Page 28 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 28
2 The Gold Bug, Feb, 16, 1962 MAC Title Hopes Dim As Terrors Fall .Jw'ic.e~ WESTERN MARYLAND GRAPPLERS DROP MA TCH TO LOYOLA,~28~15 t;:!r:::ic~nsOnly Three Left TERROR TAL:'f:I' '. losses To'liz~ies;',rutlefS, p!~'!.!,,!O!1!~~~,F~h~~:!~~~!~~~~ J'.r Weu/(enCo"lerenteRet~rll men traveled in v,i'; to Loyola ';'mg mto the last w;ek of:,g- BY THE . Foraging northward to Elizabethtown, Penna., the last Friday afternoon, as they U ar season play th~s wee as A step in the right direction-that'a the way to dassify the slumping Terror hard courtera w~r~. ~pven an ,85-61: dropped the match by a 28-15 i hey me;t i he Wa~lll1,gto~ c~- most recent move made by the Wl\tC athletic department! Word trouncing by a 'hot, Elizabethtown five" on Wednesday score. The meet was a fast e g? an d owson tate eac - has just been released that the Terror basketball coach, Dick evening. . .- ,- - . . ,1 one, with only one individual er~ ~qua ~ on ~e h?m~ court, Clower, is awaiting word from Hofstra and Moravian colleges Despite another fine eifortby the .big' ."0", Tom ~atch going the full three pe- ;~y ~~v~ai~ M:r~}:.s urg to which will confirm their being included in the WMC basketball O'Malley, the Clower quint could. never. pull ·.within. rlot~~ola got a good car!y The Washington ColI e g e sch~~~eh!~rd t~: ;::e~,6~0~:~:~ that t~e arrangements h~ve bee!! ~~~~~gW~~htat~~e ~f~~~e;h~f~Pi~nt~e ~eoc~~dt~alL i~:' ~~~~ra~:~~k~~ ~~:~i~:ni~ ~~~ ~~r:::'%:~chb~~l~e f~~ma;v~:: :fe~:~fi:fn;er~t~~:; :~: ;:c~~v~hde~r:~lt~~t!~~~~:~::I:t'm~~~~ Jays went on a scoring rampage as' ~?ey \Vid~ned-R 61.51~ first period. Hill had gotten weather conditions. will take at Hofstra and Moravian. lead. to 75.~7 and l~ft·~h~ outcome m. no doubt. ~le~en the takedown but was unable place on Monday" February 1;, Plans call for a weekend, trip north, with the Clowermen straight points during this- rally qOOll).~d ,the,~pt;tten~~i to remain on top. The lead was at. 4 prn. Coa~h Ed ;Athey s meeting Hofstra on December 14, 1962, and playing Moravian the Terrors. . '-, ,'_ ",' . _: strengthened when McCarthey qumt, led by their 18 pomts per 'following evening. The crucial loss--thelr sec-- tIie cour~e. ,of the ~hQle. gan:t~.; pinned Ron Garvin late in the game star Rene Duvall, has ~ueh an arrangement has tw~ ~efinite advantages. F!rst of ond of the w~-dropped D~v!;lMar~ey led. Wlt~:~I~~t!p third: period in the 180 lb. class. ?ad the unf~rtunate luck of los-- all, It offers some strong competition for the Terror qUlDt, as Western Maryland s MA;G rec- thiS ca~gory. ,'," f L'" of w~e::~\:g ~~n~~ Ib~OI~:~~! ~~~ti!h:effi~~fti:~n ~~: ~l:!!~::~~y~C~OO~~lla:~dn~~~o~nt~~~n~:~::~~ntth:i~hl!t!~~~~~o:ii;sin Ste;~ ~i~te.~riei~'g a;~n~u~~~~~hb-:r~ 10:gh~;~~~_~!~es£!ec!~ea~ 1!~: early in the third period. In men downed them earlier in the Middle Atlantic Conference. The two new additions will hring lege. With the Terrors. not off, the Clowerme~"dropped a J the only match undecided by a season by a 65-56 score. the total number of MAC schools in competition with Western eligible for the Mason-Dixon sloppy coht.est,to host .Pennsyl~ pin Kneiely lost to Emmett 7-G. Mt. Saint Mary, paced by big Maryland to 18. crown, . it appears ~hat Hill' vania ~~ilitary' C~lleg'e. 75~56,_ Emmett got the takedown in John O'Reilly (22 ppg) stands Congratulations Mr. Clower and Mr. Waldorf, for a move fans_ WIll have to walt another' last ,Monday evenmg. !" .