Page 44 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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2 The Gl}ldBUIj:, Apr. 27, 1962 kDiamond Nine Drop Two Crucial Contests . ~~Ycf Doubleheader Features Four Circuit Clouts The Edito2's' T · d I Ton Three Hurlers Succumb; - T ,. CIn ermen rounce owson , rL' BI' t ~/'t"eUOlJle,r events of the spring season is about to "come off" on Hoffa Field A, you read 'hi' of the most exciting sports ai ticle, 00' · R I j I~ n~ ,. . • .. .. Advance WIn ecor d T 3 1 JIIO men illS 23-hlt attack-mcludmg four -th. "Toit.t BowL" So. as ,",0", you finish reading this-c.tear on over to the gridi{on, grab a patch of ground, and watch the O spring gridders climax a month's drilling with one fierce, decisive Despite a thunderous contest. Wes~er~ h ~a~t~ndt C~nder- ingt~~ College .earher this ~~~ed~~b~~!~ba~re::~lh~ r:;J~a~l vi;~in~u$~se;in~t~~ a Pig~~i~O~~~~~i~;o~~~;~~~~~~c;.:~~!h~~I~:~~n~7~~~I~s~~O:l~;s~~ ~~~nt~ ~\C \:ith :I~ic~~~y' ~::~ mO~ari Schuele copped first in College by scores of 9-8 and 12-11, Wednesday afte~nQon. balls seems a bit out of place. But, the "Ton~t Rowl" is what you Towson State, here, last Tues- the discus with a heave of 116 Hoping to sweep two and move into the lead III the could ;all a post-season r~valry-,-sort o.f like the Army-Navy day, by 3 score of 72.50. The feet, and Ba~er romped in ~he Mason~Dixon Conference, the Ter~ors inste,ad ran into a fo~~~~!y~~:~~!~h ht~~ ~:I;:t i!to::ha~1 t~n:~n;h:~a~~e ~~yto~~~ g team's M-D record now reads ]2.0 yard high - h~rdles, .. with bat~erlllg:-ram assault by the Sho men which destroyed the pads ~nd have a go at each other. It's ~'oUgh becaus~ they hit 2-1. Kidd and Alperstem trallmg: then' three top hurlers. . . hard and play for keeps-s-and it's a rivalry because the "Starters" Freshma~ Ch~ck. Gr~y led To top off the afternoon s Western Maryland n.ow drops In. the openmg e~co~nter, are out to prove_that they belong in the number one slot and the the way WIth victories III the event~, Chuck Gray flashed .to to a 5-.3 record and wII.l hav~ a C.harhe Brown, Len BlseI~,an.d "Shockers" are out to upset the first strin~ and move up. a notch 220 and. 440 yard dashe.s, and the wu-e before the ~eld, to wm long ch.mb to get back into t.itle Jtm Pusey aJl blasted. CirCUIt themselves. The players with an eye on next year know that the a .sparkhng anchor-l~g m the the 440 yard dash III 52.4. contentIOn. dou,ts, b~t to no avali. The coaches form quite an impression from the results of this clash- mlle relay. Coa?h Did: Clow- Sho men J~mped off to a fo~r- a clutch tackle, hreak away run, or just a steady performance er, elated over Jus youthful ag- run lead III the first as WIth may well decide where a man will rank when fall practice begins. gregates' showing, acknowl· Netters on the Rebound two outs and a man on second, All told, it adds up to an interesting game. edges that ,thiS will probably be D ,1_ B ,L .AI. ,L. 8 1 t?e Y exp~odedhfor a dou~e, t It's hard to call the shots on Coach Waldorf, but, if things I t?e school s bes~~iCack /~a~ IlQtKetmen omU rrDSIJIR'IItOR _ ::.l~g~I::~la~d o:~~o~~~~ \\~~t1;-nln according to form, the team designated as the "StaT~erS" will ~~nce1957 when pos e. . Walter's Yfour-ba er with De- probably run a backfield of ~ol'y Confer,. A.lex Ober, CeCil Wals~, ' ~e:\~:e'Richmall scored a win Te~.