Page 25 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 25
eAssembly To Feature Religious Emphasis Week 34 WMC Cadets Participate Disarmament Speaker "!!!~e!c~i'lif.~~~~~~!nb~~:!~'j"l~i,I~~'~O~~~~!i!~~it~~h~~X~~d~!'~!~the One of the world's leading At Harvard, he . i has scheduled Religious Power." Last summer Mr. tenant Colonel Fred Dilkes led marchers appeared as a single authorities on disarmament, Dr, of international i Week to be held Feb- Clapp toured Russia as part of 200 ROTC cadets from Western par-ade. Henry A. Kissinger, will come associate director of through 19, with Ann a USA-USSR Student Ex- Marylan.d an~ ~ve ~ther colleges Students Met in D. C. i :ยท~a;~e~~.rn Maryland on Feb- ce~~~ i~:Si~;:~n~!~O~:~n. gram c::{;~~n~s~~:ra~h~:;~~:n~etu~;~fra~U~~~I~SO~~d t~~!j~~n u;~ve;;~~l~=dyl,~tzz: sc~:~ls ~o;~~~fe~~~ ~~usd:~~s~!~ DUring the assembly period, viewed on television and for the calendar of activities YMCA and YWCA. parade. . with the cadets from the other he will speak on "American written leading articles in many has been entitled "Co-Existence This year the WUS Bazaar Cadet rst Lieutenant Donald institutions at Georgetown Uni- Policy and Disarmament." This magazines, including Harper's or Crisis." :viII start at 7 pm, February 18, Rembert held the positi~n of versity in Washington, D. C., covers the problems of devising in December, 1960. Dr. R. S. S. Gunwardene, In the gym of Blanche Ward. Lieutenant Platoon leader In the which is the headquarters of the a policy which would be accept- The WMC lecture committee Ambassador from Ceylon, will Groups Sponsor Booths parade. 2nd Army ROTC. While in able to the Russian~. He also recommends to the. st.uden~s start the program by speaking ~ooths spons.ore~ by all the Six Schools Take Part Washington, they had lunch and makes some etterneuve sugges- that they re~d Dr. Kissinger s on "America as seen by the varroua denominational groups .. . dinner at Georgetown. They will tions if total disarmament is book, which IS available in the Smaller Nations of the World," on campus, the Wesleyans, The participating sc.ho~ls return to their respective not achievable at present. bookstor-e, prior to his coming at 7 pm in the student lounge, Wesleyanettes, sororities, tre- were Johns Hopkins ~lllverSlt~, schools this evening. Expenses ~~etsht~~n~ayask him intelligent 6Vue:;:~~:~~ ~~~r~~;rualt~' U~I~: ~:~~i~~es,~~~ I~~I~na~i~l~a~i~e~ ~~~.~rt~~.C~~;;;e;bU~;wa~OI~;~~ we;~r~i~:;~~~n:Y,J~:te~~T~;ry_ foreign pollcy as it seeks to sources of recreation for the University of Delawll:re, and land Cadets were John Baile, William Bergquist, John Black, Maryland. Thirty-jour Western throughout Pllnel To Stllte represent a nation following a students attending evening chapel ~~e!~:rJ~O~as;;I~~~~s were from ~~~:~s ~~lo~~,a ~on~r~e~e;~~~~: Christian ethical standard. th~;~~:i~~nday II.- II I - Elston To Speak service, Religious Emphasis The schools were selected on John DeMey, Littleton Dryden, r/eWS Ilell/tlng pn~h~:::a\:/~~~~;;; ~:~i~~ai ~~:~ '~~ig~et c~~:l~~~rs~y p~~'~ ~~~n!~~~o~~in~~e~~il~f:~!~n~~: ~~~~::h K~;~~l~~,ep~~:rl~:tt~~~ To Concililltion ~:I~;i~~r~ero;ic:,heWi~O~~k U~~~ ~~::~r ~:ri~f:~f:;,ngatn~os~~~ ~~O~U~lr:~Ul~~lll~~~~s~~:l~:i~~~!~ !I~'~~e;;~6e~t ~~~~~:re;h:~:l~an~ "The Involvement of the Amer- Theological S e min a I'':/. Dr. en with respect to their abilities Alexander Ober. ican Student in the World Situ- Chalmers will speak on the top- in ROTC. Each school carried Also marching were Thomas ation." This function will be ic, "Pacifism and the Arms its own colors and wore the reg_ O'Malley, Keith Phillips, Bruce in the student lounge. Race." A fireside in McDaniel ular ROTC uniforms. Read, Ronald Savarese, James at 8 pm in the Wins- Lounge will follow. These 200 cadets represented Shaw, Edward Shilling, Ronald Lounge a student All week morning devotions ROTC groups throughout the Shirey, David Snyder, Alan from Pennsylvania State Uni- from 7:30 to 7:45 will be con- nation. This was the first time Stewart, Roy Terry III, and Jer- versity, Robert Clapp, will de- ducted by the Wesleyans and an ROTC unit has marched in ry Walls. SFC Charles R. Sack_ liver a message entitled, "Amer- 'Vesleyanettes in Baker Chapel. an inaugural Jl a r a d e. The man accompanied the group. Dr. Kissinger's solutions the atomic age problems presented in his recent Nuclear lVcapons and Polir;1J. This book has bated at the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff, key WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND tors, and administration January 20, 1861 cials. Educated at Harvard, Kissinger has received academic honors. Among are Phi Bcta
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