Page 38 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 38
PAGE 8 THE GOLD au:; DECEMBER B, 1967 Hoopsters Draw Bead on Eagles Footsteps From the Past Terrors Win Opener, Fall at F&M_ Tomorrow evening the Terrors Ington with 5 seconds to gotocUnch fouled out In the cructar naarmm- 1963-'64 Wrestling Season Invade a Bridgewater team that Is the victory. Lewis, In his debut as ctes, and Dave Lewis carrl.ed four always tough on the home court •. a Green Terror scored 10 points personals on his back. by Frank Bowe the visitors copped the meet In the This Eagle team is weaker than arid hauled In 8 rebounds. orrenstvery, the 'rerror swere un- The onlywlnningseasonlnthehls- last match as Heavyweight Bob the team that Western Maryland A Tuesday date at Franklin and able to get the shots off. Wilson tory or the school for the WMC Yuninger pinned Dave Blizzard In surprised here last season,but stUI Marshall saw tbe Terrorsdlsap- and seu Davis scored 11 apiece wrestling team was coached by the 3:30. A !7-16wlnoverGallaudetfol- to be respected. They have split pointed by a loss with a decetv- now-famous Mr. Back-to-nack.Sam lowed to even the grappler's record. their first two encounters,loslng Ing 79-66-count. and Gr., Getty added 10 po1.n1s. ~~~~~ ~~~9p~;~~sa~~::~~~~ ~~~=~::~~a~n;:~et~ ~~~~~:' i:;ror~h: ~e~::rtr~;:;:~~~~::~~;~ ~!V::/~::~~t~;~~~~~~;;~~~~~:::;;eto~kt~:!1;~~rl~~ t~:e:~~!~ 7\:he Eagles tost starttng torward about that fabulous winning season. was the only meet the Terrors fail- Jim ElUs, who was graduated with The Terror grapplers of the'63- ed to win in the M-D Conference. a 20.9 scoring average. Ellis, who '64 campaign placed second in the Baltimore University, w.ith an unde- also led the team In rebounding, Mason-Dixon Conference with a re-. feated and untied record, later won kept the Eagles In the game last ::~al~ r:~~;~ o;~~I:_~.°ril~lnt:a: th~n~:~e:' hit the Terrors in mtc- ;::u:~~~ ;i~nn~:I~I,V:Ssta::t~~~ closed out the season by placing third season, but they didn't quiet the title guard has also beef' graduated. in the M-D Tournament at Loyola, talk now buzzing the Hm. Dave BHz- However, the Terrors stn; have a Hopes were high even before the -aro and King Hilwere out with oro- big problem to cope with. season opened, The GOLD BUG brokenrlbs.Mlke Egan had fractured Jim Upperman, at 6'4",ls still noted In its December 13 Issue that a wrist and RonGarvin missed some around. He averaged over 22 points ~~~ :~:;~, ~~~~t ~~~ :h:;~b7;~~~ ~:s~ :~~:, ~~;~~~:~ea;:~i~:' r~~- :~tI~~me I:t y:;~;ea::I~~=;:~~u~~~ ~~;t~;~l~:~.t,I.~lth1i:~: a 1:: !~::;::!n~: ~~~~r"~t~~~~!I:i~~~.1 ;;t~u~;rte~l~;:~~~~;hoav~:_ ;~~~:~:;~:~:~:~~~::h~::~~:~o:;i~:;:::~;~~~:~::ii~;::'Ei::;::::~;::~l~:'~:,:,;a;:'~:'~;~:: justify those high hopes, He ran launched on a three meet winmng The Eagle backcourt, comprised Rick Coburn fires for the nets as Dave Lewis and Jefr Davis men through a pre-season eondtuon- streak, toppling Loyola, Johns Hop- of 5 10 Dennis wootrrev and 6"" move ill for a possible rebound. tng program so tough that Co-Cap- klns, and Frostburg. Per-haps It was Rick Wampler, Is inexperienced. At the mtdpotnt or the first hall tarn Ron Garvin moaned "If we can the one-sided Hopkins victory that NeUher saw much actton Iast year , the Green and Gold trailed the F live through this we'll 'be the best convinced the Blue Jays to jointem If jrowaver it will be tough for the and M squae-ar-to, as the taller conditioned team inthe conference." they. couldn't beat ern and hired Case Terrors. Pennsylvania quintet, led by 6'7" This superior conditioning paid rich for the following year, In their fln- The Terror Roundballers opened center Jerry Reich, dominated the benefits as the Terrormatmengrew al two dual meets of the campaign, the season with an unimpressive ooard play at both ends ofthe court. stronger by the meet and reached the grapplers deleated Americanand Saturday win over a scrappy, but To .colUlteract the F and M Diplo- their peak near the end althe season, Catholic, both by overwhelming thin Washington College quintet with mat's height advantage, Coach Clo- The campaign opened with atough a 77-76 score at the Chestertown wer Inserted four forwards In the lineup, With a combination ol rick ~~~ ~h!l~::~t~!