Page 39 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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New 'S~iilioiiiOi'iiC_FromJapan ITH E GOLD BUG Lit·rary .escer-n Maryland College Re/~t!~,!,,!!:ress!~~~tth~! "~'!!t' "O~ayo . gozaimasu" . (good ;r~~u!~;e f~~~UIU~i;~ O:C~~l~ WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND :r~:~:~~:l;o:ap;r:;~)::ce~: ~~;adn~:~s:~r:e~~~~s~?g~:i~!~Vol. 39, No. 18 April 13, 1962 from Hideaki Shimizu, a 21- plains. "The entrance exami- . two Humphery Read Steen To LeadI l,·t*'el;a''"', lomnv IJU;n ~:~'J-:~d.n~Op~o.m;;;,:':: ,J.~~:n'~f%:a:;",:;:Y t~~~'~~:' II~'iIiIU rr'J are R ern Maryland this semester at- things which he likes most t' " Class Next Year J r. VA r ,J, ter spending his freshman about western Maryland espec Ive es r.ellowsll,rp·'S ror JtUUYI' year at the Univerfsty of To~- 1) students of different classes rt . .. . .. ~~a!~~ l~~~I:;:e:~erB~trl~~;;:~: ~~i~~n i.n the same dor.In_itory . Dave Humphrey w~1lbe lead- ogy major, is.from Oxo.n Hill. Vermont. His family now lives a: and ~) fraternities. mg next year's seniors as he She IS historian of 'I'r-i Beta, David Littlefield has recent- Virginia In Char-lottesville, Vir- in New York City. Language BIggest Problem serves his third year as class the social chairman of Phi Al- Iy been awarded the Ford ginia. Jim's fellowship is is ~~~:r:~n~:~~m;~:t~{~~~~~ s~:~i~~t~r~ii:e~a~i(;ei;r~~\~~ ~;::d~ne\~ ~u::;f~~f. p:na~~~e O~~h~o~~:~~~a~~;s.a mem- ~:i;-:~ter~ni:e~~~;~hiP Thi~ ;:0~:e~v2~~fe~ plus fees, and it must--and does---concentrate on l:!idea~i fi~ds the language bar- Dave is also a member of the Serving as secretary of the fellowship, worth $2450, will et- Industrial research is the his studies. But being an avid rrer hIs. biggest problem. ~he Freshman Advisory Council, junior class will be Carole low David to study the history field Jim hopes to enter after sports enthusiast, he would like schools. In Japan, he .explams, and a member of Gamma Beta Rich!'"rdson,. a mathematics-e.d- and present situation in the graduate school. This chernis- to "try for the tennis team," if emp?aslze the. readmg ani! Chi Fraternity. ueauon major from Bel :"'Ir. Middle East. try major is a member of he has time this spring. wrtting- of English r~ther than Serving as vice-president of Carole has worked o~ vanous A history major, David hopes Gamma Beta Chi Fraternity. Likes All Sports speech. and conver~tlOn. her class for the third year will class comr:tittees and IS a m:m- to receive his. Ph.D. in this His other acti~ities includ : 7 "11·k ki d of sport" Unlike Skoko Saito, the other be Barbara Earhart a bio10gy- ber of PhI Alpha Mu SororIty. area. Followmg graduate Freshman AdVIsory CounCIl, he say~ ~u~n~ide~nkiparticula~- JB:nane~e. student o~ ?ampus, education major f~om Fred- Willia~ Penn will be treas- school, he would like to enter and Men's Dormitory Council. I~..favo~s ;ennis, hba~eballi a~ ~I~~a:~h::t~o~: .~~~,IS~~:~::~~ ~;i~~i :e~~b:~~ ;hi aAI~:mi7~ ~8re: o!:~~c~a~~ n~:~~:r·B: ~~~ sb:ca~c~s ~~e g~T;r~::~! ~:n~~e:I~~ t~Si~~~t A?ou:!~ess ;~II:~h~~~Ldond~:r~!t'h~~~~SVa~!ea:~idt_i~~:!~:et::i:i:7:~~~:n~!~:~ cFS:';'~hr~mt:.