Page 34 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 34
2 The Gold Bug, Mar. 10, 1961 The Editor Spellks .. d d "II C P"_ P" quarter I WMCG rl e ommen e S~~:::ltsAi~i:d I To the Editm -lett~~~lY~?mO~~~"i~~~~~!:::' to make enough it well, and hop' LOb I rary n >\, Ber-nstein im- sen, advertise must t stic Why Ch:~k \ money to i~- ~:~~~~~ ;e~'~i~~~~~to aginc th?-t. bJa~k robed. clerics ... In order to familiarize. West- use your co!umns for the pur- ;~~i:~~n\~~ngi~~~~~~~~,1~O\~~~~~~v~h~~~~~e~h~~u;e~.~ap!t~~~~ Hearty congr~tulatJons ar.e III order for tiny Western Mary- ern Maryland. students With t~e pose of making some reply to ,a ru t the minds of ea :r seekers these funds we could start to lan~ College and Its _outst!"ndlllg student body! For recently, a res?urces ava~lable to them In r~cent attack upon the ~eh- affer tr-uth? Does ghe believe redecorate the lounge with ~~~~~to~~~~r c~~n~~~I,~nl-;~~:sts~~e:o~~ ~:'~:~~~tt~v:~:JyC~~~fi~ ~~I~ ~~::~g;ri~~~a~~;'i~~~c~~7~ ;;o~~o~~.~~tsOfO\~~:te~~uc;I~~;~ ~hat the faculty t oft t~e. ~oll~~e ~~~:~~!a~;~e~u~~~u~e, t:~:~i:i~~ cations. - colum~ which will call to their ~and. A~ one of t.h~se di~'ec~~ :~t:~SiSOU:I~te~Ster~aloi~If~u:nce: and recreational equipment for Good Tmah and Litter Keeping has notified the GOLD BUG attention these sources and uri- Involved m the reltgtoua hfe Ir upon the formulation of the the men on campus. f:~r6~~1~!~!~~;te~~~u;lla~~~l~~i~~:~:ll~~:i~;; ~,~ee~Vrt~~t::~it~:~':dus~~lr n~~vc~abo~uts~:~~s. in the ~eer~:tr;:i~~ss,Ip;:~~~~ al~~~vel~a~curriculum of the c?lIe g e1 Tdhi\ would give ou~ male d Grilles Contest.': . . .' ~~~c~e\~~;t~i;;{m:\l I~~~~bser~'ii~~~~~sht~Vi;~ ~~a~~wt~;~d'be~a~:~ in S~i~~t~a~s Ifte~:i~~:ediSco~~~~ ~1~C:nf~r ~a~ie::s ~e:~rn;:e~~~ In ~he secbonal. compet~hon, WMC far outdlsta~ced. then' the 400's and 600's are stored in the time that has elapsed cerned, a good case can be give. the freshmen and non-fra- el?S?st rival, the ~altlnlO,~e City Dump. The campus gr:lle I.Snow in the basement. Also in the since the appearance of those made for including this in any termty. boys a place to relax eligl~:e for the. title of Und?ubtedly. the M~sslest ~l"lll~ In t~e basement are duplicate copies remarks 1 hope that Mr. Bern- liberal arts curriculum. Let and enJoy themselves. U. S. along Wlth the other mne finahsts. ThiS final Judging .wIll of books SUcll as Gibbon's Rise stein has alTived at a pro- me offer three reasons for .do- Looking back on this sugges- be do_neby a board of garbagemen from Good Trash and Litter ll1zd Decline 0/ the Romwn Em- founder wisdom than that man- ing so. First, some acquamt- tion in retrospect "l can see that Keepmo· . pi're. ifested in his momentary im- ance with the basic documents our efforts were futile from the The criteria upon which the board will base its decision In- Any student may go to the mature iconoclasm. of the major religious tradi- beginning because of what I eludes the following points: basement to get a book or just Mr. Bernstein's thoughtless- tions of Western culture ought would like to call too much (1) Habitually scattered and misplaced chairs to browse. For those students ness may nonetheless serve as to be a part of the knowledge ethnoce,:tric fraternalism ... I (2) Blaring, rock 'n' roll-plagued juke box who are looking for employ- a stimulus to all of us to give possessed by an. e?ucated. per- wo.uld like to make my p.osltJ~n (3) ~:t~i:~ ~~~~~~ '\~!