Page 46 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 46
K Patricia'Patterson E E Contributes Anew p P To Poets' Corner I 0 Practical Dreamer I gazed at a star, NS And it beckoned me upward. G T Iffy Boul took fiight wings, On goldGn-tinted E And I cUII~bed twilight earth'8 Above To a world of starlight D A fui drea1ndust. Swiftly, I dashed after The tw/,pting. star, Support Needed Clasped it to 1lty bosoln, And looked down at it _Congratulations to the newly elected Student To find it was nothing- Government leaders, Dan Moylan and Priscilla But air. McCoy. Disheartened, It isn't an easy job they've been chosen to do, I folded my wings but we know they will give their best to it. Both A ltd dropped to earth. are capable and both have the students' interest There I could st'ill Bee at heart. The magic of the starUght, , One idea expressed by most of the candidates But my feet were in the recent campaign particularly stood out Sol'idly plaltted; as an important one: the, Student Government, And 11~y soul could dream in order to be successful, must have SttUl61lt And work. :mpport. It is sorely handicapped without it. Don't let Dan and Priscilla down. Support Night Worship them by your presence at SGA meetings and I drank MGplY your ideas. It's the only way they will definitely "B1tt I'm n~t DRIl{KINGit, Helen. Of nigM's potion, know what you the students want and it's the And my spirit surest way for you to have II. voice in campus. Chapin Chooses Mathematics To Became dr/mk affairs. With her loveliness. By the way, Henry Taitt and Harriett Cooley M~t hugged her vaUeys, Work- Challenge Descartes' Philosophy are still on the job and doing a very good one. And caresscd her hill:J Why don't you drop into the Education With (1.1t infinite tenderness. shop some Monday evening after supper and By ArlWld B. Chapin Her dowy breath see for yourself? It's almost a certainty that Brushed my brow, you will have an interesting time and you may If, as George Berkely suggests, "matter" is tor", they wi!!, in time, suffer the loss of iden- And I soared above want to return for another meeting. a term with neither reality nor rationality, tity as "rock" and become the total of energy Thc shadowy counterplane and substance. Meanwhile, what happens to the ~~:U!t~:e;~~~~'f:~~_~ll:r ~'~e~~~~~i~~yt;t~:re~t~~: rock upon which you built your system, Desy; Of earth. Voting Time, Again number? the rock under your castle is also but a tempor- And ?lty heart Ilang, He asks, "Can you preceive matter?" I ask, ary thing. "How lovely Thy univerSG, It's election time again t This time the stu- lily father!" dents will be asked to vote for the president and "Can you perceive four?" If you saw four walk- The analogy, Deey, is that your doubt may And the stars vice-president of next year's SCA. ing down the street; if you stumbled over four; not have been either a doubt or particularly Echoed back Few students, we think, realize that the SCA if you felt, tasted, smelled, saw, or heard four, "yours". 'In unison, is one of the smoothest running organizations would you recognize it? You thought you doubted, but did you? Did "How lovely-how wvely, on campus. Under the capable leadership of Al Four then, as other pure numbers, is a char- you doubt or think that you doubted 1 Did you My father!" Hagenbuch and Milly Eckardt the SCA has acter "existing" in that mysterious realm of think you thought, or did you react and think grown this year, not only in membership but in Beauty, Truth, Democracy, Freedom, and Soul. it was thought? Or, disregarding the question My Love interest. Still keeping to the mathematical realm of of free will for the present, did you do the think- !JIy lady returns today, Often it is not recognized for the contributions, four, can we say that all the methods utjliz- ing7 what was the "you" that thought the "you" Fresher and lovclier other than religious, that it makes to the campus. ing four and his brother numerals including was you? To use your own method, Desy, maybe Than I c01dd remember For instance the reserved table system now in his Latin alias IV, his modest disguise iv, the "you" wasn't. Maybe "you" were not; Or ,imagine. effect in the dining hal! was an SCA project. his mlstic iiii, or his personality 2x2; his Now really, Desy, why worry? "Come away with me," Various commissions within the SCA discuss pretentousnesa 16/4, his evasiveness 22, or hi~ Beckons white-robed Winter, personal and campus affairs, social activities, myriad of Mardis Gras scmblences such as 137- But I, enchanted, Christian ideals, and world problems. Pretty 133, 1,024-'" or 16x2~x6(17-3)xl, 516/7x12x758x- Circling The Hill Follow Springtime. complete list, isn't it? It all adds to the efficiency 2ijx4 arc therefore of no reality because they are, She 1s Jlty lavc. that the organization displays. no matter what their us@or results, based upon By lVilli¥m F. lIfuhlenfcld On Thursday you will have the chance to cast a non-entity? If we destroy matter as a con- Students of MS II were unexpectedly elated Her chains of lilies your vote for president, vice-president, secretary cept, why not also Beauty and Truth and even over an announcement at lunch one Tuesday re- Bind "'//,y yearning annB; and treasurer. Make your choice a good one. the Soul? cently which stated that "there will be no drill Her warm breath Really now, George, why bother? Whips 1ny hair alui face. Descrates said simply, "COCITO ERGOSUM". for this class today." Much to the chagrin of But I follow her in ecstasy, Readers' Pelition Christopher Fry went one step further by adding, this segment of the cadet battalion, however, A willing captiv6 W her Itpell, "1 think, 1 SPIT, I am" Colonel Louis H. Mana-in quickly rushed to the We appreciate the interest shown by the sign- Yours was a fine method: "Doubt everything scene and announced that there would indeed be My heart throbbing ers of the letter appearing on this page in ex- until you com.e to something which you I"cannot drill for MS II, thereby demonstrating his ability As I worship her beauty. pressing their opinion of what the policy of the doubt and build your system upon that." You to perform admirably above