Page 30 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 30
2 The Gold Bug, Feb. 24, 1961 The Editor Speaks. • Dr. Kissinger Poses Solution For Current Laotian Problem: D, ~:n::tk2'~~"ing,," Prospectus For ~61 Challenge To Nation Send In Experienced Filipino Peoples Do, by J"hon With the !t:-rival of the second semester each ~c~~l~stic year, ~~~~'ig~~~~;~;~'t~o~a:~n~i~~~ Through the mist of conru-~~~~uni:t~;r:in::ev~:;e~li~:~~~;:~tCh:e~~v:::O~eanf;;ct:;n~: a !lew I;'erson IS selected to assume the responsibilities of t~e in 1957, still poses a fresh chal- sion comes the cry, "To arms, time? Let's face the facts. an American puppet and a Rus- editorship of t~e Western Maryland College GOLD BUG. 'I'his lenge to the diplomats, political to arms, the Commies are com- We've been outsmarted. Their sian puppet to a fight between honor and.experIence has recently ?een accorded to the somewhat leaders, and average citizens of ing!" "Where? where?" we only group to get involved in the brownskins and the white- apprehe~slVe au~hor of these particular words. this nation. It is based upon ask, and everybody goes rush- Laos' internal affairs have been skins. stanf~~~i~:~:~dse:c~ ~~~nn;d:; :~~n;;~r~~~r~,o~~t~~li~~:s t~~~ ~~:vft:~:s:o~~~~t \::it~r: i~e:o~ ~:ba~ffsh~oti~;OSthe~;n~~_~~~ ~~~n~o~;~i~~et:~~~e t~~dir~~~ SEATO ~an Aid Laos ~~:~i:~~vs~a::~v~~,.t~~~p:~:~~~~S:a:h~e~~l~;~e;a;:~y ~::a~ll~a~~ ~~ti~~~~Tn:o;~~~tt~~t s:/~~d:t~~ ~:il:~~s ~nd t~;avf~~ f~njsur~~~ ~i~~!n;Wif~m~~n~~l~~t:yet t::; th~r~al~o ~~~ei~~s!W!ea;:fe~~:~ are indistin- l~ obfiga'ted to. defend lie are SEATO b; Improved, and It WIll b~ our goal to mold It to satIsfy the de- advance its ideology. preparations, touched, while in the trail en- guishable from anyone else. the Laotians. A~straha. and in, working ~~~~?::?i:l':~~:i~.r~~~~~~£;'~t:::'p~:::'::n:h:o:,'~,t::;:~~a~~l~,~!~,~£~q~~::.::~;:~:';:i~~:~b::::::l:~':':o:d'ni;g::~~£~~r~::~E.~~:~~~E~~;~!~~~:~f:o~i~£:o;~;,:~~ Our and freedom In any manner. A:t the same ti~e, we sl:-es of the student body democracy defense Its seemmg lack of controversial m.aterIal. ThiS IS not and has the Communists an almost ir- ner- in Laos. It is, of course, strategists look gleefully on, Could It be perhaps that the; ~o:n~:e~ t:ep;~:i~:e;~en~t~~ !~io~~lla~V~~~;:r~n~o~n~o~I~I~~~; :?;~:~~~rf:,i~o~n t~;i~~t~~;:;; ~~r t~:t~~~:ia~~t;vhtZn b!~:~ui; ~~e:i~:n ~~:~s ~;:l~edt~n f~!~~ut:/O~S~bl~~t~:~~~;s~~~~t ~~~ ~~:~~:s~.~~et~~o;:~~~~~~~i~o;t~~;~r!~llo~e:d;~:;::-inI~h!h~~~:~ ~~~~e:~~O~el::i\~I: a~'~~o~;~~ ~~e t~:O~io;:u~~yb~~e~u~~::~e!~ ~~a~~n~oAm'!~c:~e s~~~~:r:,r~~~ ~~~iil~~sa r:~~e, \~ao:etha~bo;! m ans ~~n~h~o~~h!i~f.:~~i::eftsf~~ej~\~~T~~~~r I;Ol~O~~~d ii~a~p~~~:t~f ing thrO;gh li;ited I : . ~nost:~~~:~\:~:~l ,~~dtrthe~o ~~l~ ~naJo~~~fI;f i~~~~ da~!. ~Vht~:1:~f=ac~~;~~rS~eH~~n~!~i?-' the ~~~o~~~d~n~h?: i~~~~~~;t:ar~o:d~t:~i~t:t~ would like to state We bel~e~e' t~:~h i:t·erference them .to the Laotian ;oPul~ce. hated Eu~opean I eCOlo~;alists, ~~~al~eth~~:.~w~s co~ttr:os~~~l: that although all staff positions h'ave been appointed, opportuni- on our part might lead to an ~~::~~a fwoU:d resent L~ot~a~ and \:ithllth;se s~~iers we will perhaps, that the Filipinos! hav~ ties for work on the ncwspaper are still in abundance. If any all-out wa:-, and so we :-re c,on_ it is all ~h o~~s~f:~~~;e~t'thut se~d I~ a 0 d°u_r 19arJ~t~en~s had more experience in teaching :~~~oer~toi:!