Page 41 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 41
Liorar:l .:Bst~t'n Maryland College And TH~restWajs·One The pages of history are littered with all THE GOLD.'BUG of kings, emperors, and potentates. Their and ceremony have shone and glittered poverty and dirt that smudged the road of They have spurred their war horses and battle cries over most of the continents. seas WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND ;~~~i~:~~~~~~~?:e~fs~~il~~~a:~~~l~~~~t:h:i:~~~;~,;,:;:;";;;;,;:,::;,;::,,====;,======================,;A:;p,;;ri;,,i ,;20';;',,;1;::9::;62 birth'\~~~~~::':~~l~~~e~~~~tt~jt~~~e:;,~~~~rh'¥1:~l~Mathai Speaks Honor Court Solicits- Applications ~~O~hefra~!~~dXndnth~~iili:J~;~e:sb~1~~nt~~~~~~~:~EtlUCDtiDD Fit B L F H S t ormu a es y- aws or onor ys em and the crown rested uneasily. D,. Samuel Mathai, "di,. natio~~e~~ c~~~~ii:~~d ah~t~~dUgdgd~Snht~:o~irt~~n and 1i;~~s~~~~~~:~s e~~~i~o~3~;i~1 Persons interested in serving number- of applications can I III . ..Election of' Officers: turies. T~e men of humility an~ justice, who ~s a Danforth Visitin~ Lec~ ~~l ::~~i~6:-~:tt!0~~I~~;~~!t~:~ ~~ o~~~~ed'apPlication shall ~~ai~~:c~e:n~r:;co~~!r :i:~ --power, did not reign long or .Il~ the way urer. to Joseph McDade or Martha be reviewed and discussed by court by the new court at a wanted. The corrupt and avanclOUS ones Olsen. The letter should state the court. meeting held the second week and lied their way into power have guided the applicant's class and rea- D. If application is re- of May of each year. The all have left their mark" but it is usually a sons for desiring to serve and cctved from an existing mem- Chairman of the outgoing unsavory one. must be submitted during the bel' fol' re-election, that per- court shall convene and pre- And there was one, who was humble and last week in April. All appli- SOil shall leave the meeting side at this meeting. whose war horse was an ass, whose sceptre 8; reed, c~tions. will receive ecuejcon- place while his individual IV. Selection of Faculty Ad- whose crown was of thorns. Which one do we choose sideration, and past experience application is being reviewed. visors: follow today? A.J. is;~!~:~~~~~~~~rporatcd Hon- ~i'da~:o~~lc~:eVo~ee;i::r ~:s~~ :ch~o;e;~el~~~~~i;~~~ ~~ct~l~ or Court has formulated the followed by prospective Jun- ty advisors of the Judicial and -A DYINGMAN- following by-laws for a codi- iors The names of all eligi- Board shall serve as advisors Sopho- prospective mores respectively. to the Honor Court. fled Honor System. B. For the school year 1962- Meeting Procedure: F. by Pamela Wolfe I. A. Quorum: ble applicants will be placed 63 one member of the team A quorum shall consist of 12 on a ballot separated by serving the previous year- The -man was 1'{1.cked with. eeceezcse pain, members. No administrative class. shall serve as advisor for a Yet lived with gell_tle eycs; meeting may be held without G. Voting shall be by secret period of one (1) more year, He raised his brllised and bleeding head, this quorum. ballot. with an additional member And looked up to the skies. B. Place, Time, and Pre- H. Each court member is being selected as provided in He said a few eoit-epoken: wOJ'd8, quency: entitled a maximum number the Honor System, i.e., ap- Tke-n laid. his soul to re8t; An administration meeting of six (6) votes for seniors, pointed by the President of His eyes were shut; his torbtred head shall be held at least once a six (6) for juniors and four the College, to serve for a Fell down upon his brefUt. semester at a place and time (4) for sophomores. Only period of two (2) years. designated by the chairman. one (1) vote can he given to C. In each succeeding year, Then Thwnder roared a.nd lightning flashed, Suggestions for po e sib I e an applicant by a voting an advisor shall be selected And all thc world was dark; Honor System revisions and member when casting his as proposed in the Honor For lUI death claimed that dying man, _ possible Honor System pro- ballot. In the event, a re- System to fill the vacated The world grew cold a,nd stark. cedura changes should bll dis- vote is necessary, a voting position and shall serve for meetings, he will dia, cussed at this time. member can vote for an up- a period of two (2) years. And many 1011g aftenl)ard, "Th~ Langnage Problem II. Election of Members: plicant for whom he had D. A faculty member who The world realizcd its loss; 1 India Today" and "The Fu- A. For the school year voted on a prior ballot. serves as an advisor to-the It was a gentle, MUJn turc of English in India." Hl61-62 all members will I. The six (6) seniors, six court shall be eligible for rc- Who died upon the C)·oss. Fl'om 1948 to 1953 Dr. l'IIa- serve until the end of the (6) juniors, and four (4) selection within a period of ===========c======== thai was secretary to the Inter_ second semester. for mem- sophomores number receiving the in one (1) 'year after term. the expi- ration This Board highest of his of India. B. University of votes Applications M0 1lsieur. Vonnier Expillins ~o~~is:?:n ~~~ve:Ss~bliS~:~n~ ~~~Sh!~uI;;illdubr~n;ec~~veedla~~ ~~o~~t.cla;:· ~~:I~v:c:~eo:: t~: f~~~c:~ul~nl~~~red~u~o~~~.w~~ 1953, he was appointed for the last eligible po.sition, week of April of each year, terms. its first JIJ", .,fler ~iJjllCl1t"'·Otl~'OiJ'lill.'IIc,e ~'ffic:e',ta~Yf·t:,' c~hmi'mf,·~:X,·o~',"tDiv~e.and selections In the event an just the tied with a simple cluding faculty Oil the court (in- In the event of any vacan- will be made a re-vote by all membcrs on V. the first week of May of the persons shall C)' occurring
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