Page 47 - TheGoldBug1961-62
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!.Jlorar./ "i."8tG!J:1. ."ryland College "E)vt:.;n.wter, lAd. Testing, Grading S1stem THE·GOLD BUG Various View Points Defend To the Editor: the faculty member. 1£ docu- :;:-,,--,-,-,-c--,-,-----:=---:-;-----:::--...:..,,---:;;-:-c-: __----:c:-----------,;-;:---:-;---:-;;:;;;; iee~heOfw~:~t~~~seSan~ndm~~t~~:~~~~~~n i~st:I~;:ir:~te; crn~V,;,.;;,01::,. .:;39:;;.";N;,;o::,,.:;22:;",,===~W;;,;;E8;;:TE.:;R:;:N::..;;M;:;AR:;;Y;.,;LA:;;;;;ND;;,;;C:;:OL;::LE;::.~GE;;;.,,;W;.,;E;::8;;,TM;;;;;IN;,::8;;,TE;::R::,',;;M;:;A:;;RY;.,;LA:;;;;;N.;;,D====~M;;;;;aY~1;;1."'1;;;9;;;;62 was always some 1~I.' when stance at most members an systems concern attempt ~~hil;h~, t:~~~n;"t:'~~::iu~i:~':::,~~~'i~~;nt~i'~~~dn~~\;:~HORor(ourt Elects Officers Students To Exhibit Art . ~I r " what J\h. Littlefield had to say read. There most ne "DURell~e,eets M.L emuers At Sh St f gW d e da inthe last issue ufthe GOLD ':'""n.uf course. Th, OW ar In ens y BUG he is not correct in re- respected faculty members, In _ gardi'ng the Western Maryland the eyes of these misguided stu- The Honor Court for 19,62- chairman J 0 s e p h McDade . College faculty as unique in dents, are ~hose who are the 63 will include: David Ht;mph- b.riefed the court on their du- A s!ude'_lt art exh~bit, un~er e:'{hib!t will be Car~le Arr-ieta, which he called "irresponsible bes~ entertainers, the ones who rey, Dagmar Joeres, WIlham 'ties. the direct.ion of MIss Louise Connie Hue, C!audla Fe!lrow, playing with our futures and willie away those fifty minutes McDonald, Priscilla Ord, Roy New members elected to the Shipley, will be held in the art Rosemary Hopkins, Betty Jean ;,~fare" thO~gh .t~ere a~~~~dt:: ~:a;~e~~':!UI~~he~'S~~::n~ i~e~ j~~~r;s ::r~ingRU:: th~e~~~~ ~~ur~enket:!~ .f~~i~~il :~~h~r~: ~~il~~~fIfS~;d~~d~:~da:o. May ~~~~b~:~is~;ndg~~I~'i~~n~li~:~~~ i~h!~~ ~~~~!bt;;:ko;:~~ci~:tr?c~~' ~~!= ~ii~e;il~:~~J.i;;:~;~ vaO~~ned~~~~ri~;;~;nof ~:r~~::!e s:l:~:~ ;~l;oc~~ G~~;~e'b:~!fe~~, ~:~~~ :~;.. ;:~~YIn~:~b~::O!~~ ~~=m.;~~ai::;:s °o~~~:I:~t . a lle t escrI teristic of rooms. They are only students Lazarus, Janet Shanholtz, and uel Case, because of the posi- form of sculpture, oil paint- er, Susan Rushton and Martha h ~\.o~ a d OOt'c a.~acthe United before tests; the rest of the Eugene Willis. New sopho- tion5 in the SGA, will also be ings, water color, craits and Wirt. Sig er e r-.~caIOn 1 fessors join time they are members of a mores are Dianne Briggs, Ben-' on the council. design, will be taken from Nine rooms will be used for ta!:~ts ~ny c~:~emning the casual audience at fifty-minute edict Laurence,. Joan Smith, Young GOPPicks the works of the approximately the e~hibition. Each. type of ~!~e memorization and regurgi- performanccs. and Peggy Van Dyke. one hundr~d and forty-.five stu- art WlU be featured III a sep- their New Officers !~~i:s~-~~-!