Page 39 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 39
THE GOLD BUG DECEMBER 8, 1967 PA.GE 9 Matmen Look Promising Editor's Sports Scope: This year's unnear laded version After 100 Years-A Beginning of WMC's wrestling team could soon prove to be the most victor- ious team In the sports program. Gonion Shelton With all but two of last years Something unusual happened at WMC this fall .- a creature starting team returning Head Coach resembling the ghost of a school spirit reared its head above the Sam Case Is very optimistic about rows of drooping eyelids and arm-chair cynics. Improving on last year's 3wlns and 9Iosses.Alterlastweek'simpres- For me, this change of attitude was evident first in athleti_cs. stve scrimmage at the University The last three years found Terror .football wallowing in losing of Maryland, our Mat Monsters are seasons. It's easy to get excited about something very good or' tuning up for their season opener very bad, but the mediocre only develops apathy. Last season's against Towson. Veterans Kenny ream was a team only by title--petty rivalries, key players who Myers, Rick Schmertz'ler , andToffi played only for themselves, and a tendency to blame everything Fowler looked especially. tough as on the coach, all made for a rotten spirit. If. so many of the faces did newcomers Gary SchoU and Art Blake. were not the 'same, I would swear that this faU·s- team was en- Competition for berths on this tirely new. A few petty rivalries lingered on, but the cmrctem was year's squad Is especially strong gone. Players blamed themselves 'for a loss and played for the team alone. The record improved greatly, but was dwarfed by the Co-Captain Jim KinJ team spirit. -' The soccer squad hasn't had much to work with for several with several spots stlU up for grabs. McIntyre. The Ught heavyweights In the lightweight categories Tom are in a jumble as returnees Alvin seasons except spirit. If the 1966 football team won no games at Fowler and Kenny Myers are flght- Starr, Dave Turner and Herb all. it's hard to say if it would have even stayed togetber. The lng freshman Gary Scholl for the Shrieves battle Impressive fresh- soccer team won no games in 1966 but there was no talk' of quitt- starting nod. Scholl, a graduate ing. They. played on because they loved soccer and played for a of Bel Air, was third In his dis- :::e ~~t~~ctr:~~~:~ma ;:lmA~: ~:~~~ h~~~r~ason they won four and the esprit de corps was trict as a senior. In the middle- weights, Jay Leverton, a second ~':r t!~~:~~~;;~~:~JS~~i~::! I feel these high team spirits were reflected in the fans, al- place district finisher from Wood- 191 pound category. Jim wasnum- though freshmen may question this. Football fever found some lawn looks good in the 13'1 slot as does letterwtnner Terry Conover, ber lour in the Mason-Dixon Con- fuel after a terrible showing -against F,andolph-Macrn.and grew. last year's number three man in terence last season. The unlimited In my four years here, I have never seen such support as we the Mason-DixonConferencelnthe division features a strong battle showed at Hopkins. Admittedly. we can't compare to Notre Dame's 1<4'1 pound class. Conover ~~::~o~;:gi~~~~,~.f~~~ndN;= spirit or even that of my high school, but the spark has found and Leverton can expect some fierce competition from freshman M;::: o:n:as~::;-mmage already ~~~g~~~~;s::~y ci:t~n:e;~~~:S:a:~llf~~~:int:~o s~~;:n:sb~~d Coo Sherrard of Rising Sun who under their belts, the team travels vessel over, drew larger, more enthusiastic crowds than ever will be pushingthem both for a slot. At 152, freshman Art Blake,adls- to B,U. December 9th lor another before. Horrecommg found all four fraternities putting more er- trlct runner-up from Hackettstown, exhibition. The junior varsity fort Into boosting the team than into making signs for the alumni. N. J. is competing with game new- coaching trfumvtrate or gudderman" The Centennial Year meant IOOre than another "stupid tradition" comer Ted Giannechini from Ran- Morrison and Heritage will send to many of us. wey, N. J. One of this year's co- lbeir charges against Catonsville Finally, our whole attitude toward-WMC seems to be chang. captains Is _Rick Scbmer-tz.ler-, on December 12th. Then on the 14th mg for the better. The familiar cry of "attitude check" draws a last year's Most Valuable Wrest- the JV has its home opener against greatly diminished negative