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Johnson Scheduled To Speak At Commencement Ceremony The annual commencement ceremony of Western Maryland Col- lege will begin at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 30. The United States Ambassador to Czechoalovakla, U. Alexis Johnson will address the Vol. 32, No. 14 Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. May 17, 1955 121 members of the Class of '55. His daughter, Judy Johnson, is included in this group. Mr. Johnson is a native of Glendale, California. Graduating from College Players End Military Senior Test Results Occidental College in 1930, he took his graduate work in the Foreign Mr. Johnson has Service Department of Georgetown University. for twenty years, serving been a member of the State Department Season With' A Awards Given Place WMC High as Consul General in Yokaharna following World War II, and as a Secretary of State, Walter Robertson, from Deputy to Assistant IFamily Portrait! by Dr. John D. Ma.kosky 1948-1953. As a specialist in Far Eastern affairs, Mr. Johnson also to General MacArthur. served as an assistant He has been the ROTC Officers Dean of Faculty United States Ambassador to Czecho- "Family Portrait," by Lenore Cof- Returns from the Graduate Record slovakia since 1953. This is his first fee and William Joyce Cowen, will be On Thursday, May 12, the ROTC Examinations, taken by all seniors in Frats, Sororities European assignment. presented as the Commencement Play Batallion held its final review on Hof- April, are highly creditable for both on Friday, May 27, at 8:15 p.m. in fa Field. During this review the de- individual students and the class as a Elect Fall Officers ~ctivities Begin May 25 Alumni HalL Under the direction of partment awarded medals to out- whole. Commencement activities begin on Miss Esther Smith, the production standing members of the corps. The entire class achieved a "gross Wednesday, May 25, with the Senior The sororities will be given by the College Players, mean average" of 65th percentile. campus recently and fraternities on Alumni Banquet. The College Players officers for elected and will begin the festivities of the Cadet Lt. Colonel Louis H. Mana- Such a performance probably places next semester. will present "Family Portrait" on weekend before graduation. rin, Cadet Major Charles E. Phipps, Western Maryland in the top quintile May 27 at 8: 15 p.r». in Alumni Hall. Cadet Major Edward P. Smith, Cadet The play is a beautifully written, Major Samuel L. Mann, Cadet Capt. of colleges administering the Ad- Delta Sigma Kappa On May 28, Alumni Day, reunions deeply religious work telling the story J. D. LaMar, and Cadet Capt. James vanced Tests to entire senior groups, Officers of Delta Sigma Kappa are: will be held for all classes ending in of the family of Jesus. It begins in though no general distributions of this president, Mary Angell; vice presi- o or 5. Activities of the day will in- were announced Nazareth shortly after Christ had left M. Marshall Military Graduates. as Dis- sort are published about the Grad- dent, Barbara Sheubrooks ; secretary, clude an Alumni Golf Tournament at tinguished on His life's mission, and ends in uate Record Examination. Janet Perkins; treasurer, Millie Me- 1:30 p.m. in Gill Gym, an Alumni Nazareth several years after the Cl'U- Cadet M/Sgt. J. Howard Hunt was Fourteen students scored in the Donald; sergeant-at-arms, Grace Ftet, Reception in McDaniel Lounge at 4 :30 cifixion, where His family, all but awarded the Baltimore Sunpapers highest decile. These students were: cher; inter-soror-ity representative, Pat p.m., and the Alumni Banquet in thc This Mary, feel they have been disgraced. Medal by Dr. Lowell S~ Ensor. to the in Biology, Duvall Jones and Don Richter; chaplain, Marilyn McLen- college dining hall at 6 :30 p.m. is awarded annually medal Rosamond Gilder, in her review of most outstanding member of the cadet Roberts; in Chemistry, Norman Sun- nan; business manager, Marie Ceialcr; Baccalaureate On May 29 the play in Th-eatre Arts magazine, batallion. shine; in Economics, Sam Mann; in