~~~Sse\\;i~:r::s~~~~t~~ m;~et~t~ee~;;:~~~i~:n~r~:r~~~ M~:nalCd~u~~aii~~~d an':i~i~: • ~~~~ o~~~:g va~~:d ~~~s ~~S:~~~~~~:~~m.A Ap!;~:;sna H~~~ . d d Both share to prlllciple. Let s all thInk cilla Ord recorder at been done expenmentaUy. WIll be featured- III the clay ~:iO;r-::~n~ ~:~. tolerating a and work more. It could be meeting ~n May 7. Retiring Those memb.ers of the art de- modeling ex?ibit. The el.e- kind of education '~hich. seems fun. Dr. Jean Kerschner 0 . t· F The ~oung Republicans Club partment helpmg to set up the ~:~~;::rt~:i~gncol~~;!~es w~;ll! 10, 1962. Da- Alumnus To Present to be the only thl'_lg III the rgamza Ion orms held their election of officers on I d '11 h' hI" ht th world people are willing to pay To the Editor: T H Athl t T.hursd~y, ~ay \~;r:ca:fe\h:'\ wa~~ ~~lorists~ for and not get. e es vld Sehkowltz was re-elected as Recital Tonight What i5--Qr what are-the Grades I'.re everybody's buga- 0 ODOr preSident; JanetWalkerwasre- t~:~~sesareof se';:;!~_nao~yw::e~ ~:. lo~~ ~~~ka::r~u~e~e~~r~: T~hboo~~lthe spo~~s proram ~~~:~a:; i:iCt~~r~!~e~!~or~~~; Tonight, Paul Maynard, noted NewDorm'Mom' ~:::s~:/~;:~~~b~h~;i~~eS~~= :n:~tse~e~e;i~f~ g~:oduel~thr~th:; Fose.~~~g~i:n ~~o ~veo~~~ ~=;~;i~g L~~i~~~t~O;;'; cJi;i ~e~wo~0~~eO~f:s~iS~t~~4a5,m:~; ToJoin Stoll vices by which students may be not have gotten. Yet the chief l~.guls e e7s~ v~~ I~ t~ - Fredholm treasurer; and Eric give an.organ recital in Baker ~~~Tc~las~!e~oOUI~e~~ve;n:!~~:~ ~~i~r~:!:;= ~v~~~r ~!r~vo~:~tl~ ~al~~~.~Iunt;:~ ~n :O.rm~d.r- ~~:~:~~~JC~~~7~h a;s ~~~: ~::iad~:ta~:~ie15~r;:~ ~~a::h:;! themselves to. They may be essay tests which are written ~hll.e the club I~ still m a the chairman of the Newsletter be open to the public. when she replaces Mrs. Virgie devices to encourage students loosely and graded loosely. begmmng state, It has set Committee; James Brook and Associated with the New -Williams Jefferson as house di- to learn facts as well as to note These supposedly would reflect up ~ group ?f. standards con- Joseph Wenderoth are chair- York Pro Musica, Mr. Mayn- rector of McDaniel Hall. relationships and draw conclu- t~e real results of our educa- admiSSion to the or- men of Campus-Town Coordi- ard has received wide acclaim Mrs. Mays, originally· from sions. They may be devices by tlOn.. In actuality, it .woul~ re- gamzatlOn. The pro;spect~e natIon. Sharon Dexter and for his performances. He has Richmond, Virginia, has been \yhich the professor can learn suit Ill. professors belllg vlrtu- members must have lettered ~n Debbra. Dudley are headjng the also played with the New York living in Frederick with her how well the course is "getting ally bhndfolded to ~ur defects, one of the sports on the H~11First Voter Committee, Ster- Philharmonic under the direc- daughter. Prior to corning to acrosS" to the student. They and at that, awardmg us A's and must have a C. averl_lge.l!l ling Green is Membership tion of Leonard Bernstein. the Hill, she was engaged in a may also be devices contribut- for fir~ly grasping our bull by t~\e.semester preced.lIlg hiS. I.n~-Chairman, Mark Kappleman After graduating from West- secretarial po sit ion. Mrs. ing to the professor's ability to the tall. and flinging it as far tlatIon. No one Will be 1IlIt.l-heads Convention Arrange- ern Maryland in 1945, he con- Mays is the mother of two evaluate the student's progress, as pOSSIble. ated before the end of hiS ments and Thomas Michaels tinued his organ study at the daughters and the grandmother a in :~rd ~~{e mu : ~7!p~~~dP:~:~t I'r~~:;ste~iCs:~~epr~!:~I~~s ~:t !