~~er:t~:~ ~;o:i~~:~s~e~b~~n~~c~ht:~~~~orj~~naging ;;~:tt~!r i~nbe e-;;::ea s~;u~~~~: Arne.rica i= un~opular .~~r s~;- ~~u~:unat~d Jc:e~~on~to ~~c~ ~~~~cr~~ntowae,b~~~:a~!v~e~s~ • or. re ,,I ~ ~~~?the question, "Is it worth ~~~~It~~n~~ai~tl:;e ~~~:~y~7dt:. ~~~~ds~::do~~~n~ s~~~ ~~:- ~~~:~v;~~h~~:~~~~~y~il~~i~O;o:~ .fY .II rl·~XpreSSIOn mistaken impression of the in- we have export~d to L~os the gle path. we progressed so fll:r ~vil~Un~tb:vi~en~io;:~ \~it~~~rno_ d b k· of a It IS all the RUSSians fault that This belief is a result I h . Have Self_expression, both verbal plorable practice of almost re- ~~~t~~i~ln!~;~~f~es~il~~ery :u~~ ~~~~:?s~;at!m~:~~at !~~l\~a~~ ~~~~~t~~~~:1 :r~~i~~oc~O~e:sht~ I~ \ o possi- and in other f~rms, is thc sub- reading the text bac~ to ~he no longer fight for total victory, are 1,lke., In short, it is al.1the rigid form~tion to the!r slaugh- fr~e :over~~~~~s :re A~~:n:' stance of creatlVeness. The en- class. Equally unstlmulabng but rather prepare to limit our Russlan.s fault that Amencans ter by IndIans who didn't play like the North Vietnamese, who couragernen~ of .. the. develop- arc those professors who lec- military strength in order to re- ?nd white people are unpopular by the rules? Have. 200 yea:-s have a communist government, ment of thiS abl.hty. IS one of tUl'e on obsolete conc~pts that- inforce our political objectives. m Laos today. . really passed, and Will we still and like the Laotians, most of ~~~e~ea~~~ c~~:~~~u~~n~t~h~~u~ ;:~'~u;~v~~e;st ~~dth:~~s~n~v~~ cle~~ls;~P~~v~~.~st~~~s:~s~hi~: be~~h~~~.thheaVt~met;e.T~e~~SI:~! ~e~~e;~~~k~~a~~i;!r!;o°J?;h~n::; wh?om don't know what's going ?-er: ts . Infact,fbrtheva.stm~- unsuccessfully attempt to lec- ready to meet her on every no RUSSIans wandermg around American troops enter Laos we onLet,s let the other SEATO Jonty of college graduates, thIS ture without apparent prepara- front with solutions drawn powers in on the action, then. ability to communicate articu- tion. from the military, economics Let the Filipinos go in, who can ~!:~y n~~:ss~~;li.~~~ys~v~!~s~ei~ pa~r:~~h~~ ~~:s ~~~~~ninPc~~!~~~po~~~:! ~~~~~c~rl~orrea;:~.ien~ WUS·Bazaar Proves American Students fight the way their enemy any endeavor mvolvmg more is of a self-ingratiating 0:- non- tation of ?ur t~in~ing, mainly Interested In Less Fortunate Peoples =:~!S; ~~:s,'~~d t;pere::Yde~~~~ than one person. thoughtful nature. OutSIde of on the tOPICof limited warfare. racy among the Laotians faster Knowledge is of little value class, there are very few oppor- The limits must be clearly de- During the last few days we education of one student for a than the Americans who stay unless it can be communicated tunities for students to cngage !ineated and understood by both have. heard many speakers em- considerable length of time: the holed up in the cities when it's to others, and !n today's hurried in any sort of valuable discus- powers. To fig~t t~is type of ~haslze the fact. th~t the Arner- amount is $124.51, three tim~s safe and as far away as possi- world, there IS seldom oppor- sion. The fault here may lie war, a reorganiZatIOn of our Ican student IS Ignorant of as much as last year's- and thIS ble when it's not and faster tunity to take the time to write with the students, most of present forces must be under- world aff?irs, that he is not in- is really something of which than the North' Vietnamese out one's thoughts-thus, a pre- whom are unable or unwilling taken. terested m the development of you must be proud. Only if spread communism. This is a mium is placed upon the ability to talk about anything signifi.