Page 7 - TheGoldBug1956-57
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The Gold Bug, 001. 16, 1956 . 3 ExhibitFeatures Prose By ... Impressionism Marianne Shears The fall art exhibition opened on Wednesday evening, October 1Q, with DEATH OF' A HERO a collection of abstract painting and His horse reared at the clash of 'sculpture by Baltimore artists known battle and he was taken by surprise. as "The Group". This is the first of a The edge of his red tunic flowed and series of displays by local artists spon- merged with the red stain of his blood sored by the art department during and in the midst of the battle he lay the college year. The exhibition, open very still. to students, will continue through When the screaming, fiaming at. Wednesday, October 31.- The display tack had withdrawn to another field room in old Main is open 9 to 5 daily the soldiers bore him from the littered Monday through Friday, 9 to 12 scene. They took him to his tent and Saturday. 2 to 5 Sunday, and 7:30 to for the first time since the struggle 9:30 Monday and Wednesday eve- had begun, his arms and head were nings. clean of the streaks and stains of Doctor MacDonald, head of the art war. His face had lost none of its department, stated that the contribu- stony passiveness or obdurate deter. tions were "generally considered mination to be the victor; only a mask to be by Baltimore's most original and of a warrior remained where there creative artists." "The Group" as had once been a glimmer of manly they are called, is composed of 13 peace. contemporary artists. All are abstract His adjutants replaced the stained in theory, but vary widely in style tunic with one of unblemished white. and technique. Their uniting credo is They took every precaution to erase that ....modern art is no 16nger depen- or obscure all traces of the war. dent on confining techniques. United DUring the night the hero's body about three years ago, the artists have was returned to the capitol for a exhibited locally, independently, and proper funeral and burial because a in group collections. Two members, common soldier's grave would not be William Waller and Dr. Joseph Fal- fitting for this man who had died zone, have had one man shows on alone and unattended, obv:iously at. campus last spring. tacked by the skulking enemy. The The other artists include Cecile man's fame had preceded him anil Baer, Eunice Graham, Gustave High- had gained strength in its journey. stein, Stanley Jacobson, Helen Jacob. WAA Offers Varied Fall Sports; College Players Litanies ascended from the temples son, Lila Pell Katzen, William Liez- and candles glowed in great masses Roth. man, Ernest Lothar, Amalie and Don. Includes Hockey, Golf,Badminton To Present Play on altars and all the citizens mourned. schild, Shelby Shackelford, As the day aged, the solemn lines of aid Risley. The annual Thanksg-iving- Play will weepers filed by the funeral bier and ~he Women's Athletic Associati~n goes to any senior "M" women out- be presented by the College Players with their passing the corpse amassed SGA Report of W.M.C. has many activities sched- standing in athletics, spirit, service, Friday evening, November 16, at 8:15 such greatness and character as he in Alumni You Can't Take It Hall. uled for women who enjoy participat- Also, a cup is given and scholarship. hild never known in Hfe, ing in extra-curricular sports. These With You is a comedy in three acts per- to the class having the highest always "Remember rode how he Within the first two meetings the activities are by no means varsity or centage participation in sports for by Moss Hart and George S. Kauf- through the streets waving majestic- SGA cabinet has elected Ruth Rid- professional, and are opened to all in- the year. man. It was the winner of the Pulitzer inger as secretary, Al Gilmore as terested girls from all classes. After· Prize when it played in New York in :~:~d ::~a:;!~~t fr~:~°!ta~~:.':la!~ treasurer, George Trotter as Rec class practices started on October 9, 1936. oring crowds but it was a part of his Hall Chairman, Sam Reed as Bulletin for the main fall sport which is Directing the play will be Miss Es- duty and he stood it as well as he Board Chairman, Ray Crawford as hockey, and will be held Tuesday ther Smith. The sets will be designed could; at Jeest he saluted them as he judge of the Traffic Court, and Stan through Friday for three weeks. Any the season awards are given out. by Mrs. Joy Winfrey and construct- rode by. Howell and Bruce Lee as Civil De- girl who attends four of these prac- Another party is given after basket- ed by members of the Junior Dramatic woman, she who wore "Fortunate fense Chairmen. tices is put on a team, regardless of ball season, with the freshmen as full Art Class. his pledge. Who ever heard a word of The Homecoming officials this year her ability