~~~~~t~nWh:ar~i:n~et~:~ns!;: ~~d ~~~i~ic~tk~!t~::. ~~~:1~~~l;na~:h~~cei~!d r.:~~iC·pr~:~ of r.~;:. ~:;,?dl~~~~s the Hill af- the grade to report for the stu- individual facts are the stuff of el.l~lble after one semester pro- Miller and Carole Riha are the at Yale for his organ abilities. tel' 20 years as director of Mc- dent. Most professors see which broad generalizations are vldl!lg they have a C average Social Chairmen while Judith He also participated in the Col- Daniel. A graduate of the grades on transcripts as a made. Those professors who dUl"ln~ .that semeste~. Mem- Tatem is heading the Speakers legium Musicum Concerts of College in 1908, she returned to necessary evil, but they have know how to give good essay bel'shlp \Il the cl~b. WIll be of- Committee. Dr. James P. Earp Paul Hindesmith. Westminster in 1942 to become found no rational alternative tests force you to back up broad fered to thos.e ~hgIble upon a is the club's sponsor. Tonight's program includes: "house mother." for the system. generalizations with relevant favorable maJo~lty vote of the Prominent speakers are be- "Pavan," The Earle of Salis- ha~~kes:~:t ;~~~~~ts:c~~~~~de~~~.s. Littlefield is worried t~~~e:e~:~~sh~:: three initia- ~~~ ~i~~~ ~ad~n~O~r=p::;~~~:~ :~~y ;~:ce~:~ia~~. G2i,b~llS~-~~';;Jilniors Honor Seniors ~!;~s ~;;~lti~~d t;~f~~~~;::!?t ~~e~t iss~~~~~rngt;t~~~~g~or:~ ~~~~'~h,aa:dea~a;.n T~~v~n;::;~I~?;:;;tio~e;~bli~::~ y:~l~. ~~~ ~~~;~ie-~I:el:deS~a;d:~;a;~re~ AtRoseCupCeremony - points: first, the purpose of a when facts are presented with dures will involve only one eve-jPlanning a membership drive Brahms; and Eight Chorale- A sip from the cup and a ~~~de~t ~~ta~~tej~~~gg::;; ~~ ~v~~Chth~~~in~~d:rntw~~~~op~~~ ~:~a~r:g.Will be dignified with ~eaa~e~la~.the incoming fresh- re~~I,ug~Ss.f~~h.the Orgelbuch- ~~~gR~:~mC:~dC:~.~~~~~ t~i:~~ even awards-but an education. fessor presents his own think_ place at 4:15 pm on Thursd.ay, This a student can manage to ing to. his classes, pre-packaged May 17, in Robinson Garden do regardless of the grades he and gift-wrapped, to which lit-I I (McDaniel Lounge in case of ~~~!!;;s~r:!:s f:~oma:~veye::; ~~Ie~r f~~? additional effort is - News Of The Week In Brief - l'a~j~iors dressed in white will have come to recognize that Jackson Day . . . hear poems and watch imita- grades do give a remarkablyac- Kressler Wms Contest Kathy Sto~er Will aSSist Peggy be use? on the paper bookbags tions about themselves pre- f::I~~7n!~di~~ti~~eO:e:o:~U~~~!:: LETTER TO P/~~~haK~~~S~:I:'iSr~~:e~~:~~; ~~e~~-~~!:~~' :theaS~:~ti~;t~~ d:~ilsl:eet~~e ~~o~~t~;ae~et~~: ~;~~~~O::l t~:re~~~~rs isas o~: Mr. Littlefield and others of the Ugliest Man Contest. May 2. . again repeated. :~~ul~su~~~~t~~d ~~atg~:d~::~ THE EDITOR:!e $t~~l~~it~ at::~:~lO$~ii.