Page 38 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 38
The Gold Bug, Apr. G, 1962 Pughmen Grab First Two Tilts The Edito~s' CIIIIIermen Open Seas.. ~~W Veterans Provide Batting Punch;WMC Terror Netters Conquer Lycoming Against Once-Beaten Loyola It, '~:':";fi:',~.,:;~Vo';~o~!~i~;I~~,kt~:;~"E~a,',I~~';;;ti;.'~~ldi:: BASEBALL !ENNIS Track and Field has been while Daniels, Art Alperstein, final accounting, judged on a team basis but, nevertheless, each Spearheaded by the annual Playing Its first home match and still is the world's most Kidd and O'Malley will run the team is composed of various individuals who, for one reason or Terror batting barrage, the of the campaign, the Tenor net popular individual sport. It hurdle events, both low and another, catch the eye of the public. In football, the spotlight Wester~ Maryland nine swept contingent downed a visiting has given many men the 0ppOI·- high. falls most often on t~e dazzling, like our own Charlie ~:;~el?~~ki~n~~:eka~~ o~.!~O~~I;i~ ~i~~~l~~~. crew 6-3 Th.urSd~y ~~:~Z!~d p~~~~n;re~~ l~~i~;: be~~ PI~~~en~,ot~~ep tl~:~bl~~; ~~O\~I~'eOI:~!:rla;~~~~~~~ J~:.~~:rb~c: l~::k~~~a~e~:~~!~;~: d~~~ season on a potential-laden Steve Berman, stroking m and fame, for merely a few those best suited for particular smooth-shootl,ng backcourt ace, a hoopster like Richie ~lItzberg note. . . the number one position, moments of action. events. Others competing at o.r a. Tom a Malley type rebounder generally mono~ohzes the In hIS last year on the Hill, trounced Lycoming's. Pollitt This Monday the Western present are Bill O'Connor, Stan limelight. Baseball .season f~cuses the mass o'f attent.lOn on the ~~i~~~ ~~!~/hai~t;~~de~:g~:;~~ ~~~nd6~1' s~~~n;~: ~:~~~r\h:~l~ ~sal·y~:~~dU~raCakga~~~m L~~~III=~I~~~~:,r, r.~i~~ry S~:I~~~' ~~:~ ~1~:;yn~;~~lt~~J~~~~~ Charlie Wa~ter, or the hard-fuing hurler, tion, with the accent on ex~el:l- number- two man, Mitchell, College featuring the area's Fisher, Dave Eckman, Ron 'l'his srtuntion IS probably tYPlC:d .at ev.ery college, large or ~~:l~~a~:tr:;c: ~';~~~ln~V~~~: ~u~~~:~ ~~~,u~~rco~~~stri~a~~ ! ~~~~~~. Aol~~~edSal~h::; Garv~n and l.~en Kenton.. ~l~alia~:·o~~~~U\~h~hc~~ent:;:·d A;a~i~u~s ~~~!rsh:~~et~~' ~~~e~;~ Terrors a classy one-two pitch- ShllUlr.U also dropped a close slate with a Joss to C U ~hls club IS young. and IIl~X- to find entertainment and, most often, it is the formerly ing punch. The infield is led match, 6-8, 6-8, but the last Our lightfooted thin-clads ~erlcn.ced,. but track IS oecultar mentioned type of players that dominate the game, provide color, by Sweet Skippy Brown at SS three netmen on the singles have been wor-king- under coach III this lespect. Many, gIVen excitement, and thrills. Still, as any coach or team member will and also includes Dick Yobst ladder came through with vie_ Dick Clower and hope to have the chan~e to c~~pete,. of~.en staunchly maintain, individual