Page 49 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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.Library ',estern mryland College 7iestmil1st<",r, Md~ , I Poll Designates Mary SueTrotman THE GOLD. BUG As Unsung Hero Of Senior Class "Organized" .. "responsible" Haddonfield, N, J" Mary SUI! . "hard-working" ... such insists the Confederate flag ~~::-:-:-=- --,:::-__ =-__ ----::-_----::::-_ _:__--:-:--,--- --:-:---:-----:= :::~t t~:a~;m~~~n~r~~~:~, c~~~ ~~~r~ai:yta:~~;!~USr!~~~~:~lV ,;,:;,01:;,';;;39;,;',;.N;,::0:;"::;23~......;:~=~W;;..:;ES;;;T;;E;;:RN:;,,;;M;::A;:;RY.;:L;::A:;:N:;:D..:;C:::O;;;LL;::EO;;;E;;;',,:W.;:E;::S:;.T::;M.;:IN;;S:;.TE::;R;;,.:;M;::A;:;RY.;:L;;A:;:ND:;;,,====.:;M;::a;;:_Y,;1:;:8':,,1;::9::::;62 was overwhelmingly voted Un- A silver thimble is indica- _ ~'~'~;n!':,~:6~,:h!:'~:.'"~rt~0: :::d;~S':;~:hp:;w~::Juniors A ttllin Hi"h Honor Colleg'e Players Present :1 1 is the result of her Whether working on her own wardrobe ~~:~yO~:~':":'~~::b~~;:~O:.':'~;';~: :,~~;w;l~~id,Ch:::'aO:;X~ As Trum"eters ChooseFour Annual Comme,'ncement Play class and school-to anything pack engraved "PIt" are srg- r to-which she belongs-has been nificant of her recreational In the traditional tapping other activities, Pris is Editor- "The Enchanted" by Jeanj music as one can come with Immeasurable. pastimes. ceremony, Barbara Earhart, in-chief of the GOLD BUG Giraudoux will be presented bY' words. The playwright, him- Organization Keepsakes Dagmar Joeres, Priscilla Ord, and chairman of Publications the College Players on Friday,1 self, was also a diplomat and A Western Maryland seal, and Carolyn Webster were Bo?rd, She is a member of June 1 at ~:~5 p~ in Alumni; ?ovclist. Before his death dur- a Girl Scout souvenir -her chosen Trumpeters. Phi Alpha Mu and the Pom- Hall. Admission IS free to the mg the war he wrote such plays Delta Sigma Kappa pledge pin, Barbara Earhart, a biology- Porn squad. , . college students. as "Li.egfried," Amphytryon (~~e i~e~ic~~r~~de~t) t:s~:._ ;tr~~:~i~~. r;~:~~raha~~s f~~ W:s~~~~~, ~e~~,t~ndh~~jo;~O~ re::i~~e E;f;;r aSI;:~htlewi~ri~~i:~~~e{'i~!~~v:!at~e o~a~~~~ll~~~ bois of her loyalties lind inter- vice-president of her class for sociology, Carolyn was just comedy in tl;ree acts, Harry.He also wrote "Ondine," "Jud- eats. Mary Sue, a history ma- three years and will head FAC elected to Sigma. Sigma Rumberger, as the Inspector, ith':: an~ "The Apollo of B;I- jOI', is also secretary of the Ar- next year, She is a member of Tau next year. She IS also and Marian Edwards, as Iea- lac, HIS plays are both Iit- gonauts. Phi Alpha Mu and Beta Beta captain of .the bel, are playing the feature erature and- good theatre. But her major contribution Beta; and has adorned beauty squB:d an~ directed -the Jumor roles. Settings and lighting The master electrician for- is performing offices she doesn't courts since coming to the Hill. Folhes this year. are by Mr. Byron Avery, Other the play is David Sutton. The hold. Countless are the times Dagmar Joeres is an Eng- Dr. Arlee~ Heggem~ier will members of the cast are Suz- stage manager is John Grabow- Mary Sue has stepped in and fish-education major from Bal- serve as adviser to this group, anne Browning, John Grabow- ski. Trish Webb will handle of the Wom- K' I R done the job when others have timer-e. She has recently been . ski, 4eadain~ Hacket, Tho_!!lasmusic and sound, ,and Carolyn deserted. elected president Hayes, Jeanie Hillman, Susan Webster and Behnda Adams ne!n toe~~lmr~: nO:et~~cu~~~~nf~ ~~;m~:u~Ci~ ~;m;ee;t ofY~~i Ins ey e~ell.esH~~: :n~h~:::~e a~eal~d~:hleen;~~ni~~;: ~:ti~~!,~~~~~rt~~s~ from F Ch 't ~;;e ~o~~n~~~~) ~~~r le:~~~d ~: ~d~;:,Mu and the Pom Pom' Scholarship Aid ~~~~~iriO::I~n :~~::~i,ths~~~a:~ ~~~':UlDO:S~~~lldbeDr~~~sdle:h~; ! dl'lve