~s~:~l:~!~~t~.offee cups, plates, coke ~~~~ie!o.ral~~i~li~~;~m~I;:o~~P~~'~~~~;o!~~u~~ta~o !~~C~~i~u~:lai~~ ! !1~~~~~U~~II~~~~ i~~~:I"~I\~~;~.I firmly believe In . , g. world With speCial emphaSIS on stitution such as \Vestern terwoven With the genelal cul- Fraternal life has been one (4) Soft car~et of cigarette butts, od~ tr~sh on .floor the United States. Positions Maryland is. I have sufficient ture of the .West-:-i~s litera- of the brightest spots in my col- (5) Loud, bOisterous students sprawling III chairs available for science majors in respect for Mr. Bernstein's in- ture, art, mUSIC,pamtlng etc.- lege career. But when I see In all of these categories the Western Maryland College the summer institutes are telligence to think that he that some knowl~dge .of the this ethnocentric fraternalism grille ranks high; however, final victory as the number one worst- listed as well as many jobs at would not choose to enroll in a contents of thc Bible v:ill lead ruin a project that would bene- kept grille is not certain.· summer resorts. Such books college without giving some at- to a understanding and fit the entire malc student pop- . are kept on reserve upstairs. tention to its nature and pur- appreCiatIOn of th~se aspects. of ulation, I have to stop and won- Tbe GOLD BUG ~vouldnow like to make an open plea to the poses. He must have been our western he\"ltage. Third, del' if perhaps this fraternal student body. The gl"ll~e~e~ds the help of each a.nd.every .west-, , aware of the fact that attend- there are some for w~om reli- "spirit," if that's what you ~;n!~~~y~ao:~:tu~~~::U~:;;I;o a~\i~:~~e;~po:ci:I\~m;~'l~h~~ t~~~ Points To Ponder ~~c~e~~i~e~h~~elh~~v~~d w~~!~ r~~nc;~i~!rs;~;et:es \~~o:;.t:J~'~;~ :aor~~~dli~~ot~a~~I~:t't~ig~~Mb~ mormngs, the gl"llie bcars a semblance of neatness and ordel-. among the basic courses re- bonal process. EducatIOn IS campus. Before we take an- THIS IS HURTING OUR CHANCES. Igna~io Siione in Bread and quired for graduation was ?ne s~rely mo:e than .an accumula- other knock at the Administra- Thus, we as the cl~rion of the campus, wish. to.ope~ly ask ~~:~y isn't a thing you ~:e~~~~~a~i;i~;·:i~~·ein !~vI;e~ !~O;e.OfA~lvi~:S\~~~s~fitk~~W~ ;i::-u~:~~'e;~t's take a long look ~~~je~h~tsi~u~~;e~d;fmt:;:y~~~~g~~:~ot~heh:;~;~s I~f I~t~~~~~i~~~ ~~:e c~~nbegi:e~re~s ~a:r~~e;e~ ~cti~;as~~ aw~olle;:, s~o~~~ ~~~ ;~:~:iv:o~ora m:n~:n:i~!f~~/:~~ .1 would like to con.vey my r.e- ~ewdit \en~i.rel:r ~~~ ~eat .at tcrucial d7om~~tsth Wt~~iernf rt~:;?_ a dictatorship. It is sufficient a~ide by the ~rinciples under ~ivity. This searcll for. mean- !~~:t~atd~o !~~~~i;~ll \~~t~v~~I~ o daO~b~:~I)t~e 1~1~~;i~S~~~ll: in t:;o~. §"/to its egr~w~n~ list ~f ~h~0~h~~~~g~li~ha1~~n~~\f~t.he~~ ~:~~Cho;~;:te~. li~~ra~I~.rtsBe~~~ ~~g ~~~teve:l"~~:I~ ao~asl~u~a:~ loung~ at this time. accomplishments, It can ?nl y come fr?m your extra. efforts for is a free man. He who strug- stein felt that these require- knowledge and experience Smcer~IY, ;~~a~~u~'e ~:e ~~~fib::~t l~t:~r~~~gd~~~!ve ~~;~ been m the days ;::~/~~ :h;;e~en~~~ev~v!~ ~~ ::~~s h:~~e f~~n;e~ilt~~~' t~: W~i~hel::; i~a:~e:~~!i:~. speech ~;;Si~~~t of MacLea Dorm ================== you live in the freest country in boundaries of the state of and press and in the right to .AIL ~ .L • ~.J , ~~:tt~~il:' ai~~e~~~u~:,ZY~~~llOaUr~~~;~~~a~~U~!~ie~~i~,~t~~~ti~;i~h~!