Page 33 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 33
It occurs to me that... At last we have a railing 10 the The winner will be awarded the dry. Sadly enough, most of the grill. Now all the critics of the lifetime governorship of lower snowmen were freshmen and were s:ad note of the '67 season was that Vision of Western -Maryland stu- GOLD BUG can say again, "The Siobbovia. The loser will have to termed abomnlble by the more ma- Il£I one found room for a Western dents. And choke. fact that the GOLD BUG wastes watch seventy-two uninterrupted ture upperclassmen who, while Maryland Little All American. The third GQ.LD BUG poll Will Hstime printing sucb mearungles s hours of the winners' old lUms. grilling it, read vast volumes of As usual, McDanIel Lounge was attempt to find our how many stu- things as stories and editorials Both will receive a seven day Robert Frost's snow poems. full of the Christmas spirit last dents frequent the grill dally. An about ridiculous railings to the waterless trip to Death Valley The 1967 Green Terror football Sunday evening. Great numbers of honest count would probably num- grill and bad food in the dining hall, sponsored by the" crew of the Good Team should be congratulated not students piled Intothe stately room ber around 500. ComparIng th1~ and hot cocoa after for cookies just goes to show you that this up- Ship Lollipop. for Its winning season, but for its the number of opinions registered start generation ts Immature and gilt to the campus. The team has hearing an excellent choral rendi- In this week's poll , It would be un- unready to accept any amount of WithallduerespecttoSummer_ tion of Handel's "Messiah." Wes- fair to say that many students don't rea] responsibility." The above lin and Ortmayer, Western Mary- somehow improved the attitude of tern Maryland students always care about volc1ngthelr complaints statement saves you the errort or land had its firstauthentiChappen_ the students on theHilI.Thegames seem to have time for gala hot through a plausible or et Ieast aud- writing a letter to the editor. Ing last week. Amidst a whitely this year were exciting to watch. chocolate formals, but never find Ibla media. It's hard to figure out. The next GOLD BUG poll will be blanketed campus, a lew handsful Each victory was the result of a much meaning In such degenerate But then again, It's even harder to a popularity contest between Ron- of Whimsians braved the coli:!and team effort, and the usual gripes activities as Operation Bootstrap. figure out why theGOLDBUGwor- . and grumblings of the men in pads In the spirit of Father Christmas, ald Reagan and Shirley Temple. harrassed everyone who appeared were few and far between. The only drink a toast to the foresight and rles about it. Walt Michael Student Opinion Poll: Letters "New Style" Concern My dear Phi Alphs, Sigma's retes, and Delts: This is an apology, or perhaps a better word would be quaUtlation. best departments. What is Interest- At anyrate,IwoUid llketomakeone ing about this Is that Biology and thing clear. I like you - because In- B..~t. Dept:IIi" English were also chosen as the side everyone of your Jackets Is a " " two departments demanding too girl who in many respects Is pro- ~~.g Art lJ"d~r~,,,If,,d I)"pt: as 5~ much olthe student's time. bably more Uke me than unlIke me. One might ask, "Does this mean Hi~t Some ot you are my closest rrt- 46 that the best department is the one ends, andI am so happy that through P~}.,.h & ~,,<. 2(1 that demandsthemostwork?"Bas-' the sorority you have found another No de'pt. !n""rriC'iC'nt !i;!;et~ir\,'~rr":'r1 84 20 ed on the repUes Inthepoll, the an- tie wttuotnar people at this college. But I hope that our ties wnt never swer is yes -- but not In the sense We"t. Civ. 11_ of busywork. be broken - - by us or anyone else. -ROTC 11 In answering why these depart- Since rushIng began, I have Oemanding too much time: ments were best, most students watched some of you come out of your shells, gain a new self con- ~~~t :~ ~.:~;P~~md~t:n~:c~~C:~sa~:~~~~~~ fidence., We all find It In differ- No Dcpt., 74 lab racntttes, good preparation for ent ways, you kn
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