- . the first period, an escape and as a formidable foe. Having well made! year. . . . __ '~I!reakiug_ahead_1Q.11.n _ _!;~e~ takedown in the second period, beaten the WMC quint pre- . Leadmg the scormg parade first five minutes'of-action, th"£l and a one point predicament viously by a score of 93·76, the Due to the initiative of co.captains Roy 'I.'erry and Dick w~s theJ?ys' Barry Boy~r Cadets had little trouble in e;. with two penalty points in the Saints from Emmitsburg have Yobst, the WMC Athletic Council has authorized money to pur- With 21 p?mts. O'Malley hit tending their lel).gue:leading third. lost but four games during the chase mementos for the non-lettermen of the 1961 Western Mary~ for 19, Khtzberg for 14, and log; to a sparli.Jing 11·1. West- in T;:e T:~~or~b.go:l~:~ a~hec~~ :~a::;haa:~ :e:~c~o~~oo~e: land ;:~~~i;~:~:~u:;;~:~~ut~:~: the letter winners received belt ~~~~~;:~i.~:~5 ~ei~~su~:wc~: ~~~ i~~~~a;o~~~~~ f~~~~~~e~i Thacker, who had shed 13 Providence, NYU, St. Joseph's, buckles for their efforts. However, no provisions were made for as starter. the ~Iiddie Atlantic Confer- pounds in three days to drop a and Georgetown University. those members of the squad who did not play enough to receive Key factor in the contest was ence, with the top two slots be. weight claM, pinned Buchness Missing from the Mount letters. ' . . the rebounding of the .. Jays, ing the only significant ones in with only three seconds remain. squad will be center Dick Say- _ A.s a .result, Dr. Lloyd Straugh~ of the Athletic. CounCil and who all but shut the Terrors post-season tourname~t play ..." ing in the second period. Loy. lor (6'.9"), a victim of scholas- ath~etlc director Bob W~ldorf, servm.g as a committee of two, out on ,the boards. Top·board· With-J:>ig-.Dave, Markjly..,con_ ola bounced back as Mulligan tic difficulties. In his place will deCided ths..t the appr.oprlate? fu:;ds Wlll be ltsed for the purchase man 0 Malley was held to. a siderably hobi:?led by a trpuble- pinned Schuele (167 lbs.) after be either Ed Campbell (6'.5") of .appropriately engraved tie chps. measly three rebounds dUring some,ankl~.arid former .starter 1:52 in the second period. or Dave.Samuels (6'.3"). Dave ' Jim Shaw'loa't because 'ofhhe ne:O~~m~~:~~~;h 1>~~t~O:C;~~ '~a~~~~e~il~~O~;~i~~i ~~dsPa~~ Impressive 8-0 Record _~:~~ ,.!~:,n~%~~~~s ~~.b~~: against Del phi half way ing five. will ',-,v,1 to Bachelor B bailers Bounce By Preac'hers ._ dling mistakes, particularIy'in , thcough the '""ond period in Tow"n St.te p."ing. 'After ,taY;n.. ffaidy the 177 lb., class. Gil ~m~nk WMC on Thursday, February - . - close in ·t~~fi.rst.ha,lf .(40.31), ~~~:r~ai~l: 2~~1 ~~ tt~n~:c~ ;~" wi!ts°nICY one win .u~der Alpha Gamma Tau's torrid Pi Alpha Alpha, will battle scorers with 18, and wiry D~ug !~~ry f:~lc~~11tl~alr'Caad:~\a~: ond period. elr . oach E~ Kli:lan's hoopsters continued their skein Delta Pi Alpha for the second MacEwan had 10. kets, and the nearest ,the Hill. Their efforts came too late, lCagers, led by Bill Silver· of B-ball victories this week, slot in the loop. Bill Penn led The Preachers nipp~d the troops were to come was a 60. however. as the Loyola team)thor:ne, fought a rugged battle -pushing their record to a gaudy the Gamma Bete's with 13. fo.l.· Phewmen 63+56 on the shooting 48 deficit. -" j. wrapped it up neatly with agamst the Terrors earlier in 8--0, with a win over the lowed by Whitmore and Quim· of Bowles, with 27, and Dick Martin paced tIle sluggish ~.~~h~:ou~~~~: s:~:~ pe~~ !~:r:e:~~~~U~~~yt~:li:l~u~o;~; :~:~~~dste::6'2,:,hose record ~ill~;i~~de1: l1~p~~::rOt~:~~~~'~ ~~~~t, ~v:e:~~~ed \~;;e T.l~ c~~ 'iW~b~~,al~~ .• to mske the final score 28.15. !B decisive 85.54 victory. Skip Brown, the Bac~elors' ther notched 10 to round out Dave Sutton's 15 Joe O'Malley with. 15 each:, " I ~ "'========",4========= 1 !