~:~~~~Z~ik~u~llitfri:ed~m!r~e:;~ To the Editor: rrlly ~mplIDSIZe urDueS. not free but a .sla'i"e, though of these would be forced upon ~o .be ex?rcised ~'esponsibly and As a member of the "off cam- One of. ~he unfor~unate in- intellectual and s? The ;~~~;iO~~n~b~~~cloi~ ['~O~~~h~:~ ~~7:~at~~n!~~~s:i~:at?;: ~~~~d~~ ~ta~:da ~~~h~~Vh;~~v~S~l~~Stob~~ ~~::e:t~~:n;ot~~:~f ~h;v~;a~~ her.ent failmgs of. ~Igher ~~- student who .maXlmlZ?S t~e you have to take for yourself. and supported by a branch of upon knowledge and insight. Court in th~ February 24 issue catIOn .on .Il competitIVe baSIS IS benefits fro~ hl.s educatiOn WII! There is no use begging it from the Christian Church should Thank you very much for al- of the GOLDBUG. the slgmfica~ce attached to find a com~matiOn of cl~sswork others. think that religion is an inlpor- lowing mc to make this reply. If anything was illegal, it ?"rade evaluatIOns of t.he qual- and other :nterests :vhiCh b?st Harry Lee Neal in lVave as tant qualification of the edu- Sincerely yours, was the giving of those fines lty of. wor~ done. ThiS preo~- prepares hIm for life outSIde You Pass: cated man1 And is it so sur- Charles E. Crain that were placed on those cars cupatlOlJ With let~er or num.el"l- the college sanc~uary: Today we enjoy the pleasant prising to discover that Il . that were so-called "parked il- c~l grades may In some cases .On the. opposite Side of the fantasy that modern society is ~ourse in the Old Testament is P. S. Has Mr. Bernstem tak- legally." It is enough that we distort the. st~dent's .set of picture, smce grade~ ~o. seem the first to enjoy the benefits of taught by a Methodist minister en the trouble to note have to battle the condition of value~. ThiS IS part:cul.a:ly t? be a necessary eVil, It IS de- psychology. However. it is in a college under Methodist that ~h~ courses the public roads in getting to true ill th? case. ~f the Indlvl?- s:rable ~hat these _gr~des be as- well to remember the Sioux In- auspices? Mr. Bernstein ap- ?ffel'ed III re.hglOn there college without then having a ual .w~o IS stnvmg to attam slg?-ed m a realistiC manner. dians, who told their children parentiy has little knowledge of IS one which devotcs bigger battle trying to find a admiSSion to graduate _school, 2'hls \~~uld ex~lude us~ of the that butterfly wings smeared the academic qualifications half.of th~ semester to a place to park. If you are in th? problem IS not curve,. a deVice no~.mtended over their hearts would enable which Western Maryland re- conslderabon of tIle such a hurry for your "snow limited to thiS group. to ela~slfy human ablhty. T~e them to run as fleetly as ante- quires of its teachers in all dis- thought of Karl Marx? clearance program" to get un- The circumstances lying be- cu.rve .IS onJy acceptable for dls- lope. Any boy who sets out to ciplines. Are Methodist min- der way, I suggest that you hind this obsession of some stu- tnbutlOns much larger than catch a dozen butterflies, with- isters peculiarly susceptible to have at least one of the park- dents are perhaps unavoidable any class at W.estern Mar_y- out benefit of a net, is going to bias? Would an Old Testa- To the Editor: ing lots cleaned off at the onset in our present society, which la~d; .and even With :ar~er ?IS- be a middling good runner by ment course taught by a Roman On February 15 the Men's of the clearance program in- virtually necessitates some