Page 31 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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CENTE:\,~IAL YE.l.R Vol. 44 No.6 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MA~YLAND DECEMBER 8,1967 Ensor To Report on Greeks Women's ,Council Assembly To Air To Review Code Study Findings The Women's Council of Western Maryland College asof yet has only Thus year's second commuruca- open to freshmen. Fraternities proposedandconsidered,buthas nons as semblyvscheduled Ior wad-, provide the only soctat outlet on not decided. nesday, December 13 -In Alumni the Western Maryland campus, Made up or rtoor r epresentattves Hall, will focus on the President's for off-campus housing, this deci- Committee on Fraternities. Dr. ston-maklng body has met just Lowell S. Ensor planstoreportthe twice. Animportantmeetingwillbe eommrttee-s Hndtngs; this Thursday, December 7th at Established two years ago, the Dean Laidlaw's. committee included members of The prime topic of discussion the administration and faculty as this year has been the dress code, well as an equal number of students. The group has been questioning Their purpose was to study the frat- whether the dress code should be ernity system as u e stxteo at wes- abolished, relaxed, or kept as is. tern Maryland and to report their rccw members or ODIC Dean Zepp. Dr. Achor. lIarY)' Collins. Although nothing has been decided findings along with recommenda- DOll Elliott and John Ileritage were jnducted into membership at a yet, relaxation seems to begetting lions which might improve the a recent ceremony the most attention. The relaxation situation. This entire action: was mar mctude the wearing of slacks precipitated by a petition calling ODK Announces to lunch, the ltbr-ar y except ongun- for the abolition of fraternities. days. and to and Ir'om hcme onSun- Although studies have been made and data compiled, no conclusions days. The question of who is to room have been formally drawn from the , At the euc or the last In the new dorm has been put aside research. New Inductees for the time being while the dress school year, the resutrs were gtven DR. REUBEN IIOLTHi\t1S.- .~ Chairman of the President's Ensor. to President code is being considered. The Dean was quitesurprisedtofindopposlt_ Observations maole by the Com- Comm moe on Fraternities Omicron Delta Kappa, the Na- team and received two awards in ion tohersuggestionofhousingonly mittee, however , include state- and those who choose ngt to join uonat Leadership Honor Society 1965 as WMC Defensive Player freshmen and independent girls in ments that there is no reasonable a fraternity face restricted SOCial _ :__31_"-:,"_"_"_'_'_'_tt_"_G_'_"_k_'Y,-'_"_m_'_"'_·~-=tt~"_. __ -:- ~~;ec~;~eg~e:e~;:cl~~~I';~:d~~;~~ ~n:t;:h:':~ i~~~re~~tl:l:~~~_ nights has also been proposed and A ts Conhnue th~~:Wo?~:~~ curfews on Friday tern Mar-yland College circle. "f h dent rgumen "" - • uer- 0 t e Stu en Life councu, of lack of security on campus. The C De!:e 1;:"~.f~eU~~~ ~~~l::::tea~~ ::~ep~::~~~~~tOfO~h:i~I~~~~e~~~~ ;:\\~/sngo~~n::~~:e:~~~~;~~i:;~:uU:; U . 'V'IC and tean of· 'h, Ch.-I ...- and Oncernlng ouslng • .. .....,.. en, He was a winner of the Felix Dr. William T. ecnor . professor Dean. however. has entertained the of the physics department. The stu- Woodbury Morley Memorlal AWard possibility of having a Senior Wing :~~ JHO~~r~e:~;~i:eS:Vespers Use ~~~;;d~~:i:~~, ~~nt:eW~::dd~~lm~Ti::~;~l~ei;s I:~~ A petition currently being crrcu- the present student bodyand to acco- The purpose of Omicron Delta Modern Art could decide their own hours. Iated in the women's dormitories In modate their wishes as well as pos- Kappa is to recognize leadership The Dean is llstentng to and con, Western Maryland College, con- stble , on nationaicampuses,andbybring- sidering all Sides of the present cludes, "We ask only that these One of the arguments presented in til~~~~:t~:ral\h:h~::~~t~~l~::~~~; .z:~N~~~ ~::~~~:~n~~~::i :~~u~:e ~::h:o~;ne~l~~S~~. curfew, :~i~i:~~~t~nc~n:~~:ri~: ~:re~:~~h:u::t~~o:e s:~:e~n~:~'~;:~:s a:t!