Page 29 - TheGoldBug1967-68
P. 29
THE COLD BI,X; NOVEMBER 17, 1967 PAGE 7 Terrors To Invade Hopkins Sportlight On Clark WMC's First Winning Season Since 1963 Mike Herr McGlaughlin,anout~ broken arms. Rick Boswell Arundel County Champions and The Green Terrors, after extend- Evler and Neaton are nursing . stronger as the Terrors continue to ron. John won All-County honors. iog their winning streak t04games standing sophomore linebacker, is The Terrors traveledtoBridge_ Who Is John Clarkj No, he is not Constantly harassed by Injuries with a 26 - 8victory at Bridgewater recovering from a knee operation. water two weeks ago and proved a senior transfer student. No, he Is since his h.1gh school days, John and last Saturday's 15 - OParent's Tomorrow's game could develop that the Randy v1ctorywas nomus- not next week's chapel speaker. was hoping for this to be his t1rst Day victory over the Invading into a punting contest between ~on by crushing the Eagles 26 _ 8, John Clark Is a senior tackle who year without physical ailments. Drexel Dragons, lace their sternest Cowan and WMC's outstanding pun- despite a sloppy performance. most of us really know as Natty As .far as football he was doing test of the year tomorrow atJohns "ter Barry Ellenberger 11 both de- Earl Dietrich and Bruce BOz- Bumpa. but In a eer : Hopkins University. Ienses perform uptopar.However, man shared the scoring bcnor-s, Tomorrow's game should be one If records mean anything, the Ter- counting two touchdowns apiece. ot the key games in the aneieot rors show greater team balance and The first touchdown was scored rivalry. Hopkinsls boasUnga great more depth than the Jays, and they by Dietrich on a one-yard plunge. season. The current squad, which have momentum Inthelrfavor.The The kick failed and the Terrors Is among the top five small college . Jays have the home field advantage led6-0. teams in offense and scoring, has and two superstars, plus the added Carroll YlngUng took the ball restored thelagginglnterestinJ.H. incentive to redeem themselves back on the Eagle's 11rstdrlvewlth football. Two lacrosse stars, Jim Kelly and Joe' Cowan, are respons- ible for the new record-setting football excitement. Quarterback Feely has come up from third-string to rewrite the Hopkins passing records. His 12 touchdown passes is an individual and team record. His lOOO-plus passing yardage has brought him to within easy reach of the school Tackle John Clark, a key cog in the Terror defense all year, wtu total offense record. His high pass- playa big part in terrorizing Hopkins. Ing percentage is Indebted to two fine receivers, Steve Latson and I asked John where he picked up' month he sustained a fractured team leader Joe Cowan. such an alias, and In the true Natty nose and facial lacerations that had Cowan's 89 points in 6 games is fashion I found out that he had miss- just about healed whenhisnosewas 21 points ahead of the old record. ed school on every November 15th hit again in the Drexel encounter. He's among the nation's top scor- from the sixth grade to the present One would hardly know by his ers. Cowan also leads the Bluejays because it's the first day of rabbit carefree attitude that John is ser- In rushing and pass receiving, and season. He's missed April 15th iOuslyanecOnomICSmajor.Heser_ Is considered the bestrunnfngback since the fourth grade because vas Inthe ROTC advanced course as in the MAC. However, his favorite that's the beglnntngoftroutseason. a second lieutenant and in the cut- occupation Is something he rarely Gang tackling like this enabled WMC to shut out Drexel 15-0 last John has performed outstanding- turaj program as·chlef of the IBM gets to do in the powerhouse Hop- Saturday. ly this seasonasadefensivetackle. Invasttgators, kins offense. Cowan's 41.4 punting At 6'0", 195 pounds he does not After graduation he is first average rates him as one of the after hawing to last year's Terrors an interception at the Bridgewater by a 33 - 7 count. 43 yard une, Bruce Boeman gafnsd loom as a defensIve monster, but going to ROTC summer camp and nation's best, but he has only punt- Bruce Bozman accounted tor the final two yards, after setting has managed to average thirty- then planning a two-yard com mrs- ed 18 times. both Terror touchdownsiastsatur_ the score up with a 31-yard heave two defensive points per game, a slon as an officer in the Finance This pair is surrounded by an day as the Terrors, In their tival to Roy Brown. Jerry Borga car- good job in anyone's book. Corps. aggressive squadwhlchhasamass_ bema game, -oereetee the Drexel ried the ball over for two on a In high schooj , John lettered two His last game as a Terror tackle ed an exuberant 460 yards in pen- Dragons, 15 - O. busted conversion attempt and gave years In track, two years in base- will be played on a Saturday agatnst alties while winning 5 of 6 games The first score came on a seven the Green and Gold a 14 _ 0 lead. ball, and four years in football. He