Page 64 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 64
E)The Gold Bug, Apr. 22, 1966 T~~,if~~~t!~~~~~~~ed~~~~~!!'!!~~fthe Why We Look Like Dogs; Or Who Has a Bone To Pick? position paper on fraternities is being balanced by some healthy by Chaff labs in Bio. 101, just what does also lose your life if you depend have something of common In, and positive signs within the campus community. With con- Education is as important to this word "starch" mean to you on the dinin'g hall. And since terest to talk about. The next' scientious and sustained interest these positive signs may develop the stomach as it is to the mind. the hungry student 1 Do you you are so poor, and not able to time you have the pleasure of into a COl\structive alternative to the present situation. As cited in College Objectives, boys wonder why WMC girls dine at Benny's daily, you either sitting next to the sanitary food Not only have some rational and intelligent ideas been dis- Page 4, IV, coJlege catalogue hide in their rooms (except to submit to the fat or starve from disposal system (barf bucket) cussed and exchanged by students on campus, but a petition ask- WMC wishes-"to prepare men go to meals, of course, because meal to lousy meal. The picture as you gorge on bread and but- ing that the fraternity system not be abolished is being circulated and women to be healthy, well- one wouldn't want to miss such is not all deep-fried, however. tel' and dessert, remember to be and made available to the students. Although somewhat barren adjusted members of society." important events, followed If the food were good it would thankful for what you've got. .in substance, it reflects a viewpoint of many students. Look about you, fricnds! Does intense and limit our scope of WMC petty People are starving all over the President Ensor has expressed authentic and serious con- your neighbor's stomach growl intercourse at gripe topics and allow us to pur- world. cern. He is personally taking steps to clearly see the depth and in fifth period class? Does the they supplement we more enlightened topics in "Men seldom, or rather, never nature of the controversy by talking with students and professors. boy b?hind you belch from in- Barney Rice's incom.c) ?' our conversation, and ~iT_lce~ve for a length of time, and delfb- ~p:t~m::o:~~e:~:~ fss~oem~I~~ ;:w:~::~~e the system is ~~;:stl~~~te~t~~~tO~~;,oo~~C)t; ~~~s~a~::e ~~:t to :~~rs~~~~~h~~~dit f~r bec~:liord~~1erately, rebel against anyth~ng I It is desired in different corners of the campus that a critical How many. semester hours non, to their faces, figures, and concerned to continue complain, that does not deserve rebelling examination of the fraternity system be made. The purpose be- credit do you have in Grille 1 by the vitamin-deficient ing about food, so that we can against." -Carlyle : ing to study this facet of the college life with a new openness. Do You Have Diet Problems? wholesome diet th Openness between fraternity men and those people who signed Perhaps our apparent bitter crams down our the position paper. Also--openness between members of dif- sarcasm is due to writing this just remember that Gosnell Holds One Man Show rerent fraternities. upon return from a highly ob- for the same reasons. As a generation-regardless of where we stand, we cannot noxious dinner. If you ate we can conclude that this shut off discussion and debate about issues of campus life (the moderate portions of every- attendance is so poor at Features Realistic, Abstract cancelled symposium). To paraphrase Sorensen, a campus vibrat- thing you were "served," you and assembly programs. ing with controversy is better prepared for its reaponaibilibies probably consumed 1500 calories Yum! Yum! Eat It than a campus locked in complacency. ---almost twice what you would How can you Christines Iston, It is necessary to re-emphasize openness between people who get from a day's portion of bal- improve your hold different points of view. A substantial degree of objectivity anced-diet Metrecal. This is a figures so that must be reached and maintained because