Page 47 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 47
The Gold Bug, April 12, 1955 3 FL:EET TRACKMEN TRIP G~TTYSBURG Diamondmen Suffer I NevertheLES . I Terrors In Debut Turn Back Two Losses At The Greyhounds By 67-50 Score Now that Spring vacation is oveJ and everyone is back for a rest at Season' s Openers this garden spot lI1aryland, let's take a gander around the Campus and see And away we go to what may prove to be a very successful track season what has happened and what is going to happen. Many of you have probably already seen the mysterious little for the Western Maryland Terrors. The team got off to a flying start pouring Disappointment to say the least! our depar- it on their competition from Gettysburg 67·50. The meet held the first of T~ terrors baseball team opened its "Please" signs which have made their appearance since April just before spring recess at Gettysburg. season this year at Hampden-Sydney ture a week ago. Now what I want to know is please what? I don't and were out classed and out scored know. But anyhow be on the safe side and obey the signs. What ever The team, which had looked so good the previous week in a practice con- 13·2. The rout t'hat came just before you do, Please. test held 'up to expectations and cap- For those of you who aren't the spring holidays, was hard to 111'- campus, may 1 recommend a atr-ollrin frequent visitors to the vacinity of back Preach IUSVictors In tured first place in 7 of the 13 events. Coach Harlow was very pleased, yet direction. There have been some that eept for the team had been so power- changes there too. (no Pleases though) I won't say what they are but look his greatest attention was on the ful the prevtous year and 10'Okedup anyhow you might enjoy them. • to par in its early training. Volleyball Games next meet and getting the men back It was a case of the Tigers of Hamp- There were some varsity sports events just before the holiday into shape after the week's .lay-off'. den-Sydney pushing across six big which may have escaped your notice because of the last minute rush The Intramural Volleyball tourna- Charley clark and' John Hort to get home. runs in the first inning and then coast, ment was held this year from March brought in two first places to lead team baseball Jim Boyer's ing into victory. Bill Sanders got for one game on Friday before journeyed down to Hampden-Sydney 30 to the first day of April. Each the team in the running events. Clark to Randolph-Macon vacation, then credit for the loss and initiatcd the for'another on Saturday. ~ frat team played six games, in the ran the 100 yard dash in 10.2 seconds, first inning spree. The southpaw To make a long story short, we dropped both three day period. Each game included and then came back to win the 220 in hurler, who had done such an enviable games by scores of 13-2 and 10-4. playing the best of a three game series. 22.2 seconds. Hort shown in the more job last year, just wasn'tc.up to his As has been customary thus far for distance races, capturing the 880 with standards being rather wild. If you were to ask Coach Boyer what happened this college year tile Preachers proved a 2.09 time and in the high hurdles Errors were also prevelant and the he would probably shake his head and say "every- to be too much for the other frat gaining a 16.5 time. Hort also placed thing." pitchers Western Maryland used allow- It was one of those cases of early season jitters, teams and went undefeated to walk in the mile coming in second behind ed just nine hits and two free passes. spring fever, or what ever you want to call it. It off with the title. Nauman of Gettysburg. In the first inning during the big run was as' Coach Boyer might put it, "one of those The Preachers were followed by the In the other events Butler came in spree two costly errors were com- days mother never warned me about." Gamma Betes who tasted defeat only behind Clark in the 220 and then took mitted that would have stamped out But for the record I will say this and say it emphatical- at the hands of the victors. In third the lead spot in the 440. Western the fire earlier. ly. This is not a team you arc going to see and hear about in the coming weeks. spot fell the Bntchelors who over-' Maryland then had three more first The two runs for our Terrors came With this warm weather outlook you can expect to find the terror pitchers came early losses to edge the Black spots. Englar's 26.7 in the low hurdles in the fourth inning. Savarese got the settling down and the sluggers tagging that apple far and wide. and Whites who lagged behind in last enabled him to cope that .event. Hall first of his two hits, a single. Jackson On the opposite side of the leger the picture is much brighter place. leaped 20 feet two and one half inches then drew a walk and Miller chipped at the monment. For the Terror track team came through with a The tournament was upset exceed- to gain the broad jump, and Layer in with a timely single that brought sweet victory in their opening meet with G-burg, overwhelming the ingly when the Black and Whites ,v ere tied with Brake of Gettysburg in the Savarese plateward. White kept the Greyhounds 67·50. unable to play their final two games high jump going five)feet eight inches. short rally alive with a one bagger There was more to this win than met the eye for it proved several points Friday night of the tournament. Due Smith of WMC placed third in the that allowed Jackson to come home to both Coach Harlow and the team. First that hard work, practice, and to their fraternity party