arch-r-ival Johns Hopkins. This a this season. The Jays defeated yard pass to Jerry Borga.. The The defense let TerryWesthaler and Dickinson 52-6 last Saturday, was football captain ortheAndover victory that John feelswillprovide on the previous week they smash- touchdown capped a 63-yard drive get open on the first play of the Archers In h.1s senior year, the the biggest thrill of the season for that began with Carroll Yingling's second period, to score a 75-yard same year that Andover was Anne h.1msell and the team. eighth Interception of the season. catch-and-r-un touchdown. The Bozman completed only 5 of 12 Footsteps From The Past passes, but each completion count- Eagles also picked up two extra 14 _ 8, points to make the score ed. Two of these came on third Western Maryland. downs In the initial drive; both Mlke Elliott ttcnat League with the Boston Red- were caught by Borga. Vinnie Festa Every Institution has Its days of skins and Harlow was at Harvard. took over the place kicking chores glory with its dynamic hero. So It' Shepard also played basketball and accounted for the Terrors sev- Is with Western Maryland. U's hero and baseball for the Terrors but he enth point. of oneerawasWU1am Leroy Shep-, was only average in both. As third The final score ot the game was arc. baseman he struck out too much. On set up by an 18-yardpassfrom Boz- Bill Shepard was the greatest the court he was a guard. man to Borga. Bozman ran the ball football product in the glorious But footbaUwashisforte_Hewas over from 2 yards out. Borga took Harlow era ot Western Maryland a triple threat wbowas uu-ee ttmes a pitch from Bozman and completed football history. He stili remains All-Maryland before going on to a z -potnt conversion to Roy Brown the epitome of grid excellence in bigger things. Coach Ron Jones on the option. Green Terror annals and was the He was the star crtne 1935 East- ed defending MAC southern dtvt- The Terror defense moved for- greatest football player ever to We~tShrinegamelnSanFranclsco, ston champ, Swarthmore 53 - 13. ward as often as the Drexel ctrense play for a state college. and 32 years later Is stIll ranked Swarthmore was beaten just as In reglsterlngthelrflrstshoutoutof Shepard was the ch.1ldof an era as the all-time AU-East left half- handily last Saturday by a hapless the campaign. DanJanczewskl gave that might not be understood In our back. PMC team that the Terrors defeat- his best performance to date, and institutions of higher learning to- In those days the All-Starswere ed with relative ease. The Blue- Paul Mullen also.stood out. Earl day. He was rough, tought, and selected by fan vote. Shepard not jays only loss was a 48 -22drubb- Dietrich sparkled as dld'John Clark. crUde. He had only a vague acquaint- only was voted to the team but ing at the hands of Randolph _ Dietrich, Mullen, and Carroll Ying- BOWL ance with his prolessors and text- earned a starting role and pro- Macon.The Terrors faced the ling pulled down interceptions. The books. He could have had his choice ceeded to give an inkling of how he charged up Randy team aweeklater defense has gotten tighter and With of any girl on campus, but his first would be a star in the N.F.L. and sent them home with a 35 _ 3 and foremost love was football. and an All-Pro his rookie year. loss. Chief BUI was recruited by Dick Har- The Chicago Bears beat the AU- The Terrors have prepared well low and was the apple ofthe coach's Stars by only 5-0, andShepardwas lor The Game. TheyhavecompUed eye. Hestarredlneverygameashe the Collegian's top player. At the a 6 - 2 record and have only been Pokomok.e did In practice. He thought nothing end of 59 minutes Shepard left the outclassed once, by Hampden-8yd- of running over both second and lteld to the thunder ot a standing ney. Coach Ron Jones is expecting 1irstteams. ovation. a healthier Terror squad to face the Tenpins He won the national scoring title with 133 points in 1934 a.ndwasthe Alter the An-star game Grant- Jays. Joe Anthony and Pete Markey Flowers For WESTMINSTER maln reason why the Green Ter- land Rice, dean of sports writers, will be available, as will Jim KIng LANES rors, RJthough tied once, went wrote that one of the .!:lggest over~ i1 needed. Roy Brown bas proven Any Occasion in the'Shoppinc Center through an unbeaten campaign, was sights of the year was in not nam_ himself a first string end In Mar- Students _ Until 6:00 p.m. ranked twenty-second 10the naUon, ing Shepard to the All-American key's absence. Markey will be able ,114 Pennsylvania Ave. $1.20......3 Games and first In the East. It was Har- team unanimously, adding that he to back him or play any offensive Includ.Jnc. Shoes low's last year on the Hill. The was 10 all ways of All-American or defensive poSition tomorrow. 848·9350 Mol1, - Fri. 848-6570 next year Shepard was In the Na~ calibre. John Evler,BIllNeaton,andPete McGlaughlin will miss the game.
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