- Two Divisions Formed the rest of the world and that you had lived among these peo- game for the teen-age nations t? convey i.deas through discus- cant. There is a chance, how- Two new divisions will be he i~. indifferent t<: the living pie would you be able to realize to play. They can handle it. slon. It IS commonly known ever, that this may be a carry- created: a Strategic Force re- conditIOns of those unforunate how much comfort, hope and Let's keep the middle-aged spec- that many men of non-excep- over from the.atmosphere of the quired for all-out war and a human beings of the under-de- encouragement it is going to tators off the court. t~onal 1icholas~ic record~ have college itself, which seems, in Tactical Force for limited war. veloped co~ntries, especially pour into someone's heart. I Editor's Note: Very well said, nse.n to prom.lll.ent positIOns in large part, to fail to encourage It is important to understand those of Afnca and ASia. congrat~late you all for your Mr. Day. Now let's see you bUSIness, POh~I~S, and other a free exchange of thoughts. that limited war need not lead ! p.ersonally disagree with generOSity. talk the Filipinos into following fi~lds not reqUlrmg great tech· It does not seem unwarranted to a holocaust. thiS viewpoint for I have over Marianthy Pnppadopoulou your proposition. ~~~t~~t~;s,~~~~~eor deep theo- :t:~~~~fe;~a:r:d~~~:r:~~Ul~d~~ ou;~i;li:/~~:;,y U;i~;~~!I!~::- ~;~O~i~:~ alt;~n;x;~;;~nC;~u,th~ I=======.============ ~;r;ol~i~~t~~uet:esn~~Ot~r~~~:~~~ ~~~:; :eo;;le~o~ t~~;ti:;elfO~b~~! Chuck's Caustic Corner im~~;~~c;ot o~ d~~;~v1~~dei~~:~:~t~n~~hr;:~t~;~s~~h;:::~~~ A iI k always. willing lJ t;,,;Ou.'S scholastic accomplishments, for and with a minimum of verbose- ent agents utilizing power. We fact that you are mterested be- '/io,n'ftm "'0 e,r it has been empirically proven ness. However, this quality have the task of convincing not cause y?U are to educatJ_onaJ as III e1.1'I :I' UJ that, Ion the whole, those stu- can hardly be obtained without only the American people of to contnbut: r I ~ giving books, clothing, food and fte,lr:"'e rIA, 'De r.m'P·LII.,rl°'S" dents making the best grades the desire of the student and a these tactics but also our allies well as SOCIal fund-drives by in c~llege tend to ea:'n the high- proper atmosphere provid~d by and the .un.c~mmitte.d nations. est mcomes and gam the most the college, Dr. Klssmger believes that if money. III ~" I Ta" .~j 1I~, influential positions in life. Michael Bird we see the Communist threat as Looking at you objectively, I, Rather, the point is that the at- a legitimate struggle for exist- as an outsider, see the great- The purpose of this column is My request is that religion tainment of ability in speech I ence within the moral and le- ness of your heart and your in- two-fold. First it gives me a be an elective at this particular :~~~!