success is sccondary to the team (third base), promising fl"esh- tories. Bill Sitter edged his a record breakin ....yea I'. There come thlough WIth vlCto.lle~ achievement.. And certainly, the I.ineman in football, the (P.C.) man Denny Amico (second opponent 7-5, 6-2; while Denny are seveml futUl':"e stalwarts to a~d.go on to Stal"(~?m.. TJac~ substitute in basketball, or the rehef pitcher in basebail realizes, base), and ~ransplanted out- Quinby triumphed at 8-6, 6-4. be consciOlls of in the shotput_ gives the chance to ~nknowns overall, that he is making a valuable and necessary con~ribut!on fieldcr Charhe Walter (first Rounding out singles, Dave ling event including Jesse :I'ho f~l they can .Iun faster, to the team effort and, thereby, deserves a measure of sahsfactlOn base). Len Biser and Bill Martin routed his foe, 6-1, 6-3. Brewer Karl Scheule Art Ren- JUlllP higher 01· thlOw further fOI· his. cfforts. Still, there are some participants who, by their Bergquist are fighting for the In the dec i s i v e doubles kwitz a'nd Frank Kicld. Throw_ than t.he next guy, to show that detel'!lll~ed ?pproach to t~eir particular "job" and their a.bility to catcher's slot, with the former matches, Pollitt and Mitchell ing the javelin will be Tom Lhcy Ieally can. accomplish It over a penod of years, really deserve a htle that probably ~aving an edge be- gave Lycoming a solid start O'I\1alley, Dan will be Jen-y T has been worn by usage over the ~ears-u~sun.g hero. . and Pearson U d f t d .One such a;~Iete, ~ ~vould say, IS WI\JC S l_3111~ergqU!st. cause of hiS heavier baL whcn they nicked Steve BeJ"- Kidd. Sprinters Noble, Chuck WO n e ea e ~ Outfield Presents Problem man and Hank Shimizu in two Richman, Denny semor now,.th~, S.w,7des football career 1S behmd he IS The outfield I"e J"esents a sets. Howcv~r, Bill Sitter and Gray, Bob Kleine, Pete Alexan- about to wnte fims to baseball as well. For four grll,ldlllg. years, ~~~b~~n~l:~e n~~~lto;;.:~~ghw~~~ ~.~;;~, ~I~~.tmBO~·ev~I;~~ a\~~ ~::~e~~~/v~~~~~~~'b~~~~~ ;~~~I~In V-Ball League ~r;g~~~c~:rS~~~~:de :~;:e!U)I~~sC:,o~u~O~cahs '::~~O::i~t::I~O c~~~ seniors Jim Pu.s.e y ~nd John ~:~~: ~~i~~;as~\;~~ndth:l; ~~~ ~~~~~~~ T~~k pol; vault ~:~ll After a season of Intramural ~;~o:~I~::t~~e!O~n~h~\~mn~~~~t~Sbu~na:~y:~~k~~~lI~,s ~)r~:~~~e~ ~ne:ef~n~o~I;;;~~[to J~7: ~~:&ponents 6-2, 6-4. ", O'Connor :Hld ;~es'Dani~ls~ ~t~~~.eti~~~~.e:~eg~~~a;;~n~;;~sea~l~ ~~~~e~Ot~hsi~a;;~~~c~e;p~a~~c~b~~t~heB~~u:;sinc~~~e~n~ ;!!rt~:i~h able, h.e has the pleasant t~sk ganized another team sport to one of Western Maryland's all-time great linemen, Jim Pusey. _ of filling only three startmg ChamplonMountCageSquad be played on WMC's COUt·ts- For three seasons, Bill has played baseball under Coach Pugh. slots. Volleyball. The season has Never a devastating hitter, but a fine defensive catcher, the behmd Gains National Promlne crJu;~daa~ yat~~naoo~i:~~n':~·:~ _ _ _ ;l:~:~~~~~s ab!