and alumni secretary, Pat Ellis. The annual Baccalaureate Service, writes: French, Larry Crist; in History, Iota Gamma Chi at which Dr. Lowell S. Ensor will ad- The Association of the U. S. Army "'Family Portrait' is an imagina- Medal was awarded to Cadet Lt. Colo- Richard Brenneman; in Literature, __Iota Gamma Chi officers are: presi- dress the graduating class, will be tive reconstruction of that house and nel Louis H. Manar-in. This medal is ~1ildre.d E~kardt, George Gipe, Ma~'- dent, Kay Holt; vice president, Sue held at 10 :30 p.m. on May 29 in that kin, or rather it is an interpre- awarded annually to the most out- llyn Rlgter.lllk, Jay La:r.~ar, and Dons Burkins; recor-ding secretary, Dolly Alumni Hall. At 3 p.m. on the same tation of them in terms of everyday standing- cadet of the senior class. Mak~skY; l~ Mathematlc~, Tom Eng- I Rill; treasurer, Phyllis Johnson; cor- day, the college choir will present a living. Since the basic forms of family Brigadier General Char-les S. Harris, Iar ; m !dUSlC,A?ne-Mane Summers; responding secretary, Martha Lewis; concert in Alumni Hall. A reception in Physics, Martm Broadhurst. for the class of '55 and their guests ~~:d~a~jst~:~~~~~s ~!~:e::l~o~V~~h :;~ retired, presented the medal. Scores in all departments compared intersorortty chaplain, representative, Jean will be held in McDaniel Lounge at Ruth Dickson; his- Harper; favorably with expectations based on torian, JoAnn Lewis; social chairman, 4:45 p.m. ~~:~~~tsitsa~~nd~::~~iO:~d i!~uSt~~ tiv~OI~~~el~I~;~:;la~'d Nr.~~l~~r~x~ci~~ the students' previous teating and Molly Hargett. might exist in any community from trict, presented the Distinguished academic record. Even students with Judea to Vermont." Military Student awards to: Cadet least training for the examination Phi Alpha Mu DormT 0 Be Named . M/Sgt. Howard Hunt, Cadet M/Sgt. Carol Coleman stars in the prcduc- L. W. Clem, Cadet M/Sgt. Anthony (majors in Physical Education who Phi Alpha Mu members elected as tion as Mary, the mother of Jesus. A. Tafur-i, Cadet SFC Daniel Moylan, must take the examination in their pesident, Jan Chase; vice president, Daniel MacLea Hall She is supported by William Tyler as and Cadet SFO William K. Smith. "second major" and majors who di- Jo Siehler; secretary, Joan Hutter; Daniel, Michael Leftwich as Joseph, This designation of DMS is given to vide their hours between Philosophy treasurer, Marie Upperco; intersoror- The Board of Trustees of Western and a cast of twenty others. those cadets who possess such qualj- and Religion but must take the ex- ity representative, Pat Dixon; ser- Maryland Coliege has announced that General admission will be $1.00, but ties of leadership, moral character, amination in Philosophy) made scores geant-at-arms, Betty" Nicklas; chap; the new men's dormitory which is now students and faculty members may scholastic ability, and aptitude for consistent with what could be expected lain, Janet Reck; alumni secretary, under construction will be named the receive tickets on their activities card. military service as to warrant consid- from their records. Harriet Stevens; sunshine chairman, Daniel MacLea Hall. The name was Jeanne Blair. were disqual- students No honors / eration for rommission as officers in ified from honors by the examinations chosen in memory of the late Danfel Tau Sigma Sigma Seniors Honored the regular army. Officers Association percentilet. Morale at the examina- Sigma Sigma Tau's new officers are: MacLea of Baltimore. (such students must reach the 50th Mr. MacLea, Reserve the former· president The awards, Warr,en; MacLea With Fellowships outstanding which are awarded to three tion and since with very few excep- president, Nancy Mary Kemmerer; vice-presi- of served the on the Board Lumber Company, of members dent, of Trustees senior sC'C!'etary, of the tions has been very high. The senior class went to; Cadet Captain James class is to be congratulated on a very Nancy Ripple; treasurer, Charlotte Western Maryland from 1924 until Two senior women, Mildred Eckardt M. Marshall (gold medal), Cadet Ma~ fine showing in these