Page 28 - TheGoldBug1967-68
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"r )'--W 7 II" .PAGE 6 THE GOLD BUG NOVEMBER 17, 1967 Booters Finish Season With 4:6 Mark Loss to Hopkins Is Fourth Straight 11.. L..·.I ...,. Frank -~"'Br~ __ " ~llQ_r-,~S Only the measure of one penalty I Gonion Shelton I kick prevented the Terrors from - ' .... ~' reaching the .500 mark this season, as Johns Hapldns used that penalty , kick to turn back WMC, 2-{),lnthe The depth Is one of tbe mcst Im- . ance w~s n~hlng to wrlt~ home season flriale lor both teams. portant yet least appreciated rea- about, Improvement ~hould come The ltrst period of the game last tur-es of our vastly Improved Terror with age. It also should helpthe Tuesday was dominated by the play football team. This strength can track team develop some new long of flne Blue Jay left wing Art best be show-n by the injury pro-> distance runner-s, Guerin. Repeatedly Guerin charg- blem. Senior Joe Anthony has' Wt1o~ouldyousaylsthebiggest ed the nets, shootIng from all missed the last twogamesandmay WMC sports fan in the country.or a.ngles, but a series oIflne saves miss Hopkins because of a bad even the wor-ld? Sgt. Major Lan- by WMC goalie arn Schwindt pre- shoulder. Fellow eastern shoreman caster? Kay Cobb? Eddie Crans- vented him from scoring. For Tom MavltyhasfllIedlnbeautifully. ton? Judging from a letter posted their part, the Terror boaters Pete Markey became separated in the locker room, none of these were finding it hard to break into from his shoulder against Randolph- can hold a candle to Jim Llgor, "of scoring territory as the Hopkins Macon and hasn't played since. Corvallis, Oregon. A few exerpts fullbacks combined to form an al- Sophomore Roy Brow-n rose to the from this amazing document shOUld most impenetrable line of defense. Senior fullback Jim MOlTison thwarts a Loyola shot at the goal. occasion and has done so well that prove my point. "1 have followed In fact, during the entire opening This game was the last Terror home contest. rumors are hewUlstart at offensive athletics at the South's greatest period, Hopkins' goalie Martindale end before Markey tomorrow, Pete University for most of myiife, and did not have to rnake even one save. missed from in close. A few min- fortunate Incident resutttng in will play defense. McGlaughlin is you have always been my favorite The Terror roundballers began utes later, Bob Tawes was called TSC's goalie being expelled from out with a knell injury and Paul team •••• .send me a photo of your to move the ball early Inthe second off-sides to kill an excellent scor-. the game, when he greeted Bob Mullen ably replaced him against great superstar and my favorite stanza. Fetgetsones shot with five Ing opportWuty. Taweswith a right cross after tbey Drexel. Injuries like these would player, Vinny Festa •••the greatest minutes gone In the period was But Hopkins was moving too. had collided. Alan McCoy, Larry have crushed last season's team. player in the world. I would like blocked by Martindale. andarson With four and a half minutes left Anderson and Bob Speth were es- This year, they almost go unncttc- to frame his photo so 1 can look at I get." eo, Jeanne chance every pecially impressive among the Once again this season I wUl It Black did not write this, either. Terror wings. The defense, led by stick my neck out and pick the ViIUlY has announced that he will Norm Sartorius and Rick Coburn, Second Annual Goldbug Intramural sign autographs between 3:09 and helped goalie Schwindt to limit. All Stars. On the defense we have 3:17 every morning, so long as the Towson to one shot at a Ume and tackles Phil Weust and Tom Cheno- moon Is full. . ten shots in the whole game., weth; ends Jim Benson and Jack On the whole, the season was an Baltzer; linebacker, Mike Ward; eminently successful campaign. halfbacks Gregg Getty and Larry The four wins represented a 400% Suder; safety, Jim Hartsock. Fac- improvement over last year-s wtn- ing this awesome octet there's less skein. Although the boaters quarterback Mike war-d.rblocklng failed to achieve a winning season, back Jim Palumbo; ends Larry they can say with confidence, Suder and Gregl "Getty; flanker- "Walt 'til next year!" With only back Barry Teach; center' John Coburn, Morrison, Speth, Resau Haker ; and guards Jerry Tegges and Richardson being graduated and Bunky Berry. These names will this spring, the nucleus of this be entered Into the national poll as years flne squad will return next soon as possible. year for another shot at that elus- Would you say that WMC needs tve rabbit, a wlnnlng season. a crosscountry team? Would you believe that we have a crcsscoun- ·Norm Sartoruis and Jim Morrison combine with goalie Gary' Women's Hockey try team? It's true. A squad .under Shapiro in a vain attempt to stop a Loyola goaL the direction