people do not confuse in reaction, an activist group for- sophisticated But she was simply Mary, unsophisticated and lowly. "plain yourIiands unstained and your traps with trappings. They vfew mulated the WWC Skin Code, and as any name can be", very much in the background and very name untainted. It is not just to clothing In llght of the Marshall appointed acommitteeforthorough much a woman of faith and grace, which is, finally, how we all label this selfish. For the most IIIcLuhan maxim, "Clothing Is an Investigation into the dermis of the cut it with God. part the sophisticated mass re- extension of the skin." Sklnisa- female student body. Anexhausting inspection was conducted, but the She sybolizes our own poverty and emptiness before God mains quiet because it is indomit- moral. This leads to ere .D.,the effects were disastrous. The tot- though we may possess intellectual pretension, spirituality ably ignorant. However, there are Conformity vs Comfort Dressmode lowing semester, many of·the off- which is self explanator-y, a few wtsemen who know the stark beyond reproach. and prestigious pedigree. universal truth, that the weakest Clearly, the purpose of the dress ended coeds, still unashamed of The Galilean maiden and the Bethlehem mangel' remind us of point of civilization is the wise- code Is to protect the Innocent. 11 their bodies, dropped out oI school. Paul's reflections, men who know the stark universal is in the tradition of the Sex,Santa The}' simply were not able to meet 'Few of you are men of widsom. by any human standard; few truth, that the weakest point of Claus, Groundhog myths which the demands oftheSkinCode, What are powerful or highly born. Yet. to shame the wise, God has civilizationinthewi~an'sin- these innocent people are already became oflhem Is not known, but aware of. that's their business anyway. It is pecullar that people chosen what the world counts folly. and to shame what is strong. outgence of the moral dwarfs who, who knowthe truth about Chr-Istmas The coeds who didn't become in- God has chosen what the world counts weakness. He has chosen merely because their foot isonthe and Sex should remain ignorant of volved finished their college things low and contemptible, mere nothings, to overthrow the pedal, think they are running the the fact that women don't always careers and are now well adjusted machine. The wisemen don'! even exist ing order. And so there is no place for human pride in the look their best. However the myth- young women. This is final proof presence of God," read the pledge, they sign it and makers will be chagrined to learn of the plausibility ot non-involve- and ignore it.Theyarenon-involv- And so. "Hail Mary. full of grace ... " ed, In other words','you"don'tburn that they have achieved next to ment. However,!inalwarnlngmust. your card if you don't want to be nothing in creatingaBrave New follow: "Non-involvement is, by No More Icy Sliding Board involved .••bu! Ihal's your business. World. The kings of conformity its very nature,civlldisobedience, live inthe American West. Locally everyone is involved in I, C. or Image Clarification, a An anxi~us group of stUdents at ~~~be~~e~~: It;~~:~:~~~~s, Civil The Railing Comes To GrilleHill superficial appeal to identity. Walla Walla College (Washington State), under the heavy shadow of From stockings to pipe smoking: from reading matter to eating ha- acne and integration, were appalled by Linda sullivan bits we are all judged on ap- e -Once upon a time in a little cit yon who encountered the path and lost. ::~a;ct: h;V: f~~l~~~:t~i:~att~~~ LECKRON a hill. therelivedacommunily of of confusing appearance withmor- very. very secure people, These Suddenly someonedecWedthat the ality and etiquette. It has been GULF SERVICE people really had their feet on the solution rested in the hands of the stated, by the group known as So- ground, people - there must be a railing to cietal Fundamentalists(whoreadit W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. thir:~~~~lut~i~~,rS:i~~~:::;ts hu~:e:e:d' ~~eg~~i~~~:th:u~t~~~ei~:~~a~;~al;~~~ :~t~~:,s~:~~~~::) c~~~~:t r~:l~~d:~~ We,tminster, Md. TI8·6929 ~~:r:sdow~~ ~~~~~~;:~i~~~;~~~~~ ~::::f:ret~o \:~:~t:~r:a;~~~~~~~~. in ~~h: e~:~ ~~::e~';~onic level, the chief complaint of the people to The situation contined this way maturity and etiquette are com- Road the governors. for years, The complaints were bined to associateclothingwitha~e . heard. solutions discussed, and no and station. Youngladiessimplydo Service The complaints were concermng progress made. not wear slacks. Whimsee girls the hill on which the people lived, It . MUST be Young Ladies. A per- was inclined at a rather steep angle - But w~it, what'sUllS? Slowly on spective observer was overheard particularly noticed when onetra- the h~rlzon a .shadow appeared. to-mark the distinction. He said versed the path which led to the so- Could It be? Whl.le the people had "I haven't seen any coeds i~ cial arena. Vhen rain or "Snowor dew evacuated their hI!! for an annual va- slacks; they must all be Young accumulated on the path,1t became cation, the long-sough! railing had Ladies," Then came the Whimsee as askatingrlnk,andverydangerous been erected. The people-parti- logic, "Likewise, your male stu- to1i1e and l!mb-particularly limb. cularly .the bruisedandclumsyofthe dent body must all be young OnI}'the sure-footed or the danger- land-reJ?lced and they were trul.y gentlemen for I've yet to see one 19ving or the maU-hungry or the thankful. Everyone worshipped It. wearing ~ skirt." At Western 'freshmen attempted to meet the The people all had somethIng .they Maryland this is how we dlffer- challenge the path provided. could truly su~port - orwasit vIce - entiate ~tween the sexes Rumor versa? Theralhngwast~ereandthe has it that Sex Tags, be;ring the re:t:~~.the ro~~~a~~t:w::; -;;~:nt~~~;dS ~~~I~~Fe::l~;;C~It~yt~~o~~c:~I~ throughout the land Irom sore losers happy. be distributed at the next Women's
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