and beyond the ShG ~ lnil lOVG. GOLD BUG should be. said that you could not doubt that you doubted call of duty. First we would like to clearly state what we and promptly began to bUild from that; you I'll dciicious excitement, believe is the job of the editor of any news- placed your castle upon that rock. Over a period of tess than three weeks, three We race over paper. An editor should interpret facts honestly, Rocks, as any geologist will agree, have in- co-eds of the campus have committed themselves The woodland hilt fairly, and with all due consideration that the teresting histories. They have not always existed to marriage by virtue of engagements. They arc An.d down the rocky slope. situation will allow. He must work for what he as solid chunks of pressurized "matter" but Joan Virginia Hutter, Elizabeth Ann Nicklas, Gaily'we cr08S believes to be for the general good of all. This were at one time formed by some inventive moti- and Barbara Ann Eckhardt. This goes to prove The gossiping brook, we have tried to do. vation of nature. As such they are of temporary that Spring is here, also that there arc those who Uneonsci01l3 of what Our goal is what we believe is the goal of existence and, along with all other known "mat- come to Western Maryland for an MRS degree ~:l::::11'::Ylo~e.llS- every student here-the betterment of Western as well as the conventional B.S. and A.B. Maryland. Surely we all see a situation which might conceivably end in tragedy. We statcd Letters ... The organization of a flefarious sect known as In some secluded spot our beliefs in hopes of averting' one. the "Neat Guys of America" has been effected Where prying eyes, But we're not the only one with ideas around to the Editor upon the campus. They arc a surreptitious out- No longer satisfied, here. The 164 students who signed this letter fit about which is known very little. However, Leave ItS in 8olitude, must have some good ones too. \Ve want to co- To the Editor of the GOLD BUG: rumor has it that they hold bi-monthly meetings We love, and dreaming operate. How about a meeting of minds on this We, the undersigned students of Western at a local subterranean bordello, at which time A thousand impossible dreaml8, problem? Let's get together in the GOLD BUG Maryland Gollege, wish to express our disap- the evils of alcohol and other vices arc gone into We pal·t office some night and share our knowledge and proval of the editor's stand concerning college with considerable thoroughness. For another year- our ideas. problems discussed in rcccnt issues. ft/oalui1nll1dve. Our reasons for this action are as follows: The dining room hierarchy came up with PATRICIA J. PATTERSON. 1. We do not believe that the statements con- another of its Organizational Brainstorms one THE GOLD BUG tained in the editorial column of our student weekend recently when it adopted the policy of recently they elected to congregate in Dr. Wen- to the welfare OJrld,,1.tudenul' ne... paper 01 We8tun :MarylandCol- publication have contributed body. of admitting diners who sought to partake of Sun- ner's classroom, thereby causing the illustrious At Dean of the Faculty the college and the student day dinner through a space less than three feet no end of consternation. lese, publilhed oemi_monthlyon TuO&day,durlnK October, N"".....ber J"", ..,,lY. February, M"rcb and April, and 2. We feel that there is a definite lack of wide at the south end of Science Hall: The first he supposed that "this is an assembly day". m"nthly durinc ~tember, D...,.,moo. and May. Entered factual knowledge on the part of the editor with But when he realized that if it were, he should .... He<>nd da.. matter al W ... lmin.ter Po.t OJrice,under ostensible purpose of this seems to have been the Act of Marcb a, IS79. regard to certain problems which were discussed. the prohibition of freeloaders from sneaking certainly know about it, he set out UpOlla search Member 3. With the knowledge that the leaders of behind a plate without coming across with the which eventually turned up the quarry. The Associated Collegiate Press the college organizations have been working required amount of cash. However, the fact that look of surprise on his face, according to one successfully with the administration to solve a great many were forced to congregate outside informant, was the most astonishing since the Subscription Price $2.00 a Year these problems, we believe that statements which the building and face twenty-degree tempera_ day a temerarious student questioned his opinion EDITORIALSTAFF fan the flames of dissension should be omitted tures and gusts of wind up to sixty miles per that our contemporary age is one of Romantic Ed!to..-in-Cbiet__~ . K"y Mebl. 66 from the editorial column. hour served more than somewhat to create a influences. ~:~.:¥iF1it!,!i~~_~_~--=:-=:::_~_:::_:::=::::.::N~i."Cyw.;m'l~::~~ 4. Although we recognize the prerogative of negative appreciation. Besides, at least one in- Congratulations are in order for Daniel Wheel_ :~;~~~~~~~~~;:~~~~~:~~.~~_ ]! an editor, we feci that if the editor of the GOLD dividual was heard to remark to suppose vanity. er Moylan, president-elect of the Student Govern- that :~~ Fe"ture Editor______________ the whole of rare enterprise had about it an aura of aims and The re-hashing ment Association. that Who are they, he was asking, BUG must be a ~::::I:'d;e it be would rathcr there are those who would be willing to pay for objectives of his platform need not be takcn up ~~~:ut~~toA.;;!Otant===::':::::·:=:::- :~: By 164 Western Md. Students. a meal served here? here, but we may be hopeful that a person of PbotoKUphy_. .____________ (Names withheld). his conscientiousness and awareness will dO' BUSINESSSTAFF Westminster, Maryland, Dr. Makosky's Contemporal·y Literature stu- llluch to elevate the position of the SGA to the dents have taken to the practice of seeking to position at which it, traditionally at least, should ~~:~~~~:~~~~~~:~~=~~~~_~==::i~~l\rE~:~i,,~ !!.~~:he !~·r editorial of this issue.-ED1TOR. outwit the master, apparently. One fifth period stand. .__..._._. ._Lynnda Skinner, ~~.h&nlre
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