examinations. Ridgely; sergeant-at_arms, Lynnda his death in 1952. In 1925 he became and Anne-Marie Summers, have ac- jor Edward P. Smith (silver medal), Skinner; chaplain, Pat Werner; inter- chairman of the Building and Grounds cepted fellowships for continued study and Cadet First Lt. Roy T. Etzler sorority representative, Joanne Par- committee and devoted endless time after graduati,on. (bronze medal). Trumpeters Tap Four rish; sunshine chairman, Marian and effort to the planning of several alumni secretary, Carol Scheder; Mildl'ed Eckardt has peen awardOO Winners of the individual Manual Bingham. of the buildings on the campus. Under an assistantship at the University of of Arms competition were presented Into Honorary Group his leadership the follOwing buildings Connecticut in StorTS, Connedicut. medals. These awards are new this At the annual Trumpeter tapping Gamma Beta Chi were erected: Blanch -Ward Hall, For two years Milly will teach two year. They went to: Cadet First Lt. ceremony held Thursday, May 12, Gamma Beta Chi elected as presi- Science Hall, Albert Norman Ward In addition Hall and Gill Gymnasium. classes of freshman English composi- Roy T. Etzler (senior class), Cadet Mary Warren, Charlotte Ridgely, dent, Don Wallace; vice president, the power plant was built and the cen- tion each semester. During this t.ime SFC C. William Cook (junior class), Priscilla McCoy, and Janet Reck were Bob Crush; secretary, George Gipe; tral heating system was revised. In she will also take two classes e~lch Cadet SFC Robert W. Butler (soph!;)- initiated. into the local honorary so- treasurer, Dick Huffins; chaplain, 1942 his son D. Carlysle l\lacLea suc- semester in literature toward her more class), and Cadet Pvt. Jack H. ciety for senior women. Stan Bice; sergeant-at-arms, Hugh master's degree. Atthe.end of the two Anderson (fl'eshman class). Howell; Beta Pi, Duke Betters. ceeded him as chairman of the build- years she will have her master's de- The PMS and T medal, which is The ceremony was held on President ingcommittee. lawn and conducted gree, qualifying her to teach in pri- awarded to the most valu!l.ble member Ensor's 1955 Trumpeters, Milly by the Alpha Gamma Tau The new Daniel MacLea Hall will Eck- three vate school or college as well as public of the rifle team, was awarded to ardt, Gloria Bunting, and Harriett President of Alpha Gamma Tau will be ready for occupancy in the fall, and school. Cadet 2nd Lt. William T. Adams. be Gene Paul; vice president, Bob will accommodate 140 men stUdents. Anne-Marie Summers has accepted The Sergeant's Medal was awa-l'ded Cooley, and the sponsor of the society, Jackson; secretary, Bill Shelfo; treas- The four-story building is being con- of steel and cinder block at Milly Ec}mrdt Isanogle. structed Dr. Isabelle a teaching fellowship at Smith Col- to Cadet Pvt. Wayne V. F. Holter. administered the oath and Hugh How_ urer, Gene Goll; sergeant-at_arms, t.he cost of $400,000 (not including lege in Northampton, Massachusetts. This medal is awarded annually to ell sang the Lord's Prayer. Gene Hedgecock; corresponding secre- She will teach a music appreciation the most valuable freshman member tary, Bill Muhlenfeld; housemother, furnishings). This - money was ob- All junior the Mid-Century women are eligible for course for two years while studying. of the rifle team. Trumpeters, and are stlJected on the Bert Springstead. tained through and was supplemented Ad- vance Program Jack Snover, Western Maryland Medals and awards were presented basis of a point system. Points are Delta Pi Alpha by state funds authorized by the senior, has received an assistantship to the three members of the rifle team awarded to those who lead in scholar- Delta Pi Alpha officers will be: Maryland General Assembly. in research or teaching at Oklahoma who fired the highest scores through- ship and extra-curricular activities at president, Ken Smith; vice president, A. & M. A chemistry major from out the Intercollegiate Competition. Western Maryland, with extra points John Batista; secretary, Brad Jones; Elmira,' New York, Jack has been First