Page 34 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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._:-H'! '(o~r ,I1}1" \ ""IV) ')I1-i (11(.1 ~' PAGE4THEGOLD-Bii DECEMBE-R 8,-1967 Centennial History Social Work Students ExpressRoomDisapproval; Cadet Assaults Professor Available for ap_ Girl's Dorm Petition Circulates posltlons, Paid summer proximately 8-10 weeks are avail- Following a great deal of con- members who could be Instru- has which By Theodore M. Whitfield Invited Fred G. Holloway. president able In social welfare agencies In troversy apportionment arisen con- mental In introducing them to in the new campus life. cerning CUy and most Nov. 7, 1782 -- COLD WEATHER of Westminster Theological Sem- Baltimore throughout the· State of the of girl's dorm, a petition Is currently 4.) This action does not allow counties INCREASES LOAD CARRIED BY Inary, Westminster, Md_, to be- Maryland. being circulated In both women's forthelncomingsophomoreswho MALE STUDENTS -- Anticipating come president of the College. All jobs are under the supervt- dormitories. have yet to join a sorority and are the further drop In temperature Fred G. Holloway Is a graduate slono! trained social workers and Residents of the dormitories not classified as independents, normal to tbIs time of the year, of western Maryland and a member Involve actually wor klng wtth peo- will be approached Individually 5.) This action would Indicate that the Faculty today ordered the male of the class of 1918. He secured ple and their problems. The stu- and asked to read the paper. Those friendships Inthedorm are based students who contemplate heating his Bachelor of Theology degree dent, may work with individuals, who wish to express dissatisfaction on sororttylines,androommates their rooms to give attention to the with groups, with the community, with the sltuatlon, which has been who wish to stay together must matter of bringing wood and coal to or with all three. He maybe work- presented by a few members of the both either be independents or their rooms. It seems this service Ing with children, teenagers, and administration, may sign. both in a sorority. Is provided for the young ladies or adults c In addition, all students The petition Is as follows: 6.) This action might pre-empt of the College. attend meetings and field trips "As we understand It, the new action by a sorority to monopolize Nov. 16, 1871 -- SPELUNG MUST which provide career information girl's dormitory will be restricted the FAC as a wayofrushlngfrosh. IMPROVE --The Faculty,dlsturb- and exposure to the many dtrrerent to only freshman,independentsand 1.} This action contradicts last ed by the poor spelling shown in areas in which sociatworx ts prac- selected upperclassmen in FAC. year's potter of scattering fresh- recent requests from stuoants to Requirements for applicants are: I.) This action would eliminate men spaces all over the dorm. be excused from compliance with 1. The applicant must be attending the unique rapport sorority mem- 8.) Finally, this action serves rules of the College, took a firm an accredited college and be plann- bers can maintainwlthfreshmen almost as a punishment to sor- stand today. On motion the Faculty Ing tc entar the junior or senior and Independents, which now ser- ority members. ordered that no request would year of college in the faU of 1968_ ves as away ofexposingfroshto We ask only that these arguments henceforth "be entertained In which 2_ The student must be 18 years respective sorority systarns and be considered before the administ- the spelling Is incorrect". the system In general at Western ration makes Its final decision con- of age or older, but students older Maryland. cerning apportionment of the new Nov. 19, 1934 -- DEATH OF MR. than the usual college age are wel- 2.) This action would make the girl's dorm. We feel that since we STONE -- The Cotjege community come to apply, Independents a separate group all have expertenee in the situation learned today of the death last night 3. The candidate must be able to something along the Jines of a as. It stands today, and have had no! of Harvey A. stone in his home in show that he or she is truly seek- sorority, major problems, aside from per-· Westminster. For nearly halt a Ing to test a career interest In 3.) This action would segregate sonality clashes we .are probably century Mr. Stone had been anem- social work. rresnman girls from dorm con- the best authQrIJ:y, and thua.we atr ployee of the CoUege,most recent- 4, Students whose home resioence tact with upperclass sorority our opinion." ly superintendent of buildings and is in Maryland and vicinity will be grounds. The body will lie In state given preference, In Baker Chapel lor two hours on President Holloway plays his The application closing date is Feb- Thursday. Prestdent waruwtlj con- part in the war eHort by till- ruary IS, 1968_ For application duct the Iuner al service. ing a "Victory Garden" be- blanks and further information, It seems particularly fitting that hind Carrollilall write or phone: Mrs, Ruth C_ Sch- - Mr. Stone was able to witness the wartz, Director, Summer Jobs In development on the northern park in Drew Theological Seminary. Social Work, Health and Welfare at the campus of the park named After service in the pulpit, he torn- Council of the Baltlmore Area Inc, to honor him. Harvey A.Stone Park ed the facultyofWestmlnster Theo- 10::;outhSt.,Baltimore,Md.212:02. will remain his memorial. logical Seminary and five years Phone 301-752-4146_ elected Nov. 21, 1872 -- OooRS DISTURB later It Is was expected its that prestderrt, President COLLEGE LIFE -- The Faculty Holloway will take up his new dut- dl.rected dally inspection of the ,building "with a view to the attam- ies Inthe very near ruture, service of Holy Communion In Baker Memorial Chapel, Decem- ing of a better state of cleanliness Pres. President Holloway succeeds ber 13, following the Trumpeter Ward who Norman Albert and odor." Later It ordered that dled last September. Banquet. This has become a reports of weekly Inspections be read at Thursday Evening" Chapel. meaningful part of our Christmas Dec. 1, 1934 __ GREEN TERRORS celebration for many students and Nov. 21,1919 -- PROFESSOR AS- L::th~":.:.·'.!:P'::.'::.'":::t,::... ----....,1. _ SAULTED WITH IRON KNUCKLES :D~~!:nTE~r~~r:hi~f ~::~:~ __ A professor of the College was Maryland College defeated George- assaulted by a member of the pre- town University In the stadium In paratory school when the former Baltimore 13-0. The victory was Insisted that the cadet sit down and marked by the outstanding play of recite as ntr-acted.Jnstead of obey- Bill Shepherd who this year ran up lng, the young man wearing Iron the highest scoring record in col- knuckles attacked his Instructor. legiate football In this country. In this he was assisted by another Today Shepherd ran with the ball, student who shortly broke off the . passed to Pete Mergo and kicked assault declaring he was going for sllperbly.The game except for the his gu""i'CTOftUnlrtely-orderwasre- mud was a fitting end to a sea- stored before the gun could be used. son of 9 games In which VUia- We cannot report on the injury sus- nova, Boston College, Albright, tained by the victim cr me assaou. camouc University, St_ Thomas, Captain Richmond after Investiga- Bucknell, Mt. Saint Mary's and tion dismissed both cadets from Georgetown were held scoreless; the R.O,T.C. The Faculty suspended Boston lost 40-0_ West Chester both and dir-ected that they leave alone scored but went down In de- the Hill at once. feat 35-12. One may hope this assault was The victory tooaybrtngs to tbree not the inevitable product of the the years Inwhich Harlow-coached military training recently intro- Green Terror teams have been un- duced to the College and that there defeated_ wlll be no early recurrence of this !dnd of conduct, no matter whatlhe Carroll Theatre DECEMBER 9 KIRK ROBERT DOUGlAS 'MITCHUM j College Bookstore i • WlDMARK RICHARD 1 Wishes You l :rlllEIWIVl5I" I .1 ] DEC,10'lH2 • .llerr,Y Chri.'/III'" '. J and J WI/! i /I"PIH ,,,". } em i Jeqqfllt& l-
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