Page 45 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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i..ibrary ··'estern liliryland Cgllege ) -;;0StmL1ster, Md. New Library Features THE GOLD BUG Private Study Rooms by BO!l'baraCook Vol. 39, No. 21 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND May4, 1962 ~;::!\~£{~:~~~~~:~:i;;;::r:~~~i;:~;",::~,,~:i'~~::::,"~:~~,~;Junl"or Folll"es Provl"des. Be·g.-I"nnl"ngOf Weekend the library's exodus to new used as a discussion room or a_ qual't\rs, But the star per- meeting room for special . [~:::~~f1~l~ifnf~f~:1~~:~~~I~::~~;t~)S!~gy~lAs Parade, Coronation, Dance Comprise May Day newest addition to the campus This Hoor contains another Tonight, as a prelude to the wIth lyr-ics by Barbara Moon will amaze students with its study room with stacks and a May Day weekend, the class of and her committee. r moder-n aspect and spacious fa- libranian's office to be open at 1963 will present the annual Webster will direct the eifities. all times for the convenience of Junior Follies. The production formance, assisted by As one enters on the first the students. will be staged in Alumni Hall manager David Dr-obis. floor, the charge desk and re- The music department is at 8:15 pm. Writers of this Byron Avery is t.he faculty serve shelves are on the left, moving its records and players year's Follies are Carolyn suttant. Behind is a large cataloguing into a listening room. There Conkling and Allen Jones. Admission is $1.00 pel' room and the offices of the li- are three individual listening Music was written by Howard son; tickets are on sale at the first floor is the current pe- m-ating this room from the rest ===~~~====== Grabowski, ln-a r-ian. On the same side of booths and a double door sep- Davidov and John door, i-iodical room with a new type of the floor. The entire room L ,.I. ~l. !LI ~fa~Jat~~~esl~~~c;l~i~~o~~l~u~~~~~~lc~~~~'odT~~~~a~~:c~~ieai~oua~~i~VrOUs ellglule ~~1e~~st~a~n7ru~:~ in which ~~e~h~n;~i~cst:tf~vOe;!~e~~.dead- For Assistonce ~~~~i:'1a~a~:%e ~~:~:hal~avid Periodical Index Ta~les re!;~~:o~~, aO:ta~i:le:!:~ :~~ Each year a number of n~- ~f~;c::rs t~'~~1~.~~ta~~~a;s :Vi~lnb!h~'l~::~~~'no~f t~~~'i~\~~~ several si~~~~~o~~~:~1 !~I~a~OI~c~l~~~:~~P~n~::s~~a:~ ~:~'!~etwi~iC~hem;rr~~iti~;eal es :l~:;Xdot~I'~::l'C~hi~efros;~doer: ~n the, irol~nd Ic;~; /he zs: Datfts fo:f CO~;I:~~;: ~i:~ ~ls~h~e:!~;'edD~: picture window overlooking the ~~~:~d s;~~:~~ica;s r~om ';hfco~ applications v!'ry! but in gen- 'rade are the ROTC gO~oc~::s:ight is a long refer- 'ldjOintS,; Shipping 1'0;: Wit~ ~~':~ t~:fo:~pl~~;~~~e;nu~t f~; I~~~ t~:m ('nce and reading room with ~snili~i~~de:!:~~a~~:, rest l~/~~e awards which, begin the follow- ,The coronation ~~;ar~e~~~'n~~~'~~ ,~~da~~~t:n~ ~~oo;'o~:e; :~':e:;o~'n w~::;r \~~~ mlfrh~~~~~~~~~~ht awards are ~~n h~~dth~m~:~i:~:l~1 carrels, ?r llldlvldual st~dy cies. Beyond the door, are ~wo specifically for s~udy abroad. th~ parade 1ll the natural f~~~~~h:~:, t:~a~~~ldi~~' pomts ~~a~s~:;~:, the language lab ~I~eef~~O:~~~:n~V~~~~, :i::r~ ~~~t~,ea~~es~~:~t ~~~v:~r s~t~~: is °ave~~I~~~: ;~t~ ~t~lC:Sfla~~ M~~y o~er-all te~t~rcs ~~~:!~,er ~~~i:~~ ~:~;~n~:a~d: ~o:eh;iIlQu~:~w~f t~!SSMa~el:~ MISS HELEN BUEHM, 1962 MAY QUEEN, will reign over ~tudy a~eas plus some study :~ndit,~~~~scen!nd 19at1;e1~h~~~ ~re .a~ailable, In each case it this u'me. An intricate r:lay- festivit~cs of May Day to~orrow. The day's .activi~ies, including and. semmal' rooms, There are inter-cQmm~~ication Sys~':n are IS Im~ortan,t for ~tudents to pole dan~e on a South Pacific ' at the and a tea III Robmson Garden, ~~~:ngst~:e~;sc~~~~:n,r~07:cu~~; ~n~~~'porated into the new ~~~e r~~so:;n~orth:~I~I:i~io:~~ ~~:~~r::~lm~n e;~rcI~te~n~:rs:~; have been planned in her honor. ~t.udy room and three seminar u~ l~g, k d 't, t th one award or another before direction of sophomore Jo Ann playing gTounds. pm, )'~ms, Of the latter, one is rl'ont o~Othe ~~~~li:~Yis~or re= leaving the -campus ,in June. Carscaden, The Frat Brothe~s Fl'aternitie~ and sororities The day will cuminfite with ~Ol dass and I.arge ~oup meet- turning books when the library DepaJ1mental ,chaIrmen can a!ld the ,College Octette WIll on campus wlll h_oldopen house the .annu~l May Day Ball- '~~;ns ~~~ri~~~u~ f::ss~~~s,educa- i~ecl:ed. /' ~e~ial foot t~uck, ~~;~~~~e ar:t:~.~~tt:ndar!:~iO~! ~~!thedrur~~~tu;~e Ofce~~~o~}:~~~:~~it;esP~sou~~~i :e ~;~~leJl;': ~~~~aHa~:tapr~l~ttef~at:ni\~~ Colle
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