~~ ;i:~~t~l~ ~~~ede" handles his pitchers carefully and steadies the whole in- blasted DlCkmson 90 nee lead:; Other names come to mllld~men who have contnbuted gteat_ the three-mnmg stmts of The Pleachels and the Gam ly over a long penod of ttme Without any pmtJcular pubhe recog_ ~~~~:oleHat~~s:ntll:I~~;lbl~~~ Just a few '~holt weeks ago uicels as they defeated South- ma hBetes are tied fOI filstplace ~!~~~~:;;I~ora~~' :cor~e:~!~e;~~e~~~~n~~:;~' It;; ~I:p~~~c~~:;a~- to hold the V1SItOlSto a meagel In Gill G)!ll, L\\O teams ple- eln 1I1moiS on an Ed Pfelffel ;~t e~c(; w~nmnghthlee g~me~ celVes\ttle acclaml m Itself Also mvaluable to Coach Harmon'~ fOUl-hIt ploduchon and stluck paled fOl postseason toulna- Jump shot With five seconds le- he leac els ave paye squad, Jack Balle put teeth mto a tough Terror defense dUlmg out nme ment play b\ staglllg an mSlg mammg m the semi-finals TIle t I~e ga,;;es so f al thl~ season, hiS tenUIe as a halfback Turmng to the dIamond speedy semol Pughmen Tally Three ~~:~~n~Vl'l~~,In:v~:~~lml~~~edfi~~~~~:;IP~~ISh~~ \~~~e:dygle::tl~~~ ~~I~ ;'hte re~a~~~a n~et~S'" h~e;;e John DeMey, who tOils m the outfield fOl Coach Pu'gh, estabhshed th~tJI~~~~n~:~IY ~I~l~~:e~on~~~, ~ost lln~ed;;telv flom Its packed weekend as, WIth less ~~s;e f~:r:on~hree games, and :~m:;~~I~:n~nl~:!_~~e !:t~er~::~~~~~e~so~;ht';;u~i,~a~~na;lSW;!~~~ ~~ldeefO~~h~l~/:l~h~h:I::C:~~me o~~ln:~;~~, Mo~~~\~t t~~alS;,~~ ~~a~h!w::~~I:,:co~ldsSt 1:~:~~~ll::, Fllday mght Will show a ~~~I:~~~~~e~~~ ~:e:ell~te~~e~~ ;:c~~~f~~c:e!::;;;a~~~;~d~~md;:t;~ , Once agam Pugh lesolted to better known as "the Mount," Ron Rohle\ (most valuable sharp competition between both tlOn All semors, 'these athletes Will be lepl~ced next year by the 10tatlOn-pltch as you go- contillued to captule III spec- playel III the tourney) missed flatelmty teams III filst place nev. faces and the panorama of hald work and llttle recogmtlOn plan as Han Ison, KlcJll, and taculal stvle the NCA 4.. small a foul shot which gave the to step lfltO the lead The will contlllue ~:h~t;"~I~VI~U~~:~ I;~:dl~~r~~~ cO~:~~e~~~etlflg the ?I-D con ~~:t~~~s a hald ealnoo 58-57 !~~~~o~~a~~,d e~~~SI~~~~ :r~\~~ ":::::::::::::::~;::::::::::::::::~ tomIng ~esterday afternoon felencc lfl supelb style, the Jubilant ovel the success of Wlfl, one loss leCOld ~;- Tcrror Bats Subdue Foe ~~;~~tse:~~~~ona !~ng~~;nt;~~, ~II~al:~~m;ec!~Ot~~lts~~:C~~dJ~~ thl~~ep~l:ec~v~t~da\!~~t~!I:,I~\~~ Visit the nl:ehehl~Va~~~ol ~a~~~I~~edse~~~ r~M~;~c~~~~le~~I)~ i7~~41,ga~J ~~~~al ~1~~I~bl~~I,le,lftt'sc~'1a~re~i~~~p;:c:~~ G~~h:r~~~e~~'; ~a:~ WTTH AM·FM AVENUE walks, but the potent Western I,a~oemg Hofsha the country's fee!Jng The klds deselve alJ of place With "The LovelS" losmg BARBERSHOP ---,I~=======~I~=======~ :!