Page 29 - TheGoldBug1961-62
P. 29
Liergl'J THE::;'ooiD BUG VOTE FOR THE FUTURE in the long line of attempts JFC-ISC Weekend is another Maryland. bring "big name" entertainment to western the years there have been numerous proposals of this sort. Through to Cosy Cole was a decided success, however, it was Homecoming. The WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Four Freshmen were so poorly patronized, that last year's Junior I 9 N Class was forced to suffer a loss, and the remainder of the eug- "sSZachar."as To Tour Russl"a =V.:;O='3;,;,;,';";,0'",1.:;4"'======================,,,,===':;':;':':";':':";;;'::=.1g'''tiA~'~tt~e~::~~~ ~~::i~~~~:~;~~;~~~i~ities IS more than viewing MI unusual basketball gam" listening par-ty, It is a vote for the to an excellent, [aaz band, patronizing an open fraternity on the Hill. of entertainment W "lth YMCA YWCA Student 'Croup ~ae~~:~xG~~t~:~~Eu:~:~~::~~~~rF!:v~~~~i;~!~~~F~~~i~~~~ - Margaret Zacharias, a junior American student for such an the exchange will approximate Tonight the girls' I varsity ~~~::td;~~C~~~tiC~~~~~~~progress will depend upon student in- and Inter- After considering past apathy, the Inter_Frater~ity from Laurel, has been selected exchange. She is an English- $1700 which includes immuni- basketball team takes on a se- Sorority Councils should be congratulated for daring' to set the by the National Student Coun- Education major, and by the zation shots, travel expenses, lected men of progress in motion. Give them the necessary vote of dis of the YMCA and YWCA summer of 1962 she will have and various fees. Peggy's mark and participate. PAO to join a student delegation completed two years of Rus- church us well as several civic ISC which will tr-avel to the Soviet sian, a year of German, in ad- organizations in Laurel will as- Bertram Union in the coming summer. dition to three years of high aist her financially. elude A rth In addition to sponsoring an- school French. Peggy is ec- Peggy has a definite convtc- Knight Bowles, nual delegations to the Soviet tive in the MSM and serves as tion concerning her par-ticipa- Douglas m"'.~w"", .m,," S SI T S . I g Union since 1958, the NSC has, secretary of the SCA. She is tlon in the exchange. "I will Dade, ave aves 0 DCIDD Y aided in planning the activities also an associate member of go to the Soviet Union not only Quinby, of visiting delegations from the Argonauts, a provisional as an American but as a Chris- Harry Rumberger, Stanley Soviet youth groups. The ~ain member of Tri-Beta, on the tian student," she states. "I ~underland, and Eugene WH- The true test of knowledge is how well it can be applied to pl:TlIOSeof the exchange IS to ~ AC, and the SG~ representa- will strive to be an ambassador lis. ".. " everyday life. The GOLD BUG takes this opportunity to present ~~:~e~~~:~~tut~~n~~e:i~~~ :~~ tlv~e~r::tu~~lt:ro~l!:a ,~~t~:~~!n:~: ~llt~~lei~~~annve~~;r; sw~~~s r~C~o~~vrCro~:Z:tG~°U;m ~~~~!~~al examples of concepts learned in the basic sociology SO'.'let,cul.tures. Parttcipanta elude a New York and ship- the Christian spirit of brother- for .a two-hour concert. 'I'hie Accommodation-Natunewicz's group-essay tests. s~Il,:,e to interpret the two so- board orientation and six; hood. I hope to return to the BaltJm~re group, Jed by
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