Page 51 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 51
The Gold Bug. April 26, 1955 3 NETMEN TRIUMPH,~SHOW FIVE WINS B G' F' V· Team Shows Single T OhyerAmenHalldnAlrst Ictory; LossAsCoachHurt . errors Victorious In Track; T en re b'!:vUZL"naileyt Dickinson Begins 21st Season TurnBackWashingtonColiege GOLD BUG SpOrts EditlJr The Western Maryland netmen con- The Western Maryland track team chalked up its second . l!0r one game last week the bright light of hope came like a tinued to rampage the Mason Dixon l\laso~-Dixon Conference vi~tory in ~hree meets at the expense of blinding flash for our baseball team, but with the passing of a few Conference this last week as they i~a:::~f:O!~~::~e :::n ~~~d~he~~~~.22. Tom Englar, gathering days bask came the dark clouds. Yes the team looked their old selves swamped Gettyshurg 9·0 last Friday. In a tot~1 of,14 events the ,Green and Gold runners captured when they set back Mt. St. Mary's 4-2 last Thursday and then edged the Catholic U. men 4·3, and a total of mne first places. Thls, backed up mith a total of six additional an bright ~O::~ds~~~~~ett~~a~~Je:::t~~;.hen Dickinson held them 'to one hit, gave ",;eek by outclassing note St. tu seconds and ten third places, netted the team a total of 72 points. Mt, the The record now stands at one win in six starts. With the sea- Mary's 7·2 on Saturday. Washington College received 50 points, son not half over the Terrors have lost as many games as they did Frank Hurt has done a commend. GolF Team Wins all last. year and unless dame fortune gives them some of her time able job in whipping the squad into to I~:~~~:eal~;s;;a~nf~arth::: ~~~~ they may well sink to lower depts. shape and in the first week and a half First Home Game ferent events which added up to his A little over three weeks ago everyone connected with the of his twenty-first season has the fifteen points. The events in which Western Maryland diamondmen was team registering a five win and one Tom participated were the 220 yard predicting an even better season than lose record. After three consecutive defeats the low hurdles, the 120 yard low hurdles, last, when they wrapped up second I NevertheLES I Western Maryland golf team came up and the pole vault. Lou Buckley of place in the Mason-Dixon Conference. in~:~in~n~;n:;~;:~~: ~i~~:S:e::d with its first victory of the '55 season Washington College also earned 15 But now folks are scratching their Ray Davis have been playing excep- when they outpointed the Mt. St. points .. heads and wondering what is going on. Well the old calendar shows that tionally good ball and have provided Mary's sextet, 6lh to 2%. The Terrors were able to keep pret- Just where does the difficulty rest? there's only a month left. And that great strength to the team. Wray Previous to yesterday's win the ty close to the Sharemen in the dis- Well about this time last year Bill means I'd better get busy and catch Mowbray and John Gunderson+have Terrors had dropped tilts to Gettys. tance events, and completely over- Clem was in great shape on th.e mound up to that fast pace our Varsity teams provided the freshmen material, both burg, which was the initial contest powered them in the sprints. Wash- and on his way to an undefeated sea- are setting. exceeding their expectations. Mowbray of the year .5%-3%. a close one to ington College (lid not take one first son. This year Bill has had a sore arm The baseball team finally broke has actually been the highlight of new Johns Hopkins 6·3, and then George place until the mile run. Charlie that just won't heal. He hasn't hurled into the win column last Thursday material being defeated only once thus Washington swept an easy 7%·1%, Clark was top sprint man of the day a complete game all year. With the with a 4·2 win over The Mounts from far. contest. winning both the 100 and 200 yard loss of Clem the pitching staff took a Emmitsburg. John Kaufman started Henry Taitt has also been doing This year's team is heing coached dashes. nose dive. for the Terrors but gave way to more than just holding up his place as by Charlie Havens, who is in his usual Bob Butler made a fine showing Then look at Brad Jones and Al Andy Tafuri who a senior on the team. Henry has been spring capacity. A thirteen match while winning the 440 yard dash, and Miller. These two sluggers last year was credited with turned back just once in all his starts schedule was laid out for the team John Hcr-t turned in a fine perform- were going like a house on fire. Their the win. Needless and in the Catholic U. match defeated with five of the remaining nine games ance in winning the half-mile. averages were above .400. Now what to say, this year's Joe Lorenz who has a rs-metch win- to be played here on campus. The Terrors were able to sweep two does their average read? Brad is be- squad has proved ning streak. Hill plays the number one spot and events, the discus and the 100 yard low .100 and Al is a little above .250. rather disappoint- Sam Reed and Hugh Howell have has gone undefeated thus far. Mabry low hurdles. In the discus Jack Duhl, It is now possible to see why Coach ing to Coach Boy, also supplied excellent material for falls i" the second slot and is on the Howie Hunt, and Bill Sparr took first, Boyer has his troubles. Two of the er- in their first the team hoth in singles and doubles. short end of a one win three loss re- second and third respectively while heaviest hitters are-In a slump that s eve n outings. In their most recent win