Page 29 - TheGoldBug1960-61
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Miss Diane Kanak, a junior neat, but immaculate WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND S S English major from Silver 5. Appropriate campus look Vol. 38, No.8 February 24, 1961 St ~~:~~egdz:e!~c~~~s:r!h:r~;:(s~~'~:;a~i:en~~;~t!~~~~~u~;o:e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B H-II in;i;~~,whowas.1" votedthe "~"A':~~:~:~':' ,",.,den"" plan evere now 0rmsur Y I 22, fashion type 7. Individuality in her use of land College on February ended after the first ballot had best dressed girl at Wheaton 9. A neat way with make-up ~~~hAl~~~O~iu,iSan~:~~~:r ~~ ~~~;~:nhe)tolook pretty, but not This year the students at; . ~~~k.TQ;c~~~eearSO;~;it~a:e~~=ra~~l!;:r~~~ia~ff~m';:s r~=~:~~e~~O~~:ri~at~~'e~!t;;:llse~~,1 lected to be an ROTC sponsor, caaions, non of the Umted States, have and was recently chosen to Experts Judge Entries s~e?- a?- ov~r-abundance of pre~ ~~;ve COo~n~~~~~;sh;:n c~!:~~ m~~fit;:r~rh~ ;:Pi~~~ o~~:;~ ~~:~:~I~~u~n ~~~I~~or~no~,~.thl! ye~~ne, who designs and ~~sti~~tfio~t~~)al~~ 3~ff:a,:~~s c:~~ra~t p;::~ntethe a ~;:rS:l~y makes many of her own clothes, dr:ss or gown will be se~t t~ ~ra? appe:ranc~ ~f the ~a~~ is also a member of the cheer- New fork to be judged, along kunn: 1/ e w\n er. u I ~~; :~ago~~d :Un~~s-reporter ~~!hco~~~~~~b~r:m p:'~~~~1h~~~ be~~iS: ,,~~~~~.h~sz: sevhere, Glamour Sets Criteria perts in the field of fashion ar.d u~. \ere ave een ~~ e~s The criteria. upon which the design. The 10 nation-wide w I c 0 w~e d com::t ra ~v~r women's Council based its de- winners will be notifil'c by tare- ~v80;:e. f n un a~'1 k ar~ , cision in selecting the 10 candi- gram and will fly to New York, t f 'It. e~ ~n07th al"e~t eg?-n a dates for this title is posed by as the guests of Glamour, for °h.ah'hm~ b 0 ;. :U d ~aln, the editorial board of Glamour two weeks of interviews, parties ; IC1 t e~n p:~ 1\e. o~ ~~1~i:iii~~1':~'~::::i::;:::::~!~~:~:~::i~:';d~'~~t:~n~l~;~l,~Ld~~'~:~;En"~t::~,~ ture dates for the title were: Jane IS eplSo e IS now ~ommon y 2. Clean, shining, well-kept Allgire, ft1arilyn Chittenden, ;;:erred to as the bhzzard of ha~~ Imagination in making a ~~~SaC~II~u~~tn:u~i!~c:e~~~;;:: Fe~~u:;;t~r l~;~,~;:e ~:~;~~~ clothes budget. ,Joan SJ,ade, Kathryn Stoner, at WMC awoke to find 18" of 4. Good groommg-not Just and LUCille Tucker. snow had been deposited on the r.l- A started classes When "hill," 7'. , ,I - r, ....DIvert, Jtreln .0 ~ult 10110;~!~~y~~~I~g~:St~~~~:a;w~;:i~~i; .. ju_stone more inch of snow, one more Hake and I'll absolutely, positively ... " \Vestern Monday morning, Roelke Cllosen Vite-President op~n~cording to Jerome,Nam~is, ai;~;V:!~~~/:~:n;~: rno~~~ ~:~s~~to t~e ?eu;i~ta::s ~;~~~~I~I~~i~~~:n~th~~i:~O:ov;~i:~~~ During the past few weeks, and with their co-operation and i~~r;:nea!h;:rec~::e:aUt~er:h~~! cember. The westerlies broke storms.. The colhsiOn of the whIch were unusually r~gular the junior class has been busy support we will try to make the g- g , up into meandering gentle arcs, two air masses produced . a a.nd lasted over a long ~el'lod of preparing for their forthcoming 1962 Aloha, the best yet," were the following explanations for whose directio,n had then moved sha.rp upward movem~nt of all', time, caused a cyc.le which tend- senior year. February 13 they Diana's remarks concerning her the weather. There were "high frOnl the Paclfic Northwest to- which led to the coolmg of the ed to perpetuate Istelf. acted as a National SlIm,.lIony Presents ~~:ctet96~ia~IO~~lve~~thto ~~~~ elect~~~~in Active at Wl\fC ~~;~~:r~~:'''ear~~i~~om g~~ee~al~~~~:~~ ~1:S~~~t~~:~tcl~Ou~ni::dl=~~=~~~~~"===~~~~~~ Strein as business. manager. In his two and one-half years east, that appeared in a steady States. This path ,I .,. December, Ann..,.1 Orthestral PrOnrf'm ~~:~keatW:~a~hO~:~t\~; fi~a~~~ ~:~e t~~e~heanHi~~ti~::lpa~ire~~ ~~~:m\::/O~~~~i~~r~~ 50~~~~;t ~~n~:17 ai~.