~~ life create an organization which Hall at 4;30 p."". on Sunday, Dec- - cision concerning apportionment of parate group something along the will :~~;;ss em;:;ml~t'ic art stUdents under the Del~ Initiate th:;~:u~I;~:e d:t~;~nconce~nsap_ ~i::s::e~~::t::;:ti~~'s~~:;:~~~~- elected to the SOCiety from direction of :'lissEstherSmithwill New Tradition :I~::;:~~:hl~st:~~::u;e~~:~sc~:~ =:see:.~: ~:e:~ a;~!::i~hd:0'~; th~h:a~~i~: :~~{:~~ir:g~~:~:~~ :~~~~~:r~.C~~li::~I:~~o:~~i;~i:~~:d pleted by ne:.:tCall, several of Itsar- COUldn'tbe worse." ship ability by Scripture readings by DonS!out eX~l~~e~::~e~~r~:t;r~~~a~~eF::~1 guments can be aPPli~dtotheteSS~n- The petition's claim that "That Harry Collins, is a junior his- wtth musical background by tile day, December B trom 7:30 until ~~~llY:~:u~wapp~:~?~m~~r:to~~ (:~~~nfr:~Ul~h:~~e::~nr~~t:~~h ~o:\S~n~i~~~~i:;ls S:li:;C;re:~JZ~; College Singers and a stringquar_ 11:30P. M. scheduled f~rcom~leUonatthe same upperclass (fraternity) members of the SGA, and has held several Those students taking part inthe The event, sponsored by Delta time. In an InterVIew late last week, who could be instrumental In in- positions in his fraternity. He re- ~~~~l~:~~~~~~;,r~~~~:~;c~~~j;~~~, ~~;~:tu~::;'da:~~ss:~';h~~~~ede~~ r:::~do~h~:: ~~~~~e~~~i:::I~~~~~: :~~~U~~~!i:::dt~yC~::~~l!:~~o:~: ~~;;~ t~~eKe~~~·r~~~:~r:w~~~~~~ :~::~nsRI~~:~~~~: ,;~:~~I:,r~~~. ~~~~ W~I~I~~f~~:~f~~'s ~~;;ti~~ ::n ~::,:~I~;:i~~~;.ouSing in the ~~:~~~~ i~e~a~len~t~~e~~h~~US!~! a ROTC scholars~lp. Dave Turner. The angels are: Rob. stead of a dance. He confirmed that the housing In fraternity men are not doing this Donald ElilOtt IS a member of in Bowe, Susan Faulkner, Carol The Prodigals will provide the the new dormitory will be restricted now, and that they do not appear wll- Kappa Mu Epsilon, the National HarriS, Mary Ann Julia, JoAnn music, and the guests will join in to freshmen, Indepenct.ents and se- Hng to leave their roommates and Honorary Mathematics Society. He Lilly, Sue Mason, Elise Renshaw, the spirit of Christmas with carols. lected upperclassme~ ill the Fresh- room with freshman. has held many important positions Nancy Shirk, Cindy Treherne, The Delts promise that Santa may man AdVisory CounCil. Dean Robln- He stated that he will review the Including treasurer of his frater- Marty Twiner, LindaWlleY,and Pat even drop in since the Pixies are son ~tated that this policy was are- FAC appllcatigns to ascertaln that nity for twosemesters; drum major Wilkinson. known as Santa's helpers. :Iectlon of the opinion of the student no one frateruJ.ty Is dlsprOportlon- for the ROTC, co-chairman of the The Prelude for Sunday's pro- oody, Including the Inter-Fraternity ately represented on that body. This SGA activities committee. He has gram will be performed by the At the beginning of the evenine: CounCil, two years ago. Headmitted action woUld refute the claim ot the received several distinctiVe Brass Ensemble under the direc- sandwiches, COOkiQs_LSOS fruit- that U student opinion onthismatter petition that the housing policy awards. tiOl!of Mr. Carl Dietrich. The first cake, and beer will be served. At- has changed since then, perhaps dis- "might preempt action by a frater_ Senior JOhn Heritage served as portion 01 Vespers wtil be sung by tire is cocktail dress and suits. Tlc- cusslon shoUld be reopened. He nlty to monopoliZe the FAC as a co-captain of this year's football (ConlinlJed on Poge 12) kets are available from any Delt. is teo Ustentothe'oplnions of J way 01 rushing frosh."
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