ob- t:lbutlOns, t.he curve s. Iu: phca - the time summer is out. Catholic priest, a Jewish rabbi Dorm Council had its regular stead of waiting for a couple of jective means of judging a stu- tlOn of. umforml.y .dlstl"lbuted The Reader's Digest or Marxian Communist be nec- meeting. A sugge~tion was days before getting around to dent's ability. This situation real achievement IS Improbable. brought up by one of the mem- the parking lots. We don't has been aggravated by our Another fault of the letter- 'L••,I-IS ,.n'll'S":' "o'~'Rer bers that since the Preacher want to HAVE to "park ilIe- fear of competition with Rus- grad~ system CO?CernS the "'lu.J( fraternity had won the basket- gaUy." I am sure the faculty sia. practIce of changing a stu- .... j I., ..~. j ball title it would be a good is with me in this matter as However, this does not ab- dent's. grad? for su~jecti".e r?a- .. idea to sponsor a Bachelor- many of them were "parked il- solve the student of blame for sons III spite of hIS objective .BureaucTacy IS an ama.zmg others ." Preacher game. legally." his single-minded drive to se- work. It may be argued that ~hlllg: One usually assocJa~es Ho\,:, else, except through the It was our hope that we Carroll Utz ~~I"~e~~~~iJ~;a~~~s~i/~~~x~~~;: ;~ff~.a~~on~t~~~;t~rabc~~:~t ~~~ ~~i;:~~~' ~~~e~~~-~~P~:~:\d:~t ;:~~~a~~~x~~~a~ll~ca~~Pl~~.~se~:~~========".,;========= varied base of interests, both ~?g:~~~i~Pf~:d~~:e ~t~~~lJ~~t~:paa~;:~~I~;'St~~c~:n~at;~n~;a:~ ~~~~I~:II,n~p~O;!v::a~yt~~~~~c~~~ Into Tile Archives ""; whom the professor regards as \Vashmgton in general. Bu- visors, is inadequate for grad- eo LOB UG ~~~~ingtha~o~~st~:~~~retc:uf~~t~ ~~~~~ra~~o~s ~h~iS~:~~;n;s si~~ ~f;:~nihe H:~~~~:~ ~:nw~~~;::~ '2gers Asked To Observe hours Proper Mealtime BehaVior . . cate. But, subjective evalua- large groups of imperfect be- leaning on shovels or sitting on _ • ~~~~'I~ndtudc~il~:~"p;::brish~dw":!~i~tiollS are often extremely bi- ings, buta disease nOlle-the-less. stairs in the dorm for :~~~!~nYff~~;~~di:£~~mo::?~~r[;s~dwna;;a dn;~Yg ~:rti~~/~al\l~ an~~~tP~~det~~~lep:~~~~I~~' ~~l~:~~l~~ur:: ~do~~so~segi~~gon: . . . ber, January, and Mal'. Entered as tends to reflect irrelev.ant con- ness found at such rather small student phYSICal educatIOn to Although thiS list of 1929 plate With your fingers and not ~~'~~~!i~~~:~.mM~t;';la':,!':tAOe~ic~isiderations. Thus, the ideal institutions as this one. That satisfy a fine arts TequiremenU dining hall regulations is re- with your fork. March3, 1819. proposed here would be to eliTIl- it should be found in giant True, some of this can be at- printed from a 1947 GOLD 10. Do not hutter a whole . Member. :~~tl: ::s~r~i~;e th~O\~~~~oandi~~;~~~i~fe~o~su~~:r!~en~!~~:; ubn~t!~~~t~~ J~e~~n;:;s:::~! :e~~;a;~:: i~tO'~:::~;n fO:f:~;~ ~~~:d °i~ ~~:::;. but break the Assocmted Collegiate Press upgrading to the professor in- bureaucracy at Western Mary- ever, the worst offenders of all landers to miss seeing how our 11. Do not sop up syrup or Subscription Price $2.00 a Year vO~~~'incePtion of more realis- la~0\~0~110e~:t deny the exist- :::p~~~ser~;~;~~nc:a~~;7;00~~~: h~~:~~e::o~:e.liv~~~eO:·s~~el;~~~ ;~~?fi:~!~S~ piece of bread in James Waddel tic policies such as these would ence of many individuals who or positions as means of serv- tern fOl"dinner decorum, as fol- 12. Do not carry food to Allen Jones Editor-in-Chief tend to reduce student's anxie- are sincere, hard-working, and ing the college community, but lowed in "the good 01' days." your mouth with your knife. Herbert Fallin Managing Editor ~.