Page 43 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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i..i"brar::r '7estern lI'aryland College ~! "ros tcrtna ter-, Md. Volunteer Worker Descrihes Experiences A t Springfield THE GOLD BUG by Martha CarhaTt "Can you read the numbers were so genuinely glad to see :-;-:-",.--co--~-----;c::---~----=_:_----:::::-----",------------,----::-=--,-::-= . p F B· faster?" the not-unattractive us and so trusting that five Vol. 39, No. 20 April 27, 1962 young woman across the bingo minutes later I was seated at a I=;;;..::,;;,;.:,:;c,::;:====~;.:,:;;.:,:;c,::;:;;;:;';:;;;;;;:;';;';;:::;:;:';;''''';;;;';;;':':;;;';;:;:;';:;;;;;;;;';;;;;'':;'''''===='':;':;;';::':':'';;;';;: table asked. But I couldn't table playing bingo. reparations egln or comply because the other play- I must "mit I soon gm, era were barely able to keep up weary of bingo, but I had no with me already. The young thought of stopping, for the Buehm, Helen woman soon gl'e,w bored and ~atient's far-off stares I had ~\~~lca~~~nm~sorqf~:e~~~he::i: English- all ~~~ce~l~~ft~.e;~il~gupp~~~m~~W~}~;ta~~C~~;i~~;e~~~~i:~.~~e~~~ lost all contact ~nd fr-iend- was wifling- to play With _and year-s May Court. Helen was uness t.hat I had mduce~ by .t~lk to them. They seeJ?led a May Court attendant in her persuading her t? play bingo like members Of. society freshman year, a member of .... - .... With the other patients and my- who ha? Just bec.ome a httle too Homecoming Court in her ~elfhis was one of the first of ~~:~n~~:~ho;h:m~~~v:~.o preoccu- ;::~"lh~~o;~ ~:~~'so~.~dS~~si:~~~ .~_ .. my. varied experiences lit. the The lady sittin~ next to me president of Phi Alpha Mu and Spr-ingfield State Hospital chuckled every time she had a member of the Student Na- where I was a volunteer work- one of the bingo numbers 011 tiona! Education Association. ~~.~e~~I~~~e~~~~a~~IYafl~~~~ ~~ ~::;in~rdof al~u~~Cl~t\:~I~n :::~ ca~~~dr~a ~~ck~~~; ';~~~~~~~~ the outside world that had chuckling, she and the oth~r will be lhe seater duchess. ~~~r~~at:i:~~:2it~e:;~~;::~::~ ~~::~t a~~l: c~~i;~;I~.~~I~li~a:;~ ~~~n w~~ h~v:JU::~;~~~~r ~~~ ;.~~~~Vi~~~v~:~~y a~~n1~ie~nd~~~:rr h~:~e!~e: 10V~~V~~~~,a:~ ~~:nrt ae~~l~je~~ t~ak s~el h~ ~7~~trhe:l~s trying so ~ard to b:~~~:~~;sas~nt~ ~~ev~;::~~~~~: S~eeniST~ mem~~:r~f Si?~:t;~gf: . h· . . ma au was preSlOen 0 ~h!r~r~~~~lb:~~~ tO~;d J~~~\V~ ~~e:;~~Jaece!:I~tClf~\h~a~~:;it~~ ~ee~~ao~~~~rO~tu~::t i~aii~~~i ~~:~l;ln~~ t~h'~e \:~r;~e t~:; to ~~~~ tlhel.~S:sp~~~~l;t~:e!~vb~~ Elducat~n Ass~iatio~ .. S~e~~ own.· After driving thl"o~gh a rare lind rewarding co:,:pli- ~ns~h: \J~uo~p~V~~~~ Al!c;~a)1 e ~~~atg;~~;!S rZ!al~;:bl;ol~e~ta~ ~~~\V~I;~~ (,t: k~o\~h~:yave~~~ Colleges and Universities .. college cam.,us), eleven other~ leaving and said, "Aqm't you a Susan H~gan has been ch05- • . and J had entered the admis- convalescent?" She had opened en as a semor attendant on the QUEEN HELEN AND HER COURT-Miss Helen Buehm, center, is surrounded by her court. sion building and had been con- her heart enough so that I had court. Sue, an English major (I. to r.) .Fi~st Row:, senior atte~dant; Susan Hogan, senior at~enda!'t; Barbara ducted by Miss Riefsni~er, di- ~~~n~he opportunity to be a ~rO:O~~d:~o~~~v~~ ~~rJ~o~~~~ ~~~~:r~uJch~~~r;ailt~d~:dtb~:te~,nl:e~:;nd::~~S~~nQ~e!~eH~i~~·; ~:d~~hd ~~ll~h~~:Sj~~i!~od~chO!~; ~~~[ss~!n vz~~~~:erAs::v~c;: to then s~; ~;d~n ~eer p~~~:~ea~~ m.ore ye~r. She is president of :~:~~hm~~:e:it:~d!~~tJa~~C!iI~ire~~~~ii:!~r~f:~:e~j~s:t~' rli~~mKariz:t~er~:sht~;nar:l:e~j~~~~dson, At first my innate curiosity return the following week to Sigma SIgma T~u, treasur~r of. . . t. . .• and my desire to help turned to visit her again. the Inter-Sorority. Council, a Rlchal".dson I~ a mathematJ~s- en :'!.