Page 62 - TheGoldBug1965-66
P. 62
6 The Gold Bug. Apr. I, 1966 Hitchcock's March To The Sea Sears So'uth Weyers WomenCloseSeason Selection And The Select Hitchcock Leads Southern Coup ;;;:'·~;dt~;,~:;6"~~:::~~~:~:':Diamondmen De.lighted In Dixie Varsl "ty ·Evens Slate 4.4 Western by lVa/.t M"ha,' College misconception of our scholar- Maryland :~:;i!~ln!fP:~~~:n~~~elfon its se- ~~:.~ui~s~~~·ke:noe~~:o~l~~:Sa~~ While most of the campus turned with since Coac~ Hitch- mission office on the basis of took a well deserved break, the cock took over the reins four Our campus is composed of skill in one field alone. Ath- baseball team with Coach Fern years ago. :~~::1:00 \\:~:ell \~~:~::oeod~'i:~~~~~~~i~n~C:;t~~eOS~~~~:t~al;'m~)~Hitchcock in the, lead drove an~:de ~~ems~t~~~f~~S:nW~~p~~:~ passed 'I:ith flying colors all of ~~~:~~I~lC~~i:~en~~;~~n~r~i~~l~a~ ~:~1::1s.~~cc~osl~~~~te(~~I)on;Ot~;h!~~;~~~~ ;:~~~~, j~~oll~~ab:k s~~~~ ~~:ti~~I~~~l~~m;;i~hse:c~~~y \~~: Ct'~~v:~.inI~ m!:~s l~~~:i~~~~:~~ to.O~ l~I~~~e:~~,y;~~;ic playe,d;: ~~!~~s \~~l~ ;~I;.·e;c~:!~g ;~:u~!lda~~C:: :l~ ~!~e -: ~~~le;:l~~e that go to ~ul~~u~~n~g:~~~fe\~,~~~a\a\~n:~~ ~~; i~h~u~vi~r~e J~oh~nt~~h~~O~ . when volun~ers .The only .thing ~hat deter- ~~~.:~:~ i~~~ng~he T~::~ J~;~ ~:~'tXI~!~;,~:~';,erT~~nha~:~nu~ and ~ve were very ::unes wheth~r or ~?t. a ~tudent afoul giving up four runs in the chores are shared by Allan .Ing- . of school get.s t?at diploma I~ hie ac~- closing innings to lose 4 to 2, ails and Greg Getty, a promls- , . mea~t denuc Index. That diploma IS On the following day however ing freshman, Around the 1 I standards. III o\lr~ whet~er we, go al,l out ,~or the Terrors bounced back to win horn will be found Gary Rudi- I , school life. fO~1 years, O! ~eJeIY. go 3. to 1 behind the fine pitching cille at third, Larry Suder at ~rades were Important, w~I'k- tlu-ough the mO~lOns and hiber- of Ralph Wilson and John John- shortstop, Earl Dietrich and I~g after 3:30 for an or~amza- nate In the library. To th.e son, Phil Riggin at second and John twn of some ~\'?rth, wa~ Import- ones that go all, out, t~e ~l- Mal'S Hill College in the Cat'ey at first, With the excep- ant, and parttclpatlng.1ll sports, ploma has ,so~lethl~g behllld It. mountains of North Carolina tion of John Carey, the whole or at least suppor~lllg them, r~ the I,ltbetnate~ s, the, only WitS the Tenors' next opponent. infield is comprised of fresh- W<\Simporta,nt. It IS t.oo bad thmg behind the ,dlpl.oma IS the Fourteen hits and fine pitching men. Vince Festa and William that somethl!,.