Page 28 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 28
4 The Gold Bug, Jan. 20, 1961 Cagers To Battle Susquehanna Tomorrow Night Sudden Snow Cancels Jay Tilt TERROR TALK DYTH£J't -IVisitors Carry 9-2 Record; IT IS HARD TO R~ALIZE THAT a year has passed since All Starters Over Six Feet the J's first assumed the responsibility of covering the fourth page of the Bug with sports news every other week or so. As Tomorrow night at 8:30, Gill Ieasy !."10-57victory over visiting our last breath in the now-dying Terror Talk, the J's would like ¥~~~:~~unn~a ~~iv::':it:o~;e~~~~ I ~ir:al:1~ohns Hopkins on Janu- to briefly thank a few persons and things which helped to make putting out the sports page.rthe pleasure it has become. insg rove, Pa., invade Terrovland I \Vith Suny hitting for 17 of take on Coach Clower's young his markers in the first half FIRST OF ALL, thank you, Mrs. Barbara Fringer-who was Maryland five. theWestern Mar-ylandera moved Horst up until this issue-for having the patience to put up with the visitors have out into a commanding 51-S5 our customarily late copy and occasional boners. It was . I impressive 9-2 lead at the half, despite a shaky able and rewarding to work under your direction. . and are 5-1 in start. SECOND, THANKS ARE IN ORDER fOI" all the Middle-At.lantic D~lil~;nha~~ 1~~~.z:Cll!\.e~i~~~:~ ~~m:l;~:~~ figures in the background who played important roles in . schools, tute freely and cleared thc production of this pagc. Now-graduated Bob Harris was Wagner. bench to hold down the final file cabinet to rummage through for odd statistics and is their strong point total. John Grove deserves the same credit for supplying facts 1 starters arc six feet or Four of the starters scored Mrs. Henrietta Esaom is thanked for her willingness to over and thc sixth man is a in double figures, as, in addition picture of any tiling-even an intramural football meager 6'7". to Sullivan's 22, Klitzberg tal- rain and mud; the various typists are appreciated I Leading- the potent Susque, lied 16, and O'Malley and Mar. tience with the confusing scribble turned in by the J's; hanna attack will be 6'2" outside tin hit for 13 each. Bacas, Jim Avnet, and Bob Grace are saluted for the ace Cl~l"k Mosier, w~o carries a Last night's scheduled clash stories they wrote; Jerry Siegel-a J himself-is sparkling 19.9 S~Ol"l?g average with Johns Hopkins University work he has done without much recognition; and and the others down at the printer's we offer our Iln~t~~~l0~';:I:;e;:g~!i~l c~~te~\11 ~~:~v~:o~~~ll~\~hi~~eb~~nt~~ete~e~~~ tbe little things done incorrectly and thank you for Moore, 6'6" and 230 pounds; area. It has tentatively been re- changing them to make the page as good as possible. ~i~0~~1~e~~~~~ a~\'~~; ~vnednJ~~ scheduled for Februal:y 6. Gallagher at 6'5". Top sub Tim McCormick towers 6'7". ~{~;o~~n~~any will Riflemen Top Ron S~~:! the L L U. PERHAPS MOST DESERVING OF ALL are the WALT J\"IAHAN'S JUMP SHOT barely evades the leap of have to scramble to rule I ~~e~~:~~n~~~~~J!~~ ~~ll:;!~te;~:irOf thi~ page-the !!~~\Jya~teB~:~ec i& \thi~;efaocr~~~·~8~~:.lor intramural hoop clash ~~~~b~~::S~S~:~lyth:m~~~:s t~~! oyOtO~ U. • ~~~e~:::S~nDt~l~i~;~~~~'~~~ ~:~~i~t ;~~e~Othe J's saw 1 ,J. Bachelors Knot victor. Starting off the New Year ,I.' IJ basketball squad have its most successful campaign in IlUnlf,eS eOUs The only COJ_"umonopponent to with a bang, the Terror tat-get- yeara. In the spring Coach Pugh's baseball nine went out Intramural Race thc te~ms this year has been eel'S have registered a 1377-1333 efforts for the Terror track M t captured WMC's first Maeon-Dixnn Championship in the sport. L~comlllg. and both squads won victory at Loyola College, Jan- .,._IAl. Bob Cuthrell's tremendous individual a men 10 rrln fairly e.aslly. Last year the Tel'· uary 6, and a 1382-1351 triumph team were something to watch. This fall, the football team fin- Al h G T d D It ror quint traveled to Susque- over Georgetown University, ished very strongly by blasting Johns Hopkins and captured a Pi Afp:a, ;::;';~~iat~i~;,pin: o~ ~~~np~(t:;l: 11~~~7\::~~e.rudelY January 13, at hO~le. . the ad. Over Dro,!}ons tie for first place. The campus is currently following the intramural basketball race, In a preliminary game, Dick . Largely respons;bJe for bnng. ventures of this year's extremely promising cage squad with once again find themselves tied Pugh's JV five tackles the Sus- lllg Coach .Co?ner s season rec· some hopes of another M-D crown. RuSn~~I~~;d~.:a;~~~·:i~I~! d~~~s~~~~~~O~l~~l::::oe~s :~ie:~O;tsasfi~~~ quehanna JV at 6:30. ~:~nto h~swl~~~ngt:I~3 ~:~~~:~ ~ND FINALLY TO THE READER we give thanks fOI' the win over Ron Duff proved to be weeks. Terrors Top Teachers .Poore and Steve Hatton: Both occasIonal comments of approval-and for thOSe of the other na· the deciding match as the Tel" Both teams have only one loss Rocketing to their season high have been consistently firing in ture. They all help. 1'01' rnatmen dumped the to mar their . in total