~~~aos~~.~n~~~:isl'an:n!~;iSesaidf~~ ~~~~~ai:~dat~I:Yj?~~~ ~~:y :~.~ ~:!h~~ ~~su::d d1:;t~~i!~ Poo:~ ha~i w~~n b~flml~~; dining be~13forA~~:~i~~:lr~~~inh~S~f'~~I~ Business Editor more slgmficant matters. ITIdeed under-paid and under- pleasures. 2. Remain standing quietly excuse hIS table ~vhen aU at EDITORIAL STAFF MCB appreciated. But there are I become enraged at those behind chairs till blessing is that table hav? fimshed .. News Editor . PriscillaOrd people who lose sight of the asked. 14. To aVOIdcongestIOn the er~~;:~r~~:r:~::o_r_~ ..~~r;1~~!£~. . :Z::in~e~nr;lo~~r:o:~~ !~a~: d.3. Men \;i1l stand until la- ~andt\~S~v~~r~~ua~; a~!~e ~aab~: SportaEdit?r _-: .. GeraldSiegelIf Winter Comes Can Spring all out of proportions. We les are sea e . . passed out. If any table has ~:~o;e ..:::~:r"_~~~~·~~~~·~e~~~~; Pondering this famous quote ~rompts a new set of lyri:::: ~~evetaV~rna:i~~~~~~I;e~~C:::~ an!' p;s~e t~~~.w/~d~~~;~ P~~!:~ ~:Jie~t:;~: t~ar~~i~e,b:~;r;o;~; R~i~t~:E ;1~eO~ee!~~:~i:~a~a;;;~;sgi~:l~~~~hey say is mighty fine; ~l~:~_:~: l~;~~i~fs:o~s t~~:Ltl~; ~ ~~~~ltia~;l:.)lber was the host ~:ai~t s~:~!d t~~~1 \~~~ 1!~~:: If it isn't blowing, it's snowing ali'the time. checked each morning; stu- 5. Bread and butter will be have passed that table. Chorus: Oh, the wintertime is great upon the Hill, dents are not allowed to carry passed to the host first unless 15. Do not loiter for conver- But gee, Mom, I wish it were spring! certain courses merely because he or she for convenience has it sation while passing in and out You open up your window to get a little air ~~~~e~~~~:rd~e~~e~~~~oe:~ c~i~~ do~.e o~~~r:~~~:iyand masticate o\~~e ~~i~;t ~~~~erse between ~~~~~!iDi~n~!n:i'~n~i~~~And wake up in the morning with snowdrifts in your hair. cerned (Oh yes, you dropped your food. tables. ie~r~n~orR~d~:~e.nfo~~t Your morning is"a hit with a snowball in the head. my course once, didn't you?). 7. Do not make a noise 17. Do not play with cur- ~;iki~"~~uiseStyche,Carol fnstead of going to breakfast, you should have stayed in bed. llla~~d ~~i~~f~re~~7ni~t~ra~i~~ w~~n ~~;i:eg~~~le'and fork on ~~n~le:S~~I;. standing waiting Cont~ii~~~:gB!1;~;i::i~haelBil"{!, Barbara You start off to your classes, your faces shining hright. employees is over-shadowed by side of plate when not in use Actually, these I"egulations ~1,.~~:.l"tjudr.,tt~rj~~e,EL;.':;;;·w\~~~i;.';You hope the prof won't make it, but he stayed there all night. instances of petty lleople hold- while eating and when passing are fairly modern-at least the BUSINESS STAFF You race off to the clubroom, the meeting's under way. ~~; ~~~~e\vo~I~;~nis a;:~~ bt~~ ~: ;~~ter:~;' :ni~:co~: ;~;~inog~ ;ab~:e w::enCOt~~' "Tahd~~:;~~ ~fr~~~:~~n:-;';;'~;~~~~J~"~~~~~~~ You hit a little icy spot and slide the whole long way. missile gap and worry about table, but place entirely on y?ung men" sat on opposite Photography Mro.Henriett.aEII.omEvery several days there's a thaw upon the Hill. the red-talle. Otherwise, we your plate. SIdes of the hall, properly sep- Con.ult.ant_._. Dr. Evel~ 'With puddles on the pavement and flash floods in the grille. may choke ourselves. 9. Take slice of bread from arated by the faculty tahles.
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