in the game. These teams members, when the basketball awards 'I'radtticnally, the College Players his infidelity?" Indeed, who had ever are Judy Corby, Parade Marshal, and then participate in matches among are given out. The final party is at will charge an admission of $1.00 per heard of his infidelity? She surely was Sam Reed, Half Time Chairman. themselves, as well as with other col the end of the year when officers for person for the Thanksgiving Play. not the one to talk of the rela- Wray Mowbray is in charge of the leges. This year they will play against the next year are introduced. .This is the only time throughout the tionship with her husband and of the banner downtown. St. Joseph's of Emmitsburg, and hope Whenever possible, repr esentatdves year that the group charges admission days in which she rarely saw him At the meeting held on Sept. 23rd to play other schools or participate in are sent to nearby W.A.A. conven. for any of its productions. With these after the sun had set. a motion was made and passed to play days with several echocls.e-, tions where they meet many W.A.A. proceeds the Dramatic Art Depart- have the presidents of the Inter-ace. The girls were also able to take golf members from other colleges. This ment is able to purchase equipment To crown all his other virtues there ority and inter-fraternity council; lessons after classes for three weeks is a worthwhile project, since the needed for the remaining productions. was his burning patriotism which had have a voting seat on the SGA this fall. This was for those who girls have their ways paid in part by The equipment, including spotlights, driven him from the security and cabinet. This amendment was passed had no previous experience, so the association. These and other is used not only by the College Play- warmth of his borne to the conflict on by the student body at the first SGA the lessons involved the fundamental'S projects are the work of the W.A.A. ers but by other clubs and organiza- the battlefield. This same love of ccun- Assembly on October 8. of the game as well as several days and it is hoped that the activities can tions of the Hill for dances and vari- try gave him the strength to fight and It was also decided on October 8 on the course attempting various be increased in the near future. ous campus activities. fight still more. In a similar vein the that hereafter any new amendment shots. grieving crowd proclaimed this corpse will be better advertised for the ben- After hockey season and before a hero. efit of the student body. Christmas is the badminton season. Festivities Dissenting voices were not heard There may be a tournament if plans (CONTINUED FROM PAGE I, COL. 3.) for they lay silenced in bodies slashed work out and cnough interest is But if the sophomores emerge vic- and gouged and burned by this demi. god, this hero. No one spoke of the ICLUB NEWS/ shown. girl earns points for her two additional weeks. for flames of a peasant's hut that roasted Rat Rules may continue torious, Each faithfulness to her team in these the farmer's sucklings for the of- During the the afternoon (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. COL ••• ) extra-curricular sports. The girl re- To the Editor of the GOLD:QUG: tot-ies will be open to visitors. dormi. ficers' meal. The smoldering silences The LSA ceives her class numerals for faithful- and piles of gray rubble choked all the protesting- Jeannette Anderson will address the ness during a season, a "W.M." mono- Just one short month ago we, as fraternities and sorcrtttes will hold cries of sobbing, children. women and screaming open house in both McDaniel Lounge Lutheran Student Association tomor- gram for a total of 400 points, an freshmen, entered the campus of and the clubrooms for alumni and The honor guard carried row night, October 17, at the Grace "M" letter for 800 points, and a gold Western Maryland College. As we en- friends. to the pyre and the faggots the torch grasped Lutheran Church. Jeannette is preei- star for 1200 points. The highest tered we noticed strange faces every- The Homecoming dance, whose .dent of the organization. award, the Western' Maryland Key, where. We never saw these people be- greedily at the flames. The bright fore, but they were destined to be the theme will be Homecoming 1956, will fingers of the fire reached out for the Westminster Fellowship greatest companions of our lives. climax the weekend activities. The carefully stacked tvood and., then Professor of O. Nelson, Dr. John Vocation at the Yale Dtvin- Ensor Attends When our parents left we found we dance, sponsored by Delta Pi Alpha, caught the empty temple of this fault- Christian were alone in a strange world, where will begin at 8:30 p.rn. on Saturday less man's soul. It burned out all in the Seminary Board Meeting ity School, will speak