~tween the warm. spot of class vice-president. many organizations. In his In November, these westerlies Also during .a An English major working fraternity, Alpha Gamma Tau, moved al?ross the country in a strong channel of warm gulf aIr .. Nl :II IIt'J for depa.rtmental honors, Diana he is chairman of the Improve- reasonably str~ight line, south dev.elope.dwest ?f Texas .. N~- The National Symphony Or- the National Symphony as Calvert IS a n:'-emberof the Ar- ments Committee. Wesleyan of the Canadian border, and mals. saId that I~ was thIS all' chestra presents its annual con- First Cellist and from that time gonauts. Actw.e on the Hon.or Club president, he also partici- acted as a buffer for the Arctic meetlllg the ArctiC blasts mov- cert this evening Friday, Felr the Orchestra has been his ca- System CommIttee, MethodIst pates in the Religious Life ruary 24, at 8:30 pm in Alumni reer. In addition to his duties Chris- Wed Student Movement, Student Council, Methodist Student P t" t Hall. with the ensemble, he appeared Christian Association, and the Movement, and Student ayne onra The 96-member orchestra was regularly as soloist and in 1941 Frenc~ Club, s?e.. also pa~tici- tian. ~ss?Cia~ion cabinet. ar IClpaes founded in 1931 u!lder th~ lead- was appointed Assistant Con· At bmes she has presid~nt of t~e Baltimor.e C!0n-I R p~tes III the actlvl~les of Sigma While III hIgh school Carl was ' St d P ership of mUSical dIrector ductoL He succeeded Hans Slgm?- Tau. fere?,ce of HI~Y and ,Tn-HI-Y, n usslan Howard Mitchell and has taken Kin~ler as permanent Conduc- c~ntl'lbuted to the GOLDBUG. U y rogram its place among the ~andful of tor III 1949. Editor Has Experience preSident of :Methodlst Youth . well_known symphollic ensem- ---- A_sa reSIdent. of the natIon s a e , The new editor has had much Fellowship, and active in .many Wayne Conrad, a senior phi- fore returning to the states, bles.. . W dd I N ames past journalistic experience. stud.ent government cor_nmlttee,s.losophy and religion major September L Iors ?as ew ~7g~d~~~~~~e~~;~~~r~!~~d!: wo~~~~; O~n~h~a~~Oh:ll~hi~~~ ~~~~ n~ii~:~ ~::::il/~'~ ~~!ch~~;eafl~~dan~~r;~:s ~e::'ss:~~ ~~~lto~~:~I~p~~tlOana\~~:;~~~ N Ed't howev,er, played for vlSltmg dl~ltarles, T G Id B president of her chapter of mester when they ~hoos~ their National Student Councils of from the National YMCA of- status. The.. ?rche~trll: Qt?ill and. Scroll,. and she re- staffs and take senior pictures. the YMCA and YWCA that he fices. Wayne has" 0 0 U~ ~~l:~!at~oi.ournahsm award at Nan;;a::o~!~~t:h=:e~;ejUniOr ~s abe~S~~~_~~s,~.lar~~~~:~ ~~~:: Cl~r;;: w~~e~~I~~pe:~!~ ~:r~~e~i~;n~o;v~:-.p~e:~~e~!a~~; "I was pleased that the junior cla~s vice-president .. ,halls rrom Exchange Program. in the Religious Emphasis Week severa,l JnternatlO.nal Nights James Waddel, new editor of class had such confidence in me, ~~j~~t~~~'a ~e!~~I~~1 ;~~e~cI~ Warne will travel with 23 p~~;~a~~:~:ne;:e~~~c~:~yla~; :~:m~l:er:' r!