Page 31 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 31
The Gold 1961 3 Music Majors Mr.ReneMerennePresents ProbllemslLawyer, Moore Serve Campus Plan D",.i+,..I.. Belgiums Views On(ongo In Multitude Of Activities which through schools gr-ade the Belgians hoped to derive economic benefit the Congo. The Belgian surprise. at the apparently in- explicable sudden nationalism was only underlined in Mereu- ultj,nat'''Yln,.'-:.;s,spee~~ ~1~~~~u:Pt~:o;rs~ for autonomy in 1956. Why did Belgium grant in- dependence so quickly? Me- renne gave three reasons. The demands of the Congolese were unified and meant that if Bel- r."",,,~.1 "urn refused, a long and costly like that in Algeria follow. World opinion the Congolese, because anti-colonialism, and because the West feared refusal would lead to Communist domination of the Congolese. And pres- sure from inside Belgium, too, suggested that if they gave in- dependence soon, they could still stay and still make money. The Belgians suggested independ- by Louise Styche ence in 1964. But Lumumba and Kasavubu refused. They Five .westem Maryland girls wanted independence then. So and one faculty member repre- at the Brussels Roundtable sented the college in New York Conference in January 1960 the for the "Leadership Seminar on Belgians had a choice: main. iio~~~~~;~~~cl~~~~n,b~eb~~~~i I tain themselves with bloodshed or give independence before the 16 through 19. The Home Congo was ready. They took nomics Club voted for its , the latter course. This may gates; the winners were have been a mistake, said Me- Frances Hohman, Carol renne, but they could see no ad- merer, Margaret Mcjntyre, vantage in maintaining them- Judith Reinhart. Miss Helen selves with bloodshed. Another mistake the Belgians made once the independence movement was under way was in not . 'Africanizing' business and gov- In Congo. He ernment administration' yet . reference to ~he rubber that would take five ye~rsat which brought Belgium th:re the least, and the Belgians had ?nd the forced labor by which only six months left. Thirdly, It was produced .. He neglected the Belgians, with their eco- Russia.n student opinion . there is a definite. !~:O~i~~::lt~~~r;:~~:~ ~~~o~r~~~ ~:t:epin:~:e~~n!~ ~~~~d;tr~~~ cameR:::;~O~~ ~!p~~~:=nc,~eek ~~~.s.~~tween them m the ;~~~:~' a ~~:~ge ~~b~~c08.o~~~~~i;ea2~~~~ ~sd:!,°etrs~~::~~~~e~~ which featured Robert RUSSIa,: students,. however, facts are important, for they of tribes and with Belgium for;~~e ~~~~~:Sit~~ ~~;lrh~el~~:~::s~t :~:~~~~:n~ra: ~~~ e;:~:~~~~~e ~!hi~~ ,h::::l~ gone t it quite naturally fell were ~~i~~~ :~~~a~Ch:~e t;c~no:~:l~·up~!~~ ~~~~c:ntoe:. ~:~ ~o~~~~~:~a~~~ r'P_'-' ., -, an ex- ity, the r;st of the w~rld will fore erupting. the YMCA crumble into commumsm. In Belgians Mistook Calm Compliments He spent. three 75 to 100 years ~here will be a Merenne and the Belgians a camp with 500 true classless society and broth- mistook the placid surface for erhood of all me~. complete contentment with the J. C. PENNEY CO. by saying he was Mr. Clapp pointed out that Belgian program of public Russian those youth see themselves as :":"':"~:":'d:'~h:O':Pi:to:I'~':nd:t::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;;;;;;: that contempo- key people in their country and read ' , fiction of such as the ones who will obtain true Hemingway and communism. They are ener- and knew the names getic whereas American youth players in seem to be.apathetic, irresponai- profes- tall;.., b~dt~~.n A~~a ~~n~~:~i:~ Reed-Barton Holds and Bob asked ble and discouraged. a question In response to ~1:e~al!i ~:~daez~ndo~~S:n:,a~~~ Competition asking what American students could do, Bob answered that Miss Jane Creel of Lever they could be more concerned about politics and democracy, ~~~~~d~pe~i~~ ~~~~~:;~~s v7s~~: "S~~~~ O~~~iO:~rO~~:tit~onn~~~~UI!h~p~~7~~~sd~0~:::ry could follow world sitUations, to General Foods Kitchens; being conducted at Western information about the and could let their congressmen Simplicity Pattern Company, Maryland during February and they do not know their opinions. Inc.; Good Housekeeping; New Ma.rch by our studen_t represen· can Jiving York Times; and the Talon Ed· tatJve, Barbara Heflm. and relationships ucational Service resulted in an In the "Silver Opinion Com· ers and workers, awareness of the broad field petition," an ~ntTy form They cannot see and numerous job opportunities tr~tes .12 de~lgns of ~terhng are also owners in the for the home economics grad- With nme deSigns of chma and uate. crystal. The entrant lists what she considers the six best com- binations of these. Awards consisting of a. $500, a $300, and a $250 scholarship During the last snoW are first, second, and third members of the. . grand awards from off cam?us m theIr Runners-up will to classes m the $100 parked ille~ally. In so they added Immeasurably to , there will be sno.w clearance prOb!emS~~O~~f,~~~I:::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;::::::::;~I consisting fine china of mamtenance staff and bed the normal flow of The Traffic to make it who park Rasinsky's Pharmacy Baugher's Restaurant "Reliable Prescriptions" JUST OFF THE CAMPUS Drugs and FOR A MEAL OR SNACK Everyday Needs 30 W. Main St. Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Westminster. Md. TIlden 8-7100 OPEN EVERY DAY Bottled under a~lhority of The Coca-l:ola Company by Cartoon WES'I'MINSTER COCA·COLA BOTTLING CO. INC.
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