~n·A:dtv,.:sotl::,woc'o~u;onnm,g.,'I:':::t~II~~~i~~:~~c~~ ~~~~~~ ~~:~o~:ttri';~UI~f tat:e hi~i~~~ David is treasurer Players Enact wg ~. I Am h e hermon congregate once a week as C" 1 W b"~~ 1 ~d tion representative is Carol Presently I' h C d Re- Eng IS moun ms.. tome, owever, Christians do, he says. But lIe aro yn e s r, re-e ec Davis, an English, sociology- of the Argonauts, vice--presi- ome y he mo~t enJoys sum.o, a style of likes the idea. "This is a good to as .secretary. of her education from Severna Park. dent of the International :~~ls:~;ngb~:~~e de::;d~:t~~~~ system.:' ." .. ~~aeSsSt;~,s~~loJ~ ~:~~ry~ro: This will be Ca~ol's third year la.tions Club, and secretary of . j~~~~~e:~~~~po;~~=;li~:~rt~~ His FI~:~n:o:lst o~ra;:nlerican ~i~·l~~!~n~sct:~~i:eO~r:he ~~:~~ .~~r~lr~::s~:;!~vee. M~:s~are:~ :~i~a~c%~c:r;~t~hr~it~~norary D::~mP I~ySu;;i~i:~ ~~:kt~~ self-defense. girls? He expressed his ap- leader;, and is chairman of the May Day and s:rved as fresh· A Pharmacology Fellowship ~peare, will be presented on the What sort of career does proval and good sense of humor advertising staff of the Aloha. m,~n represe~tatlve. to the dor_ has been awarded. to .James Alumni Hall stage on Monday, Hideaki have in mind? "I'm this way, "Well, you like Jap- She is also a member of Sigma mltory councl~. ThiS _year Car- Lomax by the Umverslty of April 23 at 8:15 pm by Play- not sure," he says, but he an.ese ~irls, right?" Bu~ as to Sigma Tau Sorority. 01 ,pl~ged Slgma SIgma Tau . ers, Inc. thinks he might like to enter ~hl~ thmg called th~, TWist. .. Serving as treasurer of the SONority. ar th . . The play, one of Shake- politics: • ,~~~ d:!n~t h;~~ it~e ";:I~: seni.or class will be Wa!ne will e:; r~:re~ent:d Ji~n~~re~~~ '"ree Reteive :~~~~~~~~;~~\c~~:edi::'rs h:: De~crJb~sJapa~ese EdueatlO~ it's all ... crazy!" Hideaki Whltrno~e fro rn ~arkVl~le. dent Government Association t'....t A one of the mo~ 0 ul;r of his Hldeakl explams that baslC- admits though that he did Wayne IS a mathematiCs major by Steve Bayly. Steve is an' 'Ii,J. d t" Ii p r.t ally Japanese secondary educa- learn the danc~ last semester. who. is. treasurer. Of.the Student English-dramatics major from .. DR .,~ wa liS p~oh~c I;::S. tt .b s t :op~ ar;/ tion does .not differ. greatly He adds, "It is not popular in ~hr.lstla~ AS~latJon an~ t~e Baltimore. He was president Contra8t'/J literary staff is ~::rtiness o~ ~:suc~mic char~ from Amefl~an educatJon. The Japan," that standard rock and JUnior c ass IS year. e;s of his freshman class and has pleased to award the short acters the charm of the lovers' ~~~~~~gi~ni~~U!~ th8e:3~an;~ ~~~is~n~t~etv:~y:::' to the f::de~sh7:m~~ie~; ~~ ~:~~ :;;;~d 1~!7at~:~de~0:!T::: :~10~ri~~~~ HaarZt~~m~~\fd :;n:~:' ~~~iets~ewitty bickering the mormng and ending at 3. "I carne over to learn En _ rna Beta ChI Fratermty. Steve is also a member of Gam- L d " . As in American high, lish .~~d abou~ th: Uni~:d re~r~:e~:'~~v:f ~en:~~ ~~:::~~ rna .Beta Chi Fraternity. . ~~~l~d g:s ~h:r~~.y irhaer~~ei:~ at~u:o C~!