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-1,..ibrary 'Icstern LOOKING FOOTBALL BACKWARD GREATS PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Vol. 33, No.3 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. October 25, 1955 Dance To Feature Danforth Foundation Hovey $peaker T,,~ditionaIActivitiesHighl ight Invites Applications Music By Chambers For Argonauts For Grad. Fellows Annual College Homecoming Autumn leaves, bowing and sway- The induction of associate mem- ing in time to the music of Rivers The Danforth Foundation, an edu- bera of tge Argonauts took place Men- A parade 'to downtown Westminster, the clash of the WMC Chambers' Orchestra, will be the set- cational trust fund in St. Louis, Mis- day, October 24, at 7 :30 p.m. In Me· Terror with the Drexel Dragon, the Homecoming Queen and her _ting for the 1955 Homecoming Dance souri, invites applications for the 1956 Daniel Lounge. Dr. Richard B. Hovey, court, the Dance of the Autumn Leaves, majorettes, cheerleaders, on November 5. - Danforth Graduate Fellows. Applica- of the English department, was the floats, bands, displays, and returning alumni are main features of Sponsored by the Gamma Bets, the nons will be accepted from college guest speaker. a busy Homecoming Dayan November 5. dance will begin at 8 :30, and until 12 senior men and recent graduates who The following students were in- On Friday evening November 4, spirit for the bIg events will o'clock couples will stroll and dance are -prepartng- for college teaching, ducted. Seniors: Kathleen Holt and be building up as the cheerleaders and the band lead a following in Gill Gym amid fall scenes pf red, and are planning to enter graduate Lois A. Wilson. Junior men: Roland S. of freshmen "rats" and other students from a pep rally in Alumni gold, brown, a;d green. school in September, 1956, for their Greybeal, Lawrence W. Hall, and women: Queen Presented first year of graduate study. Jesse M. Phillips. Junior Elizabeth M: C;arol, J. are welcomed from the Applicants Bingham, The high spot of the evening will areas of Natural and Biological Crompton, Joyce M. Har-r-ington, Mar- be the crowning of the Homecoming Sciences, Social Sciences, Humanities, tha~. Lewis, Mildred A. McDonald, Queen and the presentation of her and all fields of specialization to be Joanne C. Parrish, Patricia J. Pat- court. found in undergraduate college. Dr. terson, Patricia M. Richter, Karin M. Busy as co-chairmen of the dance Reuben S. Holthaus has been named ~ J. Schade, and Barbara E. Zepp. committee are Dave Downs and Carlos by President Lowell S. Ensor to act These students ell have an average of Gosnell. Frank Robey heads the dec- as the Liaison Officer to nominate 2.1 or above. oration committce with the Phi Alphs candidates for the Danforth Fellow- S. C. A. helping in the cut-out department. ships. The candidates will not exceed In commemoration of the United Refrcshments Featured three persons. Nations' tenth anniversary, the Stu- A special feature of the affair will The qualifications for .the candidates dent Christian Association will give a be the refreshments, served across are men of-outstanding academic abil- special United Nations program to- from the gym in a basement room of ity, personality congenial to the class- morrow, October 26, at 6:45 in Baker Albert Norman Hall. Making sure room, and integrity and character, In- 'Chapel. The speaker. William Boucher that everyone gets something to eat is cluding faith and commitment within III, of Baltimore, is associated with.... Duke Betters, chairman of the re- the Christian tradition. the United Nations Association of freshment committee. Ernie Ramirez These appointments are fundamen- Maryland. A regular chapel service is working hard as he tacks up post- tally a "relationship of encourage- will precede ·Mr. Boucher's talk, offi- ers as head of the publicity commit- ment," carrying a promise of flnan- ciated by Bruce Price, president of tee, while Byron Hollinger has charge cial aid as there may be need. The the S.C.A. The following Wednesday of tickets and programs. maximum annual grant for single Pel- there will be separate denominational Del Kohl heads the list of leave lows is $1800; for married Fellows, meetings. Notices of where each will 1955 HOMECOMING COURT: Left to right; Wilma. Robertson, sophomore rakers and broom pushers as chair. $2400 with an additional stipend for meet will be on the S.C.A. bulletin attendant; Claire Gates, senior attendant; Jo Siehler, quem; Marilyn Eccles. man of the clean-up committee. children. However, a student need not board in front of Old Main. tan, junior attendant; and Ruth Overton, f1'eshman attendant. Tickets for the