together cord. Kalenske completes the top in the hurdles Tom Englar, John Hart just won't snap. Pitching seems against Mt. St. Mary's they won out three ranking as his now shows 3 and Dick Holbruner took one, two, Walt Sanders, a 4·2 winner last the b?, problem for not one of the over their opponents 2·6, 6·3, 6·4. wins and 1 loss. three in order. year on the mound, and this year the starting hurlers have gone the dis- The opening match for our Terrors Holding up the three final positions The next track meet is against Loy- southpaw hasn't registered a victory. tance. The hitting has been rather proved very successful as they turned on the Green and Gold are Blake, who ola on Friday, April 29. This is the His most brilliant game was a loss. good, but the question seems to be back Washington College at the is still searching for his first win. first home meet and the team deserves Last Saturday against Dickinson Walt when will the two get together. Chestertown courts 7-2. Western This is Blake's first year with the the best of support. After this the lost, hurling a four-htttez-, 4·0. It is Prof. Hunt's racquet squad is Maryland took four of the six single team and he is sure to lose the fresh- team ventures to meet the. Olympic of interest to note that three of those causing its opponents to sit up matches and swept the double events. man shakes and come through with Club of Baltimore. runs were unearned for Dickinson. and take notice here of late. American University played host ~:r:h:~~d as:~rei~ Jt~:t :~~;: !~:~~oi~f,=======~==;] Walt has looked effective and the team Freshman star Wray Mobray to the Terrors the following day, but has looked poor, then when the team and number one man Henry we proved to be poor visitors and won comes Urqhart. Stationery runs hot Walt lets up. Taitt have been leading the way out over our foes 7·2: This Thursday, the 28th of April, About the only two men who have for the team in their five vic- The first dark clouds began to ap- the Terrors will play host to Loyola and really held up to expectations are tories so far. pear when Loyola opened our home of the East and attempt to make it Greeting Cards Charley White and Mike Savarese. In season by trouncing the Terror net- two straight. Then on Friday they go the one-hitter thrown against West. ters 7.2. The league leaders were just up to Dickinson for the last match of at ern Maryland by Specht of Dickinson too much and swept every thing but April. Mike had the only bingle, a single. two matches. P. G. COffMAN Charley has been delivering with the Wray Mowbray was once again the Two more games will follow this long ball and holds his average above brillant competitor for Western week, including the second meeting Times Bldg. .350. Maryland. Wray took his single with Loyola on Thursday, and a home The most morale wrecking defect match and then he and Henry Taitt game with American U. on Saturday. thus far this season came at the combined talents to win the only dou- hands of the Penn State nine. On bles victory. Wednesday, the thirteenth of this This Thursday and Saturday the Fresh! month, the rain nearly called a halt Phone 1237 team will venture to Loyola and Johns For Submarine Sandwiches, POPCORN to the Iop-eided baseball contest which 'kJ~MJ. Hopkins respectively. It won't be un- Thick Milk Shakes, and CARAMEL CORN ended up with our Terrors trailing "A distinctive restaurant" til the fifth of May that we will see 26·3. the team back on its home courts. Good Food, Come To PEANUTS Gettysburg was due to play here on Coach Hurt has the Terrors in ter- HOME-MADE CANDY the fourteenth, but the rain was too rific shape and if their pace continues BILLY DEMOREST much and the game was postponed. G.C. Murphy & Co. as it has the league leading Grey. Salted Nuts and Home-Made Loyola was the next visitor on our hounds of Loyola will have some close (THE WINDOWS) Mints To Order for Parties diamond and they walked off with an competition for that top spot. Just Past the Overpass on THE TREAT SHOP easy victory 10·5. The Terrors seemed The Friendly Store This afternoon Washington College to be able to get the early lead, but supplied the competition for Western The Gettysburg Road opp. Carroll Theatre then choked in the later innings. Go- Dormitory and Claasroom Maryland on the Chestertown field. ing into the top of the third winning Supplies Western Maryland held a 3-2 lead. Charley White slumped with only one hit in five trips to the plate. Al 6-10 Weat Main Street Miller continued his hitless ways col- WClitmilUter, Md. ••. lhere the hermit lecting no bingles for five times up. slaked my burning thirst Remember Mom on REMEMBER! May Day is Just Tennyson: Holy Gl'iJil MOTHER'S DAY Around The Corner With a Gift Box of Candy Get That Corsage Could be he found ._ For Your Special Gal from AT Coke at the hermitage. For Coca-Cola is everywhere DUTTERER '5 Griffin'.s ••• and everywhere it has the same delicious and refreshing quality. SEE Earl Finley to place your order LAUNDROMAT It Pays To Loole Well 5 Locust Street Opposite Parking Lot Visit The DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Avenue Barber Shop Closed Wed. Afternoon Where The Students Go Westminster 1287 10TrUD UNDO AUTHORITY O~ TK! COC\..COlA COMPANY n 85 Pennsylvania Avenue WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO., INC. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE ~"a~~ C 19STjnlE co~-cotA COMPAm'
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