~:e e~Sga~~~t~f~·~~~~ stud~nts take lang~age, SOCial St!'"tes, says Hldeakl. Consld- Government Association will be RI:hard ~teen, a pre-engJ- "River of Two Sorrows," and Inc. for their production of "A :t~~e:tel~:~:~:Si~c~~~~s~ te~~: ~~~~~ ~~d~,roir~~s c~:ta7~s t::; ~eld for the second ye!'"r by ~~;II::;::Jo;flis~~~~t ~ur~:~ ~;e ~~i~~e;t ~;i t;: e~:y l~~~:Midsunlmer Night'.s Dream." nological fields is evidenced by wish is being fulfilled. ~caa~~r ~~:s'fr~~·E;!i~i::!~ h~;~'s se~:I~o~~~~ ~~~SS~porI~ S~am." Each \~inner will re- rh~~r ~~~;;: t~~~~::, ~~: O~~ ~~~r~ t~:!or e:~ • Freshman SOCiologists Encounter ~~gm;;~n~: a member n;.:~be;o~ Phi fresh~en men it the Student ~ry edItor Dorothy Beck sald, ~Vinooski Park, 1I~~:~~~~~~,an:t It • ~~e r~e~~':;!:;d ~~~ ~ic~~:~~' ~~~ ce~;e:~f:; ~~~Ia:h:~~~, li~r- of Girls ':'ermont: and Strange Experiences As Pollsters AI~~: :~n,~O~~~i::~entative Asso- mor~ce-~:~~I e~ll 0 bet ;:;~a:~ h e~t~~:, only one prize in each t?e Ullited States in thc twcn- A~sociat~n. b:~r~f :~~~e ~~c~~~~l ~~a;~7c10;e~~~\;.~nn~~!p:~~on;~ to GO;~rnmen\ • the Student Governmcnt award . . .. . . . dation wi!! be Jackson Day. Petschke from Suitland. Barb ca~~gory. tleth cen~ur~'. The troupe was Armed With questIOnnaires, out further mCldent. Jack is a preministerial stu- I ted· ·d t f Although finances force us founded In 1949 and has been ~~~~~~r:~~::edrsS~~OI~;.~aIG~~: pa~~\ob~:fU::a~O~~~ :ow:~r;:~ ~:~; a~: ~:~st~~S:;~orM!~~ ~~~ !~e~~man~~;~1i~:r~r ~ ~u~~le~t~~~ :eat:;~~IP~~I~~~ ~~o!he ~~t~~e~~c~osi7;;.i~sU;I~~ wold's SOCiology 106 classes insisted on giving him. land's coordinator for the Na- an, I~ a ~~mth r ~t d e ~m- can, and we feel that the qual- Players travel through 38 set out in pairs to determine Another student had a more tional Student Association and an s °tun~, .et. u ent °t ity of the magazine will be su- states and llave gone abroad d what the citizens of Carroll traumatic experience. At the is a member of Pi Alpha Alpha e~n~en Sh S~OCI8 m~, .an t e perior to last year's. for the Defense Department to l ~~~;tYr!~~~~e:;f ~enf~~ il~~~srs~~:rt's ~~vi~ti.~~a~~ s:~~ h~~d Fr:~:itk~d a biology major ~a~(~~ - ~a~~e~aric;~~~ca~t: pr~!:~e, the:enm~~~~:~ I~~~:~~ :~~h th~a~~r:: t;I~~n'T~:~·o:re~ t Jater with the required infor- promptly proceeded to fall from EI Paso' Texas has been m~or·1 I ted f training was lacking. With famed for their production of mation, amazing tales of their through. Toys were stored be- elected presid~nt of next year'5I W y ,e ec h secre~ry ~ training and practice, r feel works of Shakespeare Aeschy- experiences, and such items as neath it, and it was some time junior class This year Bruc; ~ex J~r s sop om~re I? ~ss lS several of the students could Ius, Shaw, Sophocles, 'lind Mo- the two bags of groceries one b~fore he managed to extricate pledged Deita Pi Alpha Fra- j~;fr:m o~~~th~~ld, nfI~~s. m:~ become successful writers." liere. boy was forc.e~ to accept from himself. . ternity; and is working as as- high school, Joy was secretaryl,:::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::~; ~o:em!n~ I - a ,~~~~r~~sa~!IZ:i selling any- th~~:m:o~~~\~~~ssWo~s a~:~~ :~~tad~~i~~~~~l head waiter in of her ~as~. for two r;!ars. Th~sIr . I t~ing," tht! ama~ur sodolo- ily i,:- Mt. Airy, f?und that the The office of "vice-president of ~:~olis~ f News Of The Week In Brief _ f;~~;na~o t~ ;=;~~::P;:I~~: ~o:~t~~ f::ilya li~:~e:~y R~j~:~ ~:Ij:n~:l~::.s ';i!