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FROSH VIEW WMC PAGE 4 VoL 32, No. 13 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. April 26, 1955 Choir Ready Fo~ Shore Tour Lantern Chain May Day Has British Theme Salisbury, Crisfield, Included And Rose Cup Floats, May Court In Parade The Western Maryland Choir under the direction of Professor Slated For May May Day in the British Isles will be the theme on May 7, when Alfred deLong will begin their Spring Tour on Friday, April 29. May Day festivities will be highlighted by a parade through town, The choir, consisting of about 60 members, will leave Western The Lantern Chain and Rose Cup, the crowning of Queen Meta Justice, and the traditional May Day Maryland campus at noon Friday and. travel to Salisbury, Maryland, two of the traditional ceremonies held Dance. where they will give their first concert at 8 o'clock p.m. at the State m honor of Western Maryland's sen- The parade will form at the armory at 12 :30 p.m., and begin Teachers' College auditorium. ior wom.en have been scheduled for its route up Main Street to the college at 1 p.m. A float from each The choir will be entertained by the members of the church in May 9 and 10 respectively. class will carry the attendants to the queen who are Sue Dorsey, Salisbury and will spend Friday and Saturday there. They will In the first of these events, the senior duchess, with Pattie Hamersley and Doris Tuckmood as at- leave Saturday in time to travel to Laurel, Delaware. where they Freshmen women pay tribute to the tendants; Claire Gates, junior duchess, with Sharon Albaugh and will give a concert at 8 o'clock. The concert will be sponsored by Seniors. The chain will begin to move Marilee Hodson as attendants. The sophomore duchess is Joan the 'church but will be given at the from the top of the Hill to Hoffa Pa~terson, whose attendants are .Marilyn Ec?leston ..and Virginia new Laurel Higb School auditorium. Field at \):00 p.m. on May 9, and each Qumn. The freshman duchess IS Nancy Lindsay,' who will be Sunday morning the choir will make a French Group To freshman, carrying a lighted lantern, guest appearance as guests of the will accompany a Senior in the pro- the field, the cession. Upon reaching Methodist Church in Crisfield as part Present Drama women of the senior class will take Rev. Leslie E. Werner at the Asbury of the regular Sunday morning serv- their places in the grandstand while ice. Sunday afternoon they \\--111 'give a The Prcnch Club, under the direc- the freshmen form the numerals of concert sponsored by the McCready tion of Mlle. Margaret Snader, will the four classes, and sing the tradi- Hospital Board, and return to the present a Fete de Pr,jntemps in Me- tional songs of the ceremony. Follow- campus in the evening. Daniel Lounge on Ma~' 16 at 8:15 p.m. ing this, the entire chain ,\--111 move Spiritual Featured The highlight of the evening will to the steps of Blanche Volard Hall. The same program will be featured be a performance in the round of the Here the senior, junior, sophomore at all three concerts. The first half is play, L'AnglaIs tel qu'on le parle and freshman classes will each sing sacred music with a group of spirit- (English As It Is Spoken), by Tris- its song which was originally written uals. The rest of the program is se- tan Bernard. for this occasion during the Freshmen cular music consisting almost entirely The dramatis persomtue for the play year of each class. The ceremony will of American Folk Music. There will includes: Eugene, Brant Vitek; Heg- close with the singing of the Alma be no actual solo numbers. However, son, Leroy McWilliams; Inspector, Mater. In case of rain the Lantern Charlotte Ridgely, Meta Justice, Sam Dave Downes; Julian Cicandel, Stan Chain will be held on May 10. Reed, Pat 'Verner, and Hugh Howell Entwisle; Garcon, Earl Finley; Agent Rose Cup Ceremony will all have solos as part of the reg- de Police, Craig Phillips; Eassiere, On May 12 the second of these tra- ular numbers. At each town, local Joan Luckabaugh; Betty, Claire ditional events, the Rose Cup cere- girls will be featured as part of the Gates. The setting of the play and the mony, will be held. At this time it is program. The guest appearnnce will life of the author will be presented the junior class which pays tribute to consist of only a fcw numbers. by Miss Caryl Ensor. the senior women. At 4:15 the sen- The May Court: Center, Queen Meta J'IJ.