evening, priced at be in need of financial aid to make Home Economics Hall, through the decorated and roped $2.50 per couple, may be purchased application. The home economics majors who are off Main Street of Westminster. from any Gamma Bet. A Danforth Fellow is allowed to living in the management house this INewCutSystemI Saturday afternoon at one o'clock, carry other scholarship appointments, semester have undertaken the job of (1) Excessive absences shall be de- after a morning of -putting finishing 'Kind Lady' Featured such as Rhodes, Fulbright, Woodrow redecorating the kitchen. The new look fin~ as one or more aq_sences in e-:- touches on displays and floats Sam the Wilson, Marshall, etc., concurrently a chinese red ceiling and Marshall band, led by Parade will feature As Annual Play with the Danforth Fellowship. If a three gray walls. 'J.lle remaining wall cess of the number of hours cr-edit Reed, will march from downtown to given in the course. Upon exceeding man receives the Danforth Appoint- college and Hoffa into will be painted to match the ceiling. the swing by one the legal number of absences a The annual Thanksgiving play will ment, at the time he is carrying a The following girls are living in the student may, at the option of the in- Field for the big game--WMC vs. be "presented by the College Players Rhodes or Fulbright Scholarship, or management house: Jean Wantz, Bar- structor, be dropped from the course Drexel. Friday evening, November 18, at 8:15 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, he be· bara Stanton, Ellie Lawson, Nancy with a final grade of "F". Half-time Activities p.m. in Alumni Hall. The play, Kind comes a Danforth Fellow without eti- Lawson, and Janette Chase. (2) However, there shall be no uri- Lady by Edward Chodorov, is an ex- pend, until his other relationship is Classies CI~b excused absences without penalty for Half-time activities will be high- citing mystery with a British flavor. completed. The Classics Club will meet Monday, freshmen, or for transfer students lighted by the Queen and her court as Directing the play will be Miss All applications, including the rec- October 31 at 6:45 p.m. in McDaniel with less than 24 semester hours of they pay homage to President and Esther Smith who promises spine. ommendations, must be completed by Lounge. Dr. John Glenn of Gettys- credit. except that freshmen and Mrs. Ensor. The "rats" will have the tingling entertainment for all those February 15, 1956. Further tnrorma- burg CoHeg_ewill be the main speaker. transfer students holding honorable opportunity to rid themselves of bean- who enjoy an old-fashioned thriller. tion can be obtained from Dr. Reuben The subject of his talk will be the discharge from the armed forces of ies in the tug-of-war with the soph- The set will be designed by Mrs. S. Holthaus, Liaison Officer. influence of Roman law on the t.radi- the U.S.A., may be exempt from this omores, and a performance will be Joy Winfrey, and constructed by mem- tion and present day concept of law. rule. The penalty for each violation of given by the majorettes and the newly bers of the Junior Dramatic Art Lopez Host On WTTR The meeting is open to everyone and this rule shall be a fine of one dollar. instituted pom-pom girls. Class. should be of particular interest to Exeesaive Absences Her Highness, Miss Joanne Siehler, Although the price of admission is Ralph Lopez, a student at WMC, is pre-law students. (3) For sophomores and upper- makes her debut on a beauty court as $1.00, this is the only instance through. the host on a new radio program, The officers of the Classics Club for classmen there shall be a fine of one Queen for the day. The twenty-one out the year that the group charges College Canteen. The program is pre. this year are: Dick Huffins, presi- dollar for each excessive absence. year old senior hails from Laurel, Md., admission. With the proceeds the Dra- sented by ~VTTR from 1:30 p. m. to dent; Leroy McWilliams, vice-presl- (4) When any student is absent and numbers marriage and the teach- matic Art Departme~t will purcha"se 1: 55 p. in., every Sunday and began dent; and Barbara Zepp, secretary. more than twelve and one- half per ing profession among her future all the material needed for the rest on October 23, 1955. treasurer. cent of the scheduled meetings of the plans. In her spare time she enjoys of the year for other organizations The program features some of the Tri-Beta class, excused- or unexcused, he shall participating in aU sports, especially and dances on the Hill as well as for favorite records of the students at Tri-Beta will hold its meeting Tues- automatically receive an "F" in the water-skiing and