~e':~el~i~l'_ :.nd t~e SC~:1 Cal!Jpus Rela- Choir To Present Cantata trumpet trio featuring Lee man who said he was required ville. ' 10~S omnn, ea. h On Palm Sunday, April 15, Brown, Merle Houck, and Ed to arrest all salesmen without But let nothing defeat the t ext yea~llsbso~:more ~lass the choir will add a grcater di- Miller. The program will con- a license. aspiring sociologist (that is reasurer: ~ erry Flsch- mension of beauty to the chapel tinue with the Second Suite in th! o::ppe:f:n::ed l~~~ ~~: S!~~:~e\ !pl~;t~nrg ~ra;~; Hillman, Evans Lead ~iil:f%a! e~~~I~:t ~~f;.r, ;h~~ :~rv{:tbrV~e~}ina~~:t sl~:~o~~~·~!.~~ryw!~~d ~~eG~s~~ girl who opened the door if her snow, rain, muddy paths, and Dorms Next Year year fS~~rrYfwo~ked asltreasur_ cording to Professor Alfred de will play two selections: mother were in, only to receive seemingly non-existent address. . e~.o e f ~es man c ass and Long this sacred cantata, pat- "March" and "Fantasia on the the reply that she was the lady es, the students climbed again Jeanie Hillman will take ~ ~In:nan ~ he .School Campus terned after the words on the Dargason," Young V. Harper's ~!Ug~~egr~~~S~~ !~~lim~~~~~ ~:~oa~~ ~~~~~~~~~oi~!k~:~~~~ ~voe:mth:r:!V~U~~i~a~~~. W~~: eM!~~nhilS:~~~~t~~rve as the ;~tS~r~c~~ :u:~~~.and wonder- ~:;~~a:Y~'a; ~~~m'7c~::t~,i~~= her on her cute little boy. "It's to ask their fellow students was elected to the presidency ;:~en t S ~presentatJve to t?e Baritone soloist, Bart Nor- cata" by Girolamo Frescobaldi, a little girl," they were told. what the mentally ill think of last Sunday night, April 8. t. u ~n overnm~nt Assocla_ man, will sing the part of "Serenata" by Leroy Anderson, The inwrview continued with- Carroll County. x:;r~~~d~ve~I~~s r;;~::n:;'~ c;~~s. orM~~~ y:r sa~Ph~n;:j~~ ~hri~~e ~~~hra~;n s~~:~:; :~~ !~~Si~n[:~i~g '~~i~~a~ikl~:m;~~ next -lettar ""0 7'Le ~..I.'1·t'd"-~~l~~ J~::~e::,Phtu~~;:; i!:~~:~~~de~t ~:v~:~~:::d~~~oc;~~ :~~~ f~;e~r:~ll ::e au;g;'Per~ zas's "Parade of the Chariot- for from SummIt, N. J., IS a mem- Harry include: year tives Loats tenor will· sing :~~':nf~~u:~e,,~:::~~~~,~ning iii: I. I H ~UJ V.' cia Webb, senior. tlOn, and Arbsts Anonymous. ence that should not be missed. To the Editor: To these people let me say that Mariam Evans will lead Mc- IUlpresenting. next year's Four Join Society . Mr. Schek of the Carroll Thea- Daniel Dorm next ~ear. She sophomore men m. t~e St~dent Young Democrats Meet !our young men have been Wi~~ ti;;; l;~~r oIfatr::ec~:~~~ r:~e h::u~~~~~iilh~~~:T!: :~:~ ;~Aa s~:~~ Wi~at!~:e a/~r~ g~;~~:un;::r!~Oc~~t:o~O~~~i~: ste~on~~ss~:e:k D::ie}'po~~~:i ; t~~e~Ien~~eLeaJd:;~:~~ Mar~land ~ollege student m theater regardless of the ad- warden. The classes WIll be maJor from Ox?n H~ll. He at- machines" at the next meeting Day, Sterling Green, Robert ~h:e~;e~gr~t:oan~~fd:~~it~~rr~.