Page 46 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 46
The Gold Bug, May 4, 1962 Terror ~NineTumbles Visiting Johns Hopkins - iKlein's Pitching Sparks Effort; Spring BowlEnds I Tke Editor~·.6 Ifurtm~n Suller Walter's Slugging Cripples Jays In Scoreless Tie ~O~S 'RoadSetbacks Snnpping a three-game los- Ter-r-or-s piled up a 4.0 .,ad af- The gold-clad Starters and, rir'\ ~ Traveling on the road -for ing streak behind the f,our-hit ter.three. frames an? coasted to the Shock troops of Coach Wal- ~ \..s second straight hur-ling' of "Spear" Klein, then' third M-D victor-y. dorf's spring grid machine WIIIC rucketmen were Green Terror nine Klein was never in trouble ~ar~~:~ ~ ~lts~~'e~~~adl;:;lla~~ Along wi~h the ac.cepted inter-c~llegiate sport.s ~~~~~~d~~~~;1I "Old I Hopo~n~heil as h:e!!~~Ckre~~~'dfi~~; th T 'Igt Bowl J k . g here on the HIll, many informal athletic endeavors like Sitter, "Hank"Shimiw, and mond. Jay run came in the sixth ba:k- an~1 ~orth acr~s t~Cei:~-pool, a.nd if ~ou could. call it an.athletic ccntest.rping Dennis "The Menace" Quinby Big unearned tally scored on iron in 90 degree heat, both at ~al"lo~s times durmg the year. Sometimes, It IS of their opponents in two doubles and a error at first. zzz: c;~~::~~~ted stalwart ;:~~~~~.nt:::~~e~l~ol~;:~Sd~~~:da ~:;~ ~ef~~~~~~!e1a~~0;~: unat~l: ~~lTor i~'i~J~ceU~~eb;~t;~ in P.ugl~ thl"~~,s~~~:, h~~~ Confer Sparks Drive of :he nation feel that the net game should be a part of three doubles not stem the over- Early in the fray Starter spr-ing elate. ... . tide as Western quarterback Tory Con f e I" !l0wever-, l"?cently there has an.sen ll!terest I~ adding to was humbled 23-9 spat-ked what appeared to be a fall lllter-colleg.Jate program a i-elatively mexpeusrve sport touchdown drive. Chalking up would not require much ma npower-c-Cross Country. Most two first downs personally, the land colleges field a Cress Country team of seven endurance run- led slippery sophomore d a r ted ners. ... through the Shocker forward Usually it occurs that the schools with good track teams One bright- aspect in With individual victories bv ing to retire with a sore elbow. wall for solid gains. Then have a Cross Country team because the latter is a good condition, match was the capable play Jim Avnet, Bob Warfield, and In the third the visitors ex- speedy halfback Alex Ober ing sport; and running, to be done well, must be worked at all Jerry "Appendicitis" 1Hillerl George Fulton the team lost ploded for three more tallies scampered around the end for year round. This year our own eindermen have put together a who, in his initial courf ap- 8* to 9% to Loyola last Fri- off Del\1ey a.nd were on their an elusive 25 yards. However, strong 3-2 log against highly rated foes. -At the end of the season pearance this year, filled in the day in a match that was so way to a bitter romp. _Harri- the white clad Shockers stiff- the harriers may well have compiled the best record since 1957. number three slot for the . close, the victory was son and "\Vaddel tried to silence ened at this point and turned Now, if our trackmen, especially such new "comers" as Chuck ing "Bullet" Bob. the last hole. Ursinus bats but were back the Starters' offensive;. Gray, Mike Schlee, and Cal Fuhrmann are really to blossom and By grabbing all of the Sher .....ood Impresses develop into conference standouts and, subsequently, our team to gles matches, the cOUI-tmen Frqm then on it was a see- emerge as a pace-setter in the standings, it seems that Cross ,I~rylandCollelle.published...""kI7 on sible at the present time and, whether or not it becomes a reality man-Shimizu; but Price ~~:1~~~:~~~~e:i£:~E:te~a7~:~,:~~;~~r~~ ;e~~d:~i~:rst~o~~:~::ei~o t~:e ~t~e~~e i~~~~~t~:t;e~~~ un- ~~~J;a~~l'll~~ai.