Page 30 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 30
PAGE 8 THE GOLD·BUG NOVEMBER 17, 1967 Phi Alphs Dictate The I. F. C. Is in the process Bunky Returns developing the format for the rush- of to the "old" To Mass Chaos Memos From Formal lng and bidding procedures The points In question concern: possible return a system or rushing and bidding, or a Bunky the Magnificent "Lineman at Lee's" party after the Hopki~s' continuation of the "new" system of the Year" and "Animal For- game all week.Yourememberwhat put Into effect last year, or any ever" was coming home. happened the last time we had a possible combination or the "old" In that classic Bunky fashion, he party atNew WIndsor! Aschaplain, and "new" systems. made his first mlstakeo!thehour- I'm not going to stand around and Informal blanket smokers for all taacvereannr stepping on Steve It was too much for Bunky eligible men will be held on week Pound, who resides on the floor let ... 11 True, he hlmseU had ob- to take. nights by each fraternity during under the ping-pong table. "Gosh, literated three refrigerators, the first two weeks or December. I'm sorry, Steven. I didn't see you seven fire extlnqutsher s, and two preceded by an address to the eJl- there. I thought you'd be over of Frankforter's pens in one night. gibles by Mike Ward, I. F.C.Pre- watching t.v," Pound didn't even The second floor was engaged in sident. This informal orientation stir. He was thoroughly exhaust- a celebration of the fraternities to the fraternity system at w, M. ed after three hours of ssvcneuer- football championship, and when , C. will be held on the evening of rc ecstasy and 86 consecutive ping Bunk stumbled There into were Gray, the hall he watching "Countdown November 29 and each fraternity Carnival" relief. felt Do', tion -the pledges are au so lovely presrbent will be on hand to answer pong games inwhlchheamassed23 Getty, SUder, Eggers, Smarte, any gener al questtcns about frats r , 1. Start everything rcuiee-r» the and gracious that it works all by nilles. points. Bunky left the clubroom. Baker, and Cordyack, all the spring when you are elected - you itseu. He eyed the room across the hall second floor boys who had played can never start too early to re- 7. Worry about pleasing your sis- where he knew his brother-s were on the undefeated championship serve a hall in Westminster. ters -lheychoseyouknowingyou busy interrelating wttn coeds. But team which had helped Booky earn 2. Order the favors in the spring- would use imagination and good Bunky, not nearly as uncouth as the title of "LinemanoftheYear', it was mce to hear that 180hrandy taste - can you help It if they NickyNlghtwatch,declded it would With Bunkybeingonthesecondwith snifters were waiting Inthe book- didn't know you have expenstve be better not to throw the door two yet to go the gang went to the store In August. taste? open and turn on the light, ke!!;,and succeotng, returnedtothe 3, Select able and willing committee 8. Be nervous the evening of the The first floor was in chaos and second floor suite. Demoralized, chairmen - 1 never could have dance. Spend a lcyely weekend Frankforter was the cause cnt all. tattered, and now somewhat sober, been successful without mine. with that special guy and enjoy Bunky quickly sensed that Davewas Bunky dismissed any ideas of stay- 4. Get a good band early - if poss- the company of your sisters Ina psyched up about something. It ingthere and slowly trudgedupthe ible the Confederates from Yir- context quite different from that was "Fast Freddy", the pillar of last flight of stairs to home. ginia who did a beautiful job tnts of the clubroom. GBX conservatism, who corutrmed The entire population of the third year. Bunky's susptstons, "These guys !loor Wildlife Reservation was in 5. Order engraved Invitations and "Love In" PAA's Open Party have been talking about the "Night the suUewatchlng in delirious ec- dance programs early In the fafl, With the purpose of making s.o- stacyaspersonalilemswerehurl- 6. Be positive you can get into the rorlty rush less nerve-wracking ed from the window to the triangle nan earlytodecorate-arranglng for everyone. the tnterscroruy Anyone Interested below. Standing behind the drunk tables from 4:30-6:00 the even- Council is reviewing the present SIEGMAN'S mob, Bunky recognized his physics Ing of the dance was anything but thr ee-party system, TEXACO SERVICE In Possibly Forming A book his B,Y.D.'s, his suitcase -as enjoyable. The present system specifies they plummeted into the darkness. 7. Get the date on the calendar very three parties; one lar-ge one inthe The occupants of the room heeded early - open dates are rare. Try spring and one targe andone smau Westminster Shopping Flying Club the Warning of Bunkyvs ternpar a; to avoid the date of any away one in the fall. Under this system, Center ment and within 2.5 seconds the game. parties have tended to get out of suite was cleared. Bunky'sthreats Don't's control. Themes and preparations Westminster TI 8·3460 Please See diminished into a wimpar as have become increasingly eta- he crawled into bed and nibbled on TEXACO HAVOLINE David Weber a picture of RaquelWelch untUhe 1. :n~:~~h:o~'~~~a~~i~r;:i~~::.f~:: ::~a~e::~~.or~~:~ ~~~:'~o!~~ GASOLINE OIL went to sleep. ~:t:tr:~:s o~t~:ye ~:rk:n~~:r::~ :~tie~f~~tth ;:e ~::~td:~a~~;h~~: chlds!). end or rush, girls are exhausted 2. Get short candles for center- One proposal would retain the pieces. Hours of work burn in a three party setup but impose strict few minutes. .. !heS~e:' r:;::;:~~~~s ~~~c:~:~~ 3; =~;::t:.~:tr f:~~~~s ~~~~:~ :t; !~;~mo~:t'pa/t~ :~~I;I: k::~~~l~ 4. P~::~t ~~thal~;;Yfo~f ;~:~~;~~ ;;:atii:~r:~l ::o~~~a:~~~:~ ~l~ :~;~~~!h:t:~t :v:::eo~~rW:~I:~;~ ~~~r :~:~~~t~:r~~~ld have tdenti- 5. Make plans for cleaning upafter the dance. Many post-prom par- Ues wlll be held which no one Carroll Jheatre likes to miss -you'dbesurpris- ed who might show up. 6. Feel nervous about the presenta- Nov. 15-18 9CeIf;fo - War Wagon f nery Sta IOSTORE 19-21 Hour of the Gun HOME. SCHOOL and OFFICE SUPPLIES 22-28 47 E. Main St. 848·5553 Hawaii Westminster: Md. Jf!ljljflltJ
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