~SI;eWi:~c~hu::~~~ir~;~f An Open Letter f:il~st,~cil~o~~~xi~a~f~~r aSyss:::;~ ~~I~~I~.and concern for other ~~:\~~~at;:de::C~~~y~rhen~::~t~~ ::~el:itLl1 \~~;vi:~s;n;e w~~ kn~\:~~~et:::~~~nS~~,d~~:!.the To The Students ~:nje~~~r~Oti~nw~~n~~ill~i~~nof en~:g~~e~:~~ ~~zas~l~~:~,t~~: :::~yo~ ;~r~~!~o ~~~f:~l~~i~~~ ~;i~~ ':~u~s~~ a CO~PUlSOryre- college provide an atmosphere reader IS not expected to agree Is a student reqUired to take of maximum encouragement to Needless to say, I was thrilled wi~h me; there :,,?uld ~e little three hours in B!blical Iit~ra- ~~~l S~~~-ex:r~e;e~~;r: d~~~~~ ~ h;:~t~~~~;e h~: bt~e: ~:;~~~ Resolutions ToMoke And Breilk ~~;~!la~~d~rgh~;~~\~~Sth~ vf~~~ ~:~t a: f \~:l~c~~~~'ta; ~~q~~:~ age ~tudent thought by the de- ~~~~~.~R~t~!U~~~ing E:~!a::~~ by Barbara Cook Religiously p~y back the ~!a~~~;s. Wi~at~~~:n~I~~~e:o~~ ~~~ts~iO~~;~,o~a~~::i~ ~:f~:roe~ shower-room GO LOB UG I might even say that I exer- As each Western Maryland ;~~I:.~e~~du;Va!e:t,~v~rp~l~n ~~ ~~~: p:~e discussion, and per- requirement a string attached Jokester. w~o thinking, on ~:i~t~~e ~o~~!~;:si h~~~r~~~co~~ letter-writing ~~:'~inag~;ree~a~i~n~e~~ca;~!e i~ !~:;s~arn o~P;:~:~I~e~eh~aS;C~~~ Officialstudent newspaperof W""tern know it isn't proper for a col- that he still has a bit to learn douse. the I?use. . It should be remembered that plaInt. If It lS the latter, I'm ~:~~~i~don~~l~ege.dur~~:liO~~:her"N';:lege student to appear too elat- about life on the Hill, and, for Look mto hiS :nail-box only my views are my own; I speak aghas~ a~ the audacity o~ any veml>er,FebruB~ March and April; ed about anything. During one that matter, life in gencraL once every day Instead of the for nO,one else, ~nd noth!~g.per- orgamzatiOn to try and dictate b~:'~~~~~~~u~~nl~~~mi;'~i.e~ed""~of these more restrained :n:o- He may also find that he has ~~~~lo~~e~vhat"back cam us" sonal IS meant In my CntICISmS. courses to the students. se<:ondd"". matter at the Post Office.ments, I met face-to-face WIth already learned many things Il. P Give Equal Time Are Courses Dictated? ::!hl~$~879MBr)'land, under Act of two sobering realizations. and he may want to apply some ~a r I~: ff tIt \Ve have recently passed The Church does a very , . ~irst, I realize~ the tremendo~s of the:n. So, endowed .with all on~! ~ ,~!e~.o eecup a eas through "Religious Emphasis worthwhile thing in helping AssociaterC~n::iate Press :~~~n~oOfa;~~r;~ga I b~~~~r~~I~~ ~~: ~:~~~:r a;fd "~ift{~;:,;,~! ~e~~ tis stereo down to 20 ~~~,'~:sndbe~~h~~~iti~~~ ~r;d :~~de~~i~om~~te~~ca:io~~ll_~:~: ... from which I w.ill be able to in- may find himself making some C~CIe s. ·1 d f od ff h. the goals high, I'm rather in- cated public enough of a goal? SubscrIptIon PrIce $2.00 a Year terpret my experience; second, very. worthwhi!e resolutions. wi~~:w~J~~~: eac~ mo~th. IS elined. ~ give equal time tO,the Apparently not! .Appa.rentIy James Waddel that I.must find $1700 to finance Certam to be elnef among these Write home at least once 0Pl?OSlbon and cal~ for U :,Re- through outward stIpulatIOn or Allen Jones Edit~r-in-C~ief m~ t~~~e already borrowed a ar~:e=I;:~ !~:3:30 am instead ~~:eo~:ri~:i~JeSY~~n~~:k~ lIg;~U~p~t:E~?~t~Sl~o~ee~de~\s, ~~~~~thete~~Je th~re:::~:~t t~: H b t F 11" Managing Editor portion of my total expenses. of 4 am. every 15 minutes of t d the program has left somewhat must take three hours of a Bib- er er a In B. Ed.t The remainder I will have to Not sleep over two hours s u y. of a sour,taste in my mouth. It lical literature. EDITORIALu~~~~F lor raise on my own. My plan is every afternoon. is encouraging that th.e "Stu- This is. so wrong in principle, .,.L , OU NewsEdit.or_~ ..