response when shouted in the dorm. ler with 22 takedowns, the team's ~:s:a~~ v:;:;yt~~:~a:~~; On the whole, we seem to blame ourselves rather than. "this quickest fall--56 seconds, and a third place In the Mason-Dixon the same scncoi at 3 P.M. The place" when things go badly. The nard-core cynics"-~still sit, Co-Captain Conference to his credit. Provid- matches will both be held in G1ll bitch.and moan, but fewer ears heed their cries. Rick Schrnertzler ing competition for Rick from two Gym. Why this change of heart? Who knows. The athletic teams The team is exceUent--possJbly showed class sides are Roy MelVin aDd Greg the-best you will ever see In your contributed. The freshmen SGA shucked its a surprrstng degree suit of of unity The and creativity. grey-flannel Sportlight on Boyes stay on "the Hill," They are ready. respectubiltty. grew some guts and imagination, and is at last saying as can be seen by their perform- something. ance at Maryland. Most of all they r feel that this year may mark the beginning of something by Mike Elliott Dale felt it was a good season per- ~:t:;!~tn:;::~~i~~et~u:~~ ~~~ WMC has not had in a long time, if ever-can identity. Not just a Holding down the positon of of- sonally and from the team stand- will give them by being at GUl Gym "small, liberal arts college," but something distinctive yet de- fensive center for the past two pctm, except for the disappOinting Cor their opener, December 14at2 fying definition. No one can say what it will be or even if it will years, Dale Boyes has been a loss to Hopkins Inthe season nnafa, P.M. You won't be disappointed! come, but we have made a beginning. vital part in WMC's winning loot- rr===:::;, ball team. During the off-season, Dale limits Coming to Western Maryland his athletic endeavors to the intra- Terrors Bow in Finale from sunny Florida, Dale, or as mural sports program. He is a he is affectionately called, "The member of the infamous "Animal" Neb," has played football for four basketball team, andhlsplayonthe To Supercharged Hopkins years. court ts-remtnrscent of his play on The Green Terrors ended their Bruce Bozman hit Borga with a most productive season in tour 22-yard pass in the end zone. The years on a sour note by dropping Terrors got too'Cincy on the con- their final game 13-6 tothe favored version attempt and squandered Jays of Johns Hopkins at Home- two points by completing two for- WOOd. ward passes. This Is a rules infra- The playing field, muddledhy in- termlttantrains,putthedefensein_ to the first-hall limelight. The Terrors put the clamps on super Joe Cowan and held him to -2 yards rushing. The Jay defense made it rough for Whim see pass receivers. BOWL Neither of1ense could muster more than an unsUccessful! field goal In the hall. Paul Weiss, a With 195-pound fullback traded chunks of yardagewithTerrorrunnersJerry Chief Borga and Art Blake but neither Dale Boyes team got close to the goal. He broke into his starting role the gridiron. All the scoring came Jnthe se- early last season and played well.. Come spring, he uses his huge cond half. Weiss scored tirst with This year his previous experience bulk to cover third base for the a 34-yard run to put the Bluejays proved im'portant as he started the Preacher softball team. ahead 6-0, after Jim Lotto re- season strong and never let up. His favorite sport however [s covered Blake's fumble at the 36. Our Lone Touchdown His fine snaps to the quarter- loafing, from whence he earned Wes Bachur added theextrapolnt. Tb.e final scare was set. up. . boll WESTMINSTER baCk kept the number of fumbles the nickname, "The Nebulator." A goal line stand and a penalty ABarry LANES to the minimum and his blocldng You can usually find him pursuing gave the Terror ollense needed afl-otd"fa5htoBed.N¥eFM.. in the Shopping Center Ellenberger pUDt was hauled In by was important in keeping the op- his favorite pasttlme on the !irst Impetus. Jerry Borga tOOk a Willie Scroggs on The Bluejay 9 Students - Until 6:00 p.m. $1.203 Games posing linemen 011 the passer and floor Preacher section where he Bozman hand-off at the (\ yard yard line. He cut left and handed IncludJDI" Shoes opening up the holes for the run- ~:s~~G:::rt~Yl~:lde of the Mar- line and rambled 56 yards to the off to a moving Cowan who danced Mon. - Fri_ 848-6570 ners. Hopkins 38. Seven plays later dCrNnthe right sideUne.
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44