~ ~i::!Ors ~~~~:~eSi;;~YfO~~~:: ~e::~~~nte:y onD~~:e DO~~~::, ~~::: h~x~as H~~es~;;~t ~~h~i! ~~ ~:u~~~;~ ~~~~~~tic Club ~:;e~hey, and Wayne Whit- favor of an mdlvldual economic to go." Why should we hesi- ~ophomor~; Barbara Coo~, jun. tenth, eleventh, and twelfth Mr. Daniel Nitgberg, a rep- boycott of the theater and. any tate one minute to cast our dol- lOr; Maflan Emery, semor. grade class. resentative of the _ American Peace Corps Gives Tests change food brands to get thc AI ~~~~rS~~~a~i~~a::s t~:seb~:~n~~~ ~~~ta~~~s :~m~:terheeS~~~~ ~~ s Rec 'yes DanforthGrant ~:~!~~~t~~~~~i~~a~~e:ni;~~ Wi~e~e ~~:~s :~:~:~a~~t ~~~~ tegrated. I umnu el tions in the Unitcd States at 21, in Civil Service Commission I. fav?r such ac~ion because I most consumer satisfaction. I h' P 't. , the .. meeting on Thursday, testing centers. throughout the ?eh.e,,:e1ll t~e baSIC concepts of sincerely hope that the campus _ Apnl 5. country. Testmg centers in ~~~~~~;i~n w:;~! g~~~ t;uert~~:~For Seminary nterns IP OSIIon ~np~I:ld~~ic~be~~~a~~n:~~~~~~ Ri!~:~: ~!:P~~c:r:d o~er~: ~:;:,Ia~~~e 1~c;,te~~~t: ~~~~ and our nation were founded. ing of the American Principle. Allen Randall Gilmore, a campus religious work; and club, attended a Young Demo- Building, Calvert & Fayctte The r~sults o~ the recent cam- Let us view our own letters graduate of Western Maryland sincere, mature dedication to cratic Convention in Baltimore Streets. ~:rc~n~gr;:~~~ ~~~; ~~~) :~dth:Ul~:~~ll ec;~::~ ~~y:o;; ~~I;re~t c~ar aO~!!!:!rt~aSe~i~ Ch;~:ia~e=i:;;· Interns will the weekend o~ March 31. Zacha-ri-as-IS-C-P-r-eSident w~uld .~nd . to mdlcate that votes for "Equality." nary Internship for 1962-63. have completed two years of Band Presents Concert Peggy Zacharias was unani- !hl~ opmlOn lS shared by a ma- The world is presently over- He is presently studying at the seminary training, and will use On Monday April 16, the mously elected '62-'63 president ~or~ty of WMC students--But crowded with human-jellyfish, Garrett Biblical Institute. the grant for a year of super- Western Maryland College of the Inter-Sorority Council at IS It? who continually refuse to per- Allen was one of twenty·!our vised training in the campus Concert Band will present its a Delta Sigma Kappa Sorority We claim that we want an sonally resolve issues, form chosen from candidates nomi· ministry at an assigned college annual spring: concert. This meeting April 3. Peggy is now integrated college, yet we hesi- convictions, and stand behind nated to the Danforth Poun· . e sity The appoint- concert will be presented dur- the sorority's SGA represent- i:~t~U::ePi~t:;~~i~~~m~~~~ ~~~S~et~~~gt~f::k t~::aos:e b1; ~~O~h~!lo~!a~e::~~ ~~c~; :entU;;v e : ch :rries a ~t!f;n~ ~:~ ~~lrer::~f:d:s~~~bi~ll~:~; ~!~~e. c~r:~e;'il~u~ss~~e ~~~:; students oppose an economic test of backing up its convic_ United States. The selection of $2100 for t e unmarr~e n mUSIcal numbers: "Hostraus- Turner of Iota Gamma Chi. boycott on the basis that it tions. was made on the basis of in- tern, $2700 for the marned In- er's March" by W. Paris Cham- Her various activities as ISC places unfair pressure on the Sincerely, tellectua1 capacity; personal tern, with an additional stipend bers, "Bugler's Holiday" by president include a vote in management of the theater. William Sitter qualities promising succel!s illi fo;r each dependent. Leroy Anderson, which is a Women's Council.
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