Page 63 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 63
Library --;estern Mary-la1).dCollege ~4t , eS"G_JLlster, .re , Selective ~nl~ fJug Litte Houston Service Turns Green Exam Rages P.6 Vol.))4. No. 12 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 22, 1966 Elections Near, A Time For Serious Decision Nominees To Pr~ston,BaldersonContend FAC Orientation I ForClassof'6 7Presidency Program Begins CampaignFor ForNewMembers S6A Offices Reverend Joseph M. a Catholic priest, wiil chapel on April 24th. Connolly's topic will be Roman Cathoic's Contribution to the Ecumenical Movement." After graduating from Loy- ola College, Father Connolly served in the Mar-ine Corps. He entered St. Mary's Semin- ary in 1947 for studies in phi- losophy, and in 1948 he entered the Pontifical Gregorian Uni- versity in Rome for studies in theology. Father Connolly was ordained in 1951. Besides serving at St. Charles and st. Gregory's Churches in the Baltimore area, Father Con- nolly is the Archdiocesan tor of Radio and nnd a member of diocesan Liturgical Commission. In 1965 Father Connolly par- ticipated in the television series the Protestant "Faith to Faith." He has done faiths.
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