Page 26 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 26
2 The Gold Bug, Jan. 20, 1961 -letters To TheEtlitor- An Open Letter VI "ew From The WI"n' dow To the Editcr: of a college To the Edit", from Michael Bu-d's To the Editor: col- To The Students I infer The production an often-heard To coin ON RELIGION ~~l?Li:~~~~~i~gata~i~~e;tndiSef~~r~~c1\hi;tt~:~:~~.;b;~e~~~ ~eog~~testo~~p?~·;ss~~~~y"~!.h~tsk~~hae:r~~;nt;;Oj~:~~n;e:/~~~~k~ Noisily alive, the travel alarm sober house tops and strength- challenging but rewarding job, Maryland admissions are not as here in regard to ,attendmg col- ing towards the rapidly ap- ticked monotonously on the bed- ened their charm. The half-cur- and there are many people on well-rounded, that~ is, average, lege. ,If you're like most, t~e preaching- Religious Emphasis side table. In the warm silence tained upper windows blinked at the staff who are willing to give as they should be. He also major-ity of your four years Will Week. A number of thoughts of mid-morning it was the only the sun's arrival. their best to it. Diligence, good feels care should be taken to be spent in a welter .of worth- have passed through my mind. sound that could be heard. Sprawling on one hill beneath planning, and good organlza- see that there are no "person- less activities ra~gmg. from The essence of these I would Over the apple-laden window the horizon trees, a blank white tion are vital. But vital too ality conflicts." church, groups lackmg piety to like to present for your con- sill, cool autumn colors sifted factory building showed' no are the interest and support of On the first count, I fully bridge to~rn.aments. sidera.tion. hazily through the me she d signs of life. Only the imagina- the student body. The staff is agree that Western Maryland Now this IS not to say.thll:t a The college student is a scre~n. There wa~ not a ~reath tion could reveal the bustling responsi~le ~or putting together s~ould not bec~me a beatni.k p~rson should sp.en~ all his time unique individual in our society. of air and even With the window activity within its somber walls. the puhlieatlon ; but what goes dive, nor a SOCIalor athletic With books, but. It IS to sar ~~at He is given four years during thrown open, the room was quiet To the far left a flat brick into that publication is theirs to club. The college should aim his extra-curricular ac.tJvltles which he has few commitments and motionless. school building spread its arms choose-s-not theirs to write. for a happy medium. But this should be. channeled Jn~o. a to the world in which he lives. Along a distant slope the sun in welcome over a wide tract of Controet was founded to give medium should not be pes-soni- somewhat intellectual activity. During this time he may give glinted metallically on the hoods moss green and beige, \ anyone so inclined the chance to fled in every student. Western For instance, what better way thought and/or lip service to of auto~ob.iles a~d ~anced like Then the tawny gold leaves exp,re~s himself in a literarY,or Maryland needs the athlete, is, there to learn of world er- any cause which at that moment water rippl'ing gaIly m a bro~k. in the foreground whispered of ar~lstlc manner and to provide need~ the extrov~rt, an? needs ~alrs than to ~ttend IRC mee~- may challenge his interest. Only one other movement dis; the deliciously tender breeze en~oyment fO,r everyone, To the intellectual, m ,addl~l?n to In?~? Contrary, to local super- However, because he lives with- turbed the wa~er-color scene. A that was beginning to stir. A thl~ end, and m the hope .of se- the all-around s?hd cltlz~ns. SJ:itlOn,you don t ~ave to. be a in the seclusion of "tbe wans pale, nondescrIpt curl of smoke car sputtered and purred-fin- cunng a good representation of Each has somethmg to give, hIstory 01' economics major ~o and halls of ivy," he is not re- blotted the center of the land- ally gaining strength to com- campus talent and thought, We learn more from those who attend. ,In' fact, the IRC IS quired to give "life service" to :~afte~e~~:~r~~~~~~ir~a~~sU~d;l *~~c:ow~sOJO~~r:::udck~~~g~~~s~~:{~~c;;;t p~:~;y,as~~~tt:~~r~~ :~~ ~vrheo~il~e~~:~t1~h~~ef~~~ those ~i:~n :~dh~~~a~a~~o~o:ll~j~~'sE~~~ fsn~h!~st:o~sf:e~~~~fSI ~~!~hth~: gin was obscured by a clump of and with its warning knell the essay. The entries in the en- Conforming, each new admis- mittance to meetJn,gs: is good, but at the same time it ~:c~st~~~.and-setin its P~rticular ~~~~~~t[oe~l!~a~:t:;! :~c~~~t:;~ tir~v~~;e~~:t il!,:~~~n~e~~~~dS .a ~~~e~'o1:~I~:~:t:~~~I~~~~Y\:.~~ di~,:~:~o~:hOa~eO~l~~~e~n ~~e~= i~;o~~:~e afo~erS~::~is~i~t~'ar~~~= se~~~~SI~::~Y ali~: :hle~t~~I~ parent, r f ~e~~:zl~eg~foJh~~:itaellJ~!~!: I; ~;I~ec~~~tt~letl~o:l~cla~a~;' I~~ ~Sa;.~et[heO~i~;~::~~~~ts~f i~tt:!~~~~;h~~~~a~~n~r~~~~rt;:f~ei~~ drens' voices echoed above the There ~. '" Uv v 7 people, has no railroads and no f~,c~,s; s~: o~h,~!r~:eo~si~~:r~f ~li th:::; t~ o~: O_s~~ali_~;S~'~~~ ,'",:n','n',t "pl~tpl,o,~,Sto_"tnot~f' bt'h',- L.t:C1URE N01f.~ .• ··l..EC.-rURE Ho-r~~ ~.~... seacoast. Its one main road is \ tit th k th th v v ~ v Was it to C k St d t R I t clay and is underwater for six v f~,e~ ar~~~~ i~~S~~~;!~ m:~~h ~~~s, :::rlus~ to ~~oww~hatt~:; tW,O,,"d,'whaht was it? such ree u en months during the severe, tropi_ to our being, Then, thIS seen~e~ to be his objective. S .. "are there. They must become ' s t ere was no e a es cal monsoon season. The tem_ ~a~e\'lal WIthout. fully dl~est\flg an integral part of us, a part thlll~ as a population problem? F F. d perature range, which starts It, I~cannot pOSSiblyn_oullshour that influences our actions and A: times, I must sadly admit, _ near 50 degrees and may reach brams and ~oul~. T,hls type of contributes in Urp I in April, and tlie r se rom rlen s 112 degrees rote n:emorlzatlOn IS 110t true and only then, will all our study When mllhons are starving natural jungle-~ountain terrain educatIOn, be worthwhile, And then too it ~he 'World today because of an are not condUCIve to open war_ ========= will not be mere study, it'will'be madeq,uate diet, when gains by lI1a)'ia1!thy Pappodop
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