a John ?eere tractor to Priscilla Ord comes or emls ry R_e~, Nelson Sheeley and Jerry Dagmar Joeres and Marsha ~--....I disappointed licity directors. Mary Sue Trotman ~~~~t~~~gSo;::I~~eef~~~t~heA~~~~~~ii~~~d~:;ti:n~d :r:~~~sh:~ Homan B. Kinsley, a senior Walls. Poetry Turns Town ~~~d~i~~!e~etti:;:~vhe~r~B;~~ understandably Known as the girl who never w?en a regular dri~er materi- chemistry major. has accepted In :'Th~ Enc~anted" a small As usual, set construction is missed a class meeting, Mary ahzed at the last mmute, I) I) _ a $2200 scholarship to the In- town m France IS turned topsy- dOQ,eby the Junior dramatic art Sue has been extremely active Drives "College Bus" floyer "Bee/VeS stitute of Paper Chemistry, turvy by poetry. and ~~ncy. students, under Mr. Byron and willing- her _. _ expresses on the float committees pho- ness to help on a persona! as .'11'''' "'.rp whicll is affil~ated with La~- I~abel, a Y0l!n~ gIrl who IS en- Ave~y. . She more than competent as rence College lD Appleton, WIS- tItled to an mterlude o.f en- Tickets may be pIcked up in tography editor of the year- well as organizational plane. rjl "..... I j.l consin. Hap was one of twen- chantment before acceptmg a advance in McDaniel Office. young ~=======~ book. Interested in the school "She's always doing things fo1' Dr. Isabel Royer will take a ty-four recipients from across flesh and. blood husband, has They are on sale at the door as a whole, she was one of the people," a classmate sta~es, leave of absence to teach at the the nation to receive the award. brought thIS about. In her ex- for parcnts and friends at $1.00 and ThiS monetary. aid l~ afforded the great beyond and the hfe ofI most vi,gorous campaigners for "She'll -go get me food when I University of Hue, Viet Nam. The scholars~ip is ren:",:,able alted state, she has summone~ per person, lllenus III the .dorms, can't take the dining hall :my Teaching in the field of biology, each ~ear Wltl:J an ~ddltlOnal up a ,ha~dsome ghost, I ,Mary Sue 1S known by hel' longer, and she's always pick- she is going under the auspices $1~0 III each su.cce~slve year. who promIses to tell her ~bout ch~board !ull of papers, her ing us up downtown. Her '54 of a Smith-Mund grant, wh1te tenms shoes, and her dry Chevy is known as the 'College will be working for the U. S. by the paper mdustl'les of the the dead. The town m_ovesto j, ~~~~i~!rca~~m~tn:l:rS~ a:t~~~ BU;~~' "Bus" was a Jeep her Def~!t~~i~h~~~~te~rant aids U~~: i~t~~~~tary of his fra- r:tis ar:~~~s% t~;s~h;o:;::~~I~~ "ewsettes - rorlty meetings. sophomore year, but she gave underprivileged co u n t r i e s) termty, Alp~a Gamma Tau, ment Inspector who stan,ds for ISC Chooses Officers Charm Bracelet Reveals up her chauffeur position in which are not in debt to the and was actn:e on the Aloha. law and order. Th,e town s doc- The Intersorority Council of- The "real" Mary Sue is prl'- that vehicle when the engine United States. This is the Upon grad~atlon, he plans to t~r acts as a me~lator b:tween flcers for 1962-63 are Margaret 8o_nifie~in hc;r charm bracel,et. dropped out. first such grant accorded a \Vor~ for hiS doctor~te at the t. es~ two fo;ces In c~nfhct.. Zacharias, president; Barbara Ethel ~Irst IS a ~allol' hat, the Ol'lg; Mary Sue Trotman will be member of the Western Mary- Inst1tute and to go Into .a re- Gll'audoux s play IS con~ld- Owens, tr:=~~~~~,I;y;an~ e~:l~~ vice-president; ~~:I o~~n:r?~ChSh~~~;O;~enh?