~~e '~~I:~ ~~erk~r~f ~~: ~~;~o~~;'n~~~ ~~:~.un;~: of undergraduate and ~he details program. • will be working wit,h students sings the ph~ Mu, she AdVISOry CounCil • chOir and the Octette. with the American students who.. also The group will spend a total of a designated .nation. to . study ness manager. Fallin, busl- Howard Mitchell, a natIVe of Jim and Herbert In addi- graduate 16 days in Moscow and Lenin- Lyons, tion, she belongs to Internation- ~ave been chosen to partiCIpate began Ncb., tl Ch osen R ecen y al Relations Club. m. the exchange. Th.e group grad a week in the Russian piano on his sixth birthday. Allen Jones, a sophomore Will leave ,New York. City, Ju~e countryside, and three weeks in !ie learned to play sever~1 other Gamma Bet, serves as manag- In high, school this brunette . was preSident of the Carroll 25, .and Will.spend SIXwe~ks III a Russian athletic camp. WhilEi!mstruments be,fore takmg .up ing editor of the newspaper. CO~~~il,Far;r~~;:~ nse~~~~~~ ~:u:e:id~~dt~net ~~~~~~, ::v:r~~ ~:t:\~:t:u::~~~::o a,~~ek=l:h!~~ ;~l cI~:P';~ t~:nt~3 a!~ne;iC~~~ ~~iC~e~~,b!~:nl~~~r~~o~~!si~~!~ ;~e~d~it~~~t~:si: :~~i~e:e~~~; ;;e~hm:~~~~ing~~~~~ fir::~::: ment of her own school, time in continental Europe, be- ~~s~~:ne~~~:~~e~t~dee~~~upD;i~ica~~~~"MitcheUwon scholarships ~fub~~:~i~~:n~~ar~~Ub.. and the at Western Maryland College, be primarily associating with ~rst to, Peabody Cons~rvator_y Pl'lSclila Ord, edltmg the ~::rb~;~l~~~~ct~~ f~rt~;et:~~o~; Sororities, Fraternities· At/mit ~t~~~a~ons~~~~:~~:'ti;~din ;ii~: ~~~a~ill;:~~:fc~hi~n~1~i~;I~elI;:;~~::s{v~;r' ~sa~ s~~~:~::~~~~ this committee to aid their ad- M ,L issues of from cussing pertinent which in 1935 he grad- represents at SGA, her class :!~:~~aWyWh;~~~~;w~i~~~:~~~~ emuers For Setont/ Semester East-West concern. ~~~~ s~:f\th~:~~~~, ~; j~;n3e~ ~l:~s l:i~~_:ree~~de~:'Sl~:~hduar~ N It ..1- r, :~~~ibl;~~/~~:c~\a~n~~~\~ed Sororities Fraternities Western aoml • S ·f k Jo·ns IIr. Jturulvant ~~;ve;e:s :::;~::n\l~:~ p~~ pres- licatj~:IllSB0ll:rd. At the exe,c~t~on of Orientation Week On February 10, between 7 On February 23, ~I U U I ~~~ntl;oemS~eq~~~:~m~~~ ~:~! ac~~~tle~en chosen for next ;~: ~;~te~:' ~~~Yf~~~rig~~le;~ !~~~:~ans~;:f~~\~f::::~~;~esi~~~ MademOiselle Board M 11 1J -.B t year's F AC are Arthur Alper- campus accepted seven eligible their ranks. Madcmouu/le, fashion maga- eO! rs rl e 'II Mu sorority, stein, David Anders, William girls. In the annual bidding, Alpha zine for young women, has Dr. H. P. Sturdivant, chair- In addition to being second Bergquist, Charles Brown, Ed- Caroline D~r, who is Gamma Tau was strengthened chosen Naomi Saifuku as West- man of the biology department page editor of the GOLD BUG, mund Cueman, John Grove, from Baltimore, joined Delta by two additional members. ern Maryland's representative at \Vestern Maryland College, Barbara Terry is secretary- Homan Kinsley, James Lomax, Sigma Kappa. The Delts also Gerald Clark, a sophomore po- to their college board. has recently been elected na· treasurer of the Classics Club. and. Edmund Makosky. Also received Susan Morton, a jun- litical science major from Balti- Naomi is one of approximate- tional president of Beta Beta This Delt participates in the servmg are Joseph McDade, ior from Hagerstown. In the more, has become a Bachelor, ly 800 students chosen from all Beta Biological Society. He French Club, and in the begin- Thomas Muhlfelder, DovJney 1957-58 term, Sue was a, fresh- Also from Baltimore, William over the country.' As a college had formerly been vice.presi- ning of the year she was chair- Price, Donald Rabush, Charles man here at WMC. Gillespie has accepted memher.