__ PriscillaOrd this: I am going to contact Take a towel to the bathroom "llIn" .1_ V. dent Christians" have at last I'm amazed! If the Church ~"8i"tant~ew8Edill>r__ ~ GailAllen school, civic, and church groups when he washes his hands so joined thc world of the living can ten the student to take one ~~~;:_F~~~~rEdit.or_~-Ca~~r;~rH~k~~and ask them to partially spon- he \\on't have to use the and presented a program of course, then according to the SpOrtsEdit<;>r__ ..__._ GeraldSi<'ll"elsor my exchange experience, shower curtam. To those. concerne~: such earthly significance. It is same logic and principle, it can Co-Cop)'Ed,ll>rs~----B~~b~;:J~lk~~ promising that after I come Attend breakfast faithfully, . Assuming the rIght to speak sad that their attempt should tell him not to study the atheis- COpyReader.: . ..;ne.Lewisback to the United States, I will especially when hominy is m behalf of the Western Mary- be marred by the idealistic, tic teachings of Marx, the ex- TypingEditor _._ ~:rl,I~~:~~t;'~.i~speak before their groups in re- due. land st~dent body, ~he GOLD naive, and wholly unrealistic ploits of Kerouac, or that Old Typists; B~atriceAckerm~n.Fa)' Car. turn for their financial support. Start studying for second se- BUG Wishes to publIcly thank views of Dr. Gunawardene. Testament courses must be ~hN~tijl:,tt~!':.,~~~a'!,vii1:[~ I would like to ask you, my mester exams immediately af- Mr .. Charles R. Foutz, Mr. Another factor in the week's taught by Methodist ministers. Barba!"aYingling fellow students, who read the ter first semester exams are ~avld Warner, Mr. Russel Mar- program I found unpleasant Su<:h a policy is alien to all Reporters,§::~baAc.~:~n DJ{n~!i~{ ;:~t. B~o t~oau~si;~ur;ep~re~~~ ;voer~lIhis typing early in the !~~~sa~~~~!~.~~~;:n~:h; ~~a~~~ ;~:s ~eee~~a~:~:i~;:~:. in~~a!int !~~~o:e~b:a:n:;i~ i:d~cs~ti°{io~: rE;~~M~:!i~*j:~~o~~~~~;~:,~f ~r;r!:i;~d~~IO~fg~ :~~~~n;e~!:L:t u; ;~mw~~~ co~e:~n!r~~: ~~stt~:;::~~~~~e ~~.~ac~~~'at~OI ~~;ti~~~~rl:e~~S~ ~i~~u!tm;~~l :~f~~~~~~y~~;~~~~ ~;:/ Lou~~ds~;he,JC'::,o~be. interest~d in assisting me in radiator anyway-instead of closure of the grille eliminated l!ke it when I'm compelled to this far better than having it . . Wilki!'son thiS- experience? I would be late at night at about 12. one of the central opportunities listen by mcans of compulsory rammed down our throats in con~o~Fn'£:c;~~:d~ThOm""Magrud~r.;~:ra~rdart::~st~fh=~; ~:o:;~~~ ~~~~ i~vh!~e ~~~~~7~goffr~~ ~~~n~es:;n~I:n~~eOfc~~;~s~ntr~ ~~;~~~:n~~;e:n~: r~i:~~~i~fst~~ ~ai:::'sun~~~~ab~~/o~t~~~:tein BUSINESS STAFF persons so that I might contact "after-testitis." open grille is an extremely wel- economics text is interrupted. places himself far out on a limb. ~~¥U;;i::~:a~~Toh~a~~~!~~ thcm per;~~lI~~precjlttion and ri~~~g s~~~1 s~er;~~;;o~~ :~~ ~~:;geS,a~~~tif~i~oa~~~:~~~de~e; !~t!~~n:e:am~n~ e~~~eth:t~'re~ ~~:t ';~~~ct~r!u~~:e:Pi~7:n~a~~~ ~~:c;: ~:;:d ~~~~f:aa:thy_-=-~r~~.H~!I~~U.w~"~~ ~v~:~ s~;~~ ~eol~a~:i~~~~:~ ~~·su~~a; ~!:i~~tinue to op~~~ ~~~o~n~::r~~~o~: l~;e.;,lective in ~~~m~~~eto f~:a:~th:;~ect all
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