~o~~~:;=~:::~: In the Mason-Dixon Tournament, fle~~hoU~~otherS dominated the Coburn, Ralph Wilson, Joe Smo- ber of events as the Blue Jays, but five Terror grapplers won Individual boards with 17 rebounds as Mike thers, Greg Getty, and Mike Baker honors, King Hill, wrestling In the Baker came of[ the bench to lead 123 lb, class, placed fourth. Ron the Terror scorers with 23 points, alternating with Larry Suder, the J.V.'s Overpower Garvin became the M-D Champion Ralph Wilson and captain Larry Terror s closed the gap and led 36-38athalttlme. In the 137 pound class. Bob Hayse Suder added support with 16 and Baltirrwre Institute copped a second In Ihe 147 division 15 points respectively Dave Bruce tu~hew~t~Cot~~ ~:~m;a:x~~:~; ~~:leG:;eK~!:~~~:~~~~:~::~:r:~ led the Sho'men scor'ers with 20 Western Maryland's 1967 Junior M-D 191Champion inhissenioryear po~~~hOmOre forward Jeff Davis :~:lI;:~d ou:t~e~:orDl!~~~:~s c:!~ Varsity basketball team, with the placed third In the Unlimited divl- tallied the last two points of the pulled away, appearance of several promising freshmen, should complete the :~~;~ I:t~eat:u~~~;.the team placed ~:=I~~: :.~r~h~a;h:'-::I:~;: The Terrors could havewonwlth- coming season with great success. not capable of tying the score, so a more cohesive effort as Fran~n D1C'S rugged pair o£ two With the J. V. netmen have look- Riflemen the Terrors were unable to put It and Marshall performed sloppily, stid,pcns wins again games under their betts, out of reach. but WMC played a lead-footed de- in unending 1I'"r eli surprisingly good despite ade- Terror strategytolreeze the ball fense which allowed little spark n)!ainstball·po;"t clogandsllwar, finite lack of organiZation. In the Lose Opener backfired ~s the!! tlnal shot missed. plug Geroge Dreslback to drive for skip D('spilchorriblc pre-season game against theWMC However, 6'I" Lewis 24 points. Poor defensive play was faculty, the team came up with Inexperience andfirst-matchiU~ stole the ball back lrom theWash- the key to the 10ssasJoeSmothers puni~hl1lentby mad scit'nti'ts,Blcstili several big plays in the first half ters took their toll as the Terror writes first lilllC, cverr and eventually won by a score of 77 Rifle Team dropped its season till1(',.-\ndnOll'ondn to 48. opener to host Georgetown Unlv· B1c's"Dyamitc"B,11l lnthelr first regular season ersity last Saturday afternoon, is lhc hardest IllcLd game against Baltimore Institute 1195 to 1121. madc.encascdi" a the junior Terrors played a fast Co-captain Gordon Shelton, a so];dbr;l5snos"con{' \\'ill not skip. moving first half, leaving the court veteran of eight years of compet- or sll1ear no matter clog with a 48-32 advantage. In the last ItIve shooting, topped the squad what d{'\'ili~h abu.'" two periods, they continued to pile with 270 points, two points above isdcvisetl forthclll It on J and won by a comfortable 104 his learn-leading average of last bysadislicstudcnts to 77 margin.. As a whole the team year and only seven below his Gct the dynamic looked big and fast with a great deal school record Of277, Jim Morgan's me Duo at your of depth. 239 waswellbelowhlsnormalmed- So far this seasonthestartln..&. Ian, someflfteenpolntshlgher.Jun- five has,conslsted of Center, Bill iors Gaye Meekins andJobstVand- .... __ -t Sherman; guards Jim Schwert:z:ler rey ooth developed a severe case ol and Billy Hutchinson; forwards nerves and pOsted sub-par scores Butch Johnson and Randy Hutchln- of 217 and 199, respectively. Joe son. Returning from last year's PoweU, getting his !irst taste of squad are sophomores Butch John- competition, rounded out the totals ELDERSBURG son and Bill Sherman. The ser- with 196 points. WTTR vices of thesetwoveteranswilladd Georgetown did not have a par- experience. tlcularly good team but had en- RADIO Both Hutchlnsons are freshmen ough depth and match experience AM·1470 KC and stand six foot one. Theycome to out~shoot the Terrors. Note· RCA VICTOR from Richard Montgomery High worthy was the rille of their high FM-Stereo DUMONT - EMERSON School in Montgomery County. scorer -- a $435 imported, cu.s· --- Fast Radio Service Schwertzler, a six 1ooto08 guard, tom-made masterpiece. The rilles 185 E. Main Is from Rancocas Valley High that are normally suppUed by Ti 8~3066 School in New Jersey and has been schools for competition cost only WESTMINSTER Eldersburg Shopping Center a stand~out In both games. $150 when new. 795-0210 On paper It sounds like awlnnlng Today the Terrors meet Gettys- MARYLAND combination.. burg on their home range.
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