- board member, she will report dent of the Nortlieastern Re- man of the Rat Rules commit- Snyder, Carl St~ein,. Warren J_oycg :Myers~ a sophomore ship. on college life and fads and will gion of this organization, tee. Watts, Lynn Wlckwll'e, and music major, who resides in Delta. Pi Alpha also was in- be eligible to compete for one This is the second time that Third page editor, Carolyn Jonathan Williams. Women in- Westminster, pledged the Delts, creased with the admittance of of the 20 guest-editorships. a Western Maryland faculty Hoecker is a sophomore Eng- clude Consta~ce Barnes, Diana Transferring from Frostburg two new pledges. Charles An editorship would enable her member has led this biological lish-education major and a Calvert, .Manan Ed\;a.rds, Mau· State Teachers College in Sep- Shaffer, Jr., another political to visit New York for one group. Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, member of Delta Sigma Kappa. reen Fllbey, Pa~rlcla Harr, tember, Marlene Zimmerman science major, becomes a new month and to work on the 1961 who is now president of Illinois She also belongs to Tri-Beta Susan Hogan, DlRne Kanak, was another to join the "red wearer of the "purple and Augnst college issue of Made- \Vesleyan University, was pres- and the French Club. At High Rt?th Ann Mason, and Carol~ne and white." gold." A day hop, he com- 'I1W'iselle. ident when he served here as Point she edited her high school Mltchell. Others are JudIth Phi Alpha Mu gained two mutes from Baltimore. Ed- "Sam," as she is called by her chairman of the department. newspaper. Reed, Sandra Reed, Catharine new members. Christine Mac- ward Shilling, a local student, friends, is a transfer student The new president is a grad- Gerald Siegel, sports editor, Reese, Nancy Roelke, Eunice donald, a sophomore who hails becomes the second of the new from the University of Hawaii uate of Emory University. He belongs to the band, orchestra, Sank, Nancy Singer, Louise from Verona, N. J., and Naomi Preachers. and lives in Kailua, Oahu. A received his M.A. degree from and Pi Alpha Alpha fraternity. Styche, Mary S,ue Trotman, and Saifuku, who is a transfer stu- Ronald Cronise, a sophomore sophomore psychology major Enlory and his Ph.D. from Co- He serves the basketball team Barbara Wolozm. dent from the University of chemistry major from Towson, and a new Phi Alph pledge, lumbia University. Dr. Sturdi- in the capacity of scorekeeper. The women's co-chairman is Hawaii, accepted invitations to is a new member of Gamma "Sam" is editor of Contrast and vant has taught at Emory Uni- In charge of copy arc Carolyn Chris Lewis, while the men's join the Phi Alphs. Beta Chi. Joining the "red and was the sophomore Homecom- versity, New York University, Bowen and Bari;lara Walker; co-chairman will b~ appointed Shirley Lippy joined Sigma blue" with Ron, is sophomore ing attendant. Ranking high Union College, Kentucky, and typing, Barbara Wolozin: cir· at a later date. ThIS year's co- Sigma Tau. She is a day stu- Gerd Petrick, who was born in in her list of interests are sew- Millsaps College, He has been culation, John Grabowski; ex- chairmen were Barbara Hefiin dent from Westminster, who Germany but now makes his ing, writing, and making artis- a member of the \Vestern Mary- change, Judith Lorry: and ad· and Albert Ward. recently transferred to WMC. home in Baltimore. tic arrangements. land faculty since 1948. vertising, Samuel Case.
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