a person or a group who lot for a girl of 110 pounds, be- to date you 1 In an is totally subjective will destroy constructive and creative alter- cause she must consume TIOmore the Baltimore SlIn a short natives-whether the alternatives are strong internal reform, the tha.n 2~050 calories. in order ~o back, you are told that removal of the system, Improvementof a curriculum, redesigning mamtam her weight, 'I'his should "simply go over a college newspaper, stoppage or escalation of the war in Viet 11!eansshe can have dinner and eating habits and eliminate Nam. I do not advocate a soft-soaping on one's position, or the SIX C.okes and n? mOr?, unless and sweets such as desserts, loss of identity (especially in a study or rational discussion) sh wls?es to gam weight. In sugar in coffee, bread and but- ;~~t~~r hOa~eei: as!~ao~~:~!~~c~aer;;c~no~~~;p:~e~~eo~:a;~~C!:\~:;~ ~\~~hlu:~~~:~:e~ t~:~~ei~~;ts~~~: ~~r,p~~!t~~~:nn~ancasl~:~~~h~.~~e~u~~ o resent against a wide sky. ' " meal was rather high in starch you cat mostly lean meat, fish, The realm of criticism--can be a healthy one as long as our content. - eggs, green vegetables and fresh motives and actions are constructive. To abolish the fraternity Who Likes A Starchy Girl? fruit, you should lose up to six system at this time would obviously put it beyond the realm of Now, remembering pleasant pounds in two weeks." You will ~~i:~~~~~:~~r:iJ~:a1 t~:uJ:·e:;n:hccos~t~~:~~O~d d~~s:\;~I====""",====,k======== Someliody Up There? !~:e:::t~reni!~p:~~~~cc~~~~~e \~~t~~e~;~J:;it;ri~~ci~m~U1~b~:h:~ issues. The study appears to be the vehicle to the constructive alternative. The study would not just be dedicated to determining whether the system is good or bad. It might concentrate on/the E t r S bolizes Life ~:v~~~~~;, ~hi~~ ~~~~n:~i~~e'~~:r~ ~si;!::a~n t~:~P~:f;:;ni~~:;:~ as e ym B~n~~~g~~\~here~ther of Mr. works are now the most practical alternative then that would come to pass. If Maryland College, \Vest- inga, water colors, and prints the study were to reveal that nothing short of abolition would be Wednesday, April were included. Mr. Gosnell t11e practical and constructive alternative--that would come to has experimented v.ith oil pass Position paper on abolition that appeared several weeks by Dea.n Ira. G. Zepp ~~:dtr~~~~lll I a ~~~:: t~I~~:k :~~m!;~~uaenJ:~:~ u~~d~n~s~n~~ The t ago called for a study of the systenL An examination by students Just as enlightened man and Roualt and' most at the A~~rrc~~e t~~~:~;rk tora~~~e fl~:~ %o%ne .fa~~; ::~ ko:~~~rs may be the only way the constru~~~cd a6~;~:~~es ~~I~~:~et~~I~~~~\h~a~ot~:I~e~~ ~~~c:,~~~n~~I:':ll::B:~~he in Washington, D. C., realistic paintings to abstrac- . ~~~~I~:t~~e~~o~~~I~,:I::~:~g~~~ surdity and demomc m hfe . ne~~:c~~~w was a l'epresen- tio;~~re was a reception for the Mact:=ta~t~ic~:~i:~t~o~r~~o_~~b~~~ti~r~~aen g~~~s~~!te~a~!~~ ~~~~.doom and gloom all ovcr mi~~ntc~ ~;Clllio r~::~~I:~~e;; ~::~~~ ~~:c:o~nngO;r~~~ i~e::;'I~\~!~~e~~!;~e1p~ila~~. 5 pm on • ~l:r~~~hec:~~;it:tio~~d:r:~CCse~:;a~e~~ r;~:c:~:~:ti~~dw~ou;~~; B~t it is not partic~la~'(Y '~~::~;r~~r~~i~nes:~~~;iO:i :~i~ Warning: Read Between Lines • were "totally bagged." See Walt Michaels and Sue Mason. creative and novel to recognize ~~~~ i~~l~:a!=~~;a/~ . fy with Donne's "'Tis by Ace to the individual." But an in- '1I1>1I"'lI1>rr..nne ft'TI'OIv.,r 1I'11,o....t's A t"'lI1>1It':It... ~:;~;'~~~ec~~~~:~cc~nnot "'b, '~I Jill:" 's ~ ,. rA I' I~, ." ••, IS It not appropnate to be is Recently there But have been dividual without a group behind voicings of dissatisfaction him has no social life on cam- "A pus. WMC. :ninded that fortunately Resurrection r,• .l "ft U I ~I rlnriS IIl1yS etween n nour 0 ulory ~ymbol of the possibility . is still one small voice in ~~~~~ll'eno~fha~:f~~neAa ::;:; Well, how's that for a. rosy tht~~e:!