of player-coach Rick of the half, Blue JayWes Baehur A 3-3 e~~uf~St::~:on record Is ~~~~i~::,ndwc:;~;~d~r~~I~rilra~~ Shooters Show split the nets with the first score of good evidence of the comeback ~e~a~~~:e::t :e~ta~ra~~:! e:;:: BIC'Srugged pair of the game. WMC came right back, but Martindalestoppedtwothreats. :~:, ~~n:::eln: ~1Csl!::l~ta~~c~l~ Saturday Although our perform stick pens wins again Inexperience Finally, with twenty seconds left in fall. TONIGHT! against ball-point in unending war Bob Tawes deflected haU, the a McCoy In-bounds pass Into the After suffering defeat in its first skip, dog and smear Despite horrible Bob Cartwright nets to knot the score. two outings, the tide turned to vlc- Th. Varsity· Basketball punishment by mad tory when Western Marylandfaced If you've been out behind Gill The second half opened with a Notre Dame College, who bowed to Squad Takes On The Breath. scientists,Dlcstili Gym on practically any given week flurry of Big Green shots at the the Terrors, 2-0. WMC controlled less Stars Of Yesteryear writes first time, every night, you've probably heard what Hopkins goal, as McCoy and Speth the ball throughout the game and In An 8.:30 P.M. Scrimmage time. Ana no wonder. sounds like a vicious firelight _ repeatedly broke loose for a shot. was much more confident after see- At Gill Gym. Dlc's"Dyamite"'Bali that is, if }'ou've heard anything at One McCoy shot split the nets, but ing that long-awaited first goal is the hardest metal all. Once again the rifle team has an olf-sldes penalty called the shot slammedintothecage,breaklngits made, encased ina begun. practice, this seasonfeatur- back. Senior Co-Captain Rick Co- scoring slump. Sarah Lednum, solid brass nose cone. Will not skip, clog Ing one of the largest and most burn, playing his last collegiate playing left Inner,was responsible or smear no matter enthUSiastic freshman tryout soccer game, was all over the fIeld, for both goals as the team started WTTR what devilish abuse squads In memory. jumping so high that hewas out- on its winning campaign. is devised for them The team's coach, Sgt. Major hedlng everyone else. Hopkins With one win under Its belt, a by sadistic students. Grady Lancaster, has been faced wing Randy Miller converted a pen- step-up in the team's play was AM·1470KC Get the dynamic with the gradual loss of his ex- alty shot after time ran out of the evident as Western Marylandex-. BlcDuoatyour perienced shooters over the past third frame for what proved to be ploded lor five goals In Its next FM-Stereo campus store now two years. As a result of this, the game-wlM1ng goa.I... - contest whUe holding St. Joseph's --- he will attempt to bulld around a The fired-up Terror round- College scoreless. Again the Ter- nucleus formed by high scoring ballers repeatedly threatened ror sticks dictated every play co-captains Gordon Shelton and throughout the final quarter. but while pasing a constant threat at WESTMINSTER Jim Morgan. Other veterans In- Martindale prevented any further the opponent's goal. Kathy Moore, clude Juniors Gaye Meeldns and scoring with some great saves. playing left wing and center forward, MARYLAND Jobst Vandrey who show-ed much The team would like to express its contributed to the scoring during promise last season. gratitude to the five Terror coeds the first half, pushing three balls There Is some doubt, then, that who braved the cold to come tothe over the goal line, while Karen this year's team will measure up game to root for their team. Ing the second hall, drove for two ELDERSBURG Powell, playing center forward dur- to the great teams of the recent A week earlier,theroundballers past In performance. However, the had dropped a close deCision to more paints. team's spirit Is high. Towson by a 2-0 score on goals by A fired-up team traveled to Hood RADIO So far, two matches have been Golcoelea and Johnson. The Ter- College to try to balance Its record RCA VICTOR scheduled against Loyola and Mt. rors dominated play In the first at 3-3. After aquickgoal by the op- DUMONT - EMERSON st. Mary's, but both bad to be pos- half, but Towson cashed inontheir ponents, Western Maryland stopped Radio Berriee poned because of schedullngdlf. few chances, converting two oj the HoofoflensewhileCarolJesatko Fast 185 E. Main ficUIU.s./ This year's schedule their Six shots at the goal. Despite and Sarah Lednum pushed the ball TI 8-1066 should be much llghter with an the loss, the Terrorswere impres- into the cage for three points. The active season of about three sive, playing an exciting, aggres- 3-1 vlctoryendedasuccessfulsea- Eldenburc Shoppiac CeDter months as has been the case in re- sive brand of soccer. son for Western Maryland women's 795.0210- cent years. The game was marred by anul!- field hoeke.y.·
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