~ as meaningful bale wall on whIch ,It ,ha.ngs, by Barry Ellenberget' lind Jack Fanning share the left field as s.chool SpI.lIt has to be ac- ,Needless to say, It IS llIIPO,S-Bentham pl'oduced n five run position wl\.ile Gary \Vest, Gary p;i,;:·ii'",;i"··St~."di;,g'·F~;';-·ljL";;·:::·C;Pt;·;;;;.',j;;;Icr~~~:!:: t~:g:c~c:;o~a~~:;;~_ :~~\~vti~n;a;: o~~:.'s ;~~~~~':s ~~ ~i~oe~~nc;nat~e\:eex~t:~~~, ~~~~ ~uhra:sir~na;e~~~I~~tt,.Ji~~n~~et::~ ~====~_~~~~~=~~v' ;~~ i~7~y ~~vl~~ n~~~~'1ta\~: ~~~~e)'D~~~;i~hth~r~'~~~' ~~::; ~~~~iO;r~~:~:s~~~: ali~~tth~~~ Although at tilnes this year The JV, suffering from reach the library, only to put Rudicille scnmpering home in not least is Joe Anthony, the Miss Weyers' scintillating var~ same ailment, was toppled them on again upon e~tering the only run producing event of swiftest matI on the club, in sity sestet looked like they were 26. ~he classroom, thus addmg ~o t.he day as the Tenol's took it right field, courting disaster, they finished In the Morgan State ItS sterility, Be honest. Is It; 1 to 0, On the following day The season operier for Hiteh- the season with an even 4-4 log, Captain Kay Coleman, worth 2,000 dollars a year to the mound combination of Wil- cock's youthful, but well baJ- while her JV contingent closed their leading scorer belong to a. 1ibrary~ Such a son and Johnson along with 13 anced attack 'will' be tomorrow with a 2-4 record, man, spearheaded an by ltf1Ke Ward membership IS a one-way ticket hits brought victory to the here at \VMC against Loyola bO~n ~~tr~a~:i~ye'Sa~~m~h~ou;~ ~n~ni~~ft~n~~:n:~~r~aChine to a The fast moving WMC intl"R- ~og::l~~:~~g to;: t~O~~~d~~~iti~~~:r~:~l b[al~yn\~a:O44w~~~I";~ncig,0~I~:;T~:' ~~~n::;:~~~Si~~gf~ were totally outshot as the op- meager six points in the second mural play moved through the the day's, work done, while oth- 1 defeat, the first winning rec- their quest for a sec 0 n d ponents hit with uncanny ac- half and preserved a slim 34-32 next to final act of the year ers, real~ze ,that the. greatest Grd that the TerroTs have re- straight Mason-Dixon title, curacy enroute to both ends of margin: Offensively, the story with the completion of the vol- ~absfactlOn IS foun? In kno~- • ~ !~:e:~~b~~~7\~:~~~rt;~V~I~e~~~~= ~Vt~~G~nO~;be~,~ac'ke~~~kaB~;~:. leyball season last week. j~;t :~:tsta~~orrow s work IS For the first season in many, the track team's point ~go~~'~s;:!e~~mf~rd ~~tat~:;k~~ ~r~;b~~~~eol~'as~~~e:ro~e B~V;~~to:~1t~ngt~~~~~ ~voh~~~~~dt~~ ex~u:e a:i~e;~~~mP~;~:~::'n d;fe:;;~ ~:~~~~gt~U~~~~I:i~;l~·e~~oor~st~~c~~~:i~fmev~:~~:iS~~o~:~~~ h rna::~%~e in Blanche Ward the ?l~~t d:~t~~~c~~~nK\tfr3e; atl~,row ~~:~m;~mr::~~onca~~~~in:h~~: ~~~~:ssh~~~~e:~~ a~~~~~ic ';u {: ~~~d~:s~h~~n:il~~~:7:~n a~~ ~~~;, ~~~V~!v~ J~C~b;,H~:;~ varsity contest against Frost- In the season finale, Betsy sec~n,d, third, and fourth place suits bar us from Gill and rently on the injured list, in the mile, In addition, Captain hurg was a knockout. Both Horton led the forward line in poslba~s ahead of the favored Blanche Ward Gyms~ III the Charlie Wheatly will handle the grueling deuce, and fresh- teams were evenly matched and a balanced offensive attack fratermty teams. same respect, why must the ~~l~ :~~n~~~t o~i~~e~.