~~ ~:~d~m~re~hebYse~:;alcl~~~::d ~~~~e:~~~~y~ 1~;'onR~r:rin ';~=I~~~~dfield of the paper mdus- ~~e~u:~~moe~itth:o:::ssta:~~~st~f~~'~~~~~' Both Dr. Roy:r and her hus- F t F'II L d h' P 't· any _raln~ day., _A hockey shck s~udents who know her-as the State Department. , bara Hol!and, social chairman. ~nd .bowl!n g pm repres~~t her gIrl w.ho had a lot to giv.e--of . Officers wcre chosen from rep- mtelest m sports. She ~ been her time, energy, and Ideas. band arc planlllng an around- ra S I ea ers IP 051 Ions l'esentatives-at-Iargc this year known to pull her roommaie Her four years on the Hill have the-world tour to accompany • .' rather than from sorority ~ll~~:st~~~I~~~ ~~~i:fY;~~'~i~::,n~~~., ~;in!O~~ In Electing Officers For New Year ~~~ o~fbet~::i: a(~~£i~~a r~~~I~~_~~~n ~~ a:::t lPresidents. , in book-in-hand naps in mid· Til! now she has been Unsung will do volunteer work while in French Club Elections afternoon). ,A Yankee from -but she'li always be a Hero. Viet Nam, Alpha Gamma Tau Bert Lazarus; and correspond-' Heading the French Club for At their annual banquet, AI- ing secretary, John Grabowski. the coming year is Nelson pha Gamma Tau elected Wil- Other officers include: ser- ,Sheeley, president. Assisting liam Sitter president, for next , Carl W11son; so- lhim arc Carolyn Emmel, vice- n _,1.1 _ n~Ie I? _J. n _J.J. _ • semester. David Sutton will Theodore Pokor- Ipresident; Vil'giniu Rummery, .,l;~~, -I'r/. 'let,. L~ be vice-president. Charle representative, !secl'ctary; and El!en Distiller, . I l Walter and Gerald lreasurer. Alumna Answers Library Ladies Praise wili serve a~ Dear Editor; Dear Students & Faculty: treasurer,' . , I read with interest and enthusiasm every issue of the GOLD The library staff would like geant-at-arms will be ' i BUG as it comes to me, I am sincerely concerned with all happen- to express appreciation for the MacDonald; and John ings of Western Maryland because I am proud to be a member of sensational success of Moving burn will serve as chaplain. the alumni; because I am a teacher of many students now attend. Day, May 9. Joseph Spear and George Ge- ing Western Maryland, and because I am grateful for the ideals Thanks to your tremendous belein will be IFC representn- and principles I got during the years spent there. turnout and exhilarating en- tives; Charles Bloodsworth and It has taken a great deal of will power for me to havl! re- e.rgy, the, moye was ac~omp. Mic,hael SherwO?d will b~ social frained from writing before, for never have I read as many com- hshe~ w1th speed, effiCiency, cha1rmen. D~vld DroblS and plaints in editorial letters as J have in the last few months. I and JOy. Roy ~el'ry WIll serve as corre- hope, and I believe, these letters are the consen'!;us of the minority. To the seniors-we regret spondmg s,ecretary and .SGA To mentio~ a few of the c0111plaints: the required chapel serv_ you wo~'t ,be here to enjoy the representatives" respectIvely. ~C:i~lt!h~om~~~~?,gc~::::~li:~~,t~~a~~o:_~~:rn:tdi~~~g C~~~~i:~~i~~; ~~~~~;~~lll!a;ex;e:~lJ· inH~~~ ~~~~!for_!;t~~l_~ea~~,as named ~~a~~;:gt~::r~~d~nr~s~f c~~~.facultY; and today, the narrow point ~ans~~~;d~~~~~~aroo~h:::rle;!a~ Gamma Beta Chi year we moved th~ Gamma Beta Chi next year ~~1.i...JfIIe,...'1'1 Western Maryland i8 a Christian College. I believe each stu- lib;!~~~the ~lent knew that before ,he, ca~e,. therefore. you! to have To the rest of you-remelll- their president. The Ideals ,set forth and Chrlstla? !Ivmg exemplified, If. It IS not the bel' it's y()ur library. We'll be of vice-president will place It should be, students hVlng there have made 1t so. looking for you, by James Gray while , ,I would like to make one thing very clear to these would-be The Library Staff 'will serve as secretary. Cl'ltlCS, For everyone of you on the inside criticizing what you Lillian Barker officers include ·Wayne have, there are fiv? on t~~ ?utside who would love to be in your - Dorothy Hood i treasurer; place: Students With ablhtles to get along with people and be Betty Jacobs future leaders; young people who have a desire to be educated Jane Humbertson and have_a craving for the knowledge given by the faculty of Elizabeth Simkins Western Maryland. They cannot enter because there is no more ~~~:;o:e~Ut:~:~l.