Page 24 - TheGoldBug1960-61
P. 24
The Gold Bug, Dec. 9, 1960 Cagers Top Loyola, 71·68, Matmen Look Strong Klitzberg, Martin, 0' Malley Star Smithmen Top Towson Teachers As Quintet Gains First Victory TERROR TALK FLASH: Last nite the WMC grapplers downed host Towson 21-is for the season's first win. Goldstone, Rose, and O'Connor regfa, tered pins, and Berman and J. Runkles took decisions. Steve Ber- mi~waTyOmino':~:lle:ecj::P~:~;ILOAY~i=rrecg~~~~~S th~'~~~~e~n 0; BY TlH£ J'''' 'Last Gymnasium, the Western Mary- However, junior easy victory III an Tuesday evening in Gill man captured broke a 50-51 deficit and sent set shot, a Tom O'Malley jump- land matmen were edged out by on points over AU's Bob Clarke ~~~k~~~i!:~e~s\:~si~r~ ~i~~t~~c~ ~;i~a~\~h~oT;~~~~l~ :~i;~y~~: . A BIG G?LD STAR is in order .for grid gro~nd- ~~~~~~i~~le!;,a~~ i~t~a:~;~I~t~:. Smithmen back tory over Loyola College of long, lean freshman center gamer Fred Dilkes. Fred has snared hIS second straight a 19-14 score. The decisive blow came when Middle: Atlantic Conference rushing title, picking up The Terror grapplers got off Joe Runkles was pinned in 5:34 4'51 yards on 103 carries, for a 4.4 yard average gain. to an ~arly "lead as by. anoth~r defendin.g champ, Tony HIli defeated John Mann- F'ritz Maler. Following Joe In * "' * .,. enko by a wide margin on tho same manner was Don COACH CLOWER'S QUINT hits the tournament points. This gave WMC a tern- "Punch" Leneski, who was trail this year. The hardwooders from the Hill will ap- porary 3-0 lead. pin.ned in 5:27 by. J:lod Doboz~r. . p~ar. i~ the Bridgewater Tournament, at Bridgewater, SO~haO-:or~O\~~~onl~l;:r~~~~'~ ~~::I~lO~~~:bl~he1~~~lto~~v:~tal;~ Virg'inia, December lD, 20, and 21. Other teams Involved Tom Chm-garis in a close deci- over the Green and Gold mat- include host Bridgewater, Roanoke, Lynchburg, Hump- sion to tie the match at 3-3. A men. den-Sydney, and Richmond Institute. two point take-down in the final Case Gets Win 15 seconds of action gave Paul The match ended on a prom- Lucas a decision win over the ising note as Sam Case narrow- CONGRATS to the new heads of the clan MacWal- Terrors' Mike Eagen. ly deciainned Steve Mihlman as dorf. Fl"eShma~or::I~~S~:se lost to ~in~:~l1l:no\haecc~~~~~::d ri~~ns~ defending champion Jim Sibilia Charlie Runkles shone as he SPECIAL THANKS to the guest sportswriters for by decision to give the visitors pinned Bill Regardie in 4:27 to this issue: John Del\Iey and Bob Grace. a commanding 9-3 lead. narrow the final score to 19-14. A CERTAIN LOCAL RADIO STATION'S account last Sunday's C~lt-Lion contest went off the air leav- Westminster LECKRON ing campus Colt fans in the upper levels of pigskin para- Laundry dise. And then there were the last ten seconds ~ . and GULF SERVICE· Dry Cleaning Dots Stop X's, 22-0, In Annual Grid Fray Basketball, Ping-pong On Intramural Slate by John Do M,y na~~ea~~.~;~~\~~~t:dbo~i 2~a~0~= The 1960 intramural basket- ball players. The 21st of No- hall season start~d Tuesday, No- vembei- found the skies clear as vernbel' 30. ThIS ~ear ~ees. a the "Black Dots" tangled with larger. league t~a~ IS ordinarily the -x-,- in the ~oilet. Bowl. ~::t~~~i~~' ~~;~:t~rp~! t~:!~~ ~:~ ~~:~et~::e n~o;~s~:~:;gh~~~ ~~~~ g~:~aa~i PiI~~~haG~~~~~ ~~~,;o~V::r~ P~~;;la;h~f e~~;.~ and three additions, the fresh- ~~~~7!~g and brain-rattling ~~:t~:al~~o'i~~~r:~:aIDe~~:~ . pions Alpha Gamma Tau have Skip Brown piloted the "X's" started off their season on the and found an able receiver in right side of the slate with end "G-ray" Gray who made three wins and one loss. Delta scv;l"al fine catches on the first Pi Alpha, last year's runner-ups, set-rea of downs of the game. have a 3-0 record. Gamma Beta But the inches got tough for Chi is 1-1 and Pi Alpha Alpha Skipper as he neared the "Black has two losses and as yet no Oneof the best investments you'll ever make... Dots" goal line. This was the wins. The Freshmen and the whole story for the "X's" Demons each have lost one game throughout the game. and have won one game. The The hard running of Ricky Zoo has lost two games and won Youknowwhat you invest in advanced ROTC .... a subsistence allowance of$535forthe up the civilian ladder, advanced ROTCwill still be paying off. Success in the executive Jones who averaged about six none. .. twoyearsofclassroomtimeandoutside two-year advanced ROTCcourse. Uniforms yards a carry, and the fine The ping-pong study. and military textbooks paid for. $117 for areasofbusinessandindustrycomesearlier catches of Dave Anders gave an has also come into season with your six-week summer camp training, plus and more substantially to the man who can edge 'to the "Black Dots." Men- the first matches held on De- travel allowance. And when you're commis- lead. Few are born leaders; but leadership tion can also be made of the cember 1. Being an inter-fra- sioned, a $330 uniform allowance. can be learned. And advanced ROTCis a hustling ball carrying that ternity function, there are no First and foremost, there's the proud mo- great place to learn it. Bruce Read turned in from his independent teams entered. As ment in Graduation Week when the gold bars You discharge your military obligation with Talk with the Professor of MilitaryScience at fullback position. of the first two matches, the of a Second Lieutenant are pinned on your the traditional rank, pay, privileges and re- your school. Learn more about advanced The game ended at a 22-0 standings are as follows: Army uniform ... and deep inside the warm sponsibilities of an officer in the United ROTC. Ask particularly about the ROTC score in favor of the "Black Preachers 2-0; Bachelors 1-1; sense of accomplishment at having made it. States Army. course in Leadership, with its practical ex- Dots" with big Dave Anders Gamma Bets 1-1; Black There's immediate helpin meeting expenses And later, when you're starting your climb perience in command responsibilities. flushing 14 of the total. Whites 0-2.
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