being in 440, while Werner followed close be- with the final run. condition do payoff. And secondly that a team that functions as a team is conflict with the games they forfeitcd hind Hort to gain second in the 880. Glascock and Siersema limited the hard to beat. If you don't believe me ask any man on WMC's track squad. both of them. In the mile event he cashed in on Terrors to five hits, with Glascock If someone were to ask me who were the standouts on this year's squad third place, and in the two mile con- getting credit for the victory. Savar- I would have to hesitate because most of these boys are doing well. But I the On the eve of Intramural shows softball test he ran a close second. Shugars thus far picture the ese lead WMC with two hits, Miller, would probably g ive the nod to three men. One is a senior, one a sophomore, Preachers completely dominating the also made a fine showing taking the White, and Larmon had one each. and the third a freshman. Charlie Clarke is the senior and my reason for his Intramural sports program. They now third spot. Hampden-Sydney's rnoundmen were selection is that after a year's leave of absence he can still come back and have captured championships in foot, The field events found more Ter- also tight with the free passes allow. run the 100 and 220 as fast or faster than two years ago. And Charlie's no ball, basketball and volleyball. rors pJacing. Correll heaved his way ing only four. spring chicken either. to second place in the shot throwing. The other great tragedy struck on Dale \yood gets the nod as the sophomore. r consider him the most im- Two events, the pole-volt asd discus Saturday when the team ventured to proved man on the squad. A year ago Dale was chasing most of the distance found no one on the green and gold Randolph-Macon. Due to a last minute men around the track. This year they are chasing him, not only has he done team scoring. May and Englar wound rally on the part of the competion our the mile under five minutes but he knocks off the two mile as well and thinks Wilson's Resturant up in third on the high jump and Terrors were turned back 10-4. nothing of it. broad jump. For five and one half innings our The freshman nomination goes to John Hort, the one man in Sub's diamondmen held a lead which seemed my estimation who, excluding Coach Harlow, has done more for Pizza Pie certain to be retained for the game's the team in molding its spirit than anyone else. Hoh says he's a ROTC Match enth-ely. Going into the bottom half half-miler. But he stops there. He also runs the mile and the high Sandwiches of the sixth inning the score was 4-2 hurdles and is good for the ten to fifteen points every meet- John A rifle match between the various in favor of WlltC. But in the home says he can high jump too, but Bob Butler has his doubts. How Over companies and ROTC classes will be half of the inning Randolph-Macon about it Robert? held on April 26. Medals will be award- collected two tallies and tied the ball Dragging myself away from track for a moment, I'll take time to put in The Hill ed to the winners at the final review. game. The score then remained netted a plug for PrO'f. Hurt's tennis team which opens its season this Thursday Two detachment officers and the Cadet up until the eighth when everything against American University at Washington, D. C. If you're wondering when Battalion Staff will judge the event. fell in on our Terrors. Randolph, t.he first home match will be, you can circle April 18th on your calendar, Macon at this point put on a huge You can pick up your spring sports schedule, if you don't have scoring spree and were not stopped one,- in the bookstore. • until thcy scored six big runs. These Congratulations are in order for the Preachers who have done prove_d to be enough to clinch the it again. This time it's volleyball. victory. Saturday's track meet with Bridgewater has been cancelled. The team Charley White and Al Millcr got will go to Catholic U. Invitational instead. back to their old form as they each collected two hits. The amazing thing about the game is that we outhit them 9-8, but of course it is the runs REMEMBER! which count. Sanders wa~ once again May Day is Just the loser, and now has as many losses Around Thc Corner as he did all last year. Get That Corsage , This Thursday is the team's first For Your Special Gal home game. The Greyhounds of AT Gettysburg will be the visitors for what is expected to be our opening DUTTERER'S game and victory. SEE Conscience: The thing that hurts Earl Finley to place your order 'kJ~AfJ. when everything else feels so good. "A tiietincti-oe TiJstaurILut" G.C. Murphy & Co.. It Pay! To Look Well J. WM. HULL,J.w.l.r The Friendly Store Visit The For Over Half Century Dormitory and Classroom Avenue Barber Shop Expert Watch, Jewelry Supplie. and Eye-Glass Repairing Where The Students Go 6-10 West Main Street Weltminster, Md. 85 Pennsylvania Avenue 105 W. Milin Street f For Health's Sake LAUNDROMAT For Submarine Sandwiches, and Enjoyment 5 Locust Street Thick Milk Shakes, and Rent a Bike at Opposite Parking Lot Good Food, Come To HEAGY'S DAILY-7:30 - 5:00 BILLY DEMOREST (Penna. Ave.) FRIDAY UNTIL 8 :00 (THE WINDOWS) 50c per hr. Closed Wed. Afternoon SOc 2 hrs. Westminster 1287 Just Past the Overpass on lonLEDUNDER AUTHORITY 01 TlIECOCA·COLA CO .....PANY IV $1.00 3 hrs. FREE DELIVERY SERVICE _ The Gettysburg Road WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOITLING CO., INC. "Cok,,"iICl r"gilter"d IrCld,,·mClrk.
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