~tice. First row, left to right: The choir is making the tour in a The play is a satire on a sign com- iors will assemble in Robinson Garden Joan Patterson, Claire Gates, Sue Dorsey, Nancy Lindsay. Second row, L. to r., caravan of a bus and five or six cars. monly displayed in Parisian store (McDaniel Lounge in case of rain). Marilee Hodson, Stun-on: Albaugh, Doris Tttckwood, Pattie Hammersley. Back Although the concerts are paid ad- windows. Written by the son of the A short poem will be read about each "ow, l, to ,'., Virginia Quinn, Marilyn Eccleston, Jean Lambertson, and Cal'ol mission, the choir will receive only a famous French author, Jean Jacques senior, and an impersonation by a Burton. token payment to cover expenses. The Bernard, it was tirst performed at member of the junior Class will fol- attended by Carol Burton and Jean groups sponsoring them will provide the Comedte Parisienne in 1899 and low. To conclude the ceremony the Lambertson. meals and places to stay. has been a favorite on the French seniors will form a large circle, and Decorated cars from the sororities stage ever since. Dottie Rach and Priscilla McCoy, rep- Follies Tuned To and fraternities will add color to the Argonauts Hold a small hotel in Paris. Mr. Hogson, resenting the junior Class, will pass Tom-Tom Beat parade, as will the drill team and the The setting is the Hotel de Cologne, the traditional cup and a rose to each band. Children Attendants Faculty Annual Banquet an Englishman, arrives at the hotel senior woman thus completing the Heap big going-ens in Alumni At 2 p.m. the coronation ceremony Rose Cup ceremony. of his daughter, who has in pursuit eloped with a Frenchman. The inter- Hall May 6 when hour glass will take place in the amphitheatre. The annual spring banquet of the preter, who doesn't know any English, (In case of rain, however, it will be Argonauts was held on Monday, April complicates the intrigue. Howery To Study At turn eight and a quarter times held in Alumni Hall). Heralds for the 25 at 6 p.m. at the Evangelical and To add to the evening's enjoyment, Shakespeare School P_3stsun god's high point in sky. event will be Counie and Sue Crain, Reformed Church in Wcstminster. there will be vocal selections by Hugh Class '56 plan Junior Follies and two other faculty children will act The invocation was given by Dr. Howell, Sam Reed, David Balcom, Dr. H~len G. Howery has been ac- "Scalping the T.P." Starring as flower girl and crown bearer. The Ensor. The principal speaker of the Quincy Polk, Betty Ely, and Walter cepted to study Shakespeare and many braves and maidens like traditional May Pole Dance will be evening was Dr. Richard D.Weigle, Saunders. Charlotte Ridgely, Hugh How- performed and songs and dances of president of St. John's College, who Invitations have been issued to Elizabethan Drama at the Shakes- ell, Bill Cook, Nancy Penny- the Isles will be included. course of the Univer- peare Institute gave an informative talk on the topic French clubs of neighboring colleges sity of Birmingham at Stratford- packer, Bruce Price, Marina Immediately following these festivi- "The. United States and. the Far and high schools and to the new upon-Avon, England. The majority of Xintas, Lcs Werner, Dan Moy- ties, the afternoon pleasures will be- East". French ambassador to Washington, the 80 students enrolled in the COurse lan, Phil Jackson, Frank Ben- gin. A baseball game and a tennis After Dr. Weigle's address presi- M. Maurice Couve de Murville. are postgraduate students from the son, Charley Luttrell and mem- match have been scheduled for 3 dent Donald Hensler introduced the ._M. Larry Crist is the president of Universities of America, Europe, and bers of the Junior Class. p.m., and all the sororities and fra- officers for next year who are Shirley the club. the British Commonwealth. Usually Tribe members Kay Mehl and ternities will hold open house. Gootee, president; Barbara Hoot, vice twenty or more nations are repre- Bill Tribby carve out story. Bill At 4 :30 or 5 p.m., there will be a president; Janet Reck, secretary; and sented in the summer session of the also holding director tomahawk. formal .flag retreat with the drill The banquet, which was attended by Brenneman Wins Shakespeare Institute. Robert Green, treasurer. Lorna Hamblin and Pegg Jan- team firing a salute. Forest Theme Sherwood of membera . of the faculty and their Scholar is Director ney makeum music. Hear origi- At 8 :30 p. m. Sherwood Forest will songs like nal 7th Boogie wives, club members, and honor stu- Fulbright Award Allardyce Nicoll, a distinguished. Green. extend her branches over Gill Gym dents of the freshman and sophomore scholar in dramatic history, is Dfrec- Business manager Bill Shelfo and envelop Frank Welsh and his classes, was concluded by a ceremony A Fulbright Scholarship was re- tor of the Institute and the teaching say wampum needed to sec show fifteen piece orchestra as dancers in which Richard Brenneman, Larry cently awarded to Senior Dick Bren- staff is composed of authorities in the only 75 cents. glide among the green foliage. Crist, Donald Hensler, Louis Manarin, neman. Dick will