~tii:,::;. h~o~~~~:~e~~,b;c~~~~e~e~;e~o~~ty~~:: ToB;;eg~~u~~:t~:Commends !~~~n:n~VII~:ora;e S~~~lfe~~al:; Ron CroDlse, and Marv Reitz throug~ Western Maryland and maybe that is the big reason I I wish to thank each one of SGA representative, David Sc- From a dining hall banquet Trio, the Weavers, the Lime- apprecIate what Western Maryland had to offer. you for the very' fine job that I~kowitz will act 1Is rePl'eSenta- to a midnight. serenade. to im- lighter~, and Joa~ Baez, Theil' M~y I commend your Student Government pre~i~ent on his you performed on M-day, Ev_ bve to the IFC. pr?mptu sessions outs~de. the r~perlxHre now mcludes ,o,:,er letter In the GOLD BUG when he took office, emphaSIZing that we erything went off better than . ?,nlle, a new and versatIle slllg- sIxty ~u,mbers, some of which should not tak~ away the old traditipns of value but build upon expected as a result of your su- . Delta P1 Alpha mg group ca~ be heard on are orlgl?als. them; an~ orchids to Dr. Kerschner for her very clear, outspoken perior insight into the prob- the Preachers campus-~he B1scayne Four. The B.lscayne Foul' features and genUinely sincere letter depicting the student of today and lems involved. Should the old year w1l1 be Thomas Composing the group are a wry, mtellectual humor and defending the faculty and tht g.rading system. We, as teachers, stacks get placed in the first p~esident, Edward students-turI_Ied-fClI~-siI_Ig-t~e unique s?und of bongos fi~d that ~any do not want to glVe what it takes. They want the floor of the new building before will ,occupy !he tors: Les .Alpersteln, !i Jumor WIth ~olk musIc. They han,dle dIploma w1thout work; grades without honesty; and a "Country school ends we may call for vol- preSident, With from Baltimore; Bud Benton, a anythmg from fast, rockmg Club" atmosphere_ for the four years. unteers to move the rest of the handling the freshman from Sykesville, who songs to quiet, lyrical ballads To quote the letter in today's issue "No one has the right to bound periodicals to that loca- sectetary, plays the guitar; Marv Reitz, featuring harmony and slow tell another how to think, act, or dress," I disagree for r believe tion. For the present how- corresponding a freshman from Merchant_ rhythm. that is the reason we have mothers, teachers, anl counselors. ever you were wonderf~l. Biser is the ' ville, N. J" who picks guitar Past engagements for the Personal appearance and actions have always indicated character ' James P. Earp Charles banjo; and Ron Cr,onise, a singers include the freshman ~~hde:s~r~en~~?~I~wy~~rdf:t~~~:~~;e:~do~~:t:~~~:~~r~~:e;:~ Bigger Boss, M-Day . fromou~~e:ea~~:;~~h ~~'!nm~oPi~~or~hiP:~;il~S~ar\~~ SHOW such people how to think; act or dress rather than ju·st new vocalist has the junior-senior banquet, and tell them. Contrast Correction added to the the freshman hayride. Future In closing, I don't want you to think I am just an old "fogey" Warman, a jun- plans jnclude a summer in Mi- -I am very much alive. I enjoy life and have a good time with The poem "Study in Im- Pa" will ami Beach and a number of people. I believe in our youth of today, and wish I could always agery" on page 14 of Con- Baltimore appearances which be one with them. trast, mistakenly printed the group six are already contracted. With sincere wishes for a greater. Western Maryland, anonymously, was written ago, and take their Persons interested in hiring An alumnus, by Patricia Lawson. songs and folk music from such the Biscayne Four may contact (Mrs.) Selena p, McMahan famous talents as the Kingston any_ of the-members.
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