Page 35 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 35
THE GOLD B!.,K; DECEMB E'R 8, 1967 PAGE 5 Vincenso Wop Sets Delts Begin PAA Plans Holiday Fraternity Record Festivities Functions, Parties As this article Is being written, plans and excitement are In lull BULLETIN: for release to all AP ecbouc-tneueee narcolfjpsy swing tor the Delt "Christmas 'The brothers of PAA fraternity lIskers sees how good we are. and UPl syndicated news services Vlncenzo Wop was made aware 01 Party" to be held at Frock's on are pl.a.nnlnga fuJ.lslate of holiday In keeping with the Black and Western Maryland College, West- his escapades of the prior evening. December am, This variation on festivities In the true Black and White tradition. of communIty ser- minster, Md.: AU worked out saUsfactor1ally lor the open party theme is unique In White fashion. / vice, many of .the brothers are A new Intercollegiate fraternity all involved though Vlncenzo apol- many ways - the usual Gill gym After a fabulously successful worklnglnthelr rree ncurs cn ser- record has been established at the ogized to the coed and his freedom dance being held off campus, the Open Smoker last Monday, the nrc- vice projects. Thefraternityboasts traditionally sleepy Methodlstcol- was reclaimed. dress changing lrom the ordinary thers got a taste of victory on 80- tour members of the highly sue- lege, overlooking bustllng West- to cocrtan dress, and most Im- other front: their first Intramural cessna 80s summer teams. Led minster, Md. portant for us - the first campus basketball victory In qu1ta a spell. by Chairman Jert Ludlow. these The new record was established wide party sponsored by Delta Klinger, Clawson, F'Ieehar'ty, Tra- brothers are presently engaged In last weekend by amemberofAlpha Sigma Kappa. By all Indications der, and Gober played as well as preparing for next year:S trips. Gamma Tau Fr aterntry; Vlncenzo the party Is going to be a great any Black and White ever has In Several of the br-others are also W!!_op,one oftheorganiZaUonsout- success, and all we can add Is _ helping the other brothers to' est- active in Hinge, tutoring their standing social and academic acnt- we hope you aren't missing It! ablfsh this landmark and raise youngfrlendsseveralhourpweek. But the Delts have been busy do- hopes for a successrui o-ban cem- We hOPEImany of these tutees can It seems that Vlncenzo was re- Ing more than making open party palgn. make It to our Christmas party at _ cently pinned to one of the campus plans the last few weeks, On Vet- The annual orgy with the Sigmas the Methodist Church next Satur- sweethearts during a fraternity eran's Day, the Delts made favors is set for next week at Frocks. Be- day. ceteorauon. for the local hospital to brighten fore that dellsh treat, though, the As soon as the Christmas Mr. Wop, who's prior reputation the spirits of those hospitalized. brothers wllllry to get back in OId goodies are stashed away sale and for social taste and etiquette St. Nick;:goodgracesbydolngtheir sure, and we've all caught mono had never been questioned, was tar,,:~!et~:~~::sJ=::t~:~~; ~~~ a:::o~v:~ ,T~~~kS:::':;~t:a~t; annual good deed tomakeupforthe from our sweethearts back home. coerced by his fraternity brothers the tnterconegtate Interfraternity turn to Christmas, and deeor-at-, rest oftheyear--a Christmas party we'll return to the HllI for a fab, tntohavingafew"harmless"beers for the underprivileged kids of Imod-type pcst-Cbrtstmas, post- to loosen up his stuffed shirt at- ~[r;~ingC~t~I~~aec~ut:l~y:~~~:id,I~~ ~=sO~~y~~~~s~;p~:~~;~~~:;:~~:~~ Westminster. We' II hold it In a New Years closed party mmetrue titude. church just to make sure Old WIl- Black and White fashion. It was while still heady from his ::t~~;1c~II~:~~~t~i~~O~d!O;I~h~~:- ~~~ed~~:~r:~~ ~~:i~:~sl~~rlt:t~: first experience with the product of previous record remarkablywas clubroom and while most Deltsare First the brewers art that vmcenzo's re- held by one cr vinosnao's nowmar- buying gag presents and writing cord-breaking performance began. rled brothers' in the national re- poems, a few are arguing over who After nearly fourteen hours of al- cord for longest elapsed time of an has to play Santa Claus this year. Choice unconscious pinning by an under- The annual Dett-Bachelot- party Party Spirits graduate. has also been set for December Of The ·th:~:::l:rv:~~~l~~: :':t;~:c~u~ ;;"';"------- .... Snow Sigmas room improvements Including new 9lJatImei~ Engageables a color tv, anew blue and furniture, white paint job, and posstbte anew Sigmas areburstlngw1thChrlst- floor and ceiling. Also hopefully mas spirit. Wehavefourpartiesin the annual Christmas mixer, f17/utM the planning tllis Christmas sea- "Christmas Wlththe Bache.lcr-s'", son. wU be held just before vacation. Flowers For The Sigma Alumni.Chapter of Baltimore held a party for our sen- Lastly, Mike (The Nose) Baker, iors on Tuesday, Decem ber 5. It has extended his fondest Hanukah Any Occasion was nice to see the old gangagaln. wishes to the campus in the annual by the Zionists of the statement Even Sigmas from ieaaweretoere- ·114 Penn~ylv~nia Ave. Sigmas really didn't then: fraterJ:1lty. service activities this Christ- ' 848-9350 mas Include a party for the under- privileged children of Westminster given with our brothers, The Black Volleyball and possibly pinochle and Whites. The chiJdren'sChrist- tournaments sponsored by the Inter- SIEGMAN'S mas party provides some of the sorority Council are In the planning most rewarding moments of the stages for the coming semester. TEXACO SERVICE Yuletide season. Sigmas also have Such competition would replace a night of caroling at Long View last year's bowling tournaments and Nursing Home In Manchester. We would revive Inter-sorority athle- Westminster Shopping give the old genUemenquite athrlll! tics and card. playing. Center - In addition, the Intersorority On Tuesday, December 12, we Councll has set dates for spring rush Westminster TI 8-3460 They [ike the smart styling and will hold our sorority Christmas parties and has announced Friday, the guaranteed perfect center party in the clubroom atwhichUme February 16from '1:30to 8:00.p. m. TEXACO HAVOLINE diamond ..• a brilliant gem the new pledges receive their as second semester acceptance GASOLINE OIL of fine color and modern This Is followed CO~;._-:-:= Christmas gifts and give apresent night. ~===~~~~~ cut. The name, Keepsake, in your ring assures lifetime to the sorority. satisfaction. Select yours at ~i~~eSi~:~a~:ui ~~::enA~~~s~= r PL _ 2-1126 BE-5-29Z2 your Keepsake Jeweler's store mas brawl which swings into act- He's in the yellow pages under ion at little Frock·s. Spirits of :'Jewelers •. sisterhood and brotherhood flow John s. Revelle thick and fast; All the Sigmas hope Santa will CONTINENTAL AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE bring snow to Black \Yater Falls, 2505 Blaustein Bldg_ West Virginia for the annual ski weekend, March 1-3. SeniorSlg- Baltimore, Md. 21201 mas have fond memories of the Write 0. Coil fo. P'OpOSOI5 _ All fnquire5 last Sigmas snow job. So, from the land of the s.carlet Answered Promptly and silver -- Merry Christmas to Life I"suranee - Pensions - Busi"ess In5ur. all and to all a Good Night! t!111,~~,:;;";s .. onl ,,0.. ,G A." .•••• ,.u
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