~~~~~~who will probably handle the i~eu~~ft~;l~::t~~;:de~::~:~i~~~~ ~~~'~c;ri~iJ:~a~l:ste~~~~~l"~~, Ja: W;;,~~y C~~i~~~e: o~t~o~V~t~~~ ~il;:::ga~~p:~·~~~~tde~i~~ u~~~ L --' _l toriOtlS in the final moments by seph's. One of the best po:!l"_ crowd at (j and 0 the only unde- the same students to put on m~m~nllllmIImlrnllll1~IIIll1IIll~lml'mmmllmmmllllnlllll~immillmllmlll1mmm~lIInlllmmlllmmmlllllmmnlmnnmlIllUmlmmmlllllmlmmllllUIllllllM a slender one point margin 34- formances of the season on the feated team. L~ by a' towel'- pla~rs? Why must SOS choose s~~~ r:n..i'll'!l ~nort'S r"Le.I••'e ;~~n~:~alt~g~J~r~::~h:h~~(}I~ ~~t:~~!P~i:~S a ~i~r;:l~;~t~~ ~;b fi~~ll~~~:d,Of J!f~ke C~'~~: ~~lo~~mC}ff,r:;;li::t~~ns; JJ.I 'j ~J. the Terrorettes simply could last in a series of Ralph Wilson, Steve Blum, and must our ~Ime.. be monopohzed ~"H U"l~ not control the ball long enough defensive displays from the Dich Eigen, the Bachelors by petty blckellng between the Weyers' crew, an offensive splurge, to sustain ==================I pla:yed .a fine g~me of team co- ~:::k;~e ~~~~tm:fS\~eV~~lei~ proj- April BASEBALL SCHEDULE J',1/1Y 3 Mt, St, Mary's _ _...._.R the Union Street tutoring Spris'!Itime Is In The Ail,· 2 ...::.:= ~ OTdmatlOn, sett~ng up forward 1" ~v:~~e:o!~;'ket~~:r the ~~ h1;~W:::' :~td? e~!r~ ~~geh:;m~s t~:~eea~~ 1'3 WBL"'""IYt";hml~no::on..__...._....._.. - AAH. 1;'3) j~~~SsO~opkins These Close .~ Bachelors those kid gloves forever, Mason-Dixon behind IH~""y.'-e" B"o,r'Som':'II'!1 years, years sextet called Cbampionships are our formative was a fine frosh MO .. '0...••• ' _ I~~, .J the Lizards, who managed to meant to shape somet.hing more 15 16 American U, ... H A 14 Lycoming .__........ _.. H Catholic U, win six out of seven games, los- than meaningless, formless, ing only to the Bachelors, blobs. J9 Johns Hopkins ._A TRACK SCHEDULE With the, coming ?f spring, a, can be u.s~d to allow more men ~~~~ ~r::.:~~e~~;h';;'~~h~~~\ea:~ Te;'~01"~,om~ig~~es::'::~ '~~~~e;20 Shepherd __....__..... H April r~I~~~u~~~sso~a~c~ ~~~~;?t~r~s ~~O/b~~~~I,~f!:;s ~o\o~:~m~~~ :~::ndvaisn g~~: ~~:~g~t:~dr:;:. !~~tth~h~oople who count kno;~ 22 Ursinus ........ _ _.. _.. ._H 2 Lebanon Valley Well, at least, for the thir- slx~h posItion on a, weekly baSIS Tied f01" third were two m!lre means J"el:po~~~~ity~lett~~eans 26 Elizabethtown .._.. -...-...- H 1~ ~:~~~~ngton teen men on t~is year's .tennis :Vhl,ch should _.prOVIdea healthy f)"e~hman teams, the Solenodons devotion to something beyond 28 Franklin-Marshall - - - H 16 Dickinson team, the Sprmg does llld~ed JIltl a-squad Ilvalry, Moreover, and the Rabelasians, who, de- the self, It means being in- 30 Dickinson . _ _ A 22 Towson ~ . ::~~ b~;t~:~d ~~e a.r.