Page 55 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 55
The Gold Bug, May 17; 1955 Curtain Falls On Spring Sports Scene Racqueteers Boast Diamondme,n SnapLoss Streak Successful Season Western Maryland's tennis team Hitting Finally Takes Shape ended ita schedule this year in a blaze of glory as they shut out Towson All was not lost as far as our top spring sport goes, here at WMC. Just teachers, 9-0 last week on their horne the time we were ready to give up hope and say "wait til next year", our courts. This match brought to a boys snapped out oC their slump and blasted a couple of teams out of the close a brilliant season in which the undefeated ranks in the Mason-Dixon Conference. Hurt men showed a 10-2 record. The It's impossible to look back over the season and not feel that it was a match with the University of Dela- disappointment. We expected great things from the team that placed second ware last Saturday was cancelled. in conference competition just last year. But we can look with some joy at the As far as individual victories this few wins they did take. year Wray Mowbray and Ray Davis There was that powerful group from Johns Hopkins who moved in here lead the field. Both men suffered de- one afternoon expecting to trounce the fading Terrors. They left WMC be- feat just twice. Henry Taitt and wildered, to say the least, after our diamond-men socked out 23 hits, including John Gunderson were turned back in 4 home runs, to lick the Hopkins nine, 32-3. three events, while Sam Reed was on On the tail end of this morale booster, along came a victory over Rutgers the short end of the score four times. of South Jersey, 11-4, to make it two straight. Trackmen Remain Unbeaten; men with this year's graduating class. years came last Tuesday. Our Terrors turned the tables on the league leading and longed after for two But the real Classic that had been anticipated, Unfortunately Hurt will lose three Taitt and Davis, this year's co-cap- Shorernen of Washington College and walked off with a 11-7 upset. Why the sudden change for the better? Two Place At M-D Meet tains will both be greatly missed, Al much needed breaks, that didn't come in all those one run losses, and those It can mainly be based on those Bopst, who developed into a real com- petitor, will leave a big hole which important hits occurring at the right time. Although Saturday of last week took some of the brightness out of a will need filling next season, Brad Jones finally snapped out of his slump. Buzz Lambert displayed very successful season, our tr-ack team here at 'Vest ern Maryland should feel Three men in their initial year with tremendous power at the bat. Charley white continued his rampaging. Along anything but dejected. Under the direction of their very capable coach Dick our Terrors surprised everyone and came Nick Rauch who proved to be about the greatest discovery of the season. Harlow, the Terrors fleet crew went helped g-reatly in bringing about those While Al Miller fit right back in the form he displayed last year, and even undefeated in all their meets with in- will be very much missed when did better. dividual conference teams. So we've spoken of the sluggers, Spring rolls' around next year. It Last Saturday, in the midst of a was EngJar's brillant performance who certainly deserved recognition. wet track, the only two men who qual- that saved the Catholic U. meet for But there was one ball player who ified for WMC collected just seven WMC. had a great load on his shoulders and points to take seventh place out of Charlie Clarke was ver-y valuable in who finished nicely despite it. With the loss of Bill Clem, Boyer turned 14 t€ams. Most fans had expected a his dash running, and was conaiate nt to 'Valt Sanders. Sanders unimprea, much better showing on the part of point gainer, Don Stenly was a real stve record of 2 wins and six losses, an undefeated group, but the weather, stand out in the distance competition plus a line-up of stiff competition and proved Harlow's right hand man. thus far, is hardly representative of proved too muC!'h. the marvelous job he turned in for Bayer. We hope next year he gets The track team of Western SOmE'help and plenty of those vic. Maryland was without a doubt the Compliments of most successful of Spring sports, as J. R. EVERHART ~~~s a;re~:~:l~s~~:ti:::d ~~:f:::~:~ COLLEGE BARBER they compiled were outstanding. In only one contest did defeat come close At the Forks to being a reality. This took place agains~ Catholic U., which ~as our ten wins. These three new comers in- final VICtory for the regular season. clude Hugh Howell, junior; John The score ended a close 63'-h-58lh. LAUNDROMAT Gunderson, freshman; and Wl'ay In the two wins previous to the 5 Locust Street J. WM. HULL, Jewe'., Mowbray also a freshman. Phone 1237 Catholic U. meets our Terrors poured Loyola, who was the real thorn in it on Loyola 76-46, with Hor-t collect- Opposite Parking Lot For Over~ Half Century the Wl\IC's netmen's side, dropping ing 20 points. Then in a horne contest, DAILY"::7:3lf - 5:00 the Terrors in both their meeting'> College grads who know their way around; the final of the year, a complete Expert Watch, Jewelry finish in top position in the Mason_. Say Benny serves the best food swamp took place, as WMC outclass- FRIDAY UNTIL 8:00 Dixon Conference. in town ed Mt, St. r.!ary's in nearly every Closed Wed. Afternoon . and Eye-Glass Repairing event and compiled a 86 2/3-26 2/3 victory. Westminster 1287 105 W. Main Street John Hort was the greatest new FREE DELIVERY SERVICE material to hit the squad. Tom Englar Stationery Baugher's Restaurant and Greeting Cards JUST OFF THE CAMPUS at FOR A MEAL OR SNACK P. G. COFFMAN Homemade Ice Cream and Thick Milkshakes Times Bldg. OPEN EVERY DAY Pluudru.r philo.roplu'zd: You will soon break the bow J you keep it always stretched Pah'" WITH WELL-RO Recipe for relasa non-take the ITIS ROUND-POINTED COLLARS contents of one frosty bottle of A5k any college man with the casual look. He'll tell you Arrow Coca-Cola. Delicious, too. round collar shirts, like the Radnor "E," above, are the finest -: in quality, the utmost in correct fit and comfort. They are authentically styled to keep you looking your best. Slide into a Radnor, left, or the new Arrow Pace. right, with a slightly wider spread to the round collar. In oxford 01'broad. cloth, .. French or barrel cuffs, these Arrows are casually right for you .. , for every college man. Round-collar shirts in broad. cloth, only $3.95. Oxfords, in white or colors, $5.00. ARROW SHIRTS & TIES CASUAl.. WEAR IOmED UNDER AUTHORITY Of TilE COCA-COIA CORoPANY BV UNDERWEAR WESTMINSTER COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO.• INC. HANDKERCHIEFS © 1952. ne COCA·COIA COMP»l1
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