scoring, the WMC hoop. the select 280 neighborhood. BITS FROM THE MAC: Currently leading the Drexel Dragons by a 16-14 sters romped ovcr weak Towson Thc scoring for WMC in the Division is Coach Clower's quintet with a 4.1 record ... Fresh. vantage last Saturday after· each other. Early in the winter State by a !."I6-52advantage last Loyola match was: Hatton-280, man Ron Shire~' leads the loop in rebounding with an average of noon. . . .. th~ Preac~ers c.oasted to a fair. Tuesday night in Gill Gym. Poor~278, Cronise-277, Alp_ 14.6 a game.. The Tenors have also moved into the number TraIling 14-13 gOlllg llltO the ly ImpreSSIve Wlll over the Bach. Shortly after the opening erstelll-271, and Rembert-271. one spot on offense with a hot pace of 80.8 per game ... Klitz. last event of the day, the WMC elors and appeared to possibly jump, Richie Klitzberg hit for A.gainst Georgetow~, Poore was berg, Martin, and O'Malley rank sixth, eighth, and ninth, respec. grapplers. saw. Runkles finally be headed for an undefeated the first two of his 18 points. lligh man at ~82 WIth Hatt.on- Lively, in scoring emerge VlctOl"lOUSafter twice season. Fred Arnold, Towson ace, tallied 281, Alperstelll-275, Cromse- losing two point leads. However, on Thursday night, to tie the score at 2-2, but Ron 275, and Rembert-269. SUE BEELER'S 174 SCOnE is thc high S'ame total 12, the Blue and White Shirey sank two foul shots to The team is currently firing in the women's bowling league this winter. The loop . surprised the league lead- put the Terrors ahead to stay. on their home range for record eight teams and holds regular competition Friday nights at they edg'ed them 48-47 Dave 1\1artin led the scoring in the annual Second Army Westminster Lanes. into a tie for first points, followed by Matchcs. But Purple and Gold hopes sankl Jim Gatuss_o in 4.28. el;l~ ;:n::;~c~~e' latter a~:o ~~~y;dhi:e:~~ !!~,---------, other Terror Wlllner was fresh· doubtful up until the . fensive game as he snared 14 DON RABUSH man Mike O'Connor, wbo de. With two seconds left rebounds and blocked numerous Campus Agent dsioned John Dewey, Dragon guard Fred Dilkes was shots. for the team captain, by 5·4 on time with the score standing 48-46. Dave Sullivan's flaming Iland advantage: With a 1-1' situation, Dilkes scorched the nets for 22 points Modern G. I. Laundry The vIctory brought the made the first free throw to to lead the TerrOI' five to an squad's season recol'd to a re- narrow thc deficit to one point. ,1 and Cleaners spectable 2-3 level that already m.atC~::I~~.e2~~t~le;~~~~~~~~~of ~to~~er~~c~~~~:~o~~s:~~:rn~e;~ Heagy's Sport Shop ShOP::! ~:n~~e:, :.~~ :n~ ..rry C. U. Tomorrow scorcd again. 16 W. Main TIlden 8.6G70 Tomorrow afternoon Coacll la;~~ t11~ff;~~~cteha~\ht:e . TIMen 8.5515. All Laundry and Dry BIll Smith will lead Ilis I' • were able to hit for A Complete Sports Lme Cleaning Work Guaranteed to Cathoilc Univel'sity . . from the foul line . ~:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;:::;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;~ match which they . sank 12 out chance of winning. have toppled American year's M-D champs, and Baugher's Restaurant a tough test for the young, rapidly developing, Wl'IIC ago Walt Mahan with 14 and JUST OFF THE CAMPUS gregation. roll Giese with 13 ro!a~~e~~ ;a~~~;~; ;v!~:n:e~.~ ,- , FOR A MEAL OR SNACK home as powerful Gallaudet rolled over the Smithmen by a THE 30-5 mal·gin. Freshman Tany VILLAGE INN Homemade Ice Cream and Thick l\liIkshakes Hill won the opening malch by a pin, but the story after that (Formerly Griffin's) OPEN EVERY DAY was nil Gallaudet. Complete Dinners or a' Sandwich & Soda Compliments Home Cooked !\Ieals Without What's New in the Bookstore??? That High Priee J. C. PENNEY CO. OPEN 'TIL Weapons & Foreign Pol. "Nuclear 10:30 pm • Henry A. Kissinger's preparcd whcn int.ernationally·famOllS (Be better icy." Dr. Kissinger speaks February 20th on campus on "Dis· armament") - Valentines!! for all degrees Westminster LECKRON JAY WHALEY • Yal('ntines . Valentines· And if you're "way out" - you'll of "togetherness!" & Flowers" See Ollr Laundry Rasinsky's Pharmacy Representing know that "Hearts reproductions are "Farin." valentines. of antique three·dimensional and GULF SERVICE "Reliable Prescriptions" Pure Nostalgia! - Keepsakes for Tomorrow. LAUNDROMAT Dry Cleaning W. Main & Penna, Ave. 5 LOCUST STREET • All smart Charms to charm her, and other beautiful jew. Cupids shop at the Books~ore for Valentine Gifts. Drugs and See TI-8-978I Everyday Needs DAILY - 7 :30-5 elry, perfumes & toiletries, stuffed animals for laughs MRS. BUCKINGHAM WHEEL BALANCING Closed Wed. 12 Noon and a wide assortnlent of articles with W.M.C. imprint to mark the day! Free Gift Wrap. in 30 W. Main St. STUDENT UNION & Westminster. Md. TIlden 8-8677 THE BOOKSTORE Tilden 8-7100 BUILDING WINTER CHECK-UP Free Delivery Service 3:30 am to 4:30 IJlll daily Winslow Student Center 12 N Sats. To College
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