~;:l~~d t~:t~1 :~a~ue~ea~_~l~ ~~r;:~:~lIJ~1 ~~l:~~net,p6h6;~~nfi~: ~~e~~~~Itof ~Oc~ad~c:v~~tg~~~~: f~~~~~~~the Purple and Gold batter CuyP was hIt by a pItch, became engaged in a series of ~Ither. But I guess we wanted ~::_::: Brown slllgled, an error, and thrillers, none of which were It bad enough." Yobst chipped in with a single, decided until the final buzzer. ;- . Westminster ~o produce two runs in the first Their first upset victim was "E1'erybody"'elcome" Laundry BAUGHER'S rC~~~~e~~;:· in the sec- ~i!~te~~~l"g~ned~~enl~li;gSti~~f~t EVERHART'S and RESTAURANT Barber Shop at the \~ Milc Off the Campus ~~~' ~n~t~~: ~:~\"lllint~~h!OU;~:h bU~~:t_~~~~I~~~~n~~:u~~u~:r:ive Dry Cleaning Delicious Full Course Meals plenty of i========~II gave W~stel"ll Maryland Its their audiellce plenty of thri1!s At The Forks DOWNTOWN s.. ~~~~:~d v~:~~~~igo:. the young and thciI supporters MRS. BUCKINGHAM Try Our Hamburg Subs ]9 E. Main St.. in Homemade Ice Cream and Thiek Milkshakes GOLD BUG Billiards TI 8·9824 ST( IOENT UNION Parents' Welcome Hamilton Honse BUILDING OPEN EVERY DAY Gifts for All Occasions COLONIAL DINING Subscription Price $3.00 a Year Opposite Post Office ROOM Priscilla Ord 59 W. Main St. Editor-in-Chief 1WRCROSS CARDS AlJen Jones Recommended by Managing Editor Samuel Case Duncan Hines Carroll Theatre s~.......·t~ Editor . _ A."i.tant S!>O'·I.IIEditor t;u-Copy Edito ... _ Fri. thru Wed. Apr. 6 thru Apr. II Janetllrozik, ,Joyce Creamer, Caro- Hock Hudson Tony Randall Westminstl.'r, Md. lyn Dowell, Caroline Evans. Sharon Doris Day f',scher, ElaIne GardIner. Helen "LOVER COME BACK" TI 8·9781 Goebel. Barbara Graham. Hilda Griscom. Ruth Grover. Eli.sheth Han.e". Geraldine Hopkins. Gayle Thurs. t.hru Sat. Spring £~~F~~~·.P~~~~:eLL,,~::::·.pa~[~I: Apr. 12 Ihm Apr. 14 James Cagney Smith. Joan Smith. Katherine "ONE, TWO, THREE" TUNE-UP Vietoria ~.y; Thomu, Pettigrew '-=========~========;I T)·p;ng Editor .. Bittner. Diana Cisse!. 1- T"pi'lo: V"·;an Carolyn Klitzherg. PATIO Mary Ellen Heggan. Meredith Ho- ~art. JOY Holloway. Warren ,Jeli_ nek. Helen Klein. Barbara Mouat. Mary Lee Nuttle. Susan Sullivan, Sandwich Frances Sybert Heporter.: Steve Bayly. Mary Craw_ ford. Benjamin G.""ne. Mneditb FordbAm, Richard Ro- SHOP hert.. Lm·e. Helen Offutt. William Penn. Janet Shell. Patriei" Snyder, Featuring Helen Tempel,Jame8 Waddel. Contributors: Barhara Cook. Virginia 15c Hamburgers An ~d,:;:e~.)::Ba~_b~_~~_Y;;:Jldgsutton Thick Milk Shakes GREAT BETWEEN COURSES! l'hoto8"l"aphy Editor _.David Robson Pizzas _ Subs BUSINESS STAFF Frl.'nch Fries _ Shrimp Boats A~'·!!, M.n"!!'er _ Iffln"ld Hinri.h. Homemade Do-Nuts .Get that refreshing new feeling with Coke! E""hAnlle _...__ ..... Martha Wlrt Cireulation .__.._.__ William Penn Inside Seating Plus Other Sandwiches Botlied under authority 01 The Coca·CoJa Company by Advl.o. Miu NancyWinkleman Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848.5860 WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA B01-rLiNG CO., INC.
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