Page 56 - TheGoldBug1954-55
P. 56
The Gold Bug, May 17, 1955 Professor Peck Worried By Exa~s Too! College Career Brings Satisfaction Recently, there have been argu- would not threaten to interrupt my Scheduling Of Exams Causes Headaches exams, there will be class cards with ments for the advantages of waiting college work, as I had already served the hole BC punched out. Therefore, in both World War II and the Korean some time after high school gradua- By Flo Mehl if two class exams are scheduled for tion to attend college. Many experts action. My so-called happy state re- Exams start tomorrow! That's quite a headache to all students. the same time, and when the cards favor this plan, saying that the indi- mained constant until I came to a are put together-the hole BC is vis- However, there is one particular member of .the faculty that can ible through both cards, it can mean vidual is more mature, and better able point in my job with the railroad fully agree that exams are quite a headache-s-though for a different only one thing. Mary Jones is in both to realize the true goals of college. where I could go no further without a classes and these two exams can not Mr. C. F. Meyers, did just that. We college education. J of thought feel his story is a good argument for "It took a go-eat deal be given at the same time. It works the pro side of the controversy; and before I decided to take the plunge similarly for all students. When any also an eloquent stand for a college and return to school. There were many two cards are placed together and no education. things that could have been argued holes are visible-then there are no "Happiness can be defined in many conflicts. Cards are arranged this way against it as well as for it. First of into groups, and it is then only by ways simply because every individual nil, our income would be reduced con- siderably. has his or her own conception of hap- Secondly, it meant that my chance which "exams fall on which piness. I thought that I had my fair wife would have to conttnueto work days. - share of happiness before coming to until I finished college. Expenses wor- Individual Student Considered college, but I can see now, that it was ried me at the onset, and J did not Technically, ·the schedule is ready happiness of an inferior kind, as com- like the idea that I might have to when the cards of one given group pared with the happiness and pure lower the standard of living that we show no conflicts. However, Mr. Peck satisfaction I have derived from at- had been accustomed to. However, af- goes farther. He then tries to reduce tending college. ter weighing the pros and cons of the the number of students who will have "I made the decision to return to whole thing, it was finally decided that many consecutive exams. By careful college rather late in life. I was thirty I should enter college. tabulation, and shifting of cards, he years old when I entered Western "I find that I have found greater arrives at the result where no student Maryland, and I am married and have happiness than I have ever known be- has five tests--one after another. The a son. Prior to coming to college, I fore. My wife and I have had to cut least possible number have foul' in was an ordinary citizen, paying my a few corners financially and watch a row. taxes and buying my home. I had a M1·. Peck explains thG "eosy" way he schedules cxtl:m.8. Mr. Peck refuses to take enti;e good job with the railroad, and a nice our nickels and dimes more closely, credit for the system. He states that but I have felt a greater freedom of reason. He is Mr. Mahlon Peck, the man responsible for making up car. I thought I was pretty well off, spirit 'since entering college. Now I the exam schedule. the idea of using cards with holes and that I was measurably happy. have a definite and worthwhile goal Mr. Peck has been on the exam schedule committee for four years, punched out is not new. Perhaps the Active duty in the armed services at which to aim." now. Before this, the procedure for scheduling exams was a bit only thing that is, is the way he used the results he does. to get them different. Most classes having seniors and students. He had these goals in Actually, it is not a new system. It is Fresh! in them were split with seniors tak- mind (incidentally, he has accom- the completion of R long transitional POPCORN Rasinsky's Pharmacy ing exams earlier. The rest of the class plished them). (1) complete ehmina- process aided by many professors. CARAMEL CORN would take a comparable one on an- tion of all conflicts; (2) elimination of The former chairman was Dr. Thomas PEANUTS "Reliable Prescriptions" other day. All other exams were sched- split exams (Seniors taking exams of Marshall, and with his help and the uled with respect to the day the class a class' earlier); (3) lengthening of help of others, the present system has HOME· MADE CANDY Drugs and Everyday Needs was held. For example, all classes the exam period and more efficient use evolved. Salted Nuts and