~; IFC Announces Officers D~~n~AP~:t~:::: p:~~g:~:ted ar:7~~~~~~: °i:rrb~~': c~:~~~~r. :~~:I~rO~si~p~:i~~~d ~ !e~~~= TO t~=v~~~~r~ade it a point to :easgi:;~~ec::dtheT~~~:fn:;;. ';~~ f COt~gratul~tionf ~r~ iFF~rd~~ ~~~i~~entA~!OC~~~io~thd:;t~h~~; ~~:~:t:~~idse~~et:~;. ~~;e~ Iih~ I tion soleJy on the basis of his publicly criticize or condemn Mentally Retarded in Westmin- fior ; n~~y ehecle 19~?- meeting on Monday, May 7. presentations the juniors will grades. Much more impo~tant the operations and decisions 'of ster. The idea for this. contest 6;~rsJo~;ph ~;~a~ wrl~a~reside Those assisting Dia~a are gather on ~he walk e.ncirc1ed ar~ such factors as the. ~ttltude various administrative groups was _presented to the SGA by over the Council which in- ~fary Lee .Nuttle, vlce-pres- by the selllors and slllg t~e ~~lc~a~~~iJ~~~d~~!teXt~~~!S\:i~~ ~v:s t;::en~~;~~:~gh~o:e~r, a~~ ~~~~~a:e!~~~~, c:~~eszas the clud~~: f.a~d ~deli~low~tz,vic~ ~~~~; V~~7~il: R~~~~~, ~:~;:=:::: t~~Pcu~o~~.ea~~r~:~orW:I! whom he has studied thin~ he tention that the men's co~ncil ~::~,:n 'andaV1Sterli~ eYGr~:cnurer. . . . Carolyn gives each Seni?T a h~s. And.o'_lcehe has obtained has decided to put in effect a Crawford To Lead Club tr£as~;er. g D~l'lng t~e lIlstall.atlOn cere- rose. The Alm3; Mater wlll he hIS admls~\on .t? gr.aduate dress code for male students at Members of the Classics Club m~llles, !It.lldred Dickey, out- sung as the senIOrs leave. ~~~~~i~rb~I~.~~:~I~n!hehl:n~~~=W~!e~~e ~:7~~~dri~~~lefoe'te~1 :~!e~~ ~:rd~h~r.~~~i~gto;~:~~ SGA Accepts NSA V~te ~~~~gap::!~~.ent, was presented atC~/tudents are welcome to ~~:e:~r~C~U;~~~l~ehl~;OU~~~~ ~;;:~;erbu~o~e t~a:h~~~,r~~t ~~ ~:::: C:t\\~~~~~p;!rdefi~~edt~~: m~~i~gS~~ ~~~:a:,t itae~r ~a:! =======",'========== 'r. A' ~~~~:~l:;e~ ~~~ ~~~~il~;e!'i~~ ~;ri~::-:~~~~ OP~;io~hisIt !~g:~ ~~ar~ar~VaSTe~!;~tedthi~re~,:~:~~~~~i~o~~:1"~~~~~~e~~~~t~:~ Sororites CllooseNew leDders; , The vote In the stu- n· 0 ,L other people. These VItal.mat- however, if he codifies his opin- president, was elected vice- hershlp. with- ueS/flnDte tners.o SS/st ~~rsa~ant~:~:~r~et~ommulllcated ion into a? 'authoritative law. president fo~ next year. dent body was 2~1 for y. p College IS a place for young ela Wolfe Will fill the combined drawal to 108 agalllst. :II \ ~nlcere:r' H men and women to grow and offices of secretary and treas- Delta Sigma Kappa held its Tuesday, May 1, 1962. Lead- W~I~i~m·M.O~!~rd, Jr. :~uc~~eri~~~i: ~~~dS;e:;e~i~:~;; urer. Bookstore Pla~s Contest. ~:~ii~n: t~~ D~~tessd,~hi!a~a:~ ~agrot:: J::~~~g c:spr:::1e:t~ To the Editor: ~~ti~ r:::;es ~~: gr~:~os~e~~:- POlOPOlOSquad Eluts Hoey a ~~~t!;o~~;o~~eIS~;ton::il:a~ ~~rT~~~:i~nW~!lep~~~~~~~f_e;:~~~:~~~ J~:icc~bu~OO~~yv!~e-~:ce:!: Mr. Littlefield has made a sible freedom academically and .Next year's Porn Porn Squad t~.lre-type ca:to~m with. laug?