place trophy was awarded, to given to the girls holding positions of treasurer, Mike Savel'ese; chaplain, Art Department T9 working with Dr. E. M. Arnett on Cadet W 2nd Lt. William T. Adams. greater responsibility. Harold McClay; corresponding secre- research projects this year. The second place medal was aWjlrded tary, Brant Vitek; Sel'geant-at_arms, to Cadet M/Sgt. Carlton I. Halle. Bob Butler. Hold Final Exhibit place medal was awarded McNeil Sworn In The third Pvt. Ronald S. Graybeal. Professors Address Pi Alpha Alpha elected: president, The final art exhibit will begin on Pi Alpha Alpha Cadet to mOOal Tri-Beta Meetings As New US Citizen Winner of the handicap team match Mike Leftwich; vice president, Bill Wednesday, May 18, from 8 :00 p.m. room of to 10 :00 p.m. in the exhibit and recipient of the handicap was Cadet M/Sgt. Carlton 1. Halle. Snider; recording sccretal'y, ~Ralph Old Main and the studio in Smith Doreen McNeil, senior at \Vestenl The April 28 Tri-Beta meeting fea- Close; corresponding secretary, Tom Hall. The show will include the work Maryland College, received her UnitOO tured a talk by Dr. Isabelle Isanogle Carrick; treasurer, Jack Morton; of about 115 students under the di- States citizenship on Monday, May 9, Miss Gesner Retires on the Alpine plants of Europe. Slides chaplain, George Douglas. rection of Miss Louise Shipley. at 2:2"5 p.m. were shown in conjunction with her There are two grOUlJSof talent rep- Before coming to the United States Miss Maud Gesner, head of the talk on Europe and western United. resented. The fine arts group, which States. Members of the Tri-Beta chap- SCA Service Cups in 1949, Doreen lived in Salisbury, Music Department for 38 years, is \vill be in the Exhibit Room, will dis- Alpha Awarded England. Although she is now a retiring. She will be succeeded by ters at Gettysburg and Hood Colleges To Clubs play drawings, water colors, pastels, United States citizen, she also retains Gerald ~Cole. Mr. Cole has his MA were guests at the meeting. etchings, oil paintings, and sCulptul·e. her British citizenship. Her parents from Oberlin College and is working Mu was also honored to have as a The S.C.A. Service Cups, awarded The work of the crafts section con- have not yet been naturalized. on his Phd at Eastman. guest Dr. E. Duane Sayles, the re- each year to the sorority and fra- sists mainly of wood work, ceramics, The nat!-lralization process takes Miss Gesner, 65, plans to go back gional vice president. ternity that have rendered outstand- and textiles. about three months. Besides meeting to her home in Portland, Ore. When The scientific aspects of Chaucer's ing service to the school, were pre- A special feature. of this year's ex- the resident requirements, applicants her sister retires from teaching in Pl'ologue to the Canterbury Tales sented to Phi Alpha Mu and Gamma hibitors \vill be a survey and identifi- have to pass a stiff exam 'in history anothcr year, they plan to go to were revealed in a talk given by Pro- Beta Chi in the Awards Assembly on cation of different techniques used in and government. Europe for two years and do "any- fessor Dean Hendrickson at the May May 11. the dejlartment. thing they want to do", Miss Gesner Doreen received many congratula- says. Regular six-month tt'ips to 10 meeting. Among the items of busi- Both the Phi Alphs and the Gamma The hours arc from 9 :00 a.m. to tions and flowers. The dining hall staff Europe every two years after the ness was the picnic scheduled for May Bets retired the cups last year after 5:00 p.m. daily, 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon prepared a red, white, and blue cake initial trip are being planned by the 15. At this outing the members of winning the award three consecutive Saturday, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sun- Alpha Mu' planned to elect next year's for her. sisters. officers. times. This is the first year the new day and from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. awards have been presented. evenings. on Monday and Wednesday
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