Home-Made that met on the first period Monday of the time available making possible The scheduling of exams requires Mints To Order for Parties 30 W. Main St. would have their exams at the same group exams and a reading period (4) quite a bit of time, and the students Westminster Md. time. This system had several faults elimination of students having five who must study for them -echo Mr. THE TREAT SHOP from the point of view of students and exams in a row; and (5)-reducing the Peck's remark, "It takes m_.9re time Phone 101 faculty alike. A professor might have number of students who would" have than I wish it did!" opp. Carron Theatre foul' or more separate exams to make four exams in a row. up, assuming he taught two sections How was it done? All very simply of a subject, and these two sections and without mirrors by punching a It Pay. To Look Well contained seniors. The seniors in each few holes in some cards. This is the G.C. Murphy & Co. Wilson's Restnrant section would have to be given sep- procedure: Mr. Peck first gets-a mas- arate exams. When three sections were ter list of all the students. He then The 'J!le Friendly Store Sub's taught, problems could easily multiply. assigns a code number to every stu- Also the students might complain that dent, beginning with the seniors. For Avenue Barber Shop Pizza Pie there should be only one exam for the example, the first person would be AA, Dormitory and Classroom entire section to be entirely fair. Con- the second AB, etc. Now, he takes a Supplies Sandwiches were fairly common, and every little metal square that has holes Where The Students, Go one was satisfied if the exam schedule punched in it.· The rows and columns 6-10 Wut Main Street Over had only five! of holes are designated by letters of 85 Penmylvania Avenue The HiII Obviously, the best way to eliminate the alphabet. The procedure then Westlbimter, Md. professors making up so many tests works much the same as some base- and to have students tested' com- ball schedules. Each student has al- parably would be to have as many ready been assigned a code number, , group exams as possible. This would remember. Mary Jones' number is BC. For a friendly atemesphere, Career Opportunities For mean elimination of the method of When the punch is placed on uniform scheduling exams by the period the cards, and BC is punched, the position food, take i"j' class was held, as different sections of of the hole in/the card will always be and good yeur- College Graduates the same class were held at different the same. That hole will signify Mary ... To' The times. For instance, the exam for Jones, and 7UJ one else! Salary - $3,000 Soc. 106 A, B, and C is given at one WINDOWS Vacation - 3 Weeks with Pay of all Then Mr. Peck gets a roster time, even through the separate classes. After labeling a card for each CALL: classes meet at different times. This class, he places' the metal square over (Just past the overpass ENOCH PRATT FREE LIBRARY way the professor does not have three the class card, and punches the holes on the Gettysburg Road) PERSONNEL OFFICE different exams to make. The students cor-responding to the people in that MUI,BERRY 5·6700, EXT, 27 all compete on an equal basis by tak- class. Thus, if Mary Jones has six ing the same test. Since the present system has been in effect, the number of group exams has increased from one to fourteen. Then, there was the.problem of how many exams a student would have consecutively. The old system allowed no way to check this, and a student Weekday Shows 7 and 9 p.m. Continuous 1 p. m. Saturdays. Holi- may'have found that he had six exams Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p.m. day shows continuous from 2 p. m. scheduled within three days. Evenings 9 p.m. Sunday Matinees: 2 and 4 p. m. This was the situation when Mr. Continuous Shows from 2 p.m. Evening show 9 p. m. Weekday shows Peck became chairman. He set out to Saturday and Holidays continuous from 6:45 p. m. arrange an exam schedule that would be more convenient t& both faculty May 18-19-20-21 May 18-19 THE LONG GRAY LINE BATTLE TAXI REMEMBER! Tyrone Power • Maureen O'Hara Sterling Hayden Arthur Franz May Day is Just Teehnicolor-Cinemascope Around The Corner' May 20-21 Get That Corsage THE MAN j<"ROM BITTER RIDGE For Your Special Gal May 22-23-24 Lex Barker Mara Corday MAN WITHOUT A STAR AT Kirk Douglas Jeanne Crain oUTTERER 'S Technicolor SEVEN ANGRY MEN May 22-23-24-25 SEE Raymond lIIassey Debra Paget Earl Finley to place your order May 25-26 THREE FOR TIlE SHOW Betty Grable May 26 Marge & Grower Champion CLOSED Congratulations To Technicclor-Cinemascope The Class Of May 27-28 1955 May 27-28 JUNGLE MOON !\IAN From BEDEVILED and Anne Steve Technicolor-Cinemascope Baxter SEMINOLE UPRISING Forest Technicolor Griffin's (Double Feature) May 29, 30, 31 lIIay 29-30-31 DADDY LONGLEGS TIlE REVENGE OF THE Delicious Foods Fred Leslie Caron CREATURE 'I'echnicolor-Cinemascope John A'gar Lori Nelson
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