~e tables under Act ot March S. 1879. likely that tile breakthrough will come within the next two years. SOllie of the most $3.00__aYear ===============0=;== Subscription Price Priscilla Ord Editor-in-Chief Clowermen Walloped ;:~:,:'~::,M:::I:~::~:::::PowerlulMountsPullAway I EDITORIA· .....STAFF On May 1, Mt. St. Mary's again flashy Chuck Gray E:.~d~:~Tu~;.E;m:,~~DO~:~ly ~!::~~~fdlyon:ef~:i~~t ~~!~CfO;5:~~ ~ic~~~;~st~~l ~~1:0~~;1", Editorial As.istant - D7f:;h~;:~:~~~w;~~~~~u:~SG:ay5~~1 t~:e~~~ ~~~t~a~~:s .f~II"ro~:~oc~~t~~'!d ~~ii::J~;E~;:hoo~a:~~or~~ta~~::I~n~la~, ;:~ ~,~~s~:;~:t~~tes\~~t~I:\~~~s c~yP3e8~marathon was 1"1 progl'essing, ----p~:~~~~~v~~ ~~%~Ie~:~·~e~t. ~i:~' ~ig~i;u~l~: ~~~ h~;~l j~l:~I~~I~~ew~~I:I'~~'ii~ ~o~.:~1~~~1'~,ii~t~~~v~1e~1:h~a;~; Copy Head"",: Janet ~:"ei:~'s:::oe~ =~.s~v:r~vS~~~e~n~vveo~~e~~:~~tt: a leal) of 5'10%". downing Lcberll1an. - the Mounties' powerful thin- : clads .. Pete Alexander, Jes!\ . Brewer, and Charlie Dotson all took seconds in the mile, shot put and discus, respectively. Gmy took a second ill the 220. WMC cindermen joul"lleyed to Carlisle, Pa. on Saturday, . April 28, where they wel'e l~e,,!~:;:''7'''s~:r,~:~'Bayly. Mary Craw_ soundly defeated 86-45. Once mel'. Roberu. Love, Helen olfuu.h _ Janet Shell. Patrlcia Snyder. :::'~:,~::"- ~~~:~:,~~~Hii;Carroll Theatre PhotQgr~l>hyEditor ..__ David Rob.on BUSINESS STAFF Ad"e"tisingManager_ DonaldRlnrioh. SUll.-Tues. May 6.8 Every girl knows "a rose is a rose is a rose:' But is a dia. E",.hange ~ .. _.__.... .._ Martha Win Olivia de Ha\'iIland Circulation . ._ William Penn George Hamilton mond a diamond a diamond? Advi.or _. . Mioa NBn~7 Winkleman "LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA" The smart girl who cares (ahoul bcauty and value) knows there's more to a diamond than meets her eye. Even Wed., Thurs. Mav 9-10 Walt Disney's' under magnification, a diamond reveals its inner secrets Visit the "TEN WHO DARED" only to the eye of a trained expert. That's why America's College Queens have chosen their "best friends" from May 11-13 AVENUE Fri.-Tues. Sinaba Dean Martin among the award·winning designs of the world.famous Frank BARBERSHOP "SERGEANTS 3" Artcarved selection. Every Artcarved diamond gives you more than lhe beauty which meets your eye. Thc qllality and value of its inner beauty is also certified hy a written guarantee that is recog- Coffman· Fisher nized and respected by leading jewelers everywhere. If you want to be sure of the inner beauty and value of Dept. Store your diamond, see your Arlcarved jeweler. Ask him to show you the styles chosen byA/nerica's CollcgeQueens. 11 E. Main St. EVERHART'S KNOUSE CROWN Barber Sbop Service Station At The Forks LECKRON GULF SERVICE w. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. COLONIAL DINING, l\fd. BETWEEN BITES ... ROOM T18-9781 DAVID'S JEWELERS 59 W. 1tfain St. Spring get that refreshing new feeling 19 East Main St. Recommended by with Coke! Westminster Duncan~ Hinel!!l TUNE·UP Bottled under authori!y of Tha Coc.·Col, Company by WESTl\.fINSTEH COCA_COI.A nO'nLiNG co., INC.
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