- will be Patricia Raver. Jeanie tary, and Della Boyd as treas- serious charge against the fac- in aU other realms. The type WIU be led by Peggy Hoey. 11Ile. The wmnmg deSign will Hillman will serve as recording urer. Assistant to the treas- uIty when he accuses us of "ir- of clothing a person wears is secretary, Carolyne Brecken- urer will be Alice Weller. responsible playing with our an expression of the type of in- ridge as corresponding secre- Other newly elected officers are ~~~~~7:nti~~~ ~:~!ft~e'''me~~e:' :~:i1u~~es~e c!~n~~w::d~~ua~: CAMPUS COMtf>Y i:::~u:e~~ iJ~~~:~%SC~~ce~: ::, f~~~;~~n ~1a;::raga~:~d~ma:~: I admit that no one is perfect. proportionally with good minds are Barbara Holland, ISC rep- sergeant-at-arms; Anne Benja- but ~o set the record straight, as we all know. resentative; Jean Lucas, ser- min, sunshine chairman; Helen let mc descril1e the view from I have visited other college geant-at-anns; Diana Petti- Holmes, SGA representative; at least this faculty member's and university campuses where grew, chaplain; Betty Tibbs, Barbara Owens, ISC represen- side of the fence. there is no dress code and have business mar:.ager; Dorothy tative; Marilyn Van Scoter I believe that he would agree noticed that such institutions Beck, historian; and Mary Lou and Kathy Stoner, social chair- with me that facts ar.e the are among the best in the Castronova, social chairman. men; and Janet Walker, alum- foundation of principles, no world. On Tuesday, May 8, Iota nae secretary. matter what the course of I am thankful that there Gamma Chi also held elections Sigma Sigma Tau will be led study may be. Once presented are institutions of higher for the coming year. The head next year by Carolyn Webster. wth the facts, mature students, learning where people's minds pirate will be Barbara McCath- Other officers wcaring the red with the aid of helpful hints are not so small as to let the ~ am and the rest of her crew and grar will be Judy Rein- from the instructor, shouJd be personal appearance of indi- will include Marian Emery, hart, vice-president; Bonnie able to recognize "meaning viduals pre:-judge their opin- vice-president; Helen Tempel, Shelton, secretary; a'ld Mar- and relationship." But I sub- ion; where students and pro- recording secretary; Carol WiI- tha Wirt, treasurer. The alum- mit that few Western Mary- fessors are willing to consider kinson, treasurer; Ester Deck- nae secreary will be Sue Gor- land students even the people on what is in their heads 1- ~ \,-b"-\ ert, correspondng secretary; don while Ethel Wilsman will ..,tage of knowing the facts, and hearts and not the clothes _- ~-- ~ Helen Tempel, ISC representa- serve as ISC representative. :~::~hthi~~ingse~bou:o;~:I'::tl~~:. ~~et:e~~vb~~~:~s Ic:;;'¥~! t;i~~ ~~~. ;~:~~t~;~e;~i~~a~~~l~~~r:~~ ~~:~~~a~~i~~~1 Abdea:,:~g:;;~ ~~gm!tu~:~:ri:~t~~u!~e i:re~~~t ~~%~~~a~I~h:~J~~u~~~~ical,un- dWELLj I GOr WHA-r t CAMe 1"0 SCHOOL- FOR. bU~i~ts~I~~;af~:' held election i.~~i;~se~~~TveF~~~ton~rr~~n~ George do it," and George is Thomas W. Hayes AND I G--RAOUA-reD,roo! IJ of officers for next semester on Smith, sunshine messenger.
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