~~~vb~a:~ ~!v~h~h!e;~el~n~r:h;:~~, s~::r~: ~~i~l~Sth:~~ldhignhot s~l~nbdin~~ ~~~;~~I.T~;'~o~~~v~~~~~~~!tew: (;ontingent of returnmg lettcr- the retur~l.Ing lettermen down ,a highel; than 4 llnd :3 records, 'lame, Green Bears, it's high Support The Green Terrors ~~:~ll~~ :e;eenIO:~~~g t~~en~~ ~~rng~~:hl~~v;l~~n~o~~e\~~;::~ Gamma Beta Chi finished t~m~ to wake up and crnwl out season oJener with hopeful an- secure the starting assign- second a~ong the fl"ate)"~ities 0 ;vour eaves. 1II!!lmlmIIIIIIIIlUmn~lmUml~mrnIlllUII~~nmlllllllllmUlm~~UUlllllmmllIIC~mllrnIll1II'IIUCmllllllmRmU~~imllllMrunllllll~!IlIm_Ulllllmlmllllltillllil ticipation-and with good rea- m~nts. The ~en starting are but fifth III league p_lay wlt~ a -~~=====",;,================== son, gOIng to be gIven a chance to 3 and 4 record. Right behind c.a~nd'~~11ca~;1i~et~r~~e~01~:n~! ~7.~ll;~i~~lnt{~~~e ;~~:nil~P~'~;~~~ ~h:~.d:\';l"~:~:e:l"~:;h:~~~ \~,7;h~ Christ hili, Danel Linton, Gray- to start, , . to Sixth place, The 8~chelor- ~_onWi~te~ng, Ch~l"li~ Schni~f wh~~epr~~i~esh~:~e ZU~~;h i~~~ ~~~~~~a aBet~~ng!~~er~;I:~elo;: In, an anns an rey. proved Terror Tennis Squad won only one and lost five, but ~':~h~~~a~la~~:; ~~~~n Bo::~ will. be Wednesday, April 13 were saved from ending up in thony Mazzie, Gilbert Nicklaus, agalllst Loyola College, ~~r~\t!l~~~o ~an;~~ ~~af!e ~~~ 0 Randy L~we, and Bob Wesley, mOl'e game than the BacheIOl'- se.ver~l wl~1start and the others The Student Life Council B€"tes and hence, had a lower ~~1~1t~l: ~~;ti~h: ;~~~~~classmen ~e~c:~s~r: ~~PI~~~t~O~:a~~~ winning percentage. 'Vith six men normally play- council. Sophomores and The season was Vl:ry short ing in a match, and thirteen juniors are especially en- but very colorful. Many par- wanting to be there, Coach cOUl'aged to apply. Wl!"ite a ticipants expressed a sincere Wray Mowbray is faced with a letter including your reasons interest in the sport and a de- rather pleasant dilemma. Us- for wishing to be on SLC sire to have more games per ually, six men compete in the plus whatever qualifications seaSOll spread ovel' a longer singles matches, and these same you h a v e. Applications Deriod, It is hoped that this men team up for the doubles, should be sent to Dr. Kersch- intense hlterest will carryover but this yeaT diffeTent men and nel' by ApTil 15. into the upcoming softball sea- I different combinations of men ~::::::::::::::~~::::::::::::::~ W1TR Phone 848·2848 85 W. Main Sf. Westminster, Md, 21157 AM • FM ANGELO'S ITALIAN DINING ROOM ~'.'kc;.j";;kj;'dk~~fu@~";:.;;.;.,.~1 I Ice-cold Coca·Cola makes any campus "get.together" a party. Coca·Cola has the • WESTMINSTER ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD ,tasle you never gel tired of ••• always refreshing. Thai's why things go beHer , MARYLAND COCKTAIL LOUNGE I with Coke ••• after Coke ••• after Coke. !- . L __J! ~d ...d...... ~_.,.of_Co<.·CoIaCQ,.p··lb,.. WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA BOTT~ING COMPANY
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