~~:or~;;ni~ 2~!a~cor:~li~~; I ~:~~esfores~~rd~~~~ :h\~:sl ~~ ~1~J: Oil in the ~ttom of the ~~~b~~u;~e~e~1th;u~\~aet~~:;'el~fuu~;~~1~1~~~~~'~~~~~t,~~~;~,St~!! "in the broad jump, leaping trounced the visiting Shoreman come as he npended EngJes- initial fl:ame. . Starters will be dazzling with the long arm of the crafty Confer 19-9. He the only m~n from Chestertown, :Md. on burg from Washington College Then ~n the Sixth, the. Ter- and Ober's sprints off tackle. Still, the probable "Shock" back- fr?m WMC III the top three III Wednesday afternoon by the in straight sets of 9-7, 6-3. l"~rs ~alhed ~or three taliJes on field of Eric Wagner, Bob Shaw, Stu Abrams, and Ben Laurence thIS event. Jerry also took sec- lopsidcd .score of 8-1. Bill Sitter, however, had to Blsel's homer to go ahead 7-5. throws up stiff opposition. -Look for right halfback Ben Laurence ond in the 100 yard dash, which By sweeping all six indi- battle for three sets before ftn- ~ow\lvel", the l:ad was short- to be the "sleeper" in the game. He's extremely fast and slippel'y ~:~~'i~~o~)ebJ.o;~;l~o~~s~~ke;;~~ :~du\~~s~:~o~~:ta~i~f~a~Ui~~i~; ~~~ d~:;:~:~k~f 6~!~i-~~n~~i:~~~~tm~;?.'~::h~~'i°~co~;dOC~~~ ~~~ksWo~sS~~~:n!h~u~;~b~1p n:~~;ef?~ ;~~o~~a~~e;sli~~.d~:llf~~~ of 10.8, and the 220, won by into the final three doubles Likewise, "Bullet" Bob Price four declSlve runs on two hits backfields about even. Gray of WMC in 23.6. In the took the "long I'oad" to victory in the tor of the seventh; Pu- The difference in the game will be in the line play. It seems ning. with a heave. of 37 feet F& M Golf Squad ~:3. ~ubduing fourth Rohdie, 2-6, 9-7, ~~~;~l~e:~-Ot~eh~:::~:.u~a:~o~~~ ~~:r~~;s S;:~!~rJ~~~e;ll.:~,g~~n~~ko:h~I~~o~~~~:~:,w;~~ \~a~~mTa:~ ~~;!es~u\~it~!lJ~s!~~.e~rl~r t~~·~~ Playing man fot" the the margin to the final 9-8, but Jim Stephens, Mike Kindler and Dave Markey from left to right. 2% mches. The mile w~s won Terrol'S, "Hank" Shimizu came the n~x.t thl"ee PU&,hmen went And that's pl.enty tough! Still, the. Shockers, who pit ~Iike Sher- ~i~eMo~I"J~~~9.~~\~i~~r~C~1~~u~~.=Tears UpTerrors ~~:;u~fcto~~;t~ga~ns:u~1;~~~j!;' dO;;le~t!:;~;r. continuing their ;:~~' ~:~~j;,!~~e%,gi~~e.:t~eea~'n:~!~! ~~~c~i~:al~~~~I~'I;~tS~;n;:;~ ~I;:l~~.ta;;~; ~~~I:~dr~~a:'lsh~~= ite~r;~:~~r:nt[a~~f:~~~sllli~~~ ~os:J~;ig~;s l~eec~;d~~\ ~l~;:~~:~~~\ff ~:a:hinl~o~ead Ci~l~~:, ~~:~~e:I~~'gi~~o:~:S~~;~::l; :~.r Mike Sherwood and Charhe c,":er, proved. a dlffe:-ent story, last Tuesday and walked off mendous 6-1, Dave Martin first two innings of the second . At any rate, ~t should be. a clo~e one. Although the coaches ~;'~~iS~~eB~;ll O~~~~;?r:~ ~~~~ ~~i!h~e~~:;: ~q~~ v~~:rYGI~~~ ~~:,n~_~a~~~~~s.hiSR~~~~~:;to~~ co~~::;. Klein started and ~~Irt~~~o~~:e~:~k!~g~~e.t~~e~~~~~::st~~dt~\~ng~~eeC~~;~~::e;4_ih5~ g ~:~~)~~rO~n::4~~? wmmn . In ~~~~~;;, o~~b pO~~;Tfi~~~ ~~~ ~~eh~nd~;~~:~~"mQ~~:I~yDec:~~=~~S~~et;~~;~~~s b~~teadn;~:~~~ But you can never tell III one of these clashes. Ar~ Aiperstelll, pl" act I c.e George Fulton each gathered pletely shut out the Shoreman's and scored six times on six hits. leachmg at present, was m in a half point. Miller, 6-0, 6-0. With Moon Harrison on the good enough shape to '~in the Playing in the number three Assured Df a victory enter. mound, the visitors combined Westminster 1~0 yard low hurdles ln 27.6 position, -Bob "Big Daddy" ing the doubles, Terror netmen three singles, a walk, an errOl", BENN'S, INC. Laundry ~";~?s~aS~~rfl~~ndg~~~~~I~.T~~'~ ~t~~ceaill~:e:S;c~~~r~I~~n~i!J"~~~ r~'~::d~l~at~O~e~~vAft~~~oB~:'I:!l~ f;~h~ ;~i:~~/~~ :~e a~~o~; ~~~~ and Men's and Boys' 'Year ~ole val~lt was a~1:o;vson's ~x- ponent with his casual ap- and Shimizu had bowed in the Harrison blanked the Sho'- -Dry CJenning c.ept ~Ol ~~ S~hllhng s pl.acIng proach to the game. Rel~'ing first match, 1-6, 2-6, Bill "Old men :Illtil the seventh when Tuxedo Rental sec~~ . f dan ,,0 . d nB·ir e and a walk gave See (with complete accessories) ;von With a on "P.C." advice from IllS help- Reliable" Sitter and Dave l\Iar- two slllgies ll ~f·~~hl '6 880 ful caddy, Jerry Morse, Bob tin stroked their way to vic_ them one more run and a 12-4 MRS. BUCKINGHAM . lied c ee an I. Penn notched the lone whole point tory in straight sets of 6-3,_lead. However, the sleeping $11.00 In ~p~~:ivel~ec::in:n:fuI~~~~~ reo !~~le~V~~~~in~l~s b~I.~~iSlJl~~~~~~~~~~nT~: t~:'~~ed:~b~esQ~~~~t~ ~le~~~!.b~:tt:mo~~eth~g:!~e:;~o~: WESTMINSTER Tom O'~.ralle.y agail_l took Stu "Kidd" Abrams put to- easily defeated their Eastel"l\ seven big runs-but not the ty- STUDENT UNION SHOPPING CENTER fi~'st ~Iace l!l ~IS favorite, the gethel" an usually unbeatable Shore opponents, 6-3, 6-0. ing eighth-scurried across. BUILDING h~gh J?mp. HIS leap of ~'l~" combination of jlowel'ful drives On Friday, April 27, Terror Brown's thl'ee-nlll blast with :~;:~~~~~~;~~;;::~~~~ the rally, two out highlighted hIS second bes.t. ThIS IS and masterful putting, hoping to their even but w~s netters, lIas also the s~cond best In the M-D bested by the F "& M foe, who season's log, host a strong but it was destined to be H so fa)' thIS year; first jump is conSistently displayed tremend_ Amel"ican U. squad. black day for the Terror nine Tom's 6'%" leap against Wash- ous iron shots. ' Coach Looking to the future, prospects Bonsall sees brighter GO LOB UG' i~n~II:~oM~:;~~yb:n~o?n~~~ S~ht~ EVERHART'S Official .tudent new.!>~per of Weau,m team soon. Barber Sbop Patronize Our Advertisers ::::::::::::::::~~::====~=~ r~~t~~'~dnt~~~:~;~e~~~r~:~~~:I~i£I========= At The Forks ~,~~~r ~~:·~f~a"::hi3.·<;'~79.MarYland, ,Subscription Price $3.00 a Year ~ Priscilla Ord Carroll Theatre Editor-in-Chief Allen Jones Managing Editor Sun., Mon. Apr. 29-30 Samuel Case Rosalind Russell WANTED Business Editor "A MAJOHITY OF' ONE" EDITORIAL STAFF No,,'''' Editor _. Gail Allen Tu~~otr~~EY '1'0 lh¥. 1-2 ~~:f~t~e~[-;~~[";:;Edit,;;:"Dorothy Beck SEVENTH PLANET" Boy 01' girl for sUlIlmer job. Job Thurs., Fri., Sat. l\ta"y 3.4.5 includes editing newspaper and selling Wm. Holden Clifton Webb "SATAN NEV_ER SLEEPS" advertising for the paper in Ocean City. Person must be able to write and possess car. Write th4( Democratic Messenger, ._ Snow Hill, Maryland, giving details. COLONIAL DINING ~;~~er. Nancy !h0rou, Vietori. ROOM Meredith Ro- f~~~;t!:E~:~:n-nitlner ~~;r!I;':tgf.:r What's New in the Bookstore?? Mary EllenIie.l:!fan, 59 W, Main St. bart. JOY ""lIow ...y. Warren Jeli. nek. Helen Klein, DRrb"n Mouat, Rccommended by • Books, of course! Latest arrivals include s~ch exciting Mary L.... Nuttle. Suaan Sullivan, Shell. I-========~II }·rane",,·SybEl·t. Duncan Hines tilles as: "'The Death of Ahasuerus" (winner of the R~porte,.,.: Stephen Bay!y, R"herla Nobel Prize for Literat.ure); "The Nature of Commu. Loye. Belen Offutt, Janet nism" by Robt. Daniels; $6.00. "Best College Writing Cont~:a:'~~i.! Snyder'MadlYI\ Hahnefeld r- 1961" (Anthology of prize·winning stories) $3.95. Books make lo\'ely gifts and we'll gladly giftwrap free Act Editor _. . ~,",:i~!y~uS~~ of charge. Phot
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