~1n::~~~~~e P;:;:~u~ w;; i~;~~~l:l~~~c:~d a~hci~~ST;~:ii:~l:d:~.ot~i ~~:hal~l:~! e~;~' y • Ierrorettes ose liRe, rr/R tine: afforded the able assistance of John DeMey with at 2·6. Their . Rounding out the schedule,- the Visit the' II IJI.· II 16. by a 40·38 count. DTT's the big Tom's 16 poi!'.ts record now stands games, recent other and numerous In SeQSOnDe!JutProves Promising ,- !~~'nd:a~~~r~he rebounds. Con- t;p~a8~.':5h~~:~~~ t~~~~~~~: PI Gamma Betes lost il 58·56 af- AVE~BERSHOP ~a;~he~~rsth:'p;:rl::~ :~:rin~h~;o~ ~~~s~~: Read points' proved too much for the11-:-------11~=======~ 3 The Girls' .Bask~tbal! Team win their first home game. ~rea~~:r's to;e~c~~:~YKni~~~ ;~int;Oi~~d A~n Re~~:~:~\~~69-40. has m~ved Solidly moo Its s~. Scoring high again, Sandy .Bowles with 11. Bruce ;;nG:~!~e:.l2~3~:e:rdFe~r:~ ~hde;o~~ee~e~~: i~~a;~~: ~~!f~~e:t i;;hi~t~:!~e;~~s t~:n~ :~:~~i~nd a~hi~S~\;::y by e~~ Coffman _Fisher ~o.;~,d 0~e~e::!~!rySi3.JoSe~h's ;h~C;enC~~:~~ t~:o~ec~~~e~~~f~ ~~~gti~~~le, see~s a for :~~edl:he ~~~~~ D~r;:~~39~~~ Dept. Store Join The Newly formed and untned, 9ap~iOed by Becky Wr~gh~, Gamma Beta Chi, sporting a Bowman hit for 17, Bl"Own for YOUNG .... , the team blew a first-quarter a JUniOr, the Terrorettes Indl· 6.1 record after their most re-- 15, and Walters for 10. Young 11 E. Main 81. ~~~to!c~:~~: ~e~~u~~e:, ~~he~~::~~~h f:;:~:~: :~~s~:f::S~~~ cent outing, a 67·35 win over Dave Stearns led the ~lack Dot ~=======:; I)EMOCRATIC with ten and Sandy Roeder playarn are equally skilled. . CLUB g indude v,~O'Connor Eiseroad Set The Pa'ce w\th ''',n point" B,II-h,n- .Startin ,,,word, dlmg Improved, however, .crans Barbara Earhart and , KNOUSE CROWN . Contact ;!~~~!t~~:' ;~!~h':~aa:dfr!~ ~::y c~~~fe';!~n~ ~~vefr~~ :"S Jun.·orCagers Top Balto Inst Service Statim} H~rveYD'IL4emp~~~ a half·tlme defiCit of 8·11 to ~an Sandy Roeder, a conSist. H • • =========Ii'!nt scorer in the games. Sally The Terror Jayvees came man, with 12; Bill O'Connor, I ;" [leRan, Nancy Thomas, and through in typical style last 12; Gordy Bateman, 10; andl'-::=======~ ~=======~ GO LD BUG ~~~::,Wh:~:te~,so def;;o~: '~:!~=Yih~e~~~i~~:g l~a~:i!~~~ Ed~~~ ~~~~~ ~O;ped the qUint'slr r -:7 ' ~~~~lnl~~i1~~t:~~!~t~dr:~t::. ;~~ms~~~s t~~ir~k~~i~~b!~a~~~ !~~!~:ute squad by a 85·46 ~::;:ds~e~~~ aiht~eo~:;n~s~~ BENN'S, INC. CARRQU Entued ~s second el~~ matter at the ~ng and ball.handhng. Other The Pughmen poured it on Mercersburg by a 68·60 score, ~~~ c.i~~~f::;!h'3a~19 Marylnd, members of the team are Sue right from the beginning to and Johns Hopkins, 64.41. The Men's and Boys' 'Year PASTRY SHOP ." .. Price $3.00 a Year !Wards, a~d Diane Gardl).er and halftime led the visitors 35.15. Hopkins' junior netmen, 54.53. (with complete accessories) 7 E. M,ain,St. TI8-7620 , Springer, for· !Beeler and Janet the pile up a sizable lead, and at Terrors previously defeated Tuxedo Rental paced the 10-1r-'-'=-==--==:"::':~; ~::~~f;~~;";;E.i;;;;-;Dom",Bod.EJ ~lexth~be~,Ol'~:~io~~IU~c~~~ Dry Cleaning SHOPPING CENTER DECORA.TEDCAK,ES SubscriptIon Mike Elserosd p~rol Phllpot, guards, who sub. Priscilla Ord frequently for the start· cal quint as he dented the cords stltute $10,00 Westminster s~~~n~a:!~~ Managing Editor r;'~e Jayvees also met defeat Allen Jones f~r eJ:h:o:;:~n!~ Lauudry WESTMINSTER who snared Pearson 28-23, with to Danny ,agamst . . Samuel Case Goucher, For All ,Occasions and behind Elseroad Busmess Editor Close !Pam Bobbett scoring twelve for nine. c<>-Ne!~~Tt?raRI~~ Maryland: S~~~ :u"!!~ ~estern Se. ,~<"E<;w< __ ~J_"r;:,o~O[:::: EVERHART'S AIRS, BUCKINGHAM What's New in the Bookstore:? CooCoo,E,';'o"---p;;,;\::':'::~~ WTTR AM·FM B be Sh i. co'o.~:~',;::;;,~'J'::::'c:::::::,o
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