be spending the next field of Shakespeare and Elizabethan This pleasant scene will climax the Pat Barbara Bull, Gloria Bunting, Har- year at the School of Evangelical Drama from several Univerities such spreadum Ellis paint and on Dot sets Wade day's activities, and will be highlight- and riett Cooley, Mildred Eckardt, Beat- Theology, Westphalian State Univer- as Oxford, Durham, and Glasgow in Pritchie Crist and Marie Upper- ed by a second crowning of the Queen rice Ford, Marilyn Rigterink, Sally sity, in MUnster, Germany. Phil Law- addition to the University of Birming- co headum committee of squaws of the May with Brant Vitek as mast- Lou Smith, Anne-Marie Summers and yer has received a one-year full tui- ham. The School will include, lectures, sewing costumes. er of ceremonies. • Mary Warner were inducted as fel- tion scholarship to Pennsylvania State seminars, and excursions. Playgoing As sponsors of the dance, the lows. University for graduate work in bio- is an important-part of the School. Sir preachers have put aside the purple chemistry. Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh and gold for a while to concentrate on Classes Elect Officers The Fulbright Scholarship is a win star in four Shakespearean plays United States educational exchange to! be presented at the Shakespeare SeA OfFicers For ~:~~gb~~:C~;;ai;na~ ;;~:~all~~:~;~ Class officers for the coming aca- grant authorized by the 79th Congress Memorial Theatre during ~he 1955 demic year were recently elected. in the Fulbright Act. The grant will Festival, and the School books seats Next Year Installed Juniors elected Jack Turney, presi- cover the cost of transportation to for students so that they can see the ;:n:~\~:l '~:h~~:nP~:!~Ci?t f~;t~~ # dent; Ilohn Batista, vice-president; and through Germanr, and will pay 'plays several times and make a close Bopst and Larry Hall. Chief leaf Association Christian Student Mary Bond, secretary; and Andy Ta- fOl' tuition, books, general mainte- study of the production methods and ticers for next year were installed of- at makers will be Tom Englar and Ken of the decora_ Smith as co-chairmen furi, treasurer. Howard Hunt and nance, and jncidentals. . acting. The repertory of the 1955 sea- the altar of the chapel by Dr. Charles tion committee. Arrangements for tic- Marilee Hodson were chosen as repre- Dick plans to study Protestant the- son will include Twelfth Night, All's E. Crain on Wednesday evening, April kets and programs have been made by sentatives to the SGA. ology and specialize in the Reforma- Well that Ends Well, Ma.cbeth, and The Sophomore class re-elected tion Church History. In preparation The IIfen-y Wives of Windson-. Ikis 20. Jack Turney. Hungry and thirsty Samuel Reed as president, Mary Jane for his departure, he plans to attend also planned for students to have a Elected on April 14, president Bruce "woodsmen" will be happy to know Charlotte Ridge- Thorney, vice-president; Stanley En- Middlebury College German Summer visit to the Birmingham Repertory Price, vice-president, Luckabaugh, and that Brad Jones and Ronnie Strauss ly, secretary, and are in charge Joan of refreshments, twistle, treasurer; and Jeanne Blair, School in Vermont. After_Erushing up Theatre and to attend a performance treasurer Bill Cook were congratu- "after the ball is over" Bruce Price , secretary. SGA representatives are on his German he will leave late in of Richard III at Warwick Castle. lated after a short service by Dr. and the clean-up committee will take Larry Hall and Joanne Parrish. August and arrive in Bonn for two Sails In June Crain and Alan Hagenbuch, this \ charge. Pet~ Urqhart was elected president weeks of orientation on September 20, Dr. Howery will sail on the "Mall- Tickets are couple, and of the Freshmen class. Other officers 1955. - retania" on June 14 and return on year's president. then spoke briefly on may be purchased $2.50 per any member from Crain Dr. are Caryl Ensor, vice-president; Ray Phil, who graduates this year with the "Queen Elizabeth" on September "Why I Believe in S.C.A."; Al took of Delta Pi Alpha. Stevens, treasurer; and Gloria Jones, a degree in chemistry, will go to Penn 13. She also expects to travel on the the text fOl' his sermon, "Out of Exile An assembly schedule will be fol- secretary, Judy Corhy and Wray State to begin work on his master's continent in June and to attend the the of from Mowbray were elected SGA repre- degree. His scholarship was awarded Edinburgh Festival of Music and Into Life", son, and the story campus lowed with lunch at 11 :30 in order prodigal compared to allow time for last minute dC(:on,,~ sentatives. on the basis on his record here. Drama in August. situations to the story. tions on cars and floats.
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