to the West- everyone was strange to everyone else. in Gill Gym. Decorations are in thoughts of savage revels or bleed- minster- Fellowship We couldn't possibly guess what fu- keeping with Halloween. Carl Ham- crusted arms. The man was dead and Chapel tomorrow night. ture was in store for us or what ilton and his orchestra will provide his humaneness had died with his last The organization plans to raise Dr. Lowell S. Ensor flew to Nash- kinds of people we would meet. music for the dance. breath. He was a hero and no man money for the United Student Chris- ville, Tennessee, on September 30, to The first person many of us met As a highlight of the evening, deserved more to be a hero. Had he tian Council as its project for the attend a two day meeting of the Uni- was our room-mate, a person we knew President Ensor will crown the 1956 not died a valiant death in battle? year. versity Senate. This Senate is an nothing of a day before, but in the Homecoming queen, Marilyn Eccleston. They led his horse away, and the BSU agency of the Methodist Church next week it seemed like we knew this The queen and her escort and the armor tied to it still clashed. The Baptist Student Union will which evaluates its educational insti- person all our lives. As time proceeded attendants and their escorts will be of the dance is Music Department hold its meeting tomorrow evening in tutions and seeks to maintain and we met more interesting people. At presented to the guests at the dance. General chairman the SCA room. The club has an- encourage high academic standards the time we had no idea how impor- Tony Sarbanes, who appointed sev- nounced that the Baptist Student among these institutions. When orig- tant they would be to our future. We eral chairmen to assist with the prep- Schedules Recital Convention will be held October 26 inally founded, the University Sen- might have met for the first time our arations. John Scott will head the through 28 at the 7th Baptist Church ate was the only educational accredit- future companion in marriage, our decoration committee, with John The Music Department will present in Baltimore, Md. ing bodl in the United States. Since future partner in business, or many weekly recitals each Tuesday at 4:15 the establishment of a nation-wide other possibilities. It's incredible how Gunderson and Dick Gardiner in WesJeyanettes practice of regional accreditation, the these new friends, whom we never charge of the refreshments. Harold p.m. in Levine Hall. A candlelight service was held Oc- University Senate has seen fit to ac- knew up until this time,- could affect McClay and Nick Spinnato are in Mr. G. E. Cole will give a Vesper tober 12 by the Wesleyanettes. Meet, cept the accreditations of. the region. our lives more than the people we charge of the publicity committee. Organ Recital at' 4 :00 p.m. in Alumni ings will be held every other Friday al associations, and at the same time have known all our lives. John Kauffman is handling the sale Hall on Sunday, October 26. evening. All interested women to assist any Methodist institutions Actually, our future life is depend- of tickets and Dick Plesket is taking On October 9 Miss Arlene Hegge- cordially invited to attend. in problems relating to standards. ent upon the friends and situations charge of the clean-up committee. meier, a member of the faculty, gave The University Senate is composed Faculty sponsors who will attend a piano Sonata Recital. Wesleyans we meet here. We will have the best the dance include Professor and Mrs. of 21 persons from across the nation years of our lives here, but they will The Music Department presented Dr. Hazard will address the Wes- who are actively engaged in the field also be filled with many problems. It Robert Adkins, Dr. and Mrs. Oris- the following program for the October leyens on October 18 in the Seminary of education. Dr. Ensor was appointed is 'our sole responsibility to meet and wald, Captain and Mrs. Francis How- 10 meeting of the District Women's Chapel. Meetings are held every Fri- by the Council of Bishops to serve a solve these problems intelligently. We ard, and Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Price. Club: vocal solos by Betty Ely and day evening. Members of the organi- four year term as a member of this (CONTINUED ON PAGE S, COL. 1.) Patricia Werner, violin solo by George zation spend part of their Saturdays agency in 1952 and has just recently The Belgium Congo is larger than Summers, and piano solos by Stanley counselling at the Strawbridge Meth- been reappointed by that group for The largest of the Egyptian pyra- all the U.S. territory east of the Mis- Greenberg, Beverly Parsons, and odist Home for Boys. another similar term. mids is about 460 feet in height, sissippi River. Margaret Whitfield.
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