traveling. themselves. W.M.C. day, October 25, in room 310 of course. Such grade shall be changed Senior attendant to the Queen is Science Hall. The officers are Jack only by action of the Administrative Miss Claire Gates of Bethesda, Md. Morton, president; Marilee Hodson, Committee of the Faculty upon the Claire served last year as Junior at. vice.president; Kay Holt, secretary; personal appeal of the student. (The tendant of the Homecoming Court, and Janet Reck, historian. term "12lh '70 of the scheduled meet· and was selected as Junior Duchess ings" shall normally mean that the to the 1955 .May Court. A home eco· QualilicationTest student is in violation of the rule on nomics major, she hopes to go into the 5th absence in a two hour course; TV demonstration work with foods. Selective Service the 7th absence in a three h{lur course; junior Attendant and the 9th absence in a four hour Miss Marilyn Eccleston, a twenty- Any Selective Service registrant who is a full time college student and Assembly Cuts year-old art major from Takoma, Md., who has not previously taken the (5) A fine of one dollar per ab· makes her third appearance as a WMC beauty. She served as Fresh- Selective Service Qualification Test sence shall be imposed upon students should do so this year either Novem- who arc absent from Assembly more man Duchess on the 1954 May Court, ber 17, 1955, or April 19, 1956, ac- than four times in one semEtster. How- and last spring as Sophomore Duchess cording to an official Selective Service ever, upon a seventh absence from of the 1955 May Court. Marilyn all-- release. The test may be taken only Assembly the student must appear bc+ pires to be a scientific illustrator, and once during the four years of college. fore the Faculty Administrative Com· has as her hobbies art- and dramatics. The purpose of the test is to provide mittee to show cause why the Com· Miss Wilma Robertson represents evidence for the local boards in con- mittee should not recommend his the Sophomore class as attendant to sidering deferment of a registrant immediate dismissal from the college. the queen. She is nineteen yf!ars old, from military service as a student. (6) No absences are permitted, ex· and her home is in Rockville, Md. A Those who wish to take the tests, cept for bona fide emergency reasons physical education major, Wilma can obtain an application, mailing en- cleared by the Dean's Office, from hopes to become a phys·education in· The various units of the ROTC at this college held their final. elections velope, and bulletin of information classes or Assembly during the two structor or go into nursing. For spare for sponsors. on October 18. PhotograpM of the nomimes hnd been pasted in days immediately preceding and fol· time activities she plays the piano, Yingling Hall for a week giving every an opportunity to make his selec. from any Selective Service Local lowing the Christmas and spring va· swims, and has become accomplished Board and mail the application in ac- tion. Six girls were finally chosen, 6(U;h one to represent one of the companies, cordance with the instructions. Those cations and the Thanksgiving holiday. in roller skating. tho drill teamt, the band, and the battalion staff. who expect student deferments must The penalty for violating this rule Freshman attendant of the court is Those elected were: ll'ilma Robertson by the battalion staff, Patricia Ann have current SSS forms No. 109, shall be a fine of $3.00 for each class Miss Ruth Overton of Long Island, Schaefer by the band, Dorothy Ann Snider by the drill team, Marilyn Rae "College Student Certificate," indicat- o~ Assembly missed. N. Y.., who says this is the first time Eccleston by company A, Claire Gates by cmnpa.ny B, and Nancy Lindsay by ing their class standing during the (7) Class work and the accounting she has been on a beauty court. An company C. last completed scholastic year, and a of class absences shall begin on the eighteen·year-old home economics ma· The new sponsors were fitted for uniform.s on October 19, and are &.1:. test score for the College Qualifica· first scheduled meetings of classes at jor, Ruth would like to become an in· pected to begin their duties on or near November 1. The duties include being tion Test in their local board files. the beginning of each semester. If a terior decorator, and when she can present at certain drill periods, bestowi11g decorations on thl;J men, and in Results of the test will be sent to the student registers late, he is nonethe· spare a few moments she likes to gmeral contributing to morale of the ROTC organization.. Local Board. - (Cpnti1IUed, page 6) dance and travel.
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