~~t~\i:~2 llleanin~ful history? With This Symbol. . . the College to job. The perfume is almost by Suzanne Pratt makes him so inspiring to his daughter's problems. Likewise, With this symbol, Christian- For those strong enough to quell sus- UnJike the noble bisque fig- students, confines him to a very Roger, The Ives' son, is too ity straightened out the pessi- . will present the pieions the alert applicant ures of ciassicalliterature, Rob- low rate of actual productivity. young to understand the com- mism of the Hellenistic cyclical quotations. might have about this place. ert Anderson's more modern, plexities of the situation, yet view of the world and I Marylamd fac- Of course, if he doesn't visit, life _ like _synthetic characters Can t Break Away old enough to hate his father :nakes Donald Hall's is noted fOI' his and he's looking for a Utopia in are not so concerned with the Thus caught in the snare of for the injustices wrought in into a straight line hmn(l:nity." By college life, certainly he will "hours of glory," but rather his own dreams, he struggles his groping search for freedom. TJUrpose,and . choose \VMC--it's so liberal with The Days Between. This savagely and futilely to frec Matters are only made mOTe With in a 8mall college and individual-oriented. Just current production, at Center himself. In his panicky obses- difficult by the intrusion of a alwa.y§ joy, a desil"& to aS80ciate Tight. But then again, maybe Stage through April 17, is a sian to unshackle himself from writer-friend of the family of uemnation with acquittal, 1vith stlldenOs." How the brochure will attract some compelling character study in his present rut, he becomes al- whom Barbara is very fond and kenness with wholeness, cool students. Maybe the col- modern dress which begrudg- most inhumanly cruel to his David extremely jcalous. ~ with grace, and scparation one i8 we/.l-tl'ained, cn- lege should frown on personal ingly gives way to melodrama wife, Barbara, her mothcr, and Unravels Reprcssions union. 1 ablntt ooueation and interviews. Let new students in its final moments. his young son. Barbara, in- As the play unfolds and re- With this symbol, we in tonch with the comc on blindfolded. \Vhen BoT!' to Los. stead of goading him on, knows pressed emotions and motives that there is nevcr a ' aud p1~bliea..tion8 thcy open their eyes, they'll David Ives, a college profes- her husband too well to collapse arc unravelled one finds that without an "up." In Cil'ca 1925. either leave the campus or sor, is a born loser whose only under his cruelty and loves him character'is a foil for all llliliation, there is . the. faculty are change it. l\f.aybe the brochure salvation is writing a second too well to renounce him. Mrs. the others as if the author, at vindication; in Bclwlarship, is a step in the right direction. book, whose completion and Walker, Barbara's mothe.r, the center'of a decagon of mir- there is in~ipient ability to It's a shame it doesn't include success seem as probable as watches helplessly .as DaVId rors played off one against an- every suffering; 1 to coun- direct quotes from students, Penelope's weaving. David, dis- wrecks her daughter's marriage othe~' until all were destroyed. tial healing; and in 8tude-nOs. If you can though. Somehow it all seems satisfied with his present suc- just as her own husband had de- Only by a contrived bit of ex- ity, there is latent appointment, that is. to be "old ha£" What college cess as an E.n~lish teac?er, st:oyed. hers long before. S~e position with the musty telltale . With this. s~'mbo.I, all the student body is Ve1'Y in its right mind would give , seems very ambitIous to achIeve mIght mvoke more sympathy lf odor of melodrama are the prin- ~nglessness. IS radlcall~ and never ea:clusive." such b r 0 a d generalizations fame a~d glory as an author. she were less self-centered and cipals given a dubious rebirth. wto questIOn. That 18, student body? about its professors and stu- Yet his soaring idealism, which more sensitive toward her John Shuck as David Ives though we are "hollow men, "Students stand together and dents ,vithout having something THE GOLD B.UG ==================~ ~e::;:ii;:~~tr~~~~;a~: Il~h~abt:~~ need n~~f:e;: :~~hAab;::~mper. ~~~fy e~h/t7~;s~na~n:.~ei dd;~~ ~~it~i!e~u.t:'o;:; s~~te~Vc~~ything WM
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