-Council and the cho]l·. the committee chairmen ~or II strong feeling of inadequacy; It is so easy to go to college member of the chOir, ~the Co;- educatlO~ maJor from Bel AIr: Mara Dilson, an art major May the S~A meetmg but the patients (all women) and gain an education from lege Players, and thiS years Carole IS a m~mber of Phi from Summit, N. J., will be a Monday fllght, AprIl 16. ?ag- books, but to me it was nearly FAC. Alpha !lIu and Will be secretary freshman attendant. She is a mar Joeres has been appomted Senior the of General Ghail"l.nan, assisted Humorist Suggests meaningless until I had gained of Reese is a attendant Catharine uf next year's junior class. member Anonymous cheerleaders, the George Gebelem. Steve Bayly by and experience education physical Jane an economics Artists the marvelous Allgire, Union. from Westminster. from New Windsor She major Student is a Baptist "Oughts" For Autos giving a bit of this knowledge major represented the !;enior sophomore attendant a Iso. year Mara will be serving Ncxt will handle publicity. is un- The .May Day Parade and a hit of myself to someone also her who was starved for compas_ class iJl the Homecoming Court Jane was the freshman Duch- class for the second year as der the chairmanship of David by I. M. Licensed sion and friendship. last fall. Kitty is a member ess on last year's l\-Iay Court. Women's Student Government Drobis, Parade Marshal. Com- It recently occurred to m~ of the Argonauts, thi.s year's She is a member of Phi Alph.a Association Representative. mittees working on the actual ~~I~t~~he~~o::x{a~~~:. m::a~er; Opportunities For ~~l(~ ~~g~laW~ap~~esl~:~t s~~ ~~~r':~~st~~~~ss~~c~~~l :~ c:~~1 Kr~:ee;~;:a~I bi:I~;~dl~I:~'or ~I~!~ ~~~e;~nym~:~c he:~~d ~~t::::~:: ~~~~~:~~l j~:e th~h~~~~: d~~~ Summer Service me;~~r. junioT dnchess will be P~~~dith Jones will be the May Balti~ore. She is a member ment; Barbara :ets.chk.e, ~low. their subjects or personalities., Judith Callahan. As a Biology Court's freshman Duchess. ~n of Tn-Beta and the Newman ers;. Cal·ol DaVIS, lflvltahons; To begin with, of course, Herr Each ,,~e~ a nu?",ber of vol- majo.r from Sparrows Point, English major from Baltimore, CI.ub. DaVid Hnmphrey, programs: \Villen should drive a Volk~- untary selVlce pro~ect.s for t~e "6he IS a member of the Argo- Judy is a membeI· of the \Vom- Jack Blackburn announced and William Hall, propel-tics. Barbara M ,n ,./ l ~~~~n~h~~1dt~l~ r:i~~c~e~e~:I~ ~~~lJl~e~~~ )~~G~lllA~~PC~\e~~ ~~.ts, Tri-Beta, and Phi Alpha h· t r. " .1# II • A t'·n f f csted students are urged to Junior attendant emKOU Ilecelve re"ows 1pS; the ~~ll~\\~o;eco~~in:t~i~~: are ser~ously cn~sidcr taking any Earhart, hails fron/ FredeTick. CuQue ., A ' ,. A· h. ,J , Dean l\1akosky_Rolls Royce :~!I~ero}:~~~ III one or more ,of ~hC~vas a ROTC ~pon~r in;er .. onners ccepts vrOliuate sSlstants lp gean :;o\~ery-prOWI car Baltimore: ~une 20-Aug 18 a~~:n~a~nt y~~r ~~r \op~mo~.~ D;~nPri:~~~~~:r ;;~~~n Work in inner-city, .urban ?ear. A ?io!ogy-education rna: Joseph McDade has won ~( also,a member of Tri-Beta, this hospital, mental clinic, and Prof. Hurt-Cadillac limou- renewal: negro cOlllmunity. Jor, she IS a m;mber of Tn National Defense Fellowship ye~'.l·'s ~AC, and the Men's with the county health bOlird. sine R~reatJ~n and crafts program, Beta .. Barbara. IS the In~r. to t.he University of Delawal·e. Leadership Society. Joe was A sociology major, Mary is Dr. Gl"iswold------.Jeep With chIldren. House repairs Soront_y Council repI·e~entatlve The fellowship, in the field of ("hairman of the Judicial Board, an Argonaut, a member of Pi Dr Earp-Nash Rambler work. $1.25 per day plus for Phi Alpha. Mu, chairman of biological sciences, is for three the pJ"edecc~sor to the Honor Gamma Mu and secretarv of Dr: Whitfield-anything but travel. next ~eal"'s Flesh~an Advisory rears. Tuition and fees will Cotn"t. the Integration Council. . a Lincoln Fredel'ick: July 9-12 ' Councl~ an~h':"~